Hi all!

I'm thinking about trading for the game "Remember Me" from a Brazil trader. Because I was unsure about region restrictions, I looked into steamdb. There are only 2 entries for the game:

Remember Me (ROW): http://steamdb.info/sub/27234/
Remember Me (RU CIS): http://steamdb.info/sub/27235/

I also checked the brazil steam store and if you buy it in brazil you also get the ROW version. The steamdb-entry for the ROW version does not show any region restrictions (besides from the RU/CIS one). BUT there is a big red box on the brazil store page saying that the game can only be activated in Argentinia, Bolivia, Brazil, ...?
But how is this possible? Is the information in steamdb not correct? Because brazil also gets the ROW version and this does not have this kind of region restriction. I'm lost here...

It seems to be the same for Resident Evil 5. ROW entry for brazil, but the store page says it can only be activated in brazil. Strange... Either these warnings are fake or there is a kind of region lock, that is not shown in steamdb.

Anyone bought one of these two games from a brazil trader and could activate in europe or usa?

10 years ago*

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I have a copy of Remember Me sitting in my inventory. Although the page says there are restrictions the gift shows it's ROW and there is not restriction flag (!). Usually this restriction goes when they disallow cross border trading and gifting. This game does not have this tag. I think the warning in the site is a way to scare people from trading/gifting or they forgot to add the tag that disallows cross border trading.

Russian/Ukraine copies are region restricted AFAIK. EDIT: steamdb just shows a different sub ID for the RU/CIS version. Different from ROW but no actual locks, so it seems it can be added and plays fine. Steamdb doesn't show any differences in content too, seems to be the same game, no "russian only" language or anything of the sort.

10 years ago

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I just traded for it from my usual RU trader and he told me if it didn't work he would give me back my keys.. nothing to lose really, was worth the try.

The gift item had (RU/CIS) after the game title but I did add it to my library without any problem, the Game listed in my library is simply "Remember Me" without any RU or CIS mention. Now I'm installing the game and I'll run it once it's finished to be 100% sure. At this point I'm pretty confident it will work, otherwise I don't think it would even have allowed me to add to library. I'll let you guys know later on.

10 years ago

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The RU/CIS version has no actual region lock at the moment, so you will be fine. You can also see this in the steamdb-entry. There is no regionlock present for http://steamdb.info/sub/27235/. The only problem is: It is an other sub than the ROW version (27235 instead of 27234). So in theory they could retroactivly lock the game later (I don't say that they will, only that they are able to).
The brazil one on the other hand has the same subid as the ROW version, so they cannot lock it retroactively. However, there is this strange warning on the brazil store page...

10 years ago

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Did you get one of these Capcom games with red box saying it will be only activateable in RU and CIS zones or Brazil and rest Latin America? Since I liked to get, but I'm afraid of region lock, since clearly says it has it on activation, even if game it self is ROW.

10 years ago

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OK I get what you mean.. I'm no expert with steamdb.info though.

One question .. if I look at the Steam Store from my region it says I do own the game (enhanced Steam) and if I add it to my cart I couldn't buy it for myself as it says there again that I own it. Is it normal or does that mean that I somehow ended up with the ROW version even if the gift was RU ?

I would have thought that if the ID is different then it would be considered as a different item and Steam wouldn't see that I own the ROW version..

10 years ago

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I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it works like that. While there are different subs (for different regions or for example a complete pack), they actually give you the same app/game. If you look at a sub in steamdb there is also a tab named "Apps". This shows all the games/dlc that are included in this sub. And this app-id is the same for different subs of a game. So the steam page is green, because you own the game, no matter from which sub it came from. So you probably still have the RU version.

10 years ago

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I liked to get Capcom Action Pack containing 3 games, DmC, Remember Me and Bionic Commando: Rearmed for 5€ in RU store, but game has that red box saying it will be activateable only in RU and CIS countries, same for Brazil, Remember Me says the same and also the RU version adds, that is only playable in RU/CIS, so Remember Me and DmC RU have both activation and run locked as Steam Store says, and in Brazil they are only locked in activation.

This warnings are fake? I really liked to get that pack, but due to this restrictions I thought is impossible....so what's then this red box is fake? or it's true?

10 years ago

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For the Capcom Action Pack it is pretty easy, just look at the entry in steamdb: http://steamdb.info/sub/50856/. It says "AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting No". That means they cannot trade it with you if you are not from their region. So no luck with that.

10 years ago

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i have the RU version, and it plays fine.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Just for info, what happens if i add to my library a ru\cis and then it get region locked ?

10 years ago

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if it gets onlyallowrunincountries lock - you'll become a proud owner of an extra line in your game library :D in other words it will simply become unplayable outside of ru and cis countries.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

10 years ago

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And then Valve will ask you to show proof you're traveling to Russia with speed of light, otherwise they will probably-even-delete, maybe just restrict it that you'll be able to only use single-player games.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

10 years ago

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Well, they usually go hard after people BUYING in one region while playing in others. But you never know when they will ask for your patent for light-speed traveling :P

10 years ago

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So it's confirmed that (for now) we can add RU version of Remember Me outside of CIS, right?

Then I want to hi-jack the thread and ask if the same goes for Resident Evil Revelations - Complete Pack?
It doesn't look locked, yet it pops up the warning in the RU-store... Anyone confirm either way?

10 years ago

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AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting No

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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So I went ahead and just bought Remember Me from a Brazil trader. It is the ROW version and activated just fine here in europe (germany). It seems like the red warning on the brazil store page is shown because Remember Me is available in the Capcom Action Pack. And the action pack really is region locked (AllowCrossRegionTradingAndGifting = No).

So steamdb is right and the steam store just has a little bug with displaying the warning :)

10 years ago

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True history :)

10 years ago

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Had a similar experience with DMC4. The RU store shows the warning, but the game turns out to be the ROW version (as is implied by the SteamDB entry).

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Kedyn.