What the hell is wrong with the damn mods?
What will it take for cg to start removing power hungry / corrupt mods?
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I piss off the mods to no end (some of them have even blacklisted me) and I'm not suspended.
There's some serious hypocrisy going down here.
I wish mods were required to fill out a reason on why a user was suspended.
If it's a specific comment, a link to that comment would be appended.
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they do tell you specific reason you get suspended, if it's because of specific comment or topic you get informed about that as well. It's just not public nor should it be. It's a matter between user and support. We don't want public witchhunts and that's what publicly giving reason would lead to. If suspended user feels like it they are free to post the reason themselves.
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I did not know that, I've never been suspended (yet).
Sometimes public witch hunts can be a good thing, she did turn me into a newt after all.
I do wish the information was public. A more informed populace can make better decisions for themselves.
If there was a public list of suspended users and why they were suspended, I'd be blacklisting every regifter ever.
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if communnity (any social community, not specifically talking about SG) needs witch hunts to mantain itself, it fails as the community in the first place. Witch hunts, public shaming, humilation are barbaric ways to maintain a community and thus make community itself barbaric. What do you need all public information, including private one about someone? You cannot behave yourself without having this data? Then there's a problem with you, not with the system. For any normal behaving person it is enough to tell them what is good what is bad, not needed to personally witness someone else destroyed to learn to behave out of fear it can happen to them as well.
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It has nothing to do with fear. When a normal person signs up to any new site what is the first thing they do?
They look for the rules posted somewhere on the site.
People who exploit the rules (of a benevolent system like SG) deserve no considerations at all.
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And these people get punished. In a civilized way. Public executions and torture for the joy of crowd are punishment as well, but somehow we no longer use them, because we are civilized society. Does it mean we do not punish criminals? We do - but in a civilized fashion.
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Punishing criminals in a civilized fashion... there's a reason the US is called the Police State considering the extremely lax punishments regarding murder.
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and here we go again... exaggerating much? we are talking about internet forum offences, saying bad things to each other, idk maybe not activating your win. suddenly someone always gotta bring it mup to punishing capital crimes. because brutal murder and calling someone names is totally the same thing and should be treated the same way -.-
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I was never referring to calling people names. I only care about the real rule violations
(regifting, not activated, not sent really should be a rule violation as well)
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not sent is rule violation, if you conciously don't send (because for example you dopn't like person who won) it will get you 5 day suspension for Fake GA. And as for calling people names, harassing them and such - inappropriate behavior is suspendable as well. look here.
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Yeah but it's not a rule violation I particularly care about, as you will always have those people.
So I can report the people I've blacklisted for Unsent Wins?
I wasn't aware of that.
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yes you can, but it all depends on context tbh and in the end decision lies in support hands. if it seems it was a honest mistake - GA creator gave you a key for example, but it turned out to be duplicate (he used it b4, he got scammed on trade, someone stole it from him while he was unaware of that) it will be ruled as mistake and he will just be left with 1 GA slot lost and "Not received" on their profile. On the other hand if it seems it was either obviously fake GA in the first place or that GA cfreator didn't deliver on purpose he will get suspended.
Let me give you a few examples to explain what I mean better.
There was a case of pretty big contributor creating a forum topic where he stated that guy won his GA for a good game but has horrible ratio (300:1) while is obviously not a poor person, having all newest AAA games, bunch of CS:GO skins etc. Nowadays you'd just use SGT to rule these people out or BL him, but it was in SGv1, b4 implemented Blacklists and SGT. Long story short he said that he would rather take not received on their account that to give another game to this leecher collection. Due to that he got suspended, because not delivering game he had in this example meant the not delivering was not a mistake but purposeful action, thus making it Fake GA.
One of website very big contributors decided to "cash out". He got a thing on Steam he worked on and wanted to promote it. He had history of making and delivering a lot of great GAs. Then he started to not delivering. He was making lvl 1 GAs for great games promoting his stuff in descriptions then never delivering wins, not even contacting winners or responding to their comments. Support ruled out that these GAs could not be mistakes. his private/group GAs were always delivered, his public promotional GAs not, so they were intentionally fake ones to promote his stuff. He got a long suspension for them.
You create GA, guy wins it, you see he has 5 non-activated wins. You request reroll but support answers he already served suspension. You don't want your game to go to rulebreaker, so you never send it. When support checks you they will see that you tried to reroll and didn't send game because you got denied reroll. They will suspend you.
You have GA for XYZ. You have XYZ in your public Steam inventory, it's visible it's there, yet you never send it, winner commented on Ga, you never responded. Obviously it was not a mistake, because it's visible you have giftable game. Thus you made fake GA.
And so on and on. These are ofc not all, not even most of cases, just examples to differentiate honest mistakes from intentional rulebreaking.
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1 should have been suspended. The leech is pretty douchey but like it or not he won the GA fair and square.
2 should have been permabanned.
3 should not have been suspended and reroll should have been allowed.
4 should be suspended.
Granted the way I see things is far different than others. But I get your point about intentionally not sending and accidentally not.
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@3 reroll can be granted only if person was not punished for the crime before OR it's been less than 30 days since he broke the rules. If you get denied reroll you are informed why you got denied and instructed that according to rules you should send winner his win. if you ignore it you are breaking the rules. so why in this particular case you should not be suspended? It's the same as 1st case, they both won their GA as you said "fair and square". Why user 1 should be suspended for not delivering win, but user 3 not? ;)
but really, no need to discuss specific examples ;p You got my main point of mistake/intentional and that was really the purpose of all these examples I wrote ;p
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If the user has 5 Not Activated wins, chances are that the user has been regifting and will be permabanned from the website.
I recently filed a report for a user doing this and that user was indeed permabanned. I could even provide the name if you wanted to know, just add me on Steam.
That's why the game should not be sent to that user. Why give games to someone who isn't here for the sites intended purpose?
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the guy you reported got permabanned probably because of repeated offences ;) If you get pusnished for sth 1st time the purpose of suspension is to teach you a lesson. If you keep being suspended for the same thing over and over again it means you are well aware you are breaking the rules yet decide to keep doing that. You don't want to start behaving nice? You get kicku ;)
As I love examples, let's have another one! :D: We have 2 users AAA and BBB. Both are rulebreakers with exactly the same 3 non-activated wins. Let's look at their history.
AAA joined the site. As most of idiot rulebreakers he didnąt bother to read Guidelines/FAQ, he won 3 games, didn't want them, regifted them. Then someone reported him, Support checked him and suspended him for 15 Days (5 Days x 3 non-activations). He defended himself he didn't know cause he didn't read the rules, support responds it's not an excuse, and that he should use these 15 days to read them. When he came back from his suspension he learned his lesson. He never regifted again, activated all wins and became normal rules-following user.
BBB won a game and regifted/traded it. He got reported and suspended, informed he was breaking the rules, he got 5 days suspension. but he thought "hey, 5 days suspension for potential profit is not a bad deal!". So he kept activating his wins until he won something valuable. And sold his win instead of activating it. He got 10 days suspension for repeated offence. but some time later he won another good game and decided to sell this one too. At this point it's obvious that BBB will never learn to follow the rules and will keep breaking them, because he doesn't care about them and is willing to just suck up suspension after suspension. BBB gets permabanned.
Both AAA and BBB had same amount of non-activated wins. But in AAA case there was still hope he will learn his lesson and become a good member, thus he should not be permabanned. In BBB case it was obvious he has malicious intentions and is not going to ever follow rules and will keep exploiting community. BBB should be permabanned even if AAA is not.
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AAA & BBB both get permabanned. As you always hear "Ignorance of the law is no excuse"
(unless it's something really archaic, such as Ankles showing is still a punishable offense in some counties in the U.S.)
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It is not ignorance of the law, it's modifying punishment according to the circumstances, and it's also how it works in real world. In this case justice was served, law was not ignored, AAA got punished. But in justice systems, especially modern "civilized" ones, the purpose of system is not only punishment itself and a fear factor associated with it, but also the rehabilitation of the criminals. Taken you didn't commit any capital crime like let's say brutal murder, but for example got caught shoplifting, one of purposes is to punish you, but other is trying to change you into a good citizen in the future. If you rehabilitate and never do nothing wrong again - you already got pusnihed and hopefully will live on lawfully from now on, you're free to continue your life in the society. On the other hand recidivists gets much harsher sentences than any other person commiting the same crime. Punishing a recidivist and the first-time-criminal the same way, at top of that, the most extreme way possible is mark of medieval times, we as society grew out of that, and here we have another example beside previously discussed public punishments for the joy of the crowd where you want to bring medieval methods to modern civilized community.
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There's a problem with your entire message. You're forgetting in your example that both AAA & BBB have committed the exact same crime the same amount of times, so they're both guilty of recidivism. Circumstances really wouldn't matter as they've clearly shown they haven't learned a lesson after the first time of regifting.
The only way I could see the system changing for the better was if users were required to read the rules, solve an ITH, and then their account was flagged that they could enter giveaways.
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nope, you are missing the fact that until punished AAA was not aware he's commiting a crime, you deny him any chance of making things right straight away out of pure vengence. You say AAA didn't learn his lesson from the first time he was regifting - how was he supposed to "learn his lesson"? Learn it from what? Noone commented he's regifting, noone punished him. BBB had 2 chances to learn his lesson, he failed both, so he gets recidivism punishment, AAA never got a chance BBB had, yet you want to punish him the same way.
To use my shoplifting example again:
BBB was shoplifting, he got caught, judge sentence him to some punishment, then he got caught shoplifting again, he was sentenced to another punishment, then he continued shoplifting and got caught again - as a recidivist he will surely serve jailtime this time even if what his crime was not that serious, because he keeps proving he doesn't give two shits about the law.
AAA shoplifted 1st time, but never got caught, then 2nd but same story, got caught 3rd time and got punished. After that he learned the hard way that in the long run shoplifting doesn't work, sooner or later he will get caught and get punished, he decides it's not worh it and he spends rest of his life as a free citizen not commiting any crimes.
This is how justice system works in civilized countries nowadays. And keep in mind that basically all ppl are aware shoplifting is bad, most of rulebreakers are not aware not-activating is against the rules. A while ago one of support members posted statistics - after being caught the first time and serving 1st suspension - no matter if for 1 or 3 or 5 non-activated wins (ofc depending on this number you will have different suspension times, 1 nonactivation will be 5 day suspensions, 3 will be 15 days) vast majority (over 9X%) of rulebreakers never break rules again. Only small minority continue to break the rules while being aware of them and of punishment. And these ppl deserve permaban, not all the others, as statistics themselves state that system works, most of ppl after being punished first time, never break rules again. So what is the reasoning behind treating them the same way as recidivists? Beside pure vengence and fuzzy feeling you get thinking "yeah! the sucker got permabanned! serves him well!"?
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I'll probably respond to your other comment, but go to bed.
Time waits for no man, or woman for that matter.
On second thought, I'll wait for you to edit the comment first, it's very difficult to read right now.
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correct, but in both cases they served their jail sentence time. user AAA followed their parole officers advice and became a good boyscout, user BBB decided to fall back to the life of crime though.
edit: i'm slow now. that was pretty much said alrdy. sorry. ^^
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I'm not sure how to word it but they both committed the exact same crime, and will still be perceived as criminals.
Just because one of them learned the error of their ways doesn't matter.
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No, I wish the rules to be based on a communal vote. That way everyone has a say and can feel like their voice has been heard.
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There would still be rules, you know it as well as I.
People simply do not tolerate regifters, non activated wins, fake giveaways, multiwins.
(few other things I don't tolerate but that's personal opinion)
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i'm a people and i tolerate it just fine. xD
i think you'd be surprised how many people are tolerant to it. several of them have turned out to be great gifters who are in my whitelist, and again i have zero people in my blacklist including even the hundreds of people ive gotten suspended for non-activations.
i've had users ask me why i haven't delivered their game to them yet and i'd screenshot my re-roll request and explain to them they're welcome to try and win from me again, as i have no issues with them if they start to follow the rules, and they have won from me after that and received their win. i had another case where they didn't know about the rules, but still hadn't touched the keys, so they activated their wins right then and there & i cancelled the ticket and sent their win.
now whether my opinions on this are the minority or majority, i wouldn't know, but regardless it doesn't matter. this is not a communally owned website, but rather a privately owned website. what the owner says, goes.
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I don't care to comment on any of these particular examples at this time, but I do think that it would be more productive to make reasons for bans and suspensions public. Doing so both educates the community about the rules, and allows people to see and discuss whether those rules are fair or were applied fairly. When a community allows mods to ban or suspend people without a public explanation, the administrators no longer have accountability to the community and I don't think it would be accurate to describe it as a true community. In true communities, the users have some say in how things are administered, and when rules are made and enforced in secret, there isn't an opportunity for the users to express their opinions or develop alternate rules. In any hierarchical system, more transparency is better.
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this is a gaming forum though where there is inherently going to be a large portion of children. transparency in such a situation will only raise far more issues then it could possibly resolve. besides, the moderators are clearly attempting to even moderate other moderators, as evidence of such moderation is inside this thread.
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Those would be the power hungry mods and should be stripped of their power. The only people moderating mods should be Super Mods, and cg himself / (herself?).
And I think it would give the children a good idea on how civics and politics works.
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they can't and won't literally moderate, they requested the appropriate ticket so they can escalate it up to those approprate people though. so they aren't just watching each others back and sticking up for one another is what i mean to say, they are assisting in that moderation properly.
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There's a reason the US is called the Police State considering the extremely lax punishments regarding murder.
Oy... Don't get me started. P
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I live in the U.S. too, I know how bad our "Justice" System is here.
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there's a reason the US is called the Police State considering the extremely lax punishments regarding murder.
I hope you're referring to how it is disproportionately stacked against the poor and especially people of color."Murder by cop" is a problem that has always existed but is more and more apparent these days due to civilian vigilance.
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Speaking from personal experience, BL me all you want. It will not change the truth.
I've lived on the bad part of town (low income, riddled with drugs, etc)
& I've lived on the good part of town (Golf Course on one side, mansions on the other).
I've never seen anyone commit more crimes than Blacks.
But no matter what your skin color or job is: if you do the crime, you deserve the time, that includes cops.
There's a reason we have a plethora of non violent weapons: Mace, Tear Gas, Rubber Bullets, & Tasers are all better resorts than bullets.
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I was speaking from personal experience, and also added that lethal force is never the solution.
"Do not fire unless fired upon"
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Well he also blacklisted me, so there is that. >_>
And it was merely continuing a conversation I had with someone else.
It's just difficult to tell who it is with because long conversations break on this site unlike Reddit.
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Oh, gosh... that's hypocrisy as well. Public shaming is what users do (or try to do) here all the time.
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I'm going to publicly shame you for stating that all we do is publicly shame people
Wait a minute...
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Maybe one of these people complained that she was calling them out!
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Drama. Not going into details, but I did think it was right for the moderators to give the whole lot that was involved in the big drama a time-out when they first suspended people over it, for no other reason than to them to not interact with each other for a while.
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and what does it matter to you what happened before? It does not concern you, suspensions are private thing between suspended user and support. If suspended user feels like it they are free to disclose when suspension ended, but noone else should be allowed to disclose such a thing because what does community needs it for? For more drama and witchhunting? For harassment saying "oh, you're the guy who was suspended for XYZ"? Fact of the matter is that while initial suspensions on SG are rather short (like c'mon, 5 days for breaking one of most important rules and regifting your wins?), if you continue to break the rules you get punished harder, that's recidivism and in any law system relapsing criminals gets punished harder. Sometimes if you get suspended over and over again for the same thing it even leads to permament suspension.
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If you really do wish to live in the society where "gossip" is considered something good, one of the great things humanity accomplished, then I really do pity you. And I really do wish you never have to find yourself why. Because it may all sound fine and dandy for you now, you can get a fun out of reading gossips, private informations about other people, but what if one day YOU become a target? And loads of people you never heard about start disscussing not someone else, but YOU? And start jumping to false conclusions, then falsely judge you based on them, sentence you not even knowing 1/10th of the story? Is that the situation you'd like to find yourself in? Because that's the situation you're advocating for right now.
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nope, I really don't. I say why gossiping, talking about people behind their backs, publicly shaming and such stuff is a bad thing, because for me it's a common sense, western societies learned it ages ago, I don't get why so many ppl want medieval methods in internet forums, other than for their own amusement. But generally I talk about what I believe is common sense in any civilized society and you respond that it only proves I'm guilty of something o.O It does not make sense to me, but proves exactly my point, you will insinuate I'm guilty of something, something you won't talk about, but you know I am guilty, that's how gossips start.
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Okay, putting aside broader considerations for the moment, let's focus on why Mullins is apparently being associated with large-scale political- and zealotry-driven military excursions authorized by the Catholic church?
i don't like crusades
When did Mullins get elected as the SteamGifts Pope? =O
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Well, there's Space Cat, who can be anything they want to be; cg, who shepherds us all (except for the heathens of SteamTrades, whom are shunned and to whom his gaze is turned); Konrad, Pope of the Church of Profitz™; Mullins, who is apparently the Muslim Pope; Ninja Pope (to whom thanks may be given, but never received).. and I dunno, I'm sure we've several more running around. We're pretty open in our belief systems here.. not to mention, disorganized with them.
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Bad tongues claim Space Cat is nothing more than a rouse cg created to first take over our minds and beliefs, to later enforce his rule over Steam and then the whole world; the Church of Prophitz™ actually tries to impede his plans and make the whole world aware, thus they worship Pope Konrad as their savior and anchor of liberation. Evil cults have formed to undermine his teachings, worshiping the so-called 'true spirit of sharing' instead of profiting towards a free copy of GTA VI and within an extent and due to them being splintered, the Ninja Pope has arisen and reaches for power, teaching his followers there's no key to not activate.
Others claim they're simply all mere trials, set up by Space Cat himself, to proof one's true worthiness of being blessed by its appearance... the Muslim Pope seems to be a new player my ancient scripts do not tell me much about, but I might have to retreat and study the holy writings closer.
Blessings, my brother.
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It's seems they tried to remove any evidence of his very existence, but there are little things hinting towards his role - claiming that lonely keys, lying beaten on the ground of bot-scanned forum topics, accompanied by comments, insisting they're 'dupe' of nature, are a sign of his teachings and proof of his followers' presence. I cannot further comment on this topic openly since even the ones who worship him are merely a legend and topic of countless hypoteses, and we'd run the risk of indulging in heresy and therefore possibly make us a target to the holy might of SG's own Inquisition... but I want to hint you towards the forbidden text of <redacted>, which might also be a factor in the Muslim Pope's late rise to power, if I think about it.
Stay safe, brother.
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which might also be a factor in the Muslim Pope's late rise to power, if I think about it.
And so the truth of who has puppeteered this crusade comes to light..
Clearly only one option remains to the devotees of SG- we must rally the pirates among us, and send them in crusade against the ninja forces!
Hmm. I think I see in which direction this is heading..
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kinda funny playing this over it :D
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Steamgifts is abusing cats by sending them into space. >_>
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but.. but... i thought everything was a simulation, including you and me. :P
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That is the lesser of two Borgias my friend.This is the better show
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Wow, until your comment I didn't even know there were two series, I assumed the gif I posted was from the one you're mentioning :X. Fail on my part, thanks Baron. Why do they have to look so similar >:X! To my defense - it's been years since I've watched some episodes ;>.
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actually scripts is what makes this community cancer. back in the day we used to have nothing but raw CV to restrict entries and everything was fine. now with all the sgtools, scripts, ratios, blacklists, levels, gropus and other bullsh*t people are just making drama all 'round for any possible reasone for the sake of making drama.
that or simply there was way less users then...
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people misuse this features. it shows them part of the data and they think they got the full picture and entitle themselves to call someone inferior to them becuse they haven't played 12345678hours of the game they won or something like that...
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Tell me, you mean wolf. >:( I doubt she got suspended just because of the redacted topic. She must have written something mean or something.
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3 weeks for a mean pic or gif? Damn, it should better have been related to porn or else it's not worth it.
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I thought of that. Still, I doubt it was something small, since there are a lot of people swearing here and not getting banned. :P
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Memes are indeed dangerous. Is there a meme called "nice,nice"? xD
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This meme? http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/nice-meme
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No-no. There was a guy who was looking for gamer girls in the forum. Kinda creepy. And at some point he posted "nice,nice" I think to some girls profile/pic? Not sure, anyway, new SG meme was born.
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memes are not really just about content but about their atmosphere ;) something need to be creepy/strange/absurd/etc. guy was really very creepy (partially due to his poor language. the way he wrote things made it even creepier, but I doubt it was his intention).
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Not sure tbh ^^ That's why I didn't link or mention his name
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And I could say that Adolf was a little shit (or actually a big one), which is true, but it doesn't change the fact that it would be a mean comment. :P What I mean is that saying the truth doesn't define the way you're saying something, since she may have said it with a nice attitude or a mean one.
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Lol, what an awful comparison. Folks need to lay off the comparative arguments. You can simply talk about the topic itself.
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Ffs, I just said that just because you are saying the truth, doesn't mean you're not saying it in a mean way. xD
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Argh, but I didn't compare him with Mully. ;_; I would never call Mully something like that. :'( I compared the ways of telling a truth, didn't compare people. :'(
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I understand your statement you were making about truth. That point was just fine, no comparative argument necessary. It doesn't bolster your argument to reference Hitler, there's no reason for comparison.
This tactic seems to be very popular, but it offers little content.
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Did you even f@cking read what I said? You better be trolling me.
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Oh, because I thought you would have answered to my other comment if you were trolling me, not this one. xD
I thought you would have answered here:
Argh, but I didn't compare him with Mully. ;_; I would never call Mully something like that. :'( I compared the ways of telling a truth, didn't compare people. :'(
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And that's my problem? Why even point something like that out? Just because you don't get my joke, doesn't mean that you should just go ahead and waste my time by saying "You misunderstood" and such.
Also... you misread. Otherwise you wouldn't have thought that I misunderstood and you would've immediately said that my joke doesn't make sense.
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At this point ive strayed away from the forum enough, not to really care, even though we should know this is about Mullins, since its public and we should say something about it, but im sitting here like "what should i say?"
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TinyPurple, you will be missed, as will Mullins.
However if that power hungry / corrupt mod that suspended Mullins ever leaves or gets fired, you will not be missed.
"Mullins did nothing wrong"
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yeah, yeah... correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the last time Mullins suspended by another mod? And before that by anoither one as well? if you got sentenced once you can try to defend yourself saying "it's thius judge who misinterprret the case, abused his power etc", but if on multiple not related cases multiple not related judges pass the same sentence for things you are doing it's much more likely there's actually something wrong with you, not with everyone else and you just having bad luck.
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Or it could simply be a group of people who like to start trouble with others they hate. I've seen it happen many times in life.
I had this issue all the time during High School, being only 4' 6" (1.3716 meters) as a guy until I was 17 and started to get taller.
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Who doesn't enjoy a good conspiracy theory? Especially when they have facts to back them up, like WTC Building 7.
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I haven't seen a single "fact" in this topic yet, just assumptions, jumping to conclusions etc. Facts are facts, Something is or is not. so far in this topic I only saw "probably's" "maybe's", "perhapses" etc ;p Generally shitload of opinions. Opinions ain't facts.
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there is one fact in this topic now, but it wasn't there when all those "assumptions" were being tossed around, hence my comments being just about the same as yours are now further down on this page. xD
it's still not 100% clear what happened in regards with tiny though, but that is one interesting fact.
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haven't seen it yet, if that actually happened then yes, this is wrong and should be dealt with as well. Still does not affect the main case in anyway, it is a different crime, unrelated to discussed one. To put it in perspective - real life one. Judges are not allowed to discuss copurt matters if the ruling is set to private (for example if public information would be harmful to victim). Let's say an judge was rulling on rape case and it was set to private, so media don't post details of rape making victim life even worse. Rapist get's sentenced to jail. Then the judge goes to press and discuss the details of the case. It's clearly wrong and he should be judged and sentenced fopr that. But does it mean the rapist should be set free? No, because judge breaking discretion is unrelated to actual crime nor punishment he was dealing.
Also one more thing I find ironic. The person who spoke the loudest in the topic how should everything be public on SG, all details about any suspension publicly posted and explained and so on and on, goes to blacklist the bad moderator who dared to do exactly what he asks for - publicly disclosed private suspension data ;p
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ok, you don't like the crusades - that makes sense - but what are you feelings on....
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Sad to see you go tiny. You're one of my bluehearts.
Sad to see people take this (or any) forum a bit too serious in general. I really dont understand why people would devote so much of their precious time spending on a forum; picking fights, insulting, shitposting and get into discussions and arguments that NEVER lead anywhere. Never did, never will.
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You are taking people acts on the forum too seriously. People don't lose too much time doing it as you may think
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I'm new on using this forum, so I don't know any. I try not to judge, but if that really happens, it's pretty sick, lol
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Can't really blame you. This is a huge shitshow.
I've stayed away from really engaging people in forums these days.
Saying shit like "Ooh, a penis is my favourite male sex organ" will even get people saying "What about all the the female penis? I'm getting offended now!
And then you get banned, of course.
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Can you blame us?
*hoists sign that says "Justice for Mullins"*
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Considering only a handful of users on this site can suspend people to begin with, fingers aren't really pointing all over the place.
So it comes down to 17 users + Mullins herself asking to be suspended (highly unlikely considering she has ongoing GAs)
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some blame mods, some blame mullins. neither blaming parties are providing links to show us what went down.
blame shouldnt be brought up at all though since that's what the calling out rule was made to prevent.
hell we don't even know if this has anything to do with either of those parties. i didn't see tiny say a thing in mullins thread for there to be a possible conflict.
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It can't be considered calling out as we're not naming names.
We're just an angry crowd with Torches & Pitchforks right now.
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bludshade brought suspicion to mully & you brought suspicion to all moderators. directly naming them or not really doesn't matter, as you said yourself you narrowed it down to just a handful of suspects.
edit: now i'm even borderline calling out. :S
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that's partially my point though. that's what caused the suspicion & drama rather then the normal "okay, sorry to see you leave" or "i wish you the best of luck in life" messages instead..
either way though i'm not reporting anything here or any of that crap, the call-out rule is a complex and frankly mostly stupid rule imo, however its main intent was to prevent drama such as this. xD
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My interpretation of the "no calling out rule" means we can't share who we blacklist, even if they violate rules such as Regifting or Not Activating Won Games.
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it doesn't have anything to do with blacklist at all. when i was suspended for calling out there was a grand total of 0 users in my blacklists same as there is now. it says "if you have a problem with" but what it really means is if any problems could arise from a user being labeled or mentioned. anything that might give other people reasons to blacklist or dislike a person.
in this case there could easily be several people taking peoples word at things and blacklists are happening, or people are taking one side over the other. either way though there was no point in bringing blame or drama to a goodbye thread when the most likely cause for the goodbye was drama.
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Blacklists are clearly happening. I've been blacklisted 4 times just for posting in this thread.
My real interpretation of the rule is if no names are mentioned, there's no foul.
If they want to suspend me for "vague interpretations" then they're clearly power mad.
Stupid website brought me lower in the thread instead of to this comment.
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yours is way less of a call-out, however we can see who closed the mentioned thread. xD
in my case an op mentioned a giveaway, and i referenced that giveaway and said one of its winners has a 1day old non-activation, leaving it just as vague as "one of the support members" though, so it can be misconstrued into that rule still sadly.
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vague as "one of the support members"
Hey d3m4n, see page 2. I'll see you when I come back from a holiday for no reason ;)
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When you've been here for a certain amount of time(such as your 4 years or my 5 years), you understand that anything to do with the mods is very iffy and hard to discuss but it's still important to discuss.
I don't disagree with what you're saying because, yeah, this isn't and shouldn't be a witch hunt. However, on this site, banning always seems to be the "go-to" and people do and have been banned for very stupid things. Within my first year, I was banned for potentially saying something mean/rude. Understandably, I was pretty mad. I don't know what the real situation is with Mully is, but them getting banned several times within a couple months is just... Seriously? Support probably has a lot more to worry about than Mully, who I've never seen do anything horrible, personally.
Point is, people can be understandably mad about this.
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i understand, i too have been banned for... Ironically calliing out.. in my case it was even more vague then this thread. it was something like.... "yeah, but the person we are talking about has a 1-day old non-activation" i didn't name any names, and there were actually 5x different possible people i could of been talking about but if you followed the full conversation back to the top you could probably figure it out.
mullins has been known to instigate conflict whenever & wherever possible, that's widely known & a great deal of why many many people like her including even myself. but that being her nature, it's bound to bite her in the ass from time to time, rightfully so.
but my main thing about this topic is, nobody even has a clue if this issue with tiny that is making em leave has anything to do with mully at all, and people are jumping to conclusions without knowing what truly went down.
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Give it 10 min, we will find something else.
Drama - The only thing keeping this community alive at this point :P
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had enough. i'm still on steam.
bb, a place i had fun with once. not anymore.
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