Today was my first break. I've had a lot of bad spills but I never figured I'd break my toe by stubbing it on the corner of the door haha. I did fall off a bike and fall on a piece of sheet metal when I was younger though. Cut right down to the bone. The chunk that was loose also got folded underneath the rest of my leg skin and they though they would have to perform plastic surgery.
I got lucky I guess haha. Still a nasty scar.
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My mom recently broke her toe. And in a similar way, too. She stubbed it on a step ladder that was sitting next to a hall door. x|
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Same here, huge amount of bruises and cuts but still no broken bone...for now.
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Never broken a bone but I have had a spear go through my left thigh
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The worst that's every happened to me is a sprained ankle. I'm extremely lucky when it comes to physical injuries. (Although my legs are scarred beyond belief. I hurt my knees and lower leg so much that the skin is permanently scarred. Of course, always picking off scabs never helped)
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Sounds a bit like me. I've never broken a bone, and only sprained an ankle once in my life (so far!). All the football/goalkeeping on those crappy astro pitches has ruined the skin on my legs, knees & elbows though as the sand just rips your skin off.
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Sorry to hear man. I wish you a speedy heal.
My worst..My hand. 4th and 5th metacarpal at a 45 degree angle. Required 3 pins.
Then I re-broke it a year later. 12 year old injury from when i used to box as a kid.
Arthritis and carpal tunnel FTW nowadays.. :/
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Broke both arms at the same time, in a car accident. Between that and what happened to my mouth in the accident, I was fed stuff like yoghurt and other liquid mush by my 3 year old sister, who thought it a great hoot.
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Yet to break any bones...I'm crediting it to drinking milk regularly though.
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Same, I get like 65% milk and then 45% cereal.
but you get me.
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Grew up on a farm. Drank milk all the time. Drink coffee which leaches calcium but I also take calcium and magnesium tablets. My post of what I've broken is below :(
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left arm, and left hand.
i wish you a quick recovery
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Broke my left big toe, twice. Had to have an austin bunyonectomy 2 years ago to get it straightened out, now it's uncomfortable to walk/run/jump and land on the foot, basically anything athletic I can't do anymore.
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Broke my clavicle when I was born... I mean, litterally, while taking me out of my mum...
And my radius on the wrist side a few years ago, 200 meters far from the end of the last slope, at the end of my 2nd snowboard day... :/ (the right arm of course, since I'm write handed, just before the exams weeks...)
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That sucks. :(
My worst break would probably be all of the fingers a week after I broke my thumb on my left hand. When I was about 18 I was getting out of the backseat of my sisters car and she slammed the door as hard as she could on my hand, breaking all four of my fingers in at least one place, the middle and ring finger in two places each.
I spent the entire summer unable to use my left hand at all and I'm left handed... >_<
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Ouch :( Don't even want to imagine how it felt :D
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Knew a guy in school who broke his arm or fingers at least once a year.
As for me, I broke my left thumb while playing volleyball. Went to a doctor only some days later when realised that a big blue thumb isn't a sign of a simple hit :D
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Not too bad, only broke a thumb and a wrist. Would say the wrist was worst. TL;DR version - my bro broke it when I was a kid.
Longer version - Had a bed where the mattress sits straight on top of metal lattice with springs attached to the frame when I was a kid. This kind of thing. There's quite a lot of give in them and when you put weight on them they can sink a bit. They also make good trampolines!
I happened to be underneath the bed with my elbows in a similar position to where they'd be at the bottom of a push-up when my bro jumped on it. He jumped right where my elbow was, the springs stretched, the base sank and all his weight effectively landed on my elbow. A pain shot down my arm and my wrist snapped.
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I've dislocated my left shoulder three times.
The first time was when I was taking MMA classes and I got flipped over and landed on my arm.
The second time was during gymnastics practice.
The third time was when I was lifting weights and my spotter wasn't paying attention/giving me a lift off when I was shoulder pressing and I dislocated it again.
To this day my shoulder has never been the same. :(
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I have bounced off of...
the ground after falling from various hights
other people
hard as rock snow bank that wasn't quite ice
Ice covered pavement and lakes
driven my mountain bike off a small bridge face hit rock, shoulder hit tree, somehow bike stayed attached to me and back tire was hitting my head...
And various other things.
I have only broken 1 bone. And that was my baby toe when I stubbed it walking from the front room to the kitchen. :/
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I guess we can use some poetic licenses here and there.
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I'm not sure, to be honest with you, I think I might have broken my big toe once, about 5 years ago, if not broken, it was definitely fractured. Whatever it was, I never bothered going to the doctor and just spent months in pain until it healed itself. It was also stepped on multiple times during those months in pain :(
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So today I broke my second smallest toe. Just wondering if you guys have broken any bones and if so what was the worst one.
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