Do you use Idle Master?
Archi's Steam Farm. Once you go ASF, you never go back.
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Archi's Steam Farm
It is made by our future overlord, and it uses a few niftier programming tricks. It also acts as a controllable bot if you have multiple accounts, and is 100% safe to not trigger an accidental VAC ban.
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Idle Master uses an old method of playing a dummy game and faking its appID to make it look like as if you are playing something else. If this session connects to a VAC secured server because it is idling a game that uses it, the server can detect the idling, which is actually breaking the Steam ToS and can result in a VAC ban.
Or something like that. Archi once did some explanation of it, but this is the jist of it, IIRC.
Bottom line: accept our future overlord and just use ASF. Looks a little intimidating, but it is super easy to use and light on system resources.
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It is better because it simulates the Steam Client as well as the game. This means that you can farm multiple accounts at the same time.
It is not depended on the client you are running on your pc. For instance, I can play CS:GO and farm my other accounts at the same time.
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ASF does not need launching Steam APP. And it is effective in running all your accounts together at same time. It also auto sends farmed cards to main with only steam confirmation on email needed manually. Now ASF also farms multigames together like Idlemaster did thus taking the lead overall.
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I still use it, even though its developer stopped making updates for it. But it's still running well, so no reason to search for another farming program yet. :D It's a very nice program. ^_^
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Good to know I'm not out of the loop! Actually I had a quick question regarding it... My setting says that it is idling games with more than 2 hours individually. Does that mean it wont idle games I don't have any time on? Like if I just never played the game before?
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Better check the option "Idle games simultaneously up to 2 hours, then individually". All games need to be played for at least 2 hours before they start dropping cards, that's why you should better choose the option I told you. I never used the option you're talking about, but it says that it idles all the games that have at least 2 hours of play-time and then it idles the others games simultaneously (probably for up to 2 hours).
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I told ya, kyro90. :/ It will idle all the game with less than 2 hours simultaneously and then, it will idle the games with above 2 hours individually. Just let it farm automatically. :/
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No, but avoid using it when you play in vac-protected servers.
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Just don't use it when playing multiplayer games then. xD
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I can't explain it to you, so just don't use it when you're playing any multiplayer game.
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Yeah, you can. If you have any doubts, then just stop using it while playing and then start using it again when you stopped playing. But if the game is offline, no need to worry anyway.
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Ok thanks. Btw by offline I meant I'm still signed in to my steam account, I'm just not connecting the game to the internet in that I am not going against another player online, I'm just playing the campaign or something like that. That's alright?
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I know, why do we need to say the same thing over and over again? xD About what guygardner007 said, there were people in the past that were saying that they have been VAC-banned because of this program, but maybe that's untrue, so you can't really know.
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No one has been banned so far for using ASF or IM. However it is better you don't play multiplayer when using. Most Valve games are VAC protected so yeah.
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I use it, it's not without it's faults but it works for me.
Looked at ASF a few months ago, the alternative that Aseed mentioned, but didn't really like what I saw. The lack of user interface, having to read a fair bit to work out how to set it up and editing text files put me off and I couldn't bothered. Signing in to IM and letting it do it's thing seemed a lot easier so I stuck with it.
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Things might have changed since I've tried ASF - here's the thread on that by the way but when I tried it, yes, that was my experience.
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Actually. it has a user interface for the settings.
The thing without an interface is the actual bot which you open once and you leave it.
All you have to do is open the settings app, fill in your username and password using the user interface and launch the app. Really easy.
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The owner had stopped further support for this gadget ever since the release of the new Steam Market Policy, saying that his Windows Phone can't be used as the phone authenticator (no Steam app available for WP). So many users have shifted to other alternative.
For me, this gadget quit working every hour or two, so I am currently finding other alternatives as well.
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I still use both according to my needs - if I'm going to be doing stuff other than gaming, ASF. But if I want to idle while I play, IdleMaster (yes, I know drop rate is slower with multiple games open - my chronic laziness means that I don't really care about that).
This alone is what's preventing me from making a full migration to ASF, even though ASF is superior in almost everything else, including idling multis simultaneously as well :)
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I only discovered Idle Master a few months ago. It's perfect, in my opinion. Super simple to use, does exactly what you need it to.
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Only ASF atm, but I've used Idlemaster for a long time. But then it constantly "froze" between game switches and so on, so that's why I stopped using it.
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IM used to detach from game being farmed and conk off in between randomly which doesn't happen in ASF.
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One huge advantage of ASF for me is that it doesn't require the Steam client installed. So I installled it on two computers and whichever I'm using idles.
Maybe one day it'll be able to automatically put cards for sale on the market at a pre-defined value (using data from previously sold cards Steam gives us). Doing it manually is very tedious.
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I'm thinking of buying Pi 3, but have trouble selecting a power supply. Do you have any tips? The original one is 5.1 V, 2.5 A, but the best I can find here is 2 A, do you think it will be OK, or should I order the original from UK? Sorry for bothering you with this, the web is full of different opinions, but there's almost nothing for the Pi 3.
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does that mean you download the games to idle them? i just start ASF and let it run until the next windows update. and it does everything automatically, without unnecessary downloads. :)
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