Well as it travelled back through time, it would revert to a musket ball, then an arrow, then a spear, and finally a rock.
I thought that was obvious. The person it hits, depending on how far back in time they were, is either going to die quickly, die painfully, or be somewhat annoyed at the prick throwing rocks at them.
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The blood of the shooter will tell you. basically you died.
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It's like butterfly effect, that bullet can change present, past and future. If that bullet manages to kill a person, the changes will be enormous, if not, same happens, maybe that bullet doesn't exist in that year, time travelling will be discovered, and sure that will make a difference in our present. Furthermore, it is a concept or a theory witch explains that we have like 10 or 12 alternative universes, that bullet can change all those universes. In one universe that bullet kills a person, maybe it's your grand parent, witch made your mother or father, therefor, he died you die, in another universe , the bullet drops but it's found by a police officer, witch finds out that there is no such bullet that exists in the registries and so on in all 10 parallel universes. It can happen many things, but for sure the future, present and past will suffer a lot....
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I'm familiar with this theory. Let me propose another one. Quote from a wiki-
Novikov self-consistency principle
The Novikov self-consistency principle expresses one view on how backwards time travel could be possible without a danger of paradoxes. According to this hypothesis, the only possible time lines are those entirely self-consistent—so anything a time traveler does in the past must have been part of history all along, and the time traveler can never do anything to prevent the trip back in time from happening, since this would represent an inconsistency. Nicholas J. J. Smith argues, for example, that if some time traveler killed the child who lived in his old address, this would ipso facto necessitate that the child was not the time traveler's younger self, nor the younger self of anyone alive in the time frame that the time traveler came from. This could be extrapolated further into the possibility that the child's death led to the family moving away, which in turn led to the time traveler's family moving into the house guaranteeing that the house later became the home the time traveler would then grow up in, forming a predestination paradox.
Seth Lloyd and other researchers at MIT have proposed an expanded version of the Novikov principle, according to which probability bends to prevent paradoxes from occurring. Outcomes would become stranger as one approaches a forbidden act, as the universe must favor improbable events to prevent impossible ones.
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The bullet would appear to disappear since to travel back in time you need to break the speed of light, not giving enough time for the light from the bullet to reach your eyes. Your arm would probably fly off (at the least, likely hood is you would be killed) in the other direction and burn up since all actions produce an equal and opposite reaction.
The bullet itself would likely burn up before it could do anything useful since it is traveling so fast through the atmosphere.
If you were to ride the bullet (presuming physics permitted it and your body could handle the force and the heat involved), everything around you would disappear since you are traveling faster than light itself. You would likely see some blurs of colour as your eyes travel to meet light rather than the other way around.
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It would kill the last dinosaur, thus ending their reign and ushering in the time of man. A few years later some guys would make Steamgifts.com and you'd write a post about shooting bullets through time.
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The bullet would travel through both space and time, through our great multiverse and into another universe. The bullet's entry into this alternate dimension would become the diverging point from our own timeline. There would be a butterfly effect from that point of divergence, but you'd never know because you are safe in our own universe.
Ultimately, the other universe would probably look very different from our own, with different people being born and dying at different times and under different circumstances. However, these changes would probably take generations upon generations to spread to a degree significant to the entire world.
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It would go into your gun, blowing it up and maiming you horribly.
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It will be a never ending loop from it going off and back to your gun again. So you're not actually shooting a bullet. Nothing is being shot. Technically, nothing has happened in the process. The smallest amount of time known by us, is planck seconds. Once the bullet is shot, a planck second would have already passed, so the bullet won't even have the time to move, therefore no action will be taken by the bullet.
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once you fired the bullet, it was already in your past, therefor every time you fire a round, it is traveling backwards in time, until it hits its target, which is in the future.
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Break the space time continuum as we know it... or as we don't know it? Since some theories believe in the mulit-verse (which doesn't actually make any sense) hypothetically the bullet would hit a near infinite amount of people in a near infinite universes that would co-inside with the events leading up to the gun shot. Something as simple a change of angle of the gun however could actually break time due to the infintie stream of posibilites shattering as the gun in which shot the bullet would than not fire said bullet in the future (the present) and the bullet would more than likely implode adding a multitude of atoms to the universe which don't belong that would than create another "big bang" of particles colliding, only this time everything would be destroyed...
Edit: I should mention that since it hit an infinite number of people in an infinite number of universes... all life in all universes would be destroyed due to everyone dying.
In all honesty I made everything I just said up and actually don't believe that a bullet would be able to travel back in time because i don't believe that physics and stuff work like that... on top of that I only took grade 9 science and than took history for the rest of my high school career...
Cheers mate!
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History? I have an odd question. did you start from a specific year and go forward from then, or did you read one thing and then read about the events that lead up to the event? If that's the case I'd say you're an expert in traveling backwards in time.
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Wouldn't the bullet keep dismantling itself? If you even managed to get it in the gun and ready to fire then it wouldn't never fire. The primer would never ignite since its constantly returning to its previous state. Thus, a misfire :P
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It would kill Orion, son of Darkseid. This was a plot point in DC Comics' Final Crisis.
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I'll be giving away a game key to someone at random for your thoughts.
Game key was given away Saturday night to BlueDrank01. Thanks again for the fun. I'll be doing it again sometime.
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