Do you like mmorpgs with death penalties?
Archeage or Elders Scroll Online D:
I would sugest Guild Wars 2, but you need the exp (purchase) to experience a decent game D:
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Not exactly, you can play normally withouth paying, but of course, the in-game store have a lot of "speed ups" for the players who like the easy way D:
Also, the patron system give you access to offline stamina recovery and claim buildings, but the good thing is that the patrons can sell those buildings to non-patrons players, i have a nice little house i purchased to a patron D:
Also, a plus to the game is the sandbox style and the scale of the things you can do D:
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Exactly D:
The game is good, but not enough D: The funny thing is that the proper asian Archeage is so much better than this one D:
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Too much Hype, and Steam start with ArcheAge too but after that dunno why ArcheAge was removed from Steam o.O now enter TERA in 3 days and that for sure gonna be amazing for EnMasse 'cuz more ratkids go join to the game.
Well... Now we will wait for Skyforge and Black Desert.
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Really, the only MMO I enjoyed was The Secret World. Once purchased, you are free to play it as much as you want. You can pay for a subscription, which allows discounts on items sold in the cash shop (expansions, cosmetics, etc) but it isn't required to play.
It also has a 72 hour trial available, if you bug someone who owns the game for a trial code. Just can't post it here, if the trial user buys the game, it gives credit to the original user, so would be breaking rules.
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I enjoyed dungeons and dragons online briefly. Many areas are locked to free players, but there ia still plenty of... decent story. I thaught the DM voice overs were well done. Also it was set I in Eberon, a steampunkesc d&d setting that I enjoyed learning about when I played it.
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Path of Exile too should probably be labelled MMOARPG (MMO Action Role Playing Game) because the Role part is pretty much reduced to leveling up and (eventually) meeting people for gear. Still +1 great game, real F2P, unforgiving (especially lv.90+).
Extremely suggested to Diablo II fans.
EDIT: Path of Exile hardcore leagues are one of the very best experiences I've ever had with aRPGs yet.
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Yep, GW is very good in a lot of things D: Too bad the new one falls so short, a pity... D:
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Yep, most of them come from a better game xD
I laugh every time i remember how i was tricked to pre-purchase the game with all those promises and tales about GW2 D:
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Yeah, GW2 up until this point ws pretty much a trial-and-error kinda game for the devs (mostly error imho, and I've never played GW1) but the coming expansion will MAYBE make it better. Don't buy it instantly but look out for it, that's what I'll do.
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Agreed. For me, I once in a while log in, go leveling, which is fun, but when I hit lvl 80 the game ends there for me. There's really nothing I see that this whole thing would build up to since I don't do pvp.
With Heart of Thorns they'll go more for the "journey" aspect, being strolling around the world doing things to be the main aspect of the game. I think this is a good idea since the content we were given every once in a few weeks was ridiculous(ly short).
to be perfectly honest, I play it for more than 2 years now, and always had that "something's missing" feeling, which I couldn't quite put my finger on.
So yeah, I have my doubts about it, but they get a chance from to get things right, we'll see.
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Heart of Thorns have a lot of potential, but at the same time you remember the things they do in the base game and you have doubts about their capacity... Most hardcore GW fans will only purchase it for the guild house, something that really teared apart the community during those first months after the launch D:
A game that is suposed to be heavily guild based and there is no Guild HQ to hang out, even the Guild skills where absurd, why research for a guild vault if you doesnt have a guild base to put that vault? D: Darn, i hate those guys.
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I still play RuneScape, but it's not what it used to be. The game is much easier now and death isn't penalized very heavily anymore.
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I haven't played a MMO since the heyday of Everquest, but I've always thought Path of Exile, The Secret World, and both Guild Wars games sounded very promising. There's no chance I'd do a subscription model game, but I'd consider one that's a good Free-to-Play or Buy-to-Play model.
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Do you know any good server with med-high player ? I try few but they were pretty empty and i couldnt find any good player who wants to teach something to newbie.
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It would help if you explained more about what you enjoy about MMOs and what you'd like to do in one. We can all recommend our favourites, but the more detail you provide about what you want the more informative responses you can expect.
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The only MMO-RPG that I played and actually stuck with for awhile was Rohan:Blood Feud. I played it for maybe 5 years. But it eventually got fucked up when it got bought over and turned into a pay to win game.
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What do you mean by death penalty? execution? deleting char forever?
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Rift is a great WoW clone. Tera isn't that bad. GW2 and ESO are B2P and ESO after like update 3 or 4 made the game decent, but with the crime system update it feels like a ES game. Worth the money and super cheap on G2A.
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ESO isn't as shitty as people say. I really don't understand why people shit on it so much even till today. No MMO has come out perfect and ESO is no exception. You can get it for under $15 and it's buy to play. Pay once and that's it. It's a fantastic deal with all the updates that it received.
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pls no MMOs are heavily casual play for me. I can't really suggest any that have a death penalty and I honestly haven't played any in a while. Maplestory un-shitified- verison would be my version. I think you can still find some classic private servers but it seems to be a registration process for private servers. Usually you need to 'know' someone or you wait a while.
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I've played a handful. Out of the ones I've played, there are two that I would recommend:
Guild Wars 2: It does not "eat" time like most other MMORPGs. The core gameplay is somewhat close to WoW (same basic structure), but it's a bit more active. Also, the game lacks the "Holy trinity" (tank/healer/damage dealer), so finding parties is far less of a hassle, as any class combination will work. That's not to say that you don't work together, because you do, it's just that you have more party buffs and such.
The Secret World: Not a fantasy game, but it has the best quest design I've ever seen in an MMO. In fact, the major quests (there are quite a few of those) are better than those in most single player CRPGs.
Both of these lack monthly fees (you just need to buy the game and then you can play it until the servers shut down), but they don't punish you all that much for dying. Are you looking for a game where you lose a large chunk of EXP and/or your gear if you die? If so, I guess something like Lineage 2, EverQuest or Ultima Online would work better for you.
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Currently, me and a friend are looking for some decent MMORPGs. I know World of Warcraft is a good one, but I don't want a subscription based one. We are hoping for a more fantasy one, but without subscription based ones we are a bit limited. As well, I would like to know if there are still any good modern ones with death penalties. Anyway, I know you guys will come through with good responses in the end like you always do, so thanks in advance!
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