for the ppl that complained and switched sides to later switch sides again because xbox one got new changes YOUR A FRICKEN SELL OUT ! STRIGHT UP ! REAL TALK !!!

the video is here peep it !!


11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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Grow up ffs.

11 years ago

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i am grown !

11 years ago

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Then wtf is that op about?

11 years ago

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for the people that were raging bashing boycotting xbox one. to then probably switch sides after a few little touch ups by ms called a "mask" sigh. but as well it is only my opinion ppl can take it or leave it.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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Withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest. that is boycott by definition !

11 years ago

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Yes, and the XBox boycott was because people disagreed with what they were doing and wanted them to change. XBox then changed, so there was no reason for a boycott anymore. That was literally the entire point of the boycott. Why would you keep boycotting them if they stopped doing what the boycotters didn't like?

11 years ago

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true, but i said for the ppl that "were" i don't mean as they are doing it now. lol

11 years ago

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They're not doing it now because they stopped the boycott. What makes them sellouts or bandwagon jumpers for doing exactly what they said they would do?

11 years ago

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you missed the point. the people who were but aren't anymore were boycotting because of their drm and internet requirements. those requirements are now dropped, boycotters won, boycott is over. lol
boycott =/= an eternal ban on purchasing. generally its an attempt to force a change.

personally I'm holding out for the right to disable that eternally vigilant electronic eye...always watching...always listening, but thats just me.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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Yeah, as others have said, when Microsoft changes many of the negative sides about the console, you have a legitimate reason to go and buy one. If MS had instead said something like, "Everyone who buys an XBox One will get free $100 in games," then they would be a "sell-out."

11 years ago

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couldnt care less, i have a pc...

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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lol thanks.

11 years ago

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Some people will go with xbox no matter what. They would have bought it even with the stupid DRM and always online crap. The reason a lot of people stick to it is because there friends play on it. They all play certain games together. Even if they changed there policies on DRM and online access, they still have inferior Hardware, and a bigger price tag. PS4 is superior in everyway, if people don't see that they dont deserve to play on a Ps4.

11 years ago

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ps4 is superior, but like i said in my video as well, that shout out to the "hardcore" "fans" that stuck it out threw thick and thin. i even gave them prop's because that is what a true fan is. no someone that hops on different bandwagons.

11 years ago

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never understood that "true fan" corporate/brand loyalty thing. if the company isn't loyal to me why should I be to them? if prices or products change I migrate to what caters to me best regardless of the logo. anything else is irrational and sheepish. (its like the people who vote politics by team and choose idiots because they wear the right color tie, and then support them to their dieing breath whatever they do(or who pick fights because their buddy likes the wrong soccer team)) its stupid to identify yourself so much by random artificial factions for no reason.

11 years ago

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you consider it "corporate loyalty" but "loyalty" it's self is way more then just a word to toss out there. if you're honestly loyal you do not be disloyal. loyalty is in your blood. or maybe i was just raised different but the fact of the matter is it's called "principals". which happened to Microsoft because of their greedy actions.

11 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. you were bred for the purpose of buying sony, and therefore it is phony to not continue to blindly hate xbox after they caved to consumer demands and you should not buy the now acceptable product out of spite(they're the wrong team afterall)?

But you'd be happy if people who liked xbox decided to buy it anyway back when microsoft was actively screwing them(before and during the boycott) because they were being honest and true to their "fandom"? thats crazy. humans are loyal because the object of their loyalty is worthy, only dogs are loyal for no reason even if they get kicked for it.

11 years ago

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LMAO NO! but i was bred to be loyal, to families people in general my job. ect ? u get what i'm saying?

11 years ago

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ah, so the problem was that I used the wrong word, lol. that makes more sense.

in that case change every instance of loyal in my above posts to something closer to "fanatic" or "team" or something.

11 years ago

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lol its alright we all make mistakes it's the internet.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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nice flips you keep doing. if you're trying to get me mad or something it won't work.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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k hopefully i can be good entertainment for u, for more laughs.

11 years ago

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Sony fan for life~

you're really embarrassing your fanbase... good job

11 years ago

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explain ?

11 years ago

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No need.

11 years ago

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nice call.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Also, congratulations on making 99.97% of internet users look like comparative intellectual titans.

11 years ago

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Whoa whoa whoa, i mean y'all don't see the point here, the PS4 has 8GEEBEE GEEDEEDR5 RAM man, it's light years away. THATS FACTS RIGHT THERE. You can't argue my ability to compare shit, dawg.

11 years ago

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A company listened to their customer feedback! Those bastards!

11 years ago

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Exactly how you treat SG members, shame on you!

11 years ago

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They are bastards along with EA

11 years ago

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they couldn't keep their word after e3 because they would have gotten dominated and maybe even bankrupt i understand it was a business decision by any means. but my rant was mostly to the bandwagon jumpers !

11 years ago

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Bankrupting Microsoft? lol

11 years ago

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Yeah of course, they're a poor lil' company, you didn't know that?

11 years ago

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People just have to remember how Microsoft conducts itself. It took a stand to protect developers work from being pirated. EA is doing the same thing to fight piracy, but at the same time they're going so far that they're wanting to take things away from the everyday gamer, and people who just play single player content offline. They are a business, and every business is about making money. Piracy cuts into that bottomline. The players force them to such extremes by supporting Piracy. I don't agree with how EA or Microsoft attempts to treat there customers, but I can certainly understand where they are coming from.

"Bandwagon jumpers" that's pretty funny

11 years ago

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Hardly. A company listened to their customer feedback only after they tried to push a product customer feedback could have told them would not work.

11 years ago

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I have one thing to say. This guy is smart.

11 years ago

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thank you.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Wii U FTW.

11 years ago

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So hang on, you're complaining that they fixed something which everyone asked them to fix? That's hardly fair...

11 years ago

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it's a so so, reasons were they could not stick to their word. but my rant goes more onto the bandwagon hoppers.

11 years ago

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Well when they were being threatened with such utter failure they would have to do something, they're a company, they're there to earn money.

As for the so called "bandwagon hoppers", I wouldn't say there's anything wrong with it either. They changed to PS because xbox made mistakes, those mistakes were fixed, what's wrong with them therefore changing back? The problems have been fixed, so there's no reason not to. However yes, I do agree that the PS still has several advantages over the xbox, particularly the price tag, but I guess if you were an xbox fan before, then brand loyalty applies.

11 years ago

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It's not something they had to "Fix" they attempted to change the way everyone conducts business with games this generation. The response was overwhelmingly against it so they caved, and changed how they will conduct business. Customers won this time because they spoke with their wallets. BRAVO PEOPLE BRAVO!!!

If more people spoke with their wallet corporate share owned companies like EA/Microsoft will change to sell their product. They will always push to change it to how they want it run though ALWAYS.

11 years ago

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It's problems they needed to fix in order to actually sell the product, and not lose huge amounts of money over it.

11 years ago

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Are you some sort of parody OP?

11 years ago

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How is SPENDING MONEY make you a sellout? Do you even know what a sellout is, or do you think it is just a fancy word you can use to express your pointless point? People wanted an xbox, but not its DRM policies. Now the DRM policies are gone, why wouldn't they buy an xbox one?

11 years ago

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as i stated in the topic, as well in others post such as the same of your's my rant is mostly towards the bandwagon jumpers.

11 years ago

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inferior hardware to name one reason.

11 years ago

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Yes, it is inferior compared to the PS4, and it still costs $100 more. I personally do not desire to purchase the game console, but people who wants its exclusives do. Inferior hardware is not a reason to not buy a console if you really want one. If it was, Nintendo wouldn't of won the console wars last time.

11 years ago

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nice perspective on things. +

11 years ago

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Capslock-only title and your/you're mixing up.
2/10 would not bang.

11 years ago

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+1 for making me lol

11 years ago

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thanks for the chuckle +

11 years ago

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+1 lol'd

11 years ago

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I don't trust them anyway, Windows 8 was a failure (and in my opinion still is), Xbox One presentations so far we're terrible (i mean they showcased the games on friggin PC's with Windows 7 for crying out loud) and Spyware 2.0 i mean Kinect 2.0, no thx i will stick to the PC, but if i ever think about buying a Console, it will be either PS4 or Wii-U

11 years ago

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LMAO that was funny specially when they had the error at e3 while someone was playing a demo and it crashed into a windows 7 WHY Didn't THEY USE WINDOWS 8 MS DOESN'T TRUST THEIR OWN PRODUCTS LMAOO !

11 years ago

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windows 8 sucks. for that matter anything after xp and word 2003 suck, thats when they started adding those terrible ribbon things instead of a toolbar.

11 years ago

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Most corporations upgrade their employees' computers fairly infrequently (i.e. every couple of years). Even though Microsoft owns Windows and thus can do OS upgrades at much lower expense, it still takes time and energy to do an upgrade, so it is perfectly understandable that the PR department would still be on Windows 7 instead of Windows 8.

11 years ago

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It's still a hundred dollars too expensive for what it is. Too little too late, if I'm getting a console it's going to be the wii U, because it's the only console that offers game I can't possibly have on PC.

11 years ago

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All three consoles have exclusive titles.

11 years ago

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PS4 and Xbone don't really offer much in terms of interesting exclusivity, so far. It's pretty much generic shooter #602, now only for the xbox one/ps4.

11 years ago

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"destiny" is going to be hot keep your eye's on that "prize"

11 years ago

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dead rising 3. need i say more

11 years ago

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I never went to the PlayStation side, so how i am a sell out? I am planing to buy one on release.

11 years ago

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in my video i gave props to those that stuck with xbox before the changes were made (when drm and online required was in effect)

11 years ago

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Changing your opinion on something does not make you a sellout or a hypocrite. If you complained about Microsoft policies which Microsoft then reversed, then the most logical step is for you to change your opinion.

11 years ago

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not if, you posted several videos of smack talking and saying how your going to ps4. sony all the way and what not. that would make that person a "hypocrite"

11 years ago

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Yeah, but if all your smack talk was based on policies that don't exist anymore, then you'd still be true to your ideals. The people smack-talking the Xbone were saying "I won't buy a console that requires a almost-always-on Internet connection or that won't let me lend games to my friends. The Xbone is a console just like that, so I won't buy it." Now that the Xbone does neither of those things, they have no reason to hate it. Those people will still refuse to buy any console that requires an almost-always-on connection or restricts game lending, so they aren't hypocrites.

11 years ago

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you make good points. but the only reason it was changed was due to "us" the "consumers" which wouldn't of happened unless the rage begun. also if ps4 pre order's didn't go threw the roof. But Now MS want's to pull a "band-aid" out in order to gain back some ppl and start making some sale's who's to say they don't switch the drm feature on after one year into it's release. + plus kinnect still is a requirement i for one do not want no spy cam watching me all the damn time.

11 years ago

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The cam DOESN'T watches you all time, when you are not playing, unplug it. Why people are paranoiac?

11 years ago

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True, Microsoft could pull a reversal in a year and require the internet connection again and restrict game lending. But even if they did that (which I highly doubt given that it would be PR suicide), they wouldn't be able to apply the new rules retroactively; they legally couldn't force anyone who bought games or consoles before the policy change to agree to the new policies (and if they tried to force people, I can guarantee you that a class-action lawsuit would be filed).

And yeah, the Kinect concerns are still as active as ever, and I'm sure plenty of people will still opposed to the Xbone based on those. I think Microsoft has stated that it would be possible to disable all Kinect functionality in the options, plus you can just hide it in a drawer, so I'm personally not too worried about that, but I understand why other people would be. (Also, only the microphone will be active while the console is off, not the camera. plus, it will only be able to listen for the words "xbox on"; even if Microsoft wanted to abuse the microphone and record audio 24/7, it wouldn't be technologically possible because the hard drive and internet connection will both be powered off when the console is off, so there would be no way that it could store or upload recorded audio.)

But yeah I totally agree with you that there are still good reasons to be opposed to the Xbone even after this announcement. I was just saying that the people who do change their minds aren't necessarily hypocrites.

11 years ago

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i understand good paragraph great use of words. + 2 for you oxguy3

11 years ago

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Like how the PlayStation 3 removed Other OS? We all saw how well that class action lawsuit ended. Nobody got nothing. And guess what? You still lost Other OS.

Face it, if MS changes it 2 months down the road 6 months down the road there isn't a fucking thing anyone can do about it, because you've already bought their console.

11 years ago

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Too many people don't know what "sell out" means. sigh

11 years ago

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selling out is when you no longer do what you what to do! but your doing it for the money instead which is what Microsoft JUST DID

11 years ago

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But you are claiming that people who now buy an xbox are sell outs....that makes no sense.

11 years ago

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in the video i said they are sell outs, u buy from a sell out u are a sell out. u trash talk something and do it after because of a band-aid your a hypocrite it's not to hard to understand.

11 years ago

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LOOL i hate fanboys talk,
peace out

11 years ago

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Wait...what......Discriminize the weak?

What are you on?

11 years ago

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i laughed so hard once i re-watched the video again to myself and i realized i said that.
i was in the moment and that word sorta just came out.

11 years ago

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Actually i just randomly picked a phrase from your video.

11 years ago

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Microsoft is listening to their customers. People talk, Microsoft listen and take the good way to solve the problem. The kinect doesn't watches you, it just wait for you to say "Xbox On", NOTHING ELSE. Do you unplug your kinect when you are not using or your just not using it because you fear that you might be recorded? Are you paranoiac?

11 years ago

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Somehow I don't trust microsoft with that kind of power.

11 years ago

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i don't own a kinect. + keep telling yourself that they won't watch u. or send your data to 3rd parties, LMAO why don't u think its a requirement! + that cam has so much advance technology. but hey it's only listening to "xbox on" LMAO

11 years ago

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With some knowledge, you can know, when you are doing nothing did your internet usage has a increase or not? My kinect is always plug and my internet usage has never increase, compared to before. I have one word for you : paranoiac.

11 years ago

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big brother watches us.

11 years ago

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you are paranoiac, look by your windows, I am watching you...

11 years ago

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It doesn't do that for the Xbox 360 so if you have a Xbox One somehow that comment is irreverent.

11 years ago

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And even if Microsoft wanted to abuse the microphone and record audio 24/7, it wouldn't be technologically possible because the hard drive and internet connection will both be powered off when the console is off, so there would be no way that it could store or upload recorded audio.

11 years ago

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Finaly someone with a brain in here!

11 years ago

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you never know the say the xbox one goes into a sleep mode and the internet is still connected ?

11 years ago

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If it was true you will notice the unusual increase in your internet usage.

11 years ago

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If they do that, then the Xbone will have to continue to be active on your home LAN even when it's off. A very basic scan of one's home LAN while the Xbone is off would reveal this if such were the case. So if Microsoft does try to do that, people will be very quick to notice it.

11 years ago

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It doesn't power off, and it's not just the microphone it's video as well.

11 years ago

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  1. name your source for the video being on while the console is off

  2. yes it will still be powered on, but as I explained, it won't be able to record anything because the hard drive won't be on (so it can't save recorded data) and the internet connection won't be on (so it can't upload the data). The only place it could record Kinect data to while the console is offline is the RAM, and the RAM gets wiped when the system turns on.

11 years ago

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Any company has to listen to its consumers when 90% are saying they wont buy the next product from them.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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My a sell out? What?

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by CloudKnight.