We can't post in the discussions of the group unless we are already a member of the group.
Edit: I was ninja'd by 24 seconds :)
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Thanks for reminding me about the editing!
I totally missed that comment one. ^
Hey wait... I'm gonna have to rethink how to do this, since members must post to get mod status... unless I/others posted for them.
I think I can just check history, so not a big deal if something goes haywire.
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Best I can... struggles at times, but I'm pushing on through, only complaining most some of the time. :D
Actually though, considering how things could be - I have a lot to be grateful for. Thanks for asking, as well. Always glad to hear from you. It's been a better place since I saw you show up here, by the way. It makes me happy to be able to add that in...
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Here's mine: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/z6jDG/peregrin
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Marriage is a helluva commitment. So long as you're willing to sign a prenup ...
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Hi! I made request.
Here's mine:: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/0gKzY/deponia
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I think that I'm in two of these groups, so... it's impossible for me to determine. T.T
I could leave them, sync, and try again, and that may answer my question.
Yep, it worked! I just have to have my Total War Arena join approved again... which will be okay I hope. :D
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Already sent a request too, here you can check that my blue heart is now yours https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/g4UN4/neverending-nightmares
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You've had my icy little carpathian blueheart for almost as long as I have been here.
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This message will copy paste itself to group discussion when membership approved.
According to SG, I whitelisted you 7 months ago. Here is the link to a whitelist giveaway: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/Dy6K4/the-journey-down-chapter-two
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I could go ahead based on trust, but ... you could remove me at any time and I can't check, hence why I was hoping for a link of some sort.
Hmm... maybe something I can do as a compromise. Let me know if you have any ideas too! Not that I do not trust you, but, well... I'm just kinda careful is all.
I'll add you, then can promote you based on group rules (for keeping track of things) once everything's figured out.
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I just created.
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I saw the other thread. But it seemed complex. lol.
But exchanging 💙 is something I can get behind.
Added you. Sent the request on the group. My WL GAs normally have a group attached.
ended an hour ago.
A pure WL GA if your part of that group and need to check..
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rules: "add me to your whitelist"
hmkay, added you to the darker list. i hope it counts as well.
I have a nice idea for you: you can start a new group with rule to pay a single dollar each month and in return you will create tripple a giveaways ;)
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You should have at least waited until you saw a great giveaway from my other game I'm playing. Maybe you could have stolen a game off me before I blacklisted you, also saving you a spare spot on your own limited blacklist.
Your list though, so more power to you. ;)
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what ever giveaways you do in your group, i wont sell my Whitelist ;)
so no need to wait for better giveaways
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I wouldn't sell my whitelist either. Instead I give extra to it, and it gains positive interest
I was referring to my other thread, but we are on different paths. I feel slightly hurt by the cutting remarks, but in return I will not judge your ways. That's just how I roll... it stings for a moment, since I am passionate with feelings and convictions, but it slides off after. I respect what you have to say about the issue, and I can understand where you're coming from. All the best out there in steamgifts land!
You sure you don't wanna join my other game and wait for a nice game to try to win though? It might be fun - nothing to lose there... if you don't win, or meet the requirements, you end up blacklisted anyway. One spot somebody else won't have to fill up - since, I will inevitably keep playing until I maximize my list and the game is over... I mean... I could give out a lot of stuff down the road. Anyway, it's stupid of me to try to act
Maybe you'll reconsider... if not that is fine. It's a trap either way. ;) : courteous bow:
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Whitelisted here is the link
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I want to join! https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/UCYSH/the-dark-eye-chains-of-satinav Here is an old one, you are on my WL for some time. Thank you!
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Skip to the bottom if you don't want to read
Remember that I wanted to be evil and Play a little game...?
How about I start a nice group! That's right! This one will have some special perks too. We will recruit and do amazing things together!
What's the catch? None - there is an application process, and I will carefully review each member before deciding. I will carefully review your steamgifts history, and also what you mention about yourself. These are not the determining factors, but they play into it heavily. The main part of the group is the evolution after it takes root. What makes you an asset to the group dynamic? In the end it will be each of those in the group that determine how successful it can become.
I have a giveaway for all that apply for membership. It will be group only! I will not start or show my hand yet. It's going to be something higher up on steamgifts wishlist, but not something I'm spending another $50 USD on. If I told you the percentage of how much of my monthly income that figure is, you'd probably wonder how I can even give stuff away on steamgifts. But... people who give because that giving in and of itself is their reason. No strings attached here. I still do wish to have some sort of order to it, so that's why I wish to review you carefully.
Do we maybe share interests or hobbies? Do you like certain foods or music that I like? Did you like something about my profile or who I am in particular? It's good to be specific, so there are no misunderstandings. Lack of communication is what causes disputes and angry people in the world. I will, however not be as blunt and specific here in return due to the nature of the site. I will do my best as far as the group goes though.
I simply cannot give you every reason why I would or would not accept you, just like the moderation and staff here cannot give you every single little reason as to why something might be banned or removed and something else may stay. It is up to the creator's discretion, and that's how things work all around us. That's why a bunch of threads on steamgifts get closed... like this one. There are misunderstandings, and people have no lines drawn as to what is or isn't okay. We need people like me - "beta testers" if you will - to see where we can draw a line or not draw a line. What needs fixing? What's broken in the game? Let's help steamgifts get a patch out, a hot fix for some solidification for our "steamgifts gaming experience".
Another thing: activity in the group can raise or lower your status in the group. Certain aspects I may find more distasteful, and others I will find supportive of the group cause. You cannot please everybody. Just move on with your head high, and do the best you can out there, no matter what it is that you're doing.
I'll just have to make sure we keep our steam rules under control, and that nothing infringes directly on steamgifts.
It'll be easy-peasyit won't be easy, since some moderators consider various off-shoots of the rules against the guidelines listed, which is totally okay. They're here to make tough calls, and we shouldn't feel angry or bitter about that, even if we disagree. They have their reason, and that is good enough for me!Remember: Make it about you, and not other people and their business. If they're having a rough time, or confrontational, chances are they are either going through their own pains, or maybe having a bad day that day. We all have struggles. None of us is special in that regard. We're WINNING!! ;)
Feel free to check out the rules and apply for membership here!
Perks are granted, but I cannot discuss them here on steamgifts, due to Point 7 of General Guidelines.
We can however have our mandatory rules on steam though, thanks to the convoluted guidelines that are not fixed yet...
so head on over and we can discuss things further!
If you like my rules, you can request membership here.
To remove any misconceptions, the link is called whitelistfabs. I'm an not asking for whitelisting. A whitelist is an acceptance, by definition. To allow something otherwise not allowable. On the contrary, it'll be like an extra whitelist - from ME to YOU - which wasn't understood before this was closed... once you meet whatever requirements I have, which are not really set in stone.
There is a rule against "begging for whitelists" in steamgifts. That's highly understandable, and I actually strongly support such a stance to keep it from being given for free. I don't even really like the "whitelist for whitelist" I see sometimes, though I am not immune to its allure either. I am no saint.
Nobody should feel pressured to do something like that - it should be given of our own free will, as should any kinds of rewards or joys in life. I offer my group opening as an exchange for such, like a trade between two people. This is not really a true whitelist - I just wish to know why you want to join, and then I will review. I want the group to evolve. I want to hear about you, get to know you a little more, etc. I am not so good with people, but please feel free to approach me. I have some serious autism stuff - but I love to type. That's part of the motivation for creating this group. To encourage us to strive for more, and not settle for less - like those that settle for mediocrity. I am working on myself... and I was hoping for your help. I want to improve in my real life! People can help each other if they want, or be enemies at war. Which side would you rather take? :D
I won't get too into my backstory, but I suffered from several bouts of PTSD, and I have over a dozen physical and mental handicaps, or disabilities... Anyway, abuse is tough to deal with, and this is a positive outlet to release some of my own past trauma.
I will repost a giveaway in my group during the acceptance phases... and I hope it's okay to use this closed thread now, as a recruiting tool. Please inform me in a future giveaway if it's not acceptable to do so. We learn the best from our mistakes. This is a mistake, but I think I fixed it to where it's presentable in accordance with SG rules outlined as to why it was originally closed, and has been fixed. To be clear: I am not asking for a whitelist from anybody. I cannot repeat this enough times, but I will have plenty of people in the group as it evolves that are surely not adding me to their whitelists. I have plenty of friends that already have me on one, so that's inevitable - but it is no longer my aim. It was the dynamic for the original framework for my group here though, in all honesty.
^ It's for me to keep up with everyone in the group easier by checking each one of these periodically, since I forget easily, due to various health reasons, so I can see if things need to be altered in case I need to use kick-kick commando boots... or blacklist, or whatever. I'll try to send you a warm message about why I am deciding to remove or blacklist you before doing so. I am up front about things like that, as should any grown man or woman... This is part of life. Nothing in life is any less significant than another, so we should respect that, respect each other, see through our flaws and open our eyes to what is real - the human inside, beyond what bad we see in their characters or nature - and carry ourselves with respect, dignity, and grace and peace wherever we may go. I'm a hypocrite if I say otherwise, since I admittedly have all the flaws you have, and probably more...
Apply to join the group above through the second link. I will refer you there. Please do not make comments here on the thread as to why you'd like to join. Those are to be discussed here.
If you don't like my dark humor, or sarcastic satyrical tone here (if I left any - most is gone now), don't apply. You probably will have a rotten time, and we don't have much in common to begin with. Mel Brooks, for example is a great comedian, as was George Carlin, but many find the lewd, wry, and otherwise outrageous humor distasteful.
I may apply the kickticus-bootacus if I notice non-compliance with whatever the hell it is that got you in the group in the first place. What are you going to be complying with? My terms remain my own. I will try to contact those who are non-moderators, and are in group, yet haven't presented anything in my new thread by tomorrow sometime. Have a nice one, if you read this far! :3
Each accepted applicant will determine the future of how the group runs... Do you want to contribute to other group members on a voluntary basis? Do you want to create your own groups to reward members, much like your own extended whitelist? I mention this since, like a whitelist, it's an extension of something that is exclusive to only certain people, based on the creator's intent. Just that this would entail a steam group, which is what I see many others doing - so yeah, anyway, it's totally in your hands once you are accepted. Not that I am trying to get you to over-extend yourself. I want the atmosphere relaxed...
For those who do apply....
See you there!
To the cynic and the skeptic: If you're wondering why I am doing this... well, I can't tell you yet. I have my reasons... and it relates to a few other things on steamgifts. I am a carver of pathways. I find what needs fixing, and by exposing such a thing, it creates an example for others to follow. Let us hope I am allowed to continue to do so in a peaceful manner. If you see what I give away, you'll see I'm not after anything special overall - though I will admit I am quite a taker in my few years here... hoarding a lot of good stuff away that others should have played..... But I simply cannot divulge my motives yet. Let's just have fun!! I want fun, and I'm sure you want fun! The group will be run by you at the end of the day, and not by me.
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