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If you share your account with a "family member" and he cheat and got vac, also your account got vac.
Also if you have multiple acc linked to ONE cellphone and you cheat/scam in one, all those acc linked get banned
The point here, dev want more money and more and still with all the money they won cannt stabilize performance...
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you are right, i dont bother on check is this shitty game have vac
but that just other point to says to all cheater WELCOME!
not vac system, casino market, keys, crates, cromes!
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I don't like the game and that stuff either but that's what keeps steam viable, they earn more mney by such multiplayer games
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Probably true, but it also can prevent cheaters. It's easy for people to make alt. accounts... you can make as many as you want. And linking phones isn't necessary for playing family shared games, linking your phone is mainly for community market/trading cards.
Not backing PUBG up, everything about it seems like shit q: Just saying that it's too easy for people to cheat in any game by making multiple Steam accounts.
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Why the heck would they allow family sharing in the first place? Multiplayer title, no?
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for the longest they allowed family sharing but disabled it for newer family shared accounts and with the limitation that the shared account and the account owner played on the same character
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That is why im confused, its some MP title after all.
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It's not rare that people share games with family on the same PC. Example, you can share "Don't starve together". The game will just ask you just to create a new account with different e-mail. And you still get drops like this. It's a nice detail from Klei.
Bluehole just copied CS-GO scheme. I wonder If people would still cheat If there's no crate system.
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Of course not, i'm just wondering what the point is to be able to share some plain multiplayer title.
What does a crate system have to do with cheats?
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In this case probably to attract new consumers. No one can argue It's a popular game.
All I'm saying is that a competitive game with a reward system might lure cheaters.
It happened with CS-GO.
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Popular competitive games attract cheaters, not random crate drops (that got no point anyways).
CS always had cheaters (when it was popular), obv. CSGO has them too, especially considering you got competitive match making. The crappy 3c cases aren't the reason.
Just saying.
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I don't know how PUBG reward system works, one can only guess that the best players will get something eventually so that's a bonus for a cheater. My small experience with CS-GO on Casual is that you will get some sort of skin from the weapon you're actually using. AWPs are the most expensive ones so I'm guessing they try to get one?
Crates do have some value when they're new at least in CS. I remember getting one that cost around 2.50 dollars and months after It went to your 3 cents.
Maybe It's just me the one that can't understand why would somebody cheat without a profit.
Are PUBG players just doing It for chicken dinners? That's really lame even for a cheater.
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You get skins and crates at random, if you reach a certain XP level - you don't need to be good for that.
For the pricy crates you mostly need the operation pass when a new operation starts - they drop very quickly in price anyways though.
Exactly that's why. They want to win, they want to annoy legit players, they want to "whatever".
Drop wise there's no reason to cheat whatsoever.
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The PUBG crates are although they are "long" available still at min. 0.3€ (max. 0.8€) - not long ago, they were min. 0.7€ & max 4€ - you get BP (Battle points) for staying alive longer / getting kills that you can exchange for those crates (6 per week). Some crates, not available anymore (pre 1.0) are now 10€ - 100€+.
If its the case that you create a new PUBG-account for every "family-member" (you can get 6 crates per week per account), then I would say, that this would still be a "reason" to cheat.
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The latter is a rather stupid way for implementation then. No wonder they removed it now. Guess that's more of a main reason to do so?
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This was more of a guess, based on my experience with the test servers:
Different account for test servers (actually a different game in steam), same inventory (got disabled/removed somewhen in early access), so can't actually tell you the "real" reason
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This makes no sense. If an account cheats, they ban it, even if the player was the original owner or someone else.
This is more like "okay, we let you spread the game to as many friends/family members you had, it is time for them to fork over the 30 bucks as well if they want to keep getting headshot from the other end of the map by hackers."
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There's a high chance that this was the main objective from the start.
Just give them a taste of that chicken dinner for a while, in time they will come back.
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You do know that even if you share your PUBG with someone else, that person won't be able to use his/her own character, and will only be able to use yours, right? There is no point in cheating with family shared accounts since your main account will be banned as well.
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so far it doesnt seem to be disabled just yet, my best friend just played a couple of match with my shared copy
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That is just and absolute nonsense, because when you play PUBG with family sharing you log in with the same account that the host user. You cannot create new one or something like that..
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PUBG: Playerunknown's Unshared Battlegrounds. Where in order to play it you must fork over the 30$.
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Well that's generally what you have to do to play a game that was made using money and resources. What's the issue?
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I have no issue, I was just saying that as a joke... but for me personally I don't know what the whole big deal with PUGB is... if I want a king of the hill battle royal thing I could just easily play the game mode on Arma 3.
Or the countless other games that have those type of modes... same thing with the whole DayZ craze... I wasn't that much of a fan of it on Arma 2, so why buy the standalone version?
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Bluehole is your friend, they're just trying to get rid of those annoying hackers.
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This would only be useful if it didn't already just ban the account outright when caught cheating.
Or if the cheat detection and banning system used was more robust.
Or if the hit detection for legit players AND the death-cam was actually good enough that we can tell the difference between a discreet hacker and just a normal player.
Not a good move, but sadly given they're popular they're not going to really be hurt by this.
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This is 100% for more profit, not for eliminating cheaters. Do they think that people are so dumb or what ? ... Developers these days have no shame.
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I wonder how many people use steam family share. I use it, but I feel like only a small fraction of people take advantage of it.
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That game has a massive audience and there a big problem with cheating just like in most Online pvp games. Their data obviously shows there's a big enough issue with family sharing being an issue to want to remove it. For some douchebag who is cheating and wants to continue to cheat this does seems like a way that would allow him to continually cheat. I'd be extremely selective on who people let use family sharing due to things just like this.
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i do not understand what is that and i do not care.
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So just a reminder to anyone who's playing the game shared.
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