Because of the subject, making fun of transgenders or something, some belgium datingsite is even saying it might get removed from steam.

Here i was expecting some multiplayer flying dating thing. :/

6 years ago*

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Is this parody of Hatoful Boyfriend?

6 years ago

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Well, we have ship, castle, tank and mushroom. I wouldn't be surprised by anything now.

6 years ago

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Da F is wrong with those people...

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Well, I'm surprised (that your tank link didn't lead to Panzermadels: Tank Dating Simulator).

6 years ago

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There are several tank-based anthropomorphism games. I just listed one of them

6 years ago

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It's just that they actually made Panzermadels also

6 years ago

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Well, it's a different developer for Attack Helicopter Dating Simulator. Panzermadels lists a matching developer and publisher name, while AHDS only shares a publisher.
When I made a thread for Panzermadels, that developer chimed in and seemed pretty respectable, but this definitely seems a whole lot more iffy a game for DEVGRU-P to associate themselves with, even if it is another developer handling the actual game creation.

The previews and description definitely seem a lot less interesting and a lot more cringey on AHDS than those for Panzermadels..

6 years ago*

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Ah, I actually missed that entirely, Thanks for the post. Never would've even thought to check after seeing the awesome EULA statement from DEVGU-P already and never knowing them to publish any others' works else before now.

I recently played through "Stay! Stay! Democratic People's Republic of Korea!" for the first time and found it delightful. It walked the line perfectly between ironic parody of visual novel date-games and the sincere experience of a visual novel date-game. The satire wasn't exactly subtle, but maybe that bluntness also translated to its effectiveness walking those lines. That said, they actually avoid exploring some of the more absurd NK facts--perhaps to avoid confusion confusion between commentary and gag stuff---while mostly referencing real incidents and sticking to the perspective of any outsider visiting NK, presented with a thinly veiled hyper-reality. Honestly though, I've been in love with the premise since hearing the title. The whole idea is such a perfect juxtaposition of the absurdity of VNs and their atmosphere/tropes with the real world's bleakness.

With SSDPRK, the fact there are all these people being offended it'd dare tackle such a serious issue with that sort of whimsy is sorta--not sure what to call it---a recursive loop problem. Those very aspects which make it offensive are what give the work its meaning in the first place. They're the most beautiful thing about it. I find myself looking back to the public's reaction to LIFE OF BRIAN, where so many family guy fans were upset that Brian the dog had died when really---haha okay, I can't keep that up. But talking about LIFE OF BRIAN for real: there's that Christian upheaval to something that's inherently a rich message that actually would kinda flow easily alongside their own beliefs, if able to set-aside the reflexive 'blashphomyt" long enough to listen. There's even kinda a microcosm of the whole thing in the JEHOVAH that I think about it.

Not to say any of this applies to Attack Helicopter, as far as I know. Since its a different developer after all, they don't have the same bridged credibility and reputation prior work establishes. I've not played the game, and can speak nothing of it.

6 years ago*

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mushroom dating sim

Hmm, yes. Now I have seen everything.

6 years ago

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Kantai Collection is a dating sim now?

6 years ago

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You can marry the ship girls (more than one if you buy the item with real money), so more or less, I guess?

6 years ago

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and mushroom

Technically I think those are kinoko-zoku, or mushroom people, much like Toad and his kin from Super Mario.
As such, that'd put them more in the realm of spirits or fey, than in the realm of animate fungi.
So, y'know, nothing weirder than you'd find in any fantasy or sci-fi setting with cross-species dating.
It's not like we're talking about some of the fan art that's been made for D&D's myceloids. :X

I, uh, can't really explain away the other games.. But seeing how many of the castle names used in Shiro Project are ones that I recognize, I'm apparently enough of a history geek that I need to at least give that game a try. :P

6 years ago*

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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That's clearly a deep, intricate exploration of the struggles of one young, hormone-overcome young man's trip through psychosis.
..or a fetish game targeted toward some of the most uncomfortable roommates possible for someone to have.
Even though the latter basis is more likely, I'll just keep telling myself that it's the first.

6 years ago

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My guess is it was created in response to this meme:

6 years ago

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Apparently games like Hatoful Boyfriend had some kind of content or plot twists that made them entertaining beyond just a novelty (I could never get past the concept so never tried it), and other series like the Kantai Collection are basically extensions of the 'monstergirl' genre, which is forgivable because they try to add characterisation and actually care for designing humanoid stuff and attempting some kind of plot, no matter how bizarre or contrived it might seem.

But this? I'm not expecting there to be any content worth playing for. I mean it's obviously a poke at the 'attack helicopter' trans meme, but when you look at the screenshots for the game, and one of them reads :
"Your political or sociological views will not be challenged in any way, regardless of how batshit crazy they may be"
...then I'm expecting nothing but unsubtle chan-grade jabs and the usual parroted one-liners/buzzwords. I mean there is plenty of humour you could try to go for, but given the entire thing is pretty much just a singular meme?

Even if it turns out to be exactly the kind of heaping trashfire I expect it to be, I'm sure they're expecting to cash in on that whole "punching myself in the dick to own the libs!" sentiment. I wonder if they're actually going to try charging for it?

6 years ago

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Panzermadels presented itself as a comedic punfest that didn't take itself seriously. Hatoful Boyfriend took a similar approach, blending playful absurdity and meaningful visual novel content. This game seems to take itself seriously in all the worst ways, and seems to be working exclusively with some pretty uncomfortable humor to boot. Going off AHDS's previews, and the differing developer but shared publisher, it kinda feels like the developer of Panzermadels gave in and agreed to publish their bigoted preteen sibling's fanfic spinoff of Panzermadels. :P

While there's a lot we're gauging just off surface appearance, that's not an especially unfair approach here- after all, just off the surface Panzermadels was fun to tease, with ridiculous puns and light-hearted flippancy from the start. This game, on the other hand, starts with a cringey concept and then carries that cringeyness throughout the rest of its presentation. It's like Panzermadels was a joke that was inviting you to take part in it, while AHDS is just a joke (in that 'is this even a real game' kind of way).

Of course, I haven't yet played Panzermadels, so no telling how much really is down to a difference in marketing between the two. Rather, the real issue is that you commit yourself to higher standards of presentation when you take on meaningful real world topics (such as naming your game after a phrase exclusively used for hatespeech purposes), and AHDS has completely dropped the ball in regards to presenting itself in a respectable manner (and the screenshot you referenced is one which really does seem to rather firmly emphasize an unfavorable intent.)

6 years ago*

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They are not even trying anymore

6 years ago

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They haven't been for some time.. I gotta wonder who buys these meme games, outside of bundles for +1

6 years ago

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Go for the AH-64D Apache Longbow\ AH-64D Saraf because both the USA and Israel have been using them very proficiently. ^^

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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There is a big dating simulator in japan about tanks and another with ships. So, I am not surprised with any thing anymore

6 years ago

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Wishlisted . Ty !

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I think that's a rather firm misunderstanding of Valve's current policy. Valve explicitly stated they'd allow anything, regardless of nature of content, onto Steam, unless it was 'trolling' Steam as a system. In other words, card-farming games and achievement farm games presumably would still be monitored (and something like "The Screw You Valve Game With Absolutely No Content!" certainly would be), but any game with actual content, regardless of how poorly developed it is or the nature of its content, will now be officially permitted.

In short, Valve stated "We're going to keep doing the exact same thing we've always done", but with the difference that they've now outright confirmed that they have no intention of filtering out hatespeech content, rather than their previous approach of pretending that such was prohibited but never actually acting on that fact.

In any case, this is a game that explicitly falls under the "permitted" category under Valve's current policy.

Frankly, however tasteless and untalented it may be, it seems to actually be a properly developed game, which puts it well ahead of most of the (much more firmly targeted) bigotry content that has been releasing on Steam for the past couple of years.

With that principle in mind, we've decided that the right approach is to allow everything onto the Steam Store, except for things that we decide are illegal, or straight up trolling.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Well, as I commented in another post in this thread, if you're taking on a weighty topic, then you need to be willing to approach it with more care than you would a less problematic one [though, of course, ideally every element of any game would be professionally and respectfully handled]. Instead, the description of the game seems haphazard and casual, and the previews make the game out to be crudely simplistic and deliberately offensive. So not only are they basically doing a game that may as well be named "Fuck Minorities", everything seems to be pointing to the game being deliberately offensive, while nothing is pointing to a carefully considered approach or even the most basic attempt at actual wit.

That said, offensive or not, it's really not necessarily any more crude in its approach than some of the other low-grade objectification-based visual novels on Steam. Its use of an offensive meme is certainly distastefully crude and unnecessary, and the phrase itself isn't in any way based in cleverness but, again, Steam has set the bar for game quality so low that even if they weren't a lazy, stupidly greedy, and hatespeech-friendly company, this'd game'd still be far back on the list of games for them to remove.

In any case, whatever the merits or lack of merits of the game, it is pretty clear that they're deliberately referring to the meme in question, and that they're handling it very poorly. The game may not be getting removed from Steam, but we can certainly make a point of responding to the developer and publisher in a manner appropriate to the game's content, up to boycotting (ie, ignore-listing) their content and expressing concerns toward the publisher (who was responsive the last time they had a game brought up on SG).
It won't necessarily trouble them enough to create any kind of change but, while the overall pro-bigotry support structure Valve is offering is itself an issue, any individual bit of problematic content is at this point best approached with an "out-of-sight, out-of-mind" approach [though considering just how appalling such content can become even without crossing the 'illegal' barrier, I'm wondering if we'll eventually see us hitting a line where Valve will be pressured into going back on their current open-door policy, or risk losing any remaining credibility in regards to being a professionally handled service].

In any case, you're right- it is a dumb, childish thing, much like poop, fart, and "your mom" jokes. Even putting aside the bigotry heavily implied by both the name and previews, it's a reminder that even beyond asset-flips, hatespeech platforms, VR trashware, and achievement farms, there's still plenty of crapware concepts to wade through on Steam.
(Though, in fairness, as none of us have yet actually played the game, there's still the low-chance possibility that only marketing and management and the previews are poorly handled, with the rest of the game's writing being a surprise of contrast. And at least Attack Helicopters are unlikely to be running around with improbably-sized chests wearing nothing but fetish gear, so that's a plus in comparison to certain other Steam games- though, to be frank, the absurd parody element of that approach might actually significantly improve the merits of this particular game.)

On the bright side, if Valve keeps pushing its recent anti-bundle measures to the point of warding them off entirely, then I'll finally have an excuse to go back to exclusively using GOG. :P

6 years ago*

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TF, now i seen it all .. maybe just not yet.. it surely will follow rollercoaster dating simulator...

6 years ago

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rollercoaster dating simulator

You had me kinda hoping that was an actual thing. The metaphorical potential there would be pretty excellent...then again, all it'll take is a single "tunnel of love" pun for me to have me considering taking a shower in bleach to wash away the cringe factor, so perhaps not having that is for the best.

How about a fruit-dating simulator? I mean, we all know that lemons are total tsunderes. :P

6 years ago

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Or Fresh Water dating simulator..

6 years ago

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Ugh, that one. So few routes, and none of them were any good.
I mean, first you've got the Filtered route, which is lacking in any real depth. Despite that, it still ends up being better than the Distilled route, which not only barely lets you get your feet wet, but is pretty tasteless to boot. Of course, either of those is better than the Chlorinated route which, frankly, is downright toxic.

And don't get me started on that yandere-themed Salt Water DLC.
By that point, they weren't even pretending to add in any fresh content.

6 years ago*

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LOL, nice one :D

6 years ago

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I don't see it being removed.

6 years ago

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that 3rd-party EULA . . .

6 years ago

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Haha, one of the best EULA's I've ever read.

6 years ago

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And here I was hoping for a giveaway to win that from the title :/

EDIT: Same publishers as Stay! Stay! Democratic People's Republic of Korea! and Panzergirls, so it's probably a legit parody game, not a cheap cashgrab.

6 years ago

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im surprised the whole herpderp novelty /joke hasnt grown old already

6 years ago

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All the blatant racism in this thread. And actual racism, there is just 1 human race to discriminate against but several animal races.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Also by playing this game you surrender your immortal soul to DEVGRU-P Corporation. Nobody has read this far, you people already surrendered your souls when you played Panzermadels so joke's on you. Yeah, that's right, go check sucker, your soul is mine. I've got 40,000 or more souls sitting in my pocket right now. Sadly they wouldn't let me pay my taxes this year in souls so I am currently accepting offers on all of the souls I currently own. If someone is interested in making a purchase please contact me here, we can work it out. If you can't offer cash, then I'd definitely take a gaming PC, 1080 graphics card minimum.

6 years ago

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"Additional Notes: There was enough computing power on the V2 rocket to run this game"

6 years ago

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How much are they charging for this anyway?

6 years ago

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