Well, it's not really a cursed game story, but it scared the hell out of me.. :P
I was playing L4D a few years ago, just a couple of days after launch i think. We're about to finish a map, and I accidentally flash my light at the witch, she starts screaming, my mates panic and start screaming in their microphones, just as she is about to catch up to me the game freezes with her creepy face all over my screen for about 2 seconds... Then the power in the whole neighberhood goes out. And I am left alone in the dark at 2:am, with only my crappy cellphone screen for illumination..
The rest of the story as I recall it is equally terrifying, but has nothing more to do with games :P
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Omg lol. Especially the part when your mates started to scream in their microphones. I can just imagine that haha.
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The new Valve intro video for the first time I'd say would be 'creepy' but not really a game or a story. After seeing that bald black man in a still picture for years suddenly he turned his head for the first time? NOPE NOPE NOPE. Afterwards it becomes neat I'd say.
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YO I shit bricks when he turned his head. I was like. " HOLY SHIT!!! HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!!!!"
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I was creeped out by the guy with valve in his eye, the bald guy is not creepy at all (for me at least)
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Well since OP already covered whatever I can think of I'll just add that when I saw this thread I thought it would be a "what if" thread about what if you could play through creepypasta, the best one would be who was phone.
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Ever read the NES Godzilla pasta? It's a good read, but has an extremely cheesy ending. I suggest to stop reading somewhere in the end, and just pretend it has an open ending. http://nesgodzillacreepypasta.blog.com/
Oh, also, there was this guy on a different forum with a thread like this. He started an empty ARMA 2 map and just ran around pretending he was in a world hit by the apocalypse. It was all fun and great, until his character yelled ''UNKNOWN PERSON AT 200 METERS''. He closed the game :v
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i had just finished a "The Ring" + "Grudge" scary movie marathon and decided to relax. a mate suggested FEAR. after being scared shitless by girls crawling on all four, i went into a vent. the hud went AWOL. i braced for a scare, then it went away. i felt safe, i mean, what CAN happen in a vent, right? Alma then proceded to pop up crawling like that and my flashlight failed. i screamed. A LOT.
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FEAR always had me more than traditional survival-horror games because you can't shoot the scary stuff. To defeat these games, you simply have to become the predator, and they're your prey. In FEAR however, your bullets do nothing and you're left hoping they're not here for your soul.
What I did not like at all in FEAR however was the Gordon Freeman-like character (meaning he never says a word) when, dude, you're part of a military division dealing in supernatural stuff. When you're only supposed to grab a zombie and there's little girls appearing and ghosts or something moving around, it's time to alert HQ.
That, and it's like nobody in the game minds that there is in fact a psychotic little girl and a zombie chasing you. The very first civilian I met was told to "just stay there all by yourself while this highly trained but mute operative kills the bad guys. Like, there's nothing to be scared of". Also the low-res screamers in the first levels were just out of place.
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I'm forcing myself to play it simply to look at what the next two have to offer ;)
SEGA had a nice game made anyway, but it's true the mute character was a bad choice. See, normally characters are mute because the developers wanna make you feel like you truly are your character, you're not just controlling their brain. However as long as we have screens (I can see my external hard drive, my speakers and a bottle of [REDACTED] in my peripheral vision right now), the illusion will never be perfect and these characters end up as silly. I remember in FEAR when my character was blown out of a window by an explosion. He was later found by another operative who never bothered to ask what the hell just happened in that flaming room - not that she'd be able to get an answer anyway.
Hey, did I mention it's just too cliché that every mission begins with your squad of normal soldiers dying unexpectedly? First time: there's just litres and litres of blood on the ground when you come back. Second time: your helicopter is shot down and you're the only survivor. Wow. And somehow, while it would only take thirty minutes to fly some more troops, HQ wants you to finish the mission all by yourself.
Also, it might only be me, but I've got huge problems with the sound. When the technician talks to me in my earpiece, I can't hear anything. My gun on the other hand is three times as loud as the enemies' gun.
But, it is a fun game (although one could you're either shooting or getting scared, never both at the same time), and an original one at that, and I'm sure the sequels offer a much better experience.
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A real, true, glitchy story!
I was playing Bioshock the first back in 2007... to give you an idea, I was in an enormous basement (which in fact was at garden level - but it was getting dark!) and the lights were almost all off in that room; out of the 12 it had, 6 needed to be changed. Now, to give you an idea, enemies in this game all look like this
Anyway, here I was all alone in that room, playing Bioshock on the PS3. I was slowly making my way through ankle-deep water, awaiting the next gunfight, when I hear My Lady Clementine. Oh, nothing special here, it came straight from the game and I'm sure it was scripted that way.
You remember those cartoons like Tom&Jerry where a male character puts on some stockings, lets the leg through the door, and the "bad guy" chasing him is wooed over?
Well, I heard an Adam-filled woman screaming from behind my character right after the music started playing. I turned around, ready to shoot, when what I saw made me skip a beat. Literally.
Only her leg was showing through the door, like she was about to come through in revealing clothes and murmur "hello there, handsome". Or at least that's what my mind thought in a micro-second.
I don't remember what happened next. It involved emptying my magazine all around myself, somehow.
If you thought that was the scary part of my post, it's not. No, what's scary is that if you liked this story you can always hire me for your translating needs. Just head on over to my Steam profile (I've got a website too!)!
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Do you remember that creepy piano from Super Mario 64? I almost got heart attack when i played it for first time!
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I've been looking at "scary" movies for a long time, and the most recent i've seen that actually scared me was Insidious, The Rite was.....bland (good cast though).
As for games....i still remember the first time i played the Amnesia series and the Penumbra games, aswell as that fucking scary mansion back in Vampire bloodlines, though i have to say.....Maniac Mansion gets the award, what a classic.
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No creepypasta here, but I'll try to give you some nightmares through different means.
For movies, try Noroi (the curse), [REC] and Lake Mungo. All 3 are scary, all in 3 different ways, go figure. Noroi is the most effective though.
For games:
The Blair Witch Project I.: Rustin Parr - God, this almost gave me a heart attack. There's a scene at the beginning which will definitely take you off guard. Don't play the other 2 Blair Witch games though, they are terribad.
Fiend (free game by Frictional Games) - Once again, it's Frictional Games. The graphics are dumb and I honestly couldn't take them seriously. The plot is like a heavy variant of the first Penumbra's (well, the begnning is at least...), but it's alright. Still, the first scary moment made me want to scream like a little girl and run the fuck away from my computer.
And if you want some scary "glitch" or something, may your eyes rest upon Heretic 2. It's an early 3D action-adventure, with Quake 2 graphics (looks much better though), and it's my childhood favourite. There is one scene however, when you approach a tomb and it opens up as you arrive there. It's not an intentional scare, but it happens so effectively, that even on my 10th walkthough it still made me jump. It happens without any indication, and the sound it makes is generally like twice as loud as anything in the game. I honestly start to believe that it's an intentional and cruel joke.
But oh, for reading you might want to check out these 3 articles on Cracked:
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SO i decided this thread for anyone who like this is style of telling horror stories.
So i want to ask all of you what's your favourite cursed game story?
What game you want to get an story next?
What was the most scary Creepypasta Game(like SCP-087-B or Pokemon Silver) that you've ever played?
Let me Start:
1-)My favourite of all times sure is Haunted Majora's Mask.
2-)I don't like to sugest what game would be next,i just want to read a good story(there is no good stories like the first ones now).
3-)SCP-087-B is the winner.
And about you guys?Do you like this style of story/game?
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