Hello Community,

I am currently looking for an Action Cam, which is in the price range up to 70€/90$/60GBP.
I like to have a small camera with me, on my travels, which I can unpack quickly and film briefly.
It doesn't have to record sound or support 4k. I'm fine with 1080p at 60FPS.
So if any of you can recommend me and have some experience with it, I would be happy if you share it with us.
Maybe it's not just gonna help me find a camera.

I've already tested:
H9 Ultra HD 4K Action Camera - EU PLUG BLACK (GearBest)
Eken H9R
APEMAN Action Kamera 4K

Thank you in advance.

7 years ago*

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I'm interested in the results of this question, as well.

7 years ago

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Me too

7 years ago

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i hope so too ,:).

7 years ago

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Some GoPro? I can't help you with Cameras sorry :(

7 years ago

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GoPros are well out of this price range, unless you can find a deal on something used.

7 years ago

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i dont need one for pro, like i wrote.

7 years ago

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It's not for pros, it's name is GoPro, the brand

7 years ago

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pro = profesional
that was what i meant ,:)

7 years ago

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You're welcome

Besides not sure if chinese copycats are good equipments

Edit: found a Xiaomi 'Yi' EUR 54,99 on Amazon,

7 years ago*

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sorta thank you ,:)

7 years ago

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I have this one, it's ok for me but you might not agree I dunno

it's good that it comes with 2 batteries, full waterproof plastic case and bunch of different mounts for everything from helmet or bike rod to your belt.

7 years ago*

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what are the weaks and pros of this one, what is your opinion ?

7 years ago

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PLUS it's cheap, but decent quality for the price. has lots of different mounts included. waterproof case. spare battery. basic 4K support if you need it. 1080p in both 60 and 30 fps. 90fps for 720p which is great for recording tricks and stunts. lens wide enough. has wifi/usb.

MINUS I dunno, didn't have any issues so far. doesn't have built in memory but uses 64gb sd cards (c10). Is that a negative for you?

I'd recommend checking reviews on youtube and amazon, reading about specs... That's what I did and I'm not sorry for getting this one. That said, I had a tiny budget.

7 years ago

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no that is not a negativ, i have a lot of unused sd card.

but thank you for your feedback :D

7 years ago

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I was lucky enough to get a Yi4k courtesy of a giveaway by the makers of Liquivid software. While thats specific model may be above your stated needs, its certainly a strong brand for features vs price compared to others and seems to be a tough sod as well (having done gig photography for some time, that tends to be something I notice), so... maybe one of their lower models may suit?
Battery life has been good enough that while in storage (or "lost" as i thought) for 3 months, the battery still had an 80% charge! O____o

Additionally (as ill be using it in a music video shoot soon) i have found there are a lot of budget accessories available that have positive reviews.

Generic sales page: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/3050005
Actual website: https://www.yitechnology.com/

EDIT: However, for your needs (unless you're really needing to helmet / chest mount etc), any samsung compact with a schneider lens should do nicely also.

7 years ago*

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i will look into it, thank you :)

7 years ago

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do you have any exsample pics or videos?

7 years ago

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everything ive done with it myself is part of one contract or another, so nothing i can share really, but theres plenty of reviews / review footage on youtube

7 years ago

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thats ok, but still thank you :D

7 years ago

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