It's been 12 years since I came to this site. I haven't been giving away as many games lately since I'm spending all day working on games now, but I figured since I am running late on my cakeday preparations, I'll make a placeholder topic for now. One giveaway is up and I will add some more over the coming week.

Also, yes/no to a jigidi for a portion of the cakeday train? Or would you prefer a different brainteaser? Dare I offer both to quench all kinds of puzzle fiends?

Active Giveaways
Game Name Hint/Link
1 Skyrim Breathedge Reverse the abbreviation for the website we're on. Only one character is big enough for its britches, though.
2 DOOM 64 Follow train
3 Return to Castle Wolfenstein Follow train
4 Creepy Tale 3: Ingrid Penance Follow train
5 RAGE Follow train (caboose of this original train, but small mini train for a jigidi tomorrow)

63 piece Jigidi train starts here!


  1. Valfaris
  2. A Tale of Paper: Refolded
  3. The Ascent
1 month ago*

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Favorite kind of cake?

View Results
Peanut Butter
Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Ice cream cake
Cookier Cake
Other (Share in comments)
Potato (I just like the spud)

Happy cake-factory day!

1 month ago

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I am a sucker for Cheesecake

1 month ago

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Happy day of the 12 years old cake! You might want to think twice before eating it tho, I think it classifies as a type of man-made stone at this point.

BTW I fully support the jigidi idea, I've gotten a bit addicted to jigsaws recently and have dumped 40 hours into PPU since I started playing it about two months ago.

1 month ago

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Happy cakeday ObsidianSpire.:)

1 month ago

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happy cakeday!

1 month ago

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Happy cakeday :)

1 month ago

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Happy Cakeday!

1 month ago

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Happy Cakeday! :)

1 month ago

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Happy cakeday! I love Rice cakes or Flan cakes. Maybe not known in your neck of the woods? :)
I love a Jigidi, doesn't even have to have a prize at the end ^^

View attached image.
1 month ago

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Your image doesn't load.

I've heard of Flan before. Rice cakes in the US are typically a snack more than a dessert. Quaker is the only brand I've seen in stores for rice cakes.

1 month ago

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Sorry about that. Let's try that again then.

It seems that it's something totally different then. I guess you could call it a flan but with rice? I don't know, I'm no expert. :)
We call it rijstvlaai.

View attached image.
1 month ago

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Rice pudding tart, perhaps.

1 month ago

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That sounds good actually. πŸ˜‹

1 month ago

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Seems it translates to rice custard tart, similar to yamaraus suggestion. Interesting how rice is used all over the world. Rice flour, noodles, sake, etc.

1 month ago

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That makes sense, and also sounds much better.
Yep, the same goes for potatoes and wheat, I guess? Amazing how people can be inventive. At some point someone actually tried something out of the box and it became a great dish/drink... ^^

1 month ago

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Actually my favourite cake is Karpatka... It's not exactly birthday cake, but I think it's amazing, and everyone should try it :))

1 month ago

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That looks pretty cool. Do you have any tips if I want to make it? I doubt there are any Polish bakeries near me.

1 month ago

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I won't lie, this is probably one of the hardest cakes I ever made πŸ˜… Making choux pastry could be pain in the ass, but it could be even more complicated with the cream... Because probably every karpatka I ate, had a cream that was made with kind of a pudding mix, and I have no idea how popular those type of stuff are in other countries. If you manage to get it, you mix it with a bunch of butter, milk and sugar. There is probably a way to do it with a proper ingridients, but I have no idea how to make it that way 🀠

1 month ago

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Happy Cakeday! πŸ₯°πŸŽ‚

1 month ago

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Happy cakeday :)

1 month ago

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Congratulations to you on your cake day and hope you have a good one! πŸ‘ I never say no to a nice jigidi, preferably one which isn't super big which makes it hell to solve on my phone for me 😁. And as for cake, well I won't be participating in the recent spate of cake themed polls asking users to cruelly elevate one delicious morsel of cakey goodness over another, I'm a pan-cakeist, all forms of cake are welcome with me 😁, cheers again and thanks for the giveaway!

1 month ago

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Happy Cakeday!

1 month ago

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Happy Cake Day! Also, a good carrot cake is absolutely the best :)

1 month ago

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The fact that cheesecake isn't an option is atrocious!
For me it's Cheesecake (bonus if has strawberries)
No Bake Biscuit Cake with Vanilla Pudding
and then Alfajores (Which aren't a cake but they're so freaking good!)

1 month ago

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Also thanks for the giveaway!

1 month ago

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Updated main post with 3 more giveaways. To get to them just follow the yellow brick road train. I will do a few more every couple days till I reach my stopping point.

1 month ago

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I don't know maybe it's the medication I'm taking these days but I can't even access the first GA, I've been trying since yesterday but I still haven't succeeded πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

My brain is not braining, thanks anyway man πŸŽ‚πŸ’™

1 month ago

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Try it from a different browser or make sure the capitalization you want is the one you’re actually going to. Chrome and other browsers can auto-correct to older attempts and make you think you got it wrong when you have the right combo.

1 month ago

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I'm even more confuse πŸ˜‚
In order not to be confused by anys browsers, I wrote everything on one file and tried all 5 possible options with only one letter capitalized... I feel so dumb πŸ˜–πŸ˜ž

1 month ago

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Happy Cake Day! :-)

1 month ago

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I must be a bot 'cause I can't solve it lmao. So yeah, I'd rather have a simple jigidi over more brainteasers :P
I went with other on the poll, 'cause I don't really like cake all that much? And what is a potato cake? The closest I could think of is a potato pancake, but that's not really a cake. Or is it? dang, maybe I have to go up and change my answer...
And of course a very happy cakeday to you! It's still so nice to see people running with this decade mark :)

1 month ago

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Abbreviate the website we're on and reverse the order. Only one of the letters is capitalized. Additional hint: Don't forget to remove the extraneous part of the link..

Potato cake was just for the meme.

1 month ago

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yeah, that's exactly what I did. multiple times. hence why I say I must be a bot (:
nevermind. I've no idea what I was doing wrong but now it clicked! bump for solved I guess :)

1 month ago*

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Happy Cakeday

1 month ago

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happy cakeday!

1 month ago

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Happy day of cake!

1 month ago

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Happy Cake day! :)

1 month ago

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Happy cakeday!

1 month ago

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Happy cakeday bump!

1 month ago

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Happy Cakeday! :D

1 month ago

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cheese cakeeeeee

1 month ago

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Closed 1 month ago by ObsidianSpire.