if possible drink a couple beers with him, discussions are only possible 2 ways, be calm, listen his stories, and talk, he has a vision of how he wish you became, please don't feed the anger on him, don't yell, if this doesn't work maybe your relation is higly toxic and you need move out. I could be 99℅ wrong, family Will always be first to me.
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If there's one thing that actually helped me in life it's that you don't choose the family you're born into. The concept of a family and the whole blood's thicker than water bullshit is meaningless. Get away from him as soon as you can and never deal with him ever again.
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I'm sorry I'm not sure what you mean when you say work at Summer.. what does that mean?
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So is your father mad cause you just go to school and not work? Most people I know that go to college have a full time job as well.
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If my son was a 26 year old grown man living at home with me, not working and playing games/watching movies all day I'd be pissed off too honestly.
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My top post said you can't use your computer? Where?
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That's not what I said.. not sure where you read that you can't touch your computer. You said you go to school and in your free time all you do is you sit home and watch movies and play games and your father is mad because of it.. obviously if that's all you do it sounds like he wants you to do something else other than be stuck behind a tv or monitor. At 26 years old working part time in the summer isn't much.. you're a grown man.
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I think you really shouldn't say things like that and I don't believe that he doesn't care if you kill yourself. Consider how you would feel if somebody you loved threatened suicide. You can either take it seriously, in which case you probably need to commit them to a mental hospital for professional care, or you can think (& hope) that they are not serious about it. If you don't think they are serious, you probably don't want to pretend that they are, for a couple of reasons. Somebody that threatens suicide is clearly trying to emotionally manipulate the other person, and they are "going all in" with an ultimatum. If you treat it seriously, it gives them emotional leverage and rewards this manipulative behaviour. It also legitimises the threat, and they will learn that it is a successful tactic they can go back to. If they think about it a lot, they might eventually come to start being serious about it. It also means that you would have to believe that somebody you love is so miserable that they don't want to live anymore, which is an extremely unpleasant idea to come to terms with. It does seem fairly petulant for someone in their mid-20's to talk about giving up on life because your dad argued with you about how you spend your spare time, so it's understandable that he might think that you were just saying it to try to upset him. Life's about compromises and relationships are about communication. If you guys always push each other's buttons and can't have a calm discussion, maybe talk to your mum about it. Ask her why it upsets your dad so much, and what you could do about it (like if there is a chore you could do) so that you can still relax by doing what you enjoy (but maybe not quite as much). If you are able to talk to him, I'd try to explain that you consider your role at the moment to be a good student, so that you can get a good job, and ask if he agrees. You can tell him that you studying is a full-time job that you take seriously, and you have the grades to show that you are working hard. You can tell him that it is stressful and that of all the ways you have tried to relax, you have found movies and games to be the most helpful at letting you switch off and forget about your stress. So, your recreation is part of being a good student - it recharges your energy so that you can be good again the next day, the same way that somebody that digs holes all day might get a massage and have a long sleep. It really depends on why he doesn't like it, which your mum might help find out, but I think if there's something that you can do like chop wood or clean up the garden, or whatever, he should appreciate the effort (especially with your mum's encouragement to notice that you are trying to make him happy) and may be more understanding.
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Well, my dad can get angry over small things like a couple of his tools is on his desk, or it's not tidy,I was angry easily too, a couple of years ago, (my ADHD made it easy to get me angry), he handled all the fights, and well, he always won.. x).
But as I said, I still love him. Hope it gets better for you, don't really know what more to say, I'm just a kiddo. :P
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I love my parents but I think that they are idiots.
You are 26 yo so do as I did - find a job and move out xD Seriously - In every house is one person that will set rules. If you are tired of it - just find your own place to live :)
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you need a both option. I think my relationship is even with both.
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no worries. just had to input the best way I could :p
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sometimes i hate my mom when she feed her anger to me
sometimes i hate my dad when he feel like smartest people in the world
but overall i love them most in time
I never have big fight with my dad, the biggest fight we did is "argue" but it always end early because i know i can't win and always so
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it's ok to hate your dad, but talking public about it and putting him into shame for such lame things makes you a really bad son...
it's not your parents job to make you love them, it's their job to make you strong and fit for the life outside of your parents house...
EDIT: if he gets too fast angry, tell him about anger managment or leave house...
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hmm well, then you have to wait till you move out after your exams, if i had read that correct...
or you could try to search a bit through the internet about how to calm down people with such anger problems... maybe you have to reduce your media stuff to get a better contact to your father...
sometimes we have to change ourself to get better connection to others... doesn't matter if it's fair or not... it's more about what you would do for it...
i can just hope for you to fix it... because loosing people in such a bad relationship can eat you up later...
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maybe you start thinking other way after living alone for a longer time without friends and family... people like me can tell ya alot, but sometimes people have to learn it on the hard way...
like i said, i can just hope that you can fix it... :)
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Neither but more with mom than dad who is a betraying violent leaving hurting fuckwit whom I actualy fought with this year during my brothers graduation, now I refuse to see or talk with him but mom? Meh, we don't get along that well at times but we live, we are a family.
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True, so we get along, we're not mean to each other most times, just maybe a bit tense sometimes rarely over stuff concerning me but not realy a too big deal, nothing too bad, maybe not at all, it's been mostly just trivial stuff and some occasional important stuff, eh, hard to explain.
But dad? He abused me and my mom and sister, when I was a kid and couldn't understand homework , he would force me to stay awake entire nights, hitting my head and making me cry, he wouldn't tolerate me even talking about games, finds it ashamefull and says it won't get me anywhere in life (it's true, I know) he is very rough, left my mother for a Russian whore and still lives with her, would occasionally take us out for movies and dinner and still pays alignments but he is still a piece of shit and it realy got worse , reading about your dad, he and my dad feels just so similar, I'm sorry you suffer from that foop but yeah, atleast your dad isn't mine, I for God hope that your grandparents aren't my grandparents, a horrible with and a litearl devil...I won't live better, it will only go worse from here but...thanks....
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The world would be a better place if my father was no longer living :)
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I don't know the story of Jon but from what I read before, your dad is not violent against you.
It looks like he think you should not only play games and watch tv but make more out of your free time and your life...
That means: he think you can do better but just don't know how to show/say it to you.
If he would be dead, I think you would be not be happy and your mum would prob. be very sad.
My "Dad" leaved my mum and my sister shortly before I was born. My first contact with him was when I was 12 and my mother needed some paper from him (he told me, it would be better for all when I would not be there and that he feel sorry because I was "made").
Later I needed some data from him for a student grant and it was "okay". I think today he feel more or less sad because of his words and his actions...
He was not a "good dad", he didn't even exists in my life.
But still I would not say that the world would be a better place without him and there are only a few people on earth where I would say this at all...
If you boths can't work things out get a job beside school and move out. Most of the time it will get better and it becomes easier to talk to each other and accept the other "way of life".
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Never once met my Dad so I'm closet to my Mum for sure.
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I think he just wishes you get your own life sooner & rid him of feeling constantly responsible for you. I think he might be burdened with this feeling. Also he is getting old & don't want to waste all the time left on patronizing you. Just try & move to some more independant living. Sometimes even the closest ppl get tired of each other, it's a usual thing.
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My Mom is really the only reason I'm still living. I want to die, but she wants me happy and actually works on helping me reach happiness because I don't think I really can.
My father and his side of the family made my life hell as a child. They had expectations for me to be a masculine good little christain boy and I failed that. They hit me and yellec at me for it, but eventually me and my grandparents were able to repair our relationship. They've accepted who I am and love me even if I'm not who they want.
My father never showed that he loved mein any capacity until about two years ago. He's changed for the better and tries now, but it's not enough. He can't take back what he's done, and his changed aren't good enough. He's still a manipulative person who fucks up my life and my mental health. I finally not mandated to see him by the courts so I'm ghosting that motherfucker because I need to get on with my life and I don't need his toxicity. As much as I've tried to avoid him though, he still influences me. It's near impossible to keep my relationship with my grandparents and not see him, and he's still the reason I'm not going to college.
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I live with my mom, not my father. My parents were divorced so I was in his custody vactions and weekends. Couldn't do shit about it 'cuase cps and ss here don't care about abuse unless it's sexual. I'm 18 now so I don't have to be in his custody anymore.
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