It would go back into the gun, back to where it was bought and back to where it was made. Woopwoop.
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I don't know, but you could ask Batman or Darkseid.
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It will be like WWWWWWWWWWWhhhhhhhhhhhhhssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh and like the bullet will break in peaces and... I don't know!
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I'd be more interested in how you circumvented the arrow of time.
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Well it will depend on where you are in Earth at the moment.
If you are one the side where the Earth is going to in it's orbit around the Sun the bullet will seem to fall into the ground at an angle(caused by Earth's rotation) and might or might not hit you plus when it inevitably exits on the other side it might hit something/someone.
If you are looking to where the Earth has gone past then you will see the bullet going extremely quickly up and vanishing from your sight.
It is possible but unlikely that depending on the relative velocities of everyone involved and how gravity affects things that the bullet will pass by Earth again.
Though that is assuming time travel is possible and that you mean the bullet is travelling into the past not the bullet travelling backwards through time.
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I remember reading this theory that time travel would also include the space time position. But in normal space time, a bullet fired does not act on any forces independent of the world around it. So a normal bullet seems to travel in a line, while from an outer world perspective it would be traveling at an angle. If that process were to be identical in the reverse direction of time, I would expect that the bullet would just as well act relative to the world around it.
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Well to be honest that doesn't really make sense. You seem to be confusing what space-time means, it is not merely New York, USA, NA, Earth and so on but also 2 of August in the year 2013. Indeed this is supported by the very idea of time travel since the possibility of time travel necessarily means time is no more than a position.
Anyway since the entire world is affected by the same forces anything on it is only perceived to move in relation to each other. In more absolute terms the entirety of the galaxy is travelling at an speed of 700 km/s or so, the solar system in it's orbit around the centre of Milky Way at about 220km/s and Earth around the Sun around 30km/s. All these speeds by definition are also included in the bullet and the interesting thing is then what happens when you start messing with time.
There are several possibilities depending on what exactly you mean by your initial question(your answer implies you are thinking of something different than what I had in mind), here are some so please tell me what is the general one(even if you disagree with my extrapolations) so I can understand which scenario you mean:
1- The bullet is under a reversed time flow much like you see in a video that you watch reverted. In other words it is not changing its position in time but rather changing the values it had(position, speed and so on) to the time it perceives as being.
Basically the bullet is travelling backwards in the sense that if a second passes for us for the bullet it will have reverted all it's values to what they were two seconds ago or a second before we start counting.
In this case you as the guy who fired the bullet would see it as stuck in a continuous loop of being fired, going back, being fire, going back and so on with the duration being double the time it takes for the effect to start(if it starts a second after it leaves then it takes a second for it go return to the gun). This would in effect cause a time loop for the bullet.
2- The bullet behaves as if in a video it was being played backwards while everything else is played normally. The bullet is altering the time it exists in but not anything else, this is the scenario I described before so I will refrain from further.
3- The bulllet was fired into the past in such a way to be basically teleportation only for it's position in time. You will see the bullet vanishing and someone in the place where it went will see it suddenly appearing. An outside observer capable of actually understanding things would clearly see it going from a position to another.
The specifics here depend on how the portal creation defines it's destination to see if the portal changes only position in time, takes into account the relative position in space(in this case in relation to what? The gun? The soil? The Bullet? The Earth? The Sun? And so) or is freely customizable to the point you could hit whatever you want whenever you want.
4- The bullet is flowing through time backwards but since all else is normal it will still be affected by all forces normally so you end up with a gun with a normal bullet then the moment it is fired there are a bunch of atoms loosely together instead there. This bizarre bullet would behave as a normal bullet in all aspects but if you were to watch wherever it has fallen you will see the atoms joining together until you perceive an extremely rusted bullet which starts to seemingly self-recover until it returns to a completely normal and usual bullet which then it promptly vanishes back to the gun(that was fired originally).
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it would create an infinite loop of unfireable bullet and so your gun would be forever jammed.
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If I shot a bullet that travels backwards in time, what would it be like?
It will be like going back to you but then actually you wont be there cause it will not be your time and then it goes backwards in time and it will kill someone else who was in the same spot as you when you shooted the bullet if no ones there it will continue going forward untill it finds it target
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It would simply disappear and a diamond would appear in its place since as we all know that diamond is the hardest metal.
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so, for the sake of the arguments, let's say it is possible for an object to go back in time (protip: that isn't possible according to physics laws).
how is this bullet going back in time? is in instant? is it progressive?! that kinda makes all the difference you know.. please reply to move the discussion along ^^
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Just me nitpicking: The mathematical laws of physics work just as well for events going forward or going backward in time. It's the practical application of these laws that lead us to currently believe in ever-increasing entropy.
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I like the question being vague just because I like to see how individuals interpret time. If I clarify too much it makes for an easy answer.
But for the sake of conversation I'll clarify for this one instance. If time were a series of frames (I dislike this theory, but it will suffice for an explanation). The bullet would travel forward through these frames under a normal perception of time. If these frames were instead going in the reverse at the identical frame rate as it would going forward, what would happen?
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reverse physics to match reverse time. and consequently reversed line of events.. would be hilarious if you died before you where old, before having kids, before getting married, before going to college, before enjoying your infancy before being born!
but on the topic of the bullet, it would go back to the gun's chamber, then the clip, then the store,etc.. ahah it's just like you said, turning the conversation specific will make it boring and an easy answer.
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If the bullet travels backwards in time it would look like it's moving backwards in space since you will be moving forward in time. You will eventually see a bullet moving backwards into your gun and the exact moment it stops you will be pulling the trigger.
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Exactly my thoughts. But that's were all the time travel troubles kick in. If you would kill your mother with this would you disappear? And if you were never born who killed your mother? Too many questions. I don't think we will ever be able to solve cases like this and really hope we will never be able to travel through time. I think a possible explanation would be multiple universes. One were you were born and shot your mother from the past but your mother in the present continues to live. This would create another universe were your mother died and you would never be born. This would lead to a lot of new possiblities in life and create more universes. You could say there would be infinite universes. Who knows maybe it is really like this and we are just living in one of them without knowing.
PS: Time travel is a headache topic for me.
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you would wake up from your dream and realize that it was a dream.
true story.
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It wouldn't appear any different, because a bullet hitting a target occurs so quickly as to appear simultaneous to the human eye. However, if you were to watch with an extra slow motion camera, the bullet would appear to originate from the target, and travel backward into the gun, returning to the chamber at the moment you pull the trigger.
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its a bit of a paradox, by definition the bullet would disappear since it would travel back in time, meanwhile you should continue in the normal timeline, thus making it seem that it vanished, this can be said for the future as well, if you don't know the time when it appears.
also earths movement would make it so that even if it appeared in the past probably the bullet wont be anywhere near the earth at that time
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I'll be giving away a game key to someone at random for your thoughts.
Game key was given away Saturday night to BlueDrank01. Thanks again for the fun. I'll be doing it again sometime.
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