I'm going to act like people don't get suspended for getting another game. I'm also going to act like people don't get suspended for making a giveaway mistake.
If they want to suspend me kick me off, etc. By all means, they can. I do my best. I could be like the guy below who is calling me out on "following the rules" and only give away 7 games a month. I gave away 200 in two weeks.
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I feel like I'm dealing with a bunch of zombies, only not zombies, but people who live in the steamgifts lollipop land.
You people have been outside in the last 10 years right?
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you don't get special treatment for giving away more than others, everyone is equal here.
also, the rules are extremely clear, the winner has to activate the game he won.
if you can't deliver the game in the giveaway, then you have to negotiate some kind of agreement with the winner, like deleting the giveaway or changing the game in it.
there's no other way to fix this mistake.
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now that's a bit of a dark side of yours isn't it? Maybe should listen to him because he is right you know. Rules are harsh sometimes ...
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No, he is literally right. If the person who won your GA marks it as received, but did not get the game to add to their account, they will receive a suspension.
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started demanding I give him the game I set in my giveaway.
He did seem like he was being polite when he said "Thanks, enjoy your not received" So thankful he was! Over entitled POS.
Sorry but this is how the site works. It doesn't matter how many extra things you offer the winner, if you can't deliver the game that the giveaway was for, you get a not received. If someone marks a giveaway as received when they don't have the game, they can be suspended or banned.
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You can have support change or delete the GA, but that requires permission from the winner(s). That person was totally within their rights as outlined by the site to say you needed to provide them with the game they won.
"Not receiveds" don't really do much besides deny you CV for that GA, so I wouldn't get too stressed out over it. Like you said, it was a mistake.
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what starts with a "B" and ends with a "T" ! Welcome!
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Sorry that it happened to you :( I had expirience where I've won one game and GA creator gave me different one I gladly proposed to GA creator about game change and marked as recieved when it has been done , after all I did get game for free .
But yeah some people are just ungrateful =/
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Yeah unfortunately they don't let you change games to make up for a duplicate code. Anybody who even accepted that deal could get slapped with a ban themselves for "not activating" a game, even if they were cool with the swap and marked it received.
Had this happen to one of my giveaways like a month ago, luckily replacing the keys from g2a were like ~15 bucks.
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He can't mark it as received, then he will have problems entering future GA's of other people since his account will be ear-marked as " not activated all GA". and SGtools will not pass him.
It's okay that you have no problems with this, however other people care a lot about this.
Still a mess up doesn't mean people ought to start acting rude.
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Pure insanity. And yeah. When you are sending that many giveaways, it is more likely to happen.
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The 2nd happened about an hour ago. XXX won a giveaway from me for "Story of the Survivor"
poor xxx didn't get his game, he hasn't registered in over 2 years ;_; http://www.steamgifts.com/user/xxx
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Sounds terrible...
when you want to gift your games to more greateful people, i suggest this thread to you -> http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/6gm0n/unlucky7-a-group-for-those-that-won-7-or-less-games
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When you create a giveaway for "Story of the Survivor", winner must receive "Story of the Survivor" in order to mark your giveaway as "Received". Any other private arrangement will result in a suspension either for you or the winner. If you're unable to provide the game the giveaway was for, ask the winner for his permission to delete the giveaway or face the "Not Received" feedback.
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134 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by shortyginger
So, in the two weeks I have registered on SteamGifts, I have managed to share 196 (as of right now) games with people for free. I have had a ton of great experiences on here, but two bad ones.
The first was a trade, with someone who thought they were getting one version of a game, but instead got the one they asked for. When they realized their mistake, they scolded me for asking for too much.
The 2nd happened about an hour ago. XXX won a giveaway from me for "Story of the Survivor" Apparently I had not updated my inventory and 5 of the 20 keys I gave away were duplicates. I offered each person to pick a new game from my list (of over 200) and this XXX(Ironically accurate Name) started demanding I give him the game I set in my giveaway. Unfortunately that just isn't possible. I don't have any more. He then proceeded to spam my steam chat.
He did seem like he was being polite when he said "Thanks, enjoy your not received" So thankful he was! Over entitled POS.
I don't mind taking ownership of mess ups. It happens, and I think I have been fairly generous so far. But when some d-wad like that starts demanding stuff with a 20/14 Win/give ratio, as if he slaved over a hot grill at mcdonalds trying to make ends meet to pay for this game he won, I have to change the way I give things away.
1) I promise not to mess up again.
2) all of my giveaways will be for lvl 4+
3) I don't care about the received key etc system, I'm giving away games. If I mess up, ill do my best to make it right, but if you give me an ounce of shit, you're blacklisted.
4) I don't really care about the goofy, bizarre and over-complicated giveaway system.
For those who I have had the pleasure giving games to, or trading with, thank you. It has been enjoyable.
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