i know game stealth Sekiro shadows die twice and tenchu but not know if good for you (>''<)
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if you play sekiro is ok not need tenchu because sekiro is the last tenchu for modern pc (tenchu was for first playstation\xbox etc. very old graphic,animation,gameplay) , only they change the name from tenchu to sekiro but the game it's the same (but sekiro better in all things)
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I would say Bioshock 1 and 2 was like that for me :P
Alpha Protocol is also like that.
Sniper Elite 1, 2, 3, 4 - you have to do an objective after objective but nothing is stopping you from snipping/backstabbing/mine/granadetrap everyone like I did :)
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Does not perfectly fit, but I feel recommending it nonetheless:
Mark of the ninja
oh, it's 2D, don't know if this is a problem..
Edit: it's been a while since i played it, so I'm not sure about the remain unseen part. I think they can spot you but more enemies arrives and you have run, cause hiding in a close place usually do not work.. at least, that's how I remember
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Last two Splinter Cells (Conviction, Blacklist) should be okay and of course Deux Ex games. If you aren't alergic to retro you can play the first one (it's fantastic), but you can also start with Human Revolution and later Mankind Divided.
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You can also check out Metal Gear Solid V. I believe it puts emphasis on stealth, but still allows different playstyles.
/edit: oh and one more game to check out: Alpha Protocol.
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I was going to recommend the Batman Arkham series but I see that you've already played them. I've only played one Splinter Cell game but I clearly remember that I purposefully took out every enemy whenever I could and the game never complained about it.
Definitely don't go into Mark of the Ninja expecting to kill all enemies, the game is constructed around the idea of not being seen, even a dog can take you down and the game rewards you for not killing enemies whenever possible.
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It was also my favorite, but I've seen it dismissed for not being made by Rocksteady quite a few times.
To be fair the jankyness of the game can be a problem, those collision bugs can range from minor annoyances to straight up breaking the game sometimes, a friend of mine that loved the series gave up with the game after getting stuck in the geometry with no way of escaping.
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Those are the ones I have. Splinter Cell Conviction and Blacklist are what you're looking for, also Sniper Elite franchise.
Edit: Forgot to add Hotline Miami 1 and 2.
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Thank you for suggesting these, Aragami, Seven and Crookz look nice, even though they are not exactly what I'm looking for. I added them to my watchlist, might play at some point.
I'm very sure I played a flash game some 10 years ago that was the exact same idea as Crookz, so that one might bring back some memories
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I have no idea how people did not yet mention FarCry 3-5.
I play that game exactly how you described above. You can choose between remote/silent kill, artistic-technical-stealth kill from close distance or pulling heavy gun/flamethrower in the enemy's face.
I play it for the stealth part. The AI is as dump as you hope. And i ALWAYS kill every enemy if that doesn't break the story.
It's also very great looking game and in 4 and 5 you can so easily hate the enemy bosses. Great atmosphere too.
Hope it helps, take care!
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thank you for suggesting it, and I would LOVE to play the FarCry games. It is likely exactly what I'm looking for, a perfect match. However, it has a big problem for me: snakes. I have not bought the newer Assassin's Creed games for this reason as well, I own every other game in the franchise and would love to give both AC and FC my money. But a single animated snake is too much for me, so neither of these are getting my money.
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What you describe is how I played Dishonored. I know you're supposed to be stealthy, but there is no punishment for not being stealthy.
Styx games also allow the same.
I tend to play stealth games the same way you do. That being said, I also really liked Mark of the Ninja, though it doesn't exactly fit.
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Curious about why you found Dishonored to be a bad match for you within that type of gameplay. Maybe because it doesn't have third-person view?
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The thing is, I can't really put my finger on why I did not enjoy Dishonored. I love these weird cyberpunk worlds, and I liked the characters as well. But something just did not click and I have no idea what it was. But I might give it a second shot at some point, the story was very interesting, as were the "superpowers" and what not.
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I think you would like Horizon zero dawn and middle earth: shadow of war.
They're probably the closest games to what you are describing.
If ghost of tsushima ever comes to pc, you should get that one too.
I would also suggest to look into metal gear solid V: the phantom pain and watch dogs 2.
I'm not sure if you would like those since they are a bit more stealth focused but it's worth a try.
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Thanks for all the suggestions!
I own Middle Earth, but have not played yet, same for Watch Dogs 2 (I did not like the first game very much, so I will see if this one is any better)
MGS V looks nice, added to wishlist. Horizon zero dawn as well. I will watch out for Ghost of Tsushima, I might even get one of the consoles at some point, so it does not even need to come to PC for me, I might just get a console anyway one day.
All your suggestions seem to have hit the target, thanks a bunch
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I would say Deus Ex as that has options to go in stealthy.
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I played Cyberpunk 2077 a bit (a bad RPG but a good futuristic GTA in my humble opinion), you may enjoy playing it stealthly as I did.Hide somewhere, hack cameras, hack bad guys brains to death one by one, while they search for you in vain :)
I'm also doing the same with Watchdogs : Legion and it works well: hack cameras, activate traps (exploding devices), then send your arachnobot to stealthly eliminate the remaining dudes one by one. If they see your bot, they will try to destroy it, but if they succeed you will be able to spawn another one after a short time (around one minute).
And I don't remember any snake in these games :)
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I've heard to that style referred to as 'predator' stealth, since the goal is to pick off enemies one by one and slowly press your advantage on weak points in the enemy formation
Some games that usually get defined in the genre or have it as an option:
Haven't played a good chunk of these so can't be sure about all your requirements, but this should give you a good jumping point
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thanks for helping me find a name for it! now it's a lot easier to define what I want, predator stealth sound badass
Chronicles of Riddick looks great, but delisted from Steam? I will look for it elsewhere
I have Styx on watchlist and I own Middle Earth, hope there are on snakes/worms/insects in it, I absolutely hate all 3
Dark Messiah reminded me of Enclave, I might actually get this one even if not for the stealth
I was told MGS has snakes (uh, the animals I mean, I knew the guy was Snake), so a no-no
I'll see if I can run Crysis, a lot of jokes suggest it can only be run on NASA level computers
Shadwen looks great, I will probably get that one
thanks for all the suggestions!
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Thief: Deadly Shadows
Edit: I should have said all Thief games, but I played Deadly Shadows 1st then the newer ones.
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Hmm, I'm not sure if it fits or not, but Saboteur comes to mind? It is solid, with a great soundtrack, but don't get the ubisoft or origin version. The ubisoft or origin version crashed constantly for me. The GOG version was stable. (The reason i am unsure if it fits your criteria is that mostly the enemies ignore you if you get outside of the red circle.)
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actually the tomb raider reboot series also has similar elements, at least some levels play like this.
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I have Mafia series on my wishlist but I never knew it had this kind of predator stealth, really good to know .. any idea if 1&2 also have this kind of stealth ?
you probably will enjoy Splinter Cell Conviction (my #1 favorite game of all time, "Deniable Ops - Hunter mode" is so addictive for me) and Splinter Cell Blacklist too
These all more of notes than recommendations:
Ubisoft despite the lack of creativity, their games have enjoyable stealth gameplay:
-SC Conviction has excellent map designs: holster your weapons and take everyone hand to hand bad ass takedowns, SC Blacklist follows the same formula to a great degree
Assassin's Creed you have already experienced them, also open world mostly outdoors because the focus is melee weapons the stealth mainly is close-quarter takedowns
Watch Dogs series (Legion just had a free weekend I had a blast in it) open world maps but the stealth encounters mostly happen inside buildings or narrow areas that encourage close-quarter takedowns and the hacks are VERY useful to distract or lure the enemies.
All those are 3rd person view and cover system
Outside of Ubi:
-Dishonored series is a 1st person view which makes it not top of the list personally, but Deus ex (Human Revolution & Mankind Divided I never played the older games) -though it is also in 1st person view- when you take a cover or make a close-quarter takedown it switches to 3rd person view and for that I find Deus Ex more enjoyably than Dishonored
Both series can be done in ghost stealth or predator stealth and you can be detected and have to do loud fights or lose the scent and go back to stealth but their stories have consequences for being bloody or not.
Also more importantly the goal for both series is not to take everyone out, it is an option.
Batman Arkham you already know
Styx .. well I played both games on hardest difficulty, so detection is not an option on that difficulty .. a guard will grab you and kill you like you are a small light sack of potatoes
Also the ghost stealth (iirc) is more rewarding (especially if you want to max your gear) but then you can replay it in predator stealth.
Shadow/War of Mordor are Batman ArkhamXAssassin's Creed good predator stealth but combat is also essential.
Shadwen can be done in either ghost stealth or predator stealth (and it has a time rewind mechanism) .. however detection is not an option you will have to rewind
Mark of the ninja and Aragami are more into ghost stealth than predator stealth (more rewarding)
I read Max Payne 3 somewhere, that series is 3rd person shooter no freaking stealth there.
MGSV you can be detected most of the time and you can predator stealth too but ghost stealth is more rewarding, this has the flavor of legacy splinter cell games
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If you have a fear of snakes you can stay away from MGSV and this is not a joke because the main character is called snake
I don't want to spoil the story or anything but there are snakes in that game.
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Mafia II does not have this predator stealth aspect, there is only one mission where it's used and there are only 3 enemies to take out, the rest of the game is purely shooter (with a nice story). Mafia 1 depends on if you mean remaster or not - I own the original (a gem, best game ever, should have won all the awards, spoiled all other games for me, nothing ever came close, a national treasure) and the original has ZERO stealth (but it's the best game ever, soooo...). I was recommended to check Mafia - remaster so I guess that does have predator stealth? probably?
I will buy the Splinter cell games you suggested, many people say they have what I'm looking for
Ghost Recon looks good, Watch dogs I own 1+2, but I did not like 1, so I will see how 2 goes
Deus ex also looks good
Middle earth games look interesting, but I saw a sand worm or something in the trailer, soooo.... will have to check how bad that is (I loved Mass Effect, but they really could have just NOT added the Thresher Maws or whatever the name was, completely unnecessary)
Shadwen looks great! thanks for that
Thanks for saying the MGSV is not an option, I check it out and yeah... Black Mamba? Rattlesnake? no thanks, out of my wishlist you go
thanks for all your suggestions, most of them look like I would enjoy them
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Well, when it comes to stealth every single game from Splinter Cell series (btw even older ones still look nice, they aged really well).
Metal Gear Solid also when it comes to stealth, though if you are not into ghost army and snakes or find it scary then its not for you.
Assassins Creed games up to Syndicate, but since last three are mainly RPG, they dont rely that much on stealth, you can do a lot of missions using stealth, but yeah I have read that snakes might be an issue so Origins and Odyssey are a no go either way, Valhalla doesnt have snakes, at least I havent encountered any so far in 20+ hours played.
As for Action-Adventure type of games like Mafia 3 kill everyone either by stealth or be stealthy up to some point, I could recommend few games, Mafia: Definitive Edition, pretty much like Mafia 3, but with way way more better story and characters, Ghost Recon games (you can do almost anything using stealth and kill everyone in the process if you wish to), Rise of the Tomb Raider and Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Cyberpunk 2077, also Thief series (there is a lot of stealth, and actually a lot of fun).
Honorable mentions:
I would highly recommend Red Dead Redemption 2 (Its just a perfect game honestly, in every way, though there are snakes in it, BUT its a really rare occasion to spot one, and even if you are near one, chances are you arent gonna actually see it, it will only spook your horse and disappear.)
Far Cry games (but there are snakes in them, and they attack you, so I guess its a huge no)
Dishonored series
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a HUGE thank you for pointing out Metal Gear Solid has snakes in it, now removed from my wishlist sigh
I will check out Valhalla, maybe I will be in luck and no snakes there
Mafia is on my wishlist, but I'm kind afraid to play it because the original from like 2004 (?) is a national treasure (go Czechia!), and I worry I will hate it. But I won't lie, I'm itching to play it, but the original writer from 2004 said that they messed up the story (like they misunderstood the message of the original game) - I'll give it a shot sometime.
Ghost Recon looks good, thank you for suggesting it - and it's sold at Indiegala (a.k.a. my go-to store), so a huge plus.
RDR2 is on my wishlist, but now I'm gonna check how bad the snakes are, maybe I could handle that
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Well TBH, Mafia 1 Original is one of my favorite games ever, BUT Mafia 1 Remake has expanded the story, only thing that is changed are some dialogs, but the story is much more expanded and detailed and well told once again. Don't believe Daniel Vavra, he is known to be egoistical and salty overall, especially when it comes to Mafia franchise and 2k Games.
Especially what I like in Remake, is how they have portrayed Tommy, he is much more likeable this time, and much more respectable, in original Tommy was pretty much a follower, but in Remake, Tommy is more of a leader. Sam got painted in his true colors, and Paulie too.
Only thing I at the same time like, and dont like, is Paulie's voice actor, he got the high pitched Joe Pesci type of voice, and its cool, but he really stands out too much from other characters, who are pretty much deeper with Italian accents.
But overall game is great, coming from someone who played the original more times than I can remember and loved it.
Also one more game series came to my mind, Call of Juarez, there is a lot of stealth you can do in that game, and kill everyone in the process lol, and are pretty fun games too, especially the first one, 2nd one is OK, 3rd is OK-ish, and Gunslinger is meh.
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I mean I want to play the remake, but tbh what you're describing is exactly what Dan said and is what I'm afrain of - the characters are different. I liked Tommy so much, I hope they have not butchered him. And Paulie got the same voice actor in my language (Czech), since Petr Rychlý is reprising his role. It's pretty much the original voice cast for us, just sadly Salieri's voice actor has died some years back.
The problem for us in Czechia/Slovakia is that they translated the original game into English, some of the important stuff got lost in translation (maybe that's why Tommy came off much different in English dub?), and now they presumably based the remake off of the transaltion and then we translated it back into Czech. I will only judge it once I play it, I heard good things about it from some players. I watched an English dub walkthrough of the original on YT and I must say that I'm glad I speak Czech, as the game was not half as interesting in English in my opinion, and the characters came off kinda flat. I will definitely get the remake some day, but I will wait for a big discount as I just don't think I will like it enough to justify a full price.
And I just got Call of Juarez today (the first game), so if I like it, I will get the rest of the series. Thanks for the suggestion!
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Every single UbiSoft fuckaroundery sandbox ever made since Far Cry 3 (so Far Cry, Watch_Dogs, everything with Tom Clancy in the name, especially the Ghost Recon series, except Wildlands which is total garbage and will never be more than total garbage), and all Assassin Creed main series games from AC2. Mafia 3 was barely more than a barely reskinned AC Unity in the first place…
If you mean the stealth aspect, then also Splinter Cell games, most Hitman games, Dishonored games, Deus Ex games, and all Thief games except Thief 4 (which does not exist anyway, so no reason to look for it).
If you like Deus Ex and Dishonored, you can also try immersive sims like the System Shock series, the 2016 Prey, and maybe even the first BioShock (which was System Shock 2: Toddler who Read One Sci-Fi Encyclopedia Edition).
You can also dabble the thought of playing ALpha Protocol, assuming you are okay using a controller since the keyboard controls make it almost literally unfinishable. Also, it is an RPG, strictly speaking.
If you enjoyed Mafia 3, you can also try one of the originators of its formula, The Saboteur. Its story is pure rubbish (then again, that also goes for most any UbiSoft sandbox too), but it can be fun to play, assuming you get used to its movie filter system.
If you do not mind going top-down isometric, then the old Commandos games (Comm2 was recently remastered, although it is… not exactly as good as the original), Desperados 1 and Desperados III (you may wonder why this game series has only two games and no 2 in the middle… the answer is: do not try to find out the answer and just accept the existence of these two), and Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood.
Also, Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun, although right now it is more of a "Desperados III: Japan Edition" with worse controls, worse characters, and a much better plot (also, play it with Japanese dub, unless you are American and used to the terrible dubbing the US can do to anything Japanese…yes, despite the game being made and recorded in Europe).
I would discourage going Metal Gear. For one, Kojima. The man cannot shut the fuck up, yet also cannot write a plot that makes sense even in-universe. That is the smaller aspect, since Kojima's writing style can be tolerated, especially with the Skip Cutscene option (that, incidentally, also reduces the playtime by around 96%).
The bigger is that the games reward you not for knocking out everyone and stashing them neatly but running past every guard without being detected, ever. If you want MGS, then try pure stealth games first, like the Styx games on PC, so you can get used to the mindset.
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thank you, will check out the Ghost recon series, Far Cry has snakes so a no-no for me, same for the last 2-3 AC games.
also the Saboteur looks good, might get that one
I own all the original Commandos games, but never played them.... thanks to you, I might just give them a shot!
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I don't know if it's what you look for, or you can find it anymore, but damn, I finished the game I'm talking about almost fully stealth few times, and other few times full Geronimo mode. It's an oldie, but goldie for me : Turok (2008).
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Hi, I'm looking for games that play the same way in terms of "stealth" as Mafia 3. The following is what I want:
-take out absolutely everybody - if the point is to only take out the target and spare everbody else, while waiting in hiding till enemeis pass you by is not intereting to me (e.i. Hitman series for this reason are a no-go for me, I want to take them all one by one)
-stealth performance not to be judged too often or too harshly - I started to clear this warehouse stealthily, but got spotted halfway through? no problem, the outcome is the same = get rid of everyone
-abosolutely bad AI - oh, somebody whistled over there better check it out OR oh, I saw somebody over there but now they hid in a bush, better check the bush out
I am not looking for stuff like Hitman for above mentioned reason - I want to take everybody out, and if a gunfight is started it does not matter.
I played the recent Assassin's creed games the same way, and enjoyed it. Hide in a bush for the patrol, take one guy out while hidden, then use the hidden blade on the other guy. Or use the throwing blades or whatever. Just take everybody out, but some "pointeless" stealth to be included
Games that I played that have what I'm looking for - Mafia 3, Assassin's Creed Black Flag (and probably the ones set in France and London, I have those), the whole Batman series (the parts where you attack from the vantage points and vents and stuff)
Does anybody know of any other games that include "stealth" but the point is NOT to remain unseen but to take everybody out one-by-one until nobody remains? Or at least where this is allowed witout any penalty (e.i. not the goal like in Mafia 3, but if I choose to do it, no big)
Gmaes that I played that were a bad match for me/not what I'm looking for: Splinter cell early games (up until Double agent, that's the last one I played), Dishonored, Hitman games (I played all except Blood Money)
Thanks in advance to anybody who can recommend me something where I can just take out everybody and have a mad look in my eyes as the numbers of enemies diminishes, where I can wait just around the corner and then grab the silly guy coming my way just as he rounds the corner and falls into my trap
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