Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls are actually coming to PC this year! This will be a timed exclusive on the Epic Store, which I know many of you will not like. And that's ok. But I still have to say, I am quite happy that those former PS-exclusives finally come to PC. I love these types of games, and I always thought it's a shame that - except for Fahrenheit - none of the QD games are available to PC gamers. I even paid for PSNow to play Heavy Rain and Beyond. In hindsight I should have waited for the PC versions, I guess. ^^

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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i love that those games comes to pc ,but i would buy them on Uplay/gog/steam but not on epic store .
cant support that ^-^

5 years ago

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Well, so far Epic has produced exclusivity. If they are now actually responsible for getting the QD games to PC (meaning if they didn't plan to do it anyway), then Epic actually reduces exclusivity now, which I find quite nice. Console exclusivity is the worst, since it's hardware-related and true exclusivity. Can't circumvent that by just installing another launcher. ;)

5 years ago

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you get a point on this one played Beyond two souls & Heavy rain already .
Would buy them again for gog or steam .

5 years ago

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I also played both, so I am mainly interested in Detroid now. But yeah, I'll probably buy them on sale later on as well.

I might even replay Beyond then. Do you want to know how I played that game? I used PSNow which gave me a 16:9 stream, of course. The game is in 21:9, and I have a 21:9 display. What did I do to play it in "full screen"? I actually used the Windows magnifying glass to properly scale it to my display. Honestly, it was a mess. xD Would love to replay in 3440*1440.

5 years ago

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Well Epic didn't make them port to PC they already decided that. I am saying this since you can't rly make a good port (this is my opinion) in such a small time (since they are releasing this year so 9 more months max). And after one year they will be on other stores so it is just Epic waving a lot of cash to get games with one year exclusivity.

And I find that worse than console exclusivity especially since Epic does some shady stuff like snatching games that were pre-sold for other platforms or changing kickstarter promises.. And don't get me started on it accessing WL/badges/achievements/friends from steam without you knowing or agreeing.. As well as the store missing some much needed options (it should have been release a year from now).

So while I am glad to see more games get on PC I still don't like Epic store.

5 years ago*

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Epic does some shady stuff like snatching games that were pre-sold for other platforms or changing kickstarter promises

So far any refunds have been down to developer choice [as others are still honoring Steam preorder activations and insisting they'll support them equally], and kickstarter promises have been delayed, not changed [which is a huge difference in consideration for that platform]. With those elements under consideration, there's nothing shady [dishonest, deceptive, corrupt || acting in a suspicious or sneaky manner] about those topics.

Delaying plans or deciding to take a different approach to them aren't things which are inherently deceptive, so long as any actual promises are still met within the framework that was promised. Even then, fault [for changing expectations] would still go to those establishing and then breaking the expectations, not to the one encouraging them to do such (even though they may warrant a different kind of criticism).

Let's not blame everything on Epic regardless of context, at least.

5 years ago*

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Well Epic make them port to PC they already decided that. I am saying this since you can't rly make a good port (this is my opinion) in such a small time (since they are releasing this year so 9 more months max).

This is a long shot, isn't it. You assume they are starting work just now at the same time of the announcement (they might actually be working on it for months, for all we know). You also make a guess about how long it takes to port a game. And based on that you assume they must have planned this all along. I am not so sure about that. Might be. Might not. I guess it would help to know if there was a contract with Sony that recently expired. But I doubt we will find that information anywhere.

And I find that worse than console exclusivity

This I really can't understand. Console/hardware exclusivity is the worst. No doubt about that. It actually prevents you from playing the game if you don't buy their hardware. This is not even close to simply install another launcher on your PC. Why are there not just as many threads about Sony hiding games from the PC community behind a hardware paywall? They did that over and over. Why is Sony's behaviour accepted as far as exclusivity goes but Epic's is not?

5 years ago

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I don't think it is a long shot. Console games have the same hardware but PCs have millions of combinations in hardware, so optimization after porting is a bi***. A port is not as simple as people think especially for larger game. I say this cause I have friends working on games (on iOS/Android as well as on PC).

Only console games have existed for as long as there were consoles. That was the way of games for so long so for me that exclusivity is not a big deal as you say, it is normal. For Epic I just largely dislike the way they do business and that is wave around cash and change/delay what was promised to gamers, as well as the data mining without you knowing and the worse security from what I can read (Fortnite gets a lot of money so ofc hackers/scammers etc are there to get them). So console exclusivity is sometimes cause of people or hardware and sometimes about cash but rarely, while Epic is only about large amounts of cash given to devs from Epic.
I would want every game (that is on PC) on every platform but that is just me.

At least for me console exclusivity is normal, even tho it is shit.

5 years ago

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Why is Sony's behaviour accepted as far as exclusivity goes but Epic's is not?

Well, maybe you know... it's first-party exclusivity, these games were developed by Sony's internal studios and not stolen from other platforms like on Epic Games? I guess it makes some sense.

5 years ago

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So exclusivity is okay so long as the store and game developer are owned by the same company? So now that Microsoft bought Obsidian, it'll be fine for them to make the next Obsidian game exclusive to the Windows Store, or even an Xbox exclusive? And if Epic bought the other studios and made their games permanent Epic exclusives rather than timed exclusives, that would be okay?

It seems like you're moving the goal posts to justify your dislike of Epic, while ignoring that exclusivity is a much bigger issue that has been going on for years. Personally, I like that Epic is paying developers a bigger cut, and hope that it will put pressure on other merchants to also pay a bigger cut to developers, and Epic's approach of timed exclusives that don't require DRM is a whole lot better than EA's permanent exclusives that require DRM or Microsoft's Windows Store exclusives that are permanent and require using the UWP system that forces DRM while also being actively anti-consumer.

Absolutely rage against exclusivity, but there are better targets than Epic.

5 years ago

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Sorry, but Sony buys third-party games and makes them exclusive all the time. Quantic Dream, for instance, is not a Sony studio. They paid QD to release only on Playstation. Sony also pays Kojima, so that we PC gamers will not be able to play Death Stranding. They paid Insomniac, so that we can't play Marvel's Spider Man. And there are more examples. Sony does not only make first party games exclusive.

5 years ago

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Singing a contract to make a game for you and funding them from the beginning during whole development =/= buy third-party game.
I don't think these game would have existed in the first place if not Sony, so it actually makes sense.

Epic Games only buy ready products just to make them exclusive.
Btw i didn't see Heavy Rain/Beyond 2 Souls/Detroid appearing on Steam and suddenly becoming a PS4 exclusive later on.
I don't see a singe PC game that Insomniac has developped, maybe it's just because they prefer making games for consoles and it has nothing to do with Sony stealing games from us PC gamers?
You can hate them or not, but we knew from the beginning that Death Stranding will be a PS4 exclusive.

All QD games are overrated trash, i don't think you can call them the system seller. Almost all games that are worth buying PS4 for are Sony's first party exclusives (God Of War, Last Of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn).

I am not defending Sony. I still think that PS+ is one of the biggest scams invented to date. But with that being said, at least they do it properly with exclusives. Quality of their games are incomparable with any AAA game on PC. They are always bug-free, polished, don't have day 1 dlcs (God Of War doesn't have any season pass or dlc planned). And they aren't trying to save money during development by just reskinning an existing game like Ubisoft does.
After all they should have some way to sell their consoles, we all know no-one is going buy them if you just can play all games on PC. So i can't blame them...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Exactly, it's not a new concept. And some forms of exclusivity are way worse than what Epic is doing. Imagine GOG would do it - I bet many of the people complaining now would be fine with it, maybe even applaud it.

5 years ago

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cool, I guess, but no money from me until they are on steam ¯\(ツ)

5 years ago

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Timed exclusive - so it'll be out on Steam eventually at some point, right?

I'll buy them on steep sale or try to win them here, those fascinating trainwrecks.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Are you sure they are timed exclusive? because their twitter didn't post that.

I really hope they are that because I'm sure it's 100% paid exclusives, so make them a timed excuse not going to be that beneficial.

5 years ago

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Just read the article, it's in there.

PC ports of all three games are scheduled to be released “later this year,” and each one will be sold exclusively in the Epic Games Store for one year, Quantic Dream said in a news release.

5 years ago

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Oh, didn't notice that. I thought Polygon where speculating. Thanks for telling.

5 years ago

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Well almost all games on Epic that are exclusive are one year timed exclusives

5 years ago

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That's true, but this game is like a very deal to get it on PC. I'm sure epic paid a ton of money to get it there, so making it a timed exclusive is not a good business model in my opinion.

5 years ago

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Well for Phoenix Point to be exclusive for one year they gave them more money than what devs got with kickstarter and preorders so who knows.
But I know what you are trying to say those are good games to get on PC :)
And Epic has money to burn from Fortnite anyway XD

5 years ago

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Didn't mean " those are good games to get on PC " at all. I mean they are like if santa monica announced that god of war is coming to PC.

They were PS exclusives for a very, very long time so seeing them coming to PC means that a lot of money been burned.

5 years ago*

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like if santa monica announced that god of war is coming to PC

One can dream... :)

5 years ago

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If you wanna fuck fuck virtual girls with analog stick movements (it actually rather seems to be a QTE event in God of war) you can do that in Fahrenheit as well :D

At least there it makes moderate sense storywise and is not just cheap fan service.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Not a fan of those games types, and would never buy anything from epic store anyway. More upset about them delaying The Outer Worlds and Control for a year.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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^ This, when I had a ps3 the brazilian ps store didn't have heavy rain, only the demo which I loved, finally I'll be able to play it.

5 years ago

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i dont reeally care about those pseudo games,
epic, please bloodborne on pc! L:)

5 years ago

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That kind of miracle would be enough for me to finally give up and buy a game from Epic store.

5 years ago

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i will wait 1 more year to come to steam then :)

5 years ago

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I'd rather buy a PS4 than buy from Epic.

5 years ago

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God of War?
With all these games coming to PC one can dream. Not going to buy a console that's for sure.

5 years ago

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i dont think sony will give very big new exclusives.

5 years ago

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I mean, it's not God of War or Spiderman big but Detroit got quite a bit of hype and press iirc

5 years ago

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Oh no, even more full priced games I'll wait years to buy at a huge discount.

5 years ago

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I doubt it. Those are several year old console games after all.
I'd assume they'll price them $20-30 just like Bayonetta, Vanquish or Yakuza.

5 years ago

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I'm in a... ahem... 2.5 world country... I pay $60 for rent a month. $30 game is a luxury to me. Just for perspective.

5 years ago

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Nevermind then. I just assumed with "full priced" you ment the 60$ (70$ for console) we've grown used to for AAA games at release.

5 years ago

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That's the full price here too, we're put in EU price zone (and 60 is far worse than 30, of course). That's why I usually wait a few months. It's okay, I have a huge backlog anyway.

5 years ago

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Same here. The only game I purchased at full release price (or anywhere near that) in 2018 was Red Dead Redemption 2.

Sooo worth it :D

5 years ago

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Blago tebi ako ti je stanarina $60

5 years ago

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Meh, malo mesto, mali stan bez grejanja; puno ljudi umire/odlazi nema ko da plaća velike cene.

5 years ago

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You only listed games published by Sega.

5 years ago

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Now that you mention it, that's true. But I can't think of any other formerly console exclusive games that got a PC port recently.

Maybe Halo Masterchief Collection but since that's a Collection it's hard to put a price on the individual games.

5 years ago

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Sega is the main publisher porting previous console exclusives to PC. But the Final Fantasy games by Square Enix have been on sale too.

5 years ago

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Great news. I love these type of games, but have no plans on getting a console.

5 years ago

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Oh shit that's good news, Beyond Two Souls was one of those games i really wanted to see on PC. Even Detroit looks interesting.

Quantic Dream on PC, damn, i take it !

Also people still complaining about the Epic Store, they're gonna be real salty on March 28th when they announce Borderlands 3 on Epic Store :3

5 years ago

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I really liked Beyond and Heavy Rain and Detroit looks interesting as well. No need to get it for PS then. Just wait a few years until it's bundled or cheap at Steam.

5 years ago

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I definitely am excited about an approaching opportunuty to finally play Detroit: Become Human (have played the other two on my sister's PS3), although it doesn't look like I'm going to do it in an entirely legal way.

5 years ago

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Oh dear gods, this means David Cage will get more money to threaten humanity with even more of these? :o

5 years ago

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He, at least you get to write more hilarious summaries like the one from Fahrenheit :D

5 years ago

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I was way too lenient with it, because by then, I did not know that it was probably the closest Cage ever got to a semblance of a cohesive plot or having at least one character express something akin to a human emotion.
Plus it had a few good cinematography tricks, instead of mostly awkwardly framed shots and close-ups. I suspect the camera was handled by someone who left the company after Fahrenheit.

5 years ago

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That and Omikron are pure insanity. Its not just the camera work. I suspect the current team is more hands on, when it comes to the story. Rather than let Cage bring cyberdemons and matrix action to the mess

5 years ago

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I lol'd.

5 years ago

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You will probably completely disagree, but I actually liked the plot of Beyond a lot. Also the order in which the episodes play. I found that enriched the experience a lot. Never played the chronological order they released later (even though I had access to that version with PSNow). Not sure if you played it. But I thought it was pretty great overall.

5 years ago

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You say it like it's a bad thing. ;)

5 years ago

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Fahrenheit will no longer be alone anymore. So old I even got it on DVD. Remember those?

5 years ago

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Remember floppies?

5 years ago

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3 1/2, 5 1/4 or 8 inch?

5 years ago*

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Tries to imagine an 8 inch floppy...

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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Why are the big ones black.... o_0 :-P

5 years ago

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Before there were floppies, we used cassette tapes. Before that, it was reel-to-reel tapes. Before that, it was punch cards. Big, black floppy disks were a huge step up. )

5 years ago

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Wow, you're old!

5 years ago

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When I was a kid, computers were called "brains," and we used them to do everything that "modern-day computers" do, today. We even sent men to the moon (and brought them back) with them.

The standards of Public Education are far, far below what they used to be.

5 years ago

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I am really surprised that someone in their sixties is hanging out here...

5 years ago

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You obviously don't spend much time with people in their sixties. You are missing out.

5 years ago

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I don't spend much time with people.

5 years ago

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I rather not. Swapping them only got mirrored by Baldur's Gate's 4 CD's ever since.

5 years ago

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Baldur's Gate was five discs, Baldur's Gate II was four. Then there was the DVD boxset that had both games and their expansions on four DVD.

5 years ago

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I still have the original disks. I no longer have a floppy drive, however, so I should probably get rid of all my floppy disks. It is difficult to let go of one's past.... P

5 years ago

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I though Ion Storm made that, apparently not.
Or I'm confusing it with a different game.

5 years ago

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Anachronox was though, it's kinda similar

5 years ago

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Thanks, was thinking of that one yeah.

5 years ago

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Don't forget Omikron: The Nomad Soul! The reason they exist in the first place

5 years ago*

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hard to believe "Have No Opinion"... I am a robot. I cannot think for myself. And yet I chose to partake in this poll. Does not compute.

5 years ago

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thanks epic for more free games <3

View attached image.
5 years ago

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You do know that not playing a game on release day is an option, right? There are way too many good games to be played in one lifetime anyway.

On the other hand I do illegally stream the vast majority of all TV shows I watch so who am I to judge.

5 years ago

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thanks for the morality lesson, i knew someone would help me. <3

5 years ago

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View attached image.
5 years ago

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Pirating it day one doesn't mean I wouldn't buy it when it comes to steam, or at least that's my opinion.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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The also announce a bunch of exclusives. One of them being the Outer Worlds, the new obsidian game. I knew they were gonna try to get this game. With all the hype surrounding it, this might be the "launcher seller" they want.

5 years ago

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Outer Worlds is not an Epic store exclusive on PC on launch… -.-

5 years ago

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It is actually, for a year.

5 years ago

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No, it is not:
Just nobody can fucking read and posts half-assed bullshit on reddit which people keep repeating without reading up on the stuff.

Same thing went down with the Division 2, just there it was inherently dumb and people caught on a lot faster.

5 years ago

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Lol, I read that.
Imagine using windows store, good luck with that :)
I was really looking forward to play Outer Worlds but now I will just wait whole year for a release on steam.

5 years ago

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I use Windows Store. As long as you do not want to add mods to a game, it is as good as any other. Better in some aspects, even, unless you happen to be one of those who for some reason get terrible download speeds from it.

5 years ago

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Yup, I was having issues with download speed and I couldn't start the game (gear of war 4). Never anymore, such frustation, so much time spend and nothing helped.

5 years ago

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You're right, they confirmed later that it's also coming to the Win store.

5 years ago

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I always thought it's a shame that - except for Fahrenheit - none of the QD games are available to PC gamers

That's not their only PC game. It's their 2nd one.

5 years ago

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Cool cool. A bit annoyed that I was wrong again in thinking these games will never come to PC ended up on buying it for PS4, but w/e. The more peeps that get to experience David Cage's unique storytelling the better :D.

5 years ago

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Bump for Heavy Rain. :3

5 years ago

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I've waited this long, what's another year?

5 years ago

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Another silly company eager for another sales year it is

5 years ago

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I'd be happier about it if Epic let me trade Steam credit for Epic store credit. :p

5 years ago

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This will be a "buy on release" for all 3 games.

5 years ago

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