Yes - in fact, even if you would pay BELOW the average (without getting World of Goo) and they would add extra games - you would receive them as well anyway (no matter what the average price would be at that moment). At least, that is the way it was before all the time.
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Although this FAQ listing applies specifically to HIB#4, it probably won't be any different for the current Bundle.
[edit]'s the one for the Android bundle...
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Not only that, but if you have the page open when the average is a set price, then it goes up and you click the buy link, you will still beat the average by only paying over what it was at that time. I went to the site during HIB4 when it was around $4.50, then didn't get my order in until later in the day when it had risen to over $5. I decided to do a little experiment (read: chance it) and bought it for $5 and it still counted.
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not paying 1 cent
You are an idiot if you think its worth paying an extra 4.99 just for another game that you'll probably never play.
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Considering that pretty much every game that makes it into a bundle retails for at least $5, you'd be a fool not to pay that much for all of them, especially considering that some of the best ones are often bonuses (see also: Cave Story+).
Edit: Not to mention that if everyone only paid a penny like some people they wouldn't be able to keep bringing out more bundles. Also, don't forget charity.
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Cave story + was already a free game with subpar content added onto it, the idea that I would pay more than the bare minimum to get it would be silly and uncouth.
Really, you're missing out on a couple of games but you ended up getting a good amount of games anyways, so the cost/reward is much, much greater than paying one dollar to have it on steam and 5 to have world of goo, which you could get for a cent in another humble bundle.
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So what you're really saying is that you don't like World of Goo? That's fine and all, but it doesn't generalize well. Bundles typically let you get a bunch of great games (my opinion--if you don't like the games, then why pay even one cent for them? Just say you don't like bundles and be done with it) for $5 or less, when you'd normally pay at least that much for each one. If getting in on a deal like that is something you consider idiotic, then I believe we're at an impasse.
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World of Goo was already in a prior HIB, though, so there's no reason to pay 5 dollars now when you could have gotten it for 1 cent before.
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I don't know if I'd pay the extra JUST for that game, either, even if I didn't already have it, but I like to pay over regardless to support the bundles and charity, even if there weren't bonuses or if I already had them or wasn't interested. Mainly I was saying that your statement doesn't necessarily generalize well to ALL bundles or ALL the games in them. I'm talking more about bundles in general, while you're referring mainly to a specific game in a specific bundle. That's all.
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You are an idiot if you think everyone is a cheapass like yourself.
Even if Edge was the only game I wanted, it's $8 on steam. Figure I waited til a 50% off sale, that's $4. And with some of the money going to EFF and Child's Play, both great places to donate to, I have no problem with the extra $1.
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Its for charity, I for one always pay at least 5 dollars or more, these games are worth much more then the asking price.
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I don't get why people get so upset about these. It's for charity, which is awesome, but its also beneficial to us giving us great indie games that we may have never even considered buying (or maybe we did) for lower prices than they usually are. If someone wants to abuse an awesome system like that and only pay a penny, let them. There are (hopefully) many more people out there who at least chip in the average.
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Yeah, the abuse sucks, but I personally really like what they have done to mitigate the abuse and feel it's fair to everyone. They could have changed the model, or set a hard minimum (something like $1/game included), but instead they truly found a 'fix'.
Giving bonus' to people who pay more than average doesn't hurt anyone, but rewards those who paid a fair price. And putting a minimum of $1 to get the Steam key solves the issue of having to distribute keys to all the abusers, again without punishing those who paid what they thought was a realistic fair price.
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I don't understand the hostility against 1 dollar buyers. If a person will never purchase a product and is tempted by a dollar offering it's a win win situation. Instead of 0 dollars they will get a dollar from that person. If let's say theoretically 10,000-30,000 people are like that it would be like saying "Fuck those 30,000 dollars". Yes, minus taxes for transfer and other such stuff but still they will make a profit instead of nothing.
So on the one hand they are cheapskates, on the other them being cheapskates they still contributed a dollar for something that has 0 manufacturing costs (lets not get technical about the electricity, food, workhours etc), what I mean by 0 costs is the raw material is nonexistant, it's digital. So a dollar earned is a very good deal. If I made a game and 30,000 people offered to buy my product for 1 dollar I would certainly be tempted but it would depend how well it sold before. If it's a new game sure!
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There's nothing cheapskate about it. HIB made the rules. No one's breaking them.
The original writers of the constitution didn't say "oh crap guys...we messed up, let's just rewrite the whole thing so people can't take advantage of our system." That's how we get lawyers.
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If the average is $4.88 (as it is now) and I pay more than the average, say $5, then later on the average price goes up to $5.10 THEN they add more games will I still be counted as 'more than average'?
I've never bought a bundle before they added the additional games, but I'm tempted to pick this one up right away for Edge (I have Osmos and World of Goo from HIB#1).
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