What do you prefer?
You set up your picnic basket and eat pie as the sun sets on the mounds of corpses on the battlefield.
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You try but realise that you are the only survivor of the battle.
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You make a cardboard sign for your restaurant and prop it against a rock on the ground. You then proceed to collect all the ducks and place them near the rock.
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remember the coins, the broken knife and the dog photo that i had when i escaped from the sexual dungeon of doom and plasure, use the money to upgrade and promote the restaurant and use the income to search for my lost lover/dog
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You only have enough money to buy a lemonade stand and hire a dwarf to manage your shop while you search for your dog. You hear word of dog being spotted near the pleasure dungeon from which you escaped.
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Taking advantage of the ilegally of the dwarft being on this kingdom without a visa, pay him less and use the money that you save to buy a magic staff and upgrade my magic by +2 , then head to the town near the Dildo Dungeon
edit: also check inventory
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You have:
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Sell the visa to visa to another illegal dwarf that you found on the town and hire him for managing the lemonade stand that you bought on this town and left alone, pay him 1 coin.
Ask around about your dog.
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You sell the visa to the dwarf. He turns out to be an undercover immigration agent. After an 'extensive' cavity search, you are thrown in jail. Someone is in here with you.
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Ask the name and the situation of the stranger
Sove your asshole
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The stranger emerges from the shadows. It is your beastly lover.
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Hug him and check the surroundings for usefull items
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You hug but before you can check the items, he pushes you on the ground and forcefully makes love to you. It has been a while.
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Enjoy it but not too much, and then check surroundings and also check my stats and my lover stats
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You look around and find:
Your stats:
Your lover's stats:
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You check the walls and floors. They seem pretty plain. You check the toilet to find a broken knife and poop.
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Ask the guard about how long do me and my dog have to be here and how much if the bail
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The guard says that your lover can leave tomorrow and that your sentence will be decided after the trial. The bail is set at 15000 coins.
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Go to the trial and have phoenix wright as my attorney
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You go to trial. Unfortunately, your phoenix wright has fallen ill and cannot defend you. He sends a novice dwarf paralegal. You lose the case and somehow get a illegal possession of drugs charge added. You have been sentenced to life in prison.
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Use my magic to escape prision and run to Magic Mexico
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You are able to use your magic to bend the bars open but your lover refuses to escape. He says he only has to stay one day anyway. He'd rather not have the law after him. You are forced to escape alone. The police see you escape and give chase. As you run, being chased, you realize that there is no such thing as Magic Mexico. Come up with a new plan, the cops are catching up.
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Escape to the nearest country on the direction i am runing, use teleportation to speed up the process
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You arrive at Vernia, one town away from where you ran. Teleportation can only take you so far. It seems you are safe for the moment.
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You see mountains to your right and a forest to your left. You also see a town ahead and a chasm behind. You loot as much as your pockets can carry. You picked up:
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You start your trek towards the nearby town. You walk day and night until you realize that the town is very far away.
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You find a cave nearby inhabited with a band of travelling bards. They possess water, food and fire but are unwilling to share.
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The bards are not amused by your antics and chase you out of their cave, brandishing severed limbs of their own, which are coated in metal spikes.
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You slap their leader in the face. He rejects your challenge to rock, paper, scissors and hits you in the face with his spiky severed arm. You start to bleed profusely.
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"What kind of bardbarians are you guys, this isn't in the rules! Even by Unger's simplified rules you're required to shout out paper when you slap your opponent in the face!"
Guard, watching the bards' movement.
Also, try not to cry like a seven year old girl. Try to at least sound like ten.
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You guard against the leader while his fellow bards flank you. You are soon overpowered and tied. The bards plan to sell you into sexual slavery.
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The bard feels uneasy and decides to bind you with chains and rope for good measure.
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You succumb to fatigue. When you wake, you find yourself in a cage on stage, stripped of all your clothes and belongings. You stand in nothing but a loincloth, and realize that you are being sold. A burly black man calls out to pay 1200 coins for you. Another old man raises to 1500. Many other chime in until the black man calls 5000 coins and you are sold to him.
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It looks like you finally get to try that "sex" thing everyone is talking about. Who knows, you might like it. It's just that apparently it involves other people and that is pretty gross. You briefly wonder what's going to become of your pet rocks at home and if anyone is going to look after them.
OOC: It's been fun but I'll have to drop out here. It's somehow gotten to 12pm and I still didn't get any sleep. I won't be in a safe position to pursue that angle for a few days but mayhaps we can pick up another time if you keep doing these threads. Thanks for the laughs so far. 10/10 Would let Ducky DM again
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This thread will be open for the foreseeable future, so fell free to join in anytime.
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Throw sandwich on the ground and rethink my whole life.
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You try to rethink but realize you don't remember anything before waking up.
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Eat stale bread while tears roll down my cheeks because I have no identity.
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You eat the stale bread (though I never said it was stale) and get sick.
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You look around but don't have the faintest idea of where you are. You see a light shining in the distance.
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Go towards to the light as it may be civilization.
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You walk towards the light and discover it to be a lighthouse.
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Climb the lighthouse and check if there are any incoming boats.
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You climb the lighthouse and try to look for approaching boats but the surrounding mist is too thick for you to spot anything.
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Check around the lighthouse and suddenly have a vision remembering my family.
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You remember your family left you at an orphanage many years ago.
You find an old shovel.
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Climb down the lighthouse and bonk my self on the head to see if this was all just a dream.
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You climb down and hit yourself on the head with the shovel. It hurts like hell but if it was a dream, you didn't wake up.
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Suddenly vomit because I was sick. Walk around to find a road or a path.
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You walk around and find a path leading into a dark forest.
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Walk into the forest and get ready to use the shovel as a weapon.
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You walk into the forest. An undead shuffles towards you. You swing the shovel. It breaks. Though it does kill the undead, you are left with nothing but the handle.
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You start hitting the fallen undead until you realize that you have already killed him. You decide to stop swinging to avoid looking foolish.
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You begin to walk forward on the path. You spot a light at the end of the path.
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You move towards the light. You begin to run. It seems as if you've been running for a while but the light is always the same distance away. You realize that the light is moving away from you.
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Stop and check my inventory.
Take a fruit from the tree and examine it.
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You have:
You pick an apple off the tree. It seems like an ordinary apple.
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Take a bite from the apple and continue my journey and keep an eye out for fallen objects.
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You take a bite of the seemingly normal apple. It tastes bitter and you soon realize it is poisoned. You immediately vomit, emptying your stomach, but you are too late.
With no other choice but to move forward, you keep moving in hopes of finding a healer.
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Take an apple as a weapon and start looking for an alternate route out of this dark forest.
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You pick an apple and search for alternate routes. There are none.
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You reach the end of the path. You see a town in the distance.
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Go to the town and have a look around.
Also check my inventory, sickness and the poison.
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Your sickness has abated. The poison is unchanged.
Your inventory is the same with the addition of a poison apple.
You start walking towards the town. It takes you an hour. You are tired. You spot a pub.
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Approach the pub and order myself a glass of water and take a handful of peanuts.
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You get the water but there are no peanuts. The burly patron next to you has taken them all.
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Drink the water and than start a bar fight by hitting the guy with my broken handle.
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You gulp down the icy water and hit the patron on the head. He grabs you by the throat and flings you across the room. A hard table breaks your fall. After getting wailed on by the patron, you are thrown of the bar, bruised and battered.
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You do not have any lockpicks required to break into homes.
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Silently break the back window of a house and sneak in.
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The window shatters with a noise. The occupants of the house hear you and come rushing in.
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Quickly hit the occupant with the handle until he is unconscious.
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The occupant brings a pitchfork with him. The others call for the police. You swing the broken handle around but don't have much effect. He tries to poke with his pitchfork. He misses and quickly withdraws. The guards have arrived.
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You run away, managing to escape the guards before they can spot you. In your haste, you drop your broken handle.
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Try to find a rock and break the window to get me some great weapons.
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You realize that you were just part of a failed break-in attempt. Yet you pick up a rock and throw it at the window. Due to your poor aim, the rock misses the window, bounces off the wall and hits you into the face, breaking two teeth.
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Go to the nearest inn and get myslef a room and ask for some help with my wounds. In the morning,work out a deal with the blacksmith for some weapons.
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You check into an inn but find no one to tend to your wounds. The bleeding stops on its own. You are charged 10 coins in the morning for the room.
You go to the blacksmith to ask for the cheapest weapons. He offers you a weapon for 15 coins, an old shovel.
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Trade my orc ass meat for some coins and buy the old shovel.
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Ask the blacksmith what is the best weapon he has got and then offer him an apple.
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He tells you the spear costing 40 coins is the best. He does not want your apple.
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Work out a way in which I could work for the remaining 30 coins.
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You are directed to the guard station. There is a job available for night watchman, paying a coin a day.
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Work for a month at the guard station. Then go get my spear.
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A month passes. You are halfway to buying the spear. You must pay for food and shelter.
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Leave town and try to find a bigger and better town.
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The bigger towns are too far to walk. You need to get transport.
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You find a man that is willing to take you to the next town for 2 coins.
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4 days pass and you have enough to pay the man. You pay the man and he agrees to take you to the next town. 3 days of journeying lie ahead.
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You go to the town and find it quiet. Everyone's asleep. It seems like a normal town.
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You start to loot the corpses, but wait... something's still alive!
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You realize that you are that something that is still alive.
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Whew... scared myself. You continue pillaging until you find a chest containing a golden duck.
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Your pillaging rewards you with nothing but measly scrap. You realise that this is pointless until you see the chest. You try to open it. As soon as you do, it releases a black cloud of smoke.
You can no longer move your arms.
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You start running around frantically until you fall into a pit of Holy Water.
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You run around and fall into a pit of what you thought was holy water but was instead orc urine.
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OOC so we are all diferent survivors from alternated universes?
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You turn to look at yourself in the mirror. You see a giant spider laying eggs into your nostrils.
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You hit yourself in the face with a rolled up newspaper, You kill the spider and break the eggs, but break your nose in the process. Your blood mixes with that of the spider and the strange material oozing from the eggs.
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You taste it. It tastes disgusting and you vomit up your lunch from taco bell.
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You soon realize ice is not life. Your snowman is now a slushy.
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You devour your icy creation and get a brain freeze. You get hit by a bus. You probably should not have done that in the middle of the road. Everything fades to black.
You wake up in a hospital.
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The generator goes out, but you forget that it is still summer. It becomes very hot inside your room.
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Your ice ghosts leave you as they go towards the light and their ultimate salvation.
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The undertaker rallies them and takes them to heaven. You are now alone.
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He descends back from heaven, and using your ghosts attacks you. You are stabbed in your abdomen. You are bleeding profusely. The undertaker stands above you, ready to strike the final blow.
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Damn I think I took a wrong turn.. was it left or right?
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Before you can decide which path to take, both of them crumble and you are left standing on a platform, surrounding by nothing but unending abyss.
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There is a bright purple light flashing up ahead.. I'm going to see what it is..
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as I fall I feel a small hand grab my shoulder.. It doesn't feel human but I'm not afraid..
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You feel yourself being lifted into the air. You look up and see yourself in the talons of a vicious dragon.
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As I get lifted higher in the air I notice the dragon has 2 smaller ones following her.. I start to become scared.. Am I going to be a pet for these little dragons or am I dinner?
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The dragon takes you to its cave. And drops you. You fall to the ground and roll into a standing postion. The dragon stands ready to attack.
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I start to panic. Searching around for anything I can use as a weapon.. as she moves closer I close my eyes preparing for the inevitable.. I can feel her breath on my face. I open my eyes.. Wait.. I'm back where I started in the abyss with the bright purple light.. Only this time it's red..
Edit: This has been fun.. but I must go to bed.. we shall finish this later :)
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You realize you had fallen asleep on the platform. You get up and find a open-able heart-shaped locket near you.
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I open it and inside is a picture of a man I don't not know.. or do I?
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You open the heart-shaped locket and see a picture of a man. It is you! There is a second picture. It is of a dragon! What happened before you fell asleep?
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I start to panic.. I thought I was a woman!?! What kind of magic is this.. Have I always been a man & just seen myself as a woman.. Something must of gone terribly wrong!
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Your perception of reality is shattered. You do not understand. You have a headache.
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Wait is that a midget I see in the distance? I wonder if they have any aspirin.. Guess it don't hurt to ask.. I slowly make my way to them.. My eye sight is still abit hazy.. As I get closer everything starts to get alittle clearer they turn around...
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You take a step forgetting you are still on a platform, surrounded by an abyss. You fall and hit the ground. Your body hurts.
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dig a pit to load my bowels off. it was a long day and i can hardly hold it in.
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You do so but do not spot the poison ivy growing nearby.
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while i'm crouched down and pooping, posion ivy comes with the wind and touches to my back. run like hell, looking for a lake or puddle to butter up my pooper.
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You look for water but do not find any. Meanwhile your posterior is very itchy and shitty because you forget to wipe.
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dig a little hole. pee. sit down. try not to vomit.
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You try but fail. You vomit but all you get are dry heaves. You realize you haven't eaten anything in some time.
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see a blinking light in the distance. crawl to it. shout "OH GAWD WHHHHYY? SOMEBODY KILL ME!" repeatedly while crying.
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You move towards the blinking light. You discover it to be a mage casting flare.
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but blindness sharpened other senses. smell the mage. there is a strong smell of... blood!
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You smell blood but don't find anything useful to do with that information. You consider asking for help.
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feel too proud to ask help from the mage who made you blind. check the inventory to find an item to kill the bastard.
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You try to check your inventory but soon realize that you are still blind. You hear footsteps approaching you. It is the mage. She asks whether you require assistance.
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the blood smell gets stronger. it must be... it must be that time of the month for her. she's probably quite edgy and will turn me into a bug with the first excuse. get the first thing i can hold from the inventory and give it as a present with an anxious smile, like it was meant to be gifted to her all along.
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it turns out people here are resistant to poison ivy and it's considered like a flower. at least that's what i think since i'm still alive and the mage is happy. she heals my butt and hand, and takes me to a town. gives me an armor and a sword. ask mage which town it is and what was that epic battle about.
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The mage tells you that you have reached Moxelton, a place of peace, pies and pixies. But lately, the war between the two warring tribes has ravaged all the land of Divinia, spreading sorrow everywhere. The mage proclaims that she can speak no longer and tells you to speak to the mayor who may have a job for you. The mage teleports away and you start walking. Then you realize.
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listen the crowd. walk to someone quiet and walking hesitatingly. link an arm to his/her arm and whisper "take me to the mayor, or else...", holding the sword's handle with my other hand.
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You proceed to do so but feel the person not move at all. As people pass, many notice the weird fellow linking arms with a lamp-post at sword point. Somebody alerts the police. You are carted of to the asylum.
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when they're taking me to the asylum, they seize the sword but turns out they couldn't find the dagger hidden in my underwear. take it out, threaten an officer with it. ask them to give the sword back and take me to the mayor.
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The guard sees you threatening the wall with a dagger. He knocks you out from behind. You wake up and look around. You see a small room with a barred window. Speaking of seeing, congratulations, your blindness has passed.
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good thing they couldn't find the picklock hidden in my back. put my ear to the door, listen if guards are around before picking the lock.
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You put your ear to the door and don't hear any approaching guards. You try to move your arms but fail. You realize you are in a strait jacket.
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poop the picklock off and rip the bottom of the straitjacket. get down, take the picklock from the floor with my mouth and use it to free myself. open the door. go through shadow to shadow. examine the asylum i'm in.
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You use your mouth to pick up the lockpick. It tastes bad. The asylum is an impregnable wall of brick and mortar. To your right, is the guard's quarter. To your left, is the cafeteria. Up ahead, the armory.
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get angry to myself for not making it more clear what i intended to do with "free myself". i could have gotten rid of this bloody jacket. but no time for regrets. sneak to the armory.
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You sneak to the armory but fail to see the shards of broken glass in front of the armory door, belonging to a broken beer bottle. You are bare-footed. Now, you are bare-footed and bleeding.
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carefully take the biggest broken glass with mouth and set myself free by ripping the straitjacket with it. use straitjacket remains to wrap feet up. put that broken glass in the inventory. get into the armory.
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You do so and open the armory. You silently shut the door behind you.
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check if there is any guard inside. examine the armory to find something useful.
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You check inside the armory and find no guards. Upon examination, you discover a menagerie of wepaons. Sadly, rust has eaten them all. It comes to your mind that perhaps this is the old armory that no one tends to anymore. However, rusty on not, you must choose a weapon. Available weapons:
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cut the legs of the pants i'm wearing. tie the end of one of them and slit a little hole from the other end of the same piece. cut the other leg piece to two stripes. one thin and one larger than other. get the thin stripe through that hole and tie it around my neck. put this holder i just made facing back and put arrows in it. place the bow to one arm. try scraping the rust off from the short sword using a dagger. wrap the dagger with larger stripe and put it in the underwear. take the short sword and leave the armory. go back, sneak to the guard's quarter and take a peek inside.
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You successfully create a quiver for the few intact arrows. You start scraping the rust off of the short sword but cut yourself in the process.
Sheathing the dagger and holding the sword, you progress towards the guards quarter, your blood dripping on the cold stone floor. You turn the knob of the handle, only to find it already being turned from the inside.
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kick the door and get in. swing the sword like crazy.
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You barge your way in, swinging your sword around like a madman, hoping to hit a target. You connect with nothing except the dining table. Your sword is now wedged into the table. You look around to see irate guards staring at you, hands on the hilts of their swords.
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shoot one guard with an arrow and yell to the others to drop their swords if they don't want to share the same fate. ask the guard eating apple to throw the apple to me. i don't know how i'm still alive without eating anything. show the player stats.
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In your food-deprived state, you shoot and arrow towards the guard. But your hand shakes badly due to hunger and you miss. Your arrow, surprisingly pierces the apple in the guard's hand. All the guards present charge at you. Spotting a window behind, you jump through. You fall into a stream and soon lose consciousness as you are swept away. You wake up in a forest.
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check the inventory. check the wound i got in the armory. examine the surroundings. look for food.
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Your inventory is the same as before, only an arrow short. Your wound seems to have stopped bleeding. You are in a dense forest. You try to look for edible roots but none can be seen. You spot a deer.
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so i guess i have nothing but a dagger in my underwear, a bow and some arrows. sit down. think about the world, animals, how small i am in the universe, trains and with all gathered thoughts decide if i am/should be a vegetarian or not.
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As you consider your place in the universe, your grumbling stomach reminds you that vegetarian or not, you could eat the shit out of a deer leg.
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check if the deer is still around.
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The deer is still there, casually grazing on the growing fauna. As you quietly sneak towards it, you see another deer cub approach the bigger deer, her mother. Your move.
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shoot the mother deer with an arrow. then quickly shoot another one before she run away. run after scared bambi to catch him and to drink his tears.
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You hit the mother deer and she topples over but due to your weakened tears, you are unable to run after the baby deer. You feel some guilt thinking of the baby deer, all alone in the woods. It soon passes.
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take the dagger and skin the deer. find some tiny wood and some thick wood. put a thick wood to somewhere suitable to have a fire. make a shallow hole in the middle of it and rubbing tiny wood on there, start a fire. proceed with the obvious thing to do with fire and meat.
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You do so and soon have a roaring fire. You cook the meat, burning it at the edges. Though you couldn't care less. You sink your teeth into the juicy flesh and devour a deer leg. You feel content.
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clean the inside of the skin with the dagger. put it on a branch, under the sun. while it's drying up, take a nap on a tree.
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After leaving the skin to dry, you sleep. You are abruptly woken up by the sound of a bear.
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climb higher. pay attention to the tree to see if there are any beehives in/on it.
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You climb higher with the bear in fast pursuit. You see no beehives.
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shout to the bear. try to scare it by swinging the dagger while shouting.
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jump down to its back. slit its throat. catch a branch to avoid falling down with it.
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You jump on its back and managed to get a cut on him. The bear stumbles and falls injured. Unfortunately, the stumble prevents you from effectively grabbing a branch. You fall with the bear and are crushed under its weight, as it lands on you.
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try shaking off the bear. if it works, run like hell. if it won't work, tickle the bear to make it get up, then continue playing dead.
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You manage to slide from underneath the bear. You try to stand but your legs are badly damaged. You can only crawl.
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get away crawling using one hand and cover my butt with the other one. you can never trust bears. look around for something useful and somewhere to hide.
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You find a branch and spot thick bush ahead. The bear is starting to wake up.
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desperate times, desperate measures... pray to the dark lord of goudvinia council for salvation.
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get up using the branch. get ready for a mano-a-mano fight.
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You manage to stand up on your feet. You need the branch to support you. Do you wish fight the bear with your bare hands?
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The bear attacks you. You punch the bear. It only makes him angry. He slashes you leaving a deep wound.
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jump on his head. punch repeatedly to make him dizzy, then attack to the eyes.
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move away to a safe distance. look for a strong and firm branch and make a cane from it using the dagger. take the deer skin and look for the river bed.
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OOC: I could not think of a better ending if I tried.
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We can continue from your last reply if you wish. :P
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ahem... move away to a safe distance. look for a strong and firm branch and make a cane from it using the dagger. take the deer skin and look for the river bed.
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You start to do go about your business, forgetting a blinded bear is still following your scent. He slashes you across the back.
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nope. maybe. i'm going coming home this wednesday. can't give promises. have crap and limited mobile connection back there.
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You see a middle-aged man in sharp clothing walking by your brothel.
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You offend the man. He was looking for his daughter not a harlot. Besides, he already has a mistress, he proclaims as he leaves. You feel insulted.
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You buy WoW when you realize you could sell your body to strangers for money.
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You have:
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I packed you lunch for your trip to the market. Remember to get all the items on the list.
You ponder on the thought of belonging to a church.
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A faint vision of a motherly figure comes to mind, though her face is not visible. It is then followed by a flash. You see Henry, a burly man donning western clothes with a handlebar moustache. You feel light-headed.
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You start walking towards west. You reach the town at sundown. You find Henry's stall at the bazaar but he has already left. You can only find him in the morning now. You require lodging.
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You enter the tavern and find it bustling with customer, mostly shopkeeps having a drink at the end of the day.
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You spot Henry sitting in the corner booth with a mysterious, shadowy figure. You see your charm exchange hands. You move towards them but find your way blocked by a giant human bodyguard.
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He's a large 6foot 6inch man, wearing armor like you've never seen before. You spot an axe on his waist. You wouldn't want to meet this man in a dark alley.... or a prison shower.
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You succeed. You and the bodyguard share a couple of beers. You wake up the next day in bed. You're head and strangely, your posterior hurts. You look to your left and see the bodyguard in bed with you. You check under the sheets. It is what it looks like.
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You open your inventory and find ingredients for 2 sandwiches. You hear a gruff voice asking for a sandwich and beer. You realize you are the wife.
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Expecting this, your husband has already removed all items that you could use to kill yourself.
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You eat the orc ass sandwich expecting it to kill you. It is surprisingly revitalizing. You are healthier than you have ever been.
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You find many corpses littering the battlefield. All orcish, none sexy.
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You proceed to explore said fetish. You enjoy yourself more than you should and also catch an STD.
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The doctor is disgusted upon hearing your sexual escapades and refuses to help.
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You dismember your member. It has no effect. A man standing nearby approaches you. He tells you that all you had to do was eat some mint leaves to cure yourself. You chide yourself for taking such drastic measures.
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Talks to the corpse of a fallen comrade:"I told ya, m8! This war thing b dangerouse! Oh well... wait a minute! You still owe me 50 gold coins from the bet! I'm the last m8 standing, m69! lenny faec" u got 420 kwikscopd akd naow ur gettin t-baggied! teabags corpse* Screams to the sky: "I SURVIVED YER TRIALS, YOU FEDORA WEARING ARSEHAT! GIBE TEH HUNIE AND TEH MUNIE! RITE NOW, M8, OR U GETTIN' REKDT! :>
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You stand in the battlefield yelling. It starts to rain. You catch a cold.
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You check your cell phone for a signal. It short-circuits in the rain.
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You start trekking to the west. As you pass through the mounds of corpses, you see bodies belonging to different races. You trip over a body and fall on your face.
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You arrive at a river. You try to find a way to cross. However, heavy rains have made the river harsh, sweeping away the weak wooden bridge that used to b there. You have two options : Either swim across the rapids or spend 2 days going around the river.
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As you rock back and forth in the fetal position, you are approached by a child. She offers you a flower to stop your incessant weeping.
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She gives you the flower and leaves, saying that she can't talk to strangers.
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The girl annoyed at your response, picks up a nearby rock and throws it at you. She successfully knocks out a tooth.
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You try to summon a giant eagle but the overwhelming sadness you were experiencing for the girl's arrival, impedes your magical ability. You manage to summon a grasshopper.
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The grasshopper obeys your command. But before it can execute it, the girl crushes it beneath her feet. She has no qualms about killing insects. She grins at you, having won again, and leaves. You are left alone, feeling dejected at having lost the grasshopper, the only thing close to a friend you could get.
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You are sitting in a battlefield outside a town. Your clothes are that of a serf, there is some teeth blood on it
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You find the town bustling with life. The girl probably came from here, maybe she's a flower vendor?
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The stranger tells you about the battle between the two human kingdoms, Aros and Thalmia. Aros and Thalmia were once allies. However, the death of the Arosian king, suspected to be murder, caused a rift between the two kingdoms. All talks broke down and war began.
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You stand in the middle of the street, staring blankly. You are unable to determine who you are metaphysically. As to how you got here, you walked. You also get hit by a carriage.
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You wake up in a hospital, your body swathed in bandages. Everything hurts.
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It is a typical hospital room. Table to your left, with bandages on top. To your right is the door leading out.
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You cannot move. You are covered in bandages and your legs are broken. Your rock is still with you.
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The nurse hears you and enters. She is a bit creeped out about you petting a rock. She asks you how you feel?
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She tells you that you got run over by a carriage. You legs are broken and you have 4 fractured ribs along with injuries ranging from mild to normal. As for who you are, she has no idea.
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One month passes, your legs have healed. You wake up in bed to find your time machine has been destroyed.
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You are now fully clothed and still in possession of your rock.
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The rock now holds a special place in your inventory. You find yourself out on the street, standing on the side, to avoid getting run over again. You see a pub in front of you, a blacksmith to your left and a stable to your right,
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You take a seat at the bar. The bartender asks about your order.
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She grabs a napkin and shakes your hand. She tells you about the town. There isn't much of interest in what she speaks. The town is pretty boring.
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She tells you that the head guard might be looking for more recruits. You get 2 coins per day for your work.
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She refers you to the guard's station as the fat man belches directly at you. You smell fried liver on his breath.
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The guard commander does not know what TF2 is. He assumes it to be a training course in Tent Fabrics. You have to pass the test to be considered for the job.
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You jump down the well and land in waist-high water. You congratulate yourself on having thwarted the cursed charm. But before you can celebrate, you feel an invisible force pulling you up and out of the well. You soon find yourself place on dry land. Congratulations, all you managed to do was get wet.
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You have:
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The crystal leads you into the room where you first woke up. You point the crystal towards the door on the left and then the door on the right. The crystal reverberates equally. Choose your path.
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The coin flies into air. It lands in the middle, neither facing heads nor tails. You consider it a coincidence. You flip again. Only to get the same result. Once more and again same. You realize that this is futile and thanks to the charm, all your items have been cursed. Choose your path.
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You head towards the left door. You turn the metal knob. It is locked.
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After 15 minutes of using the halberd and the axe on the door, you manage to make a small gash in the door. You take out the arm to try your luck. You are only able to get in a few strikes before you hear moaning, indicating the presence of several undead. The meat has attracted a horde.
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You charge headfirst into the zombie horde, forgetting to switch to your halberd. You manage to get in a few good hits before the arm is taken from you. This arm is followed by your own as the zombies rip it off. Panicking and losing blood, you head for the right door which was unlocked. You barricade the door and apply pressure to the stump that used to be your arm. You can hear the moans of the zombies and you attempt to find something to stem the bleeding.
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You see a piece of cloth lying on the table along with a note. The crystal reverberates stronger now.
(Good. Your confusion means I'm winning)
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You manage to craft a tourniquet and stem the bleeding. You reach for the note with your right hand, before you realize it. You pick up the note with your left hand.
Welcome, traveller
I see you have found my room. I'm sorry there isn't much here. I recently relocated to a different room due to a roaming undead horde. I hope the charm has been helpful, it's supposed to protect against harmbut you need to put a few crystal fragments in i to make it work. Each fragment makes it stronger. On a separate note, be on the watch for an intruder inside the manor. He seems to be messing with all my notes that I leave around. I wonder if he's defaced this one. He keeps on going about how I'm some kind of monster and the charm is a thing of evil. How preposterous! Well, I hope to find and deal with him soon and I hope you are safe and sound. Hope to see you soon.
Yours truly, Carpon
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As you bring the crystal shard close to the necklace, both begin to vibrate violently. The shard is wrenched from your hand. It floats for a second before fitting into the crystal with a sharp flash of light. It blinds you for a moment. Once you recover, you see a faint red glow emanating from within the charm.
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The charm has stopped vibrating, though now an ominous red glow emanates from it. You look around your surroundings but fail to see anything but the inside of the room and the window. Instead, you decide to listen for the zombie horde. Everything seems quiet.
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You try to use the charm. Your stump hurts a little less. You open the door slightly and peek out. One or two zombies roam around, docile. You look down and spot a finger. Yours.
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You succeed. The zombies shuffle towards the finger. You feel a sense of regret, throwing away your finger to be devoured. You wonder if the charm can help you restore your arm. Pushing the thought away, you sneak out.
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As you walk around aimlessly, you strongly miss your arm. You come across an ornate door.
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You attempt to shrug off your feelings. You almost succeed until you raise your right hand to knock the door. Your feelings well back up, until it is pierced by a ray of hope. You realize the charm is very powerful and may restore your arm. You knock on the door. There is no answer.
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The door opens as you turn the knob and push in. You are in a library. The charm glows brighter.
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As you stand near the section leading to a dark passageway, the charm starts to vibrate.
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As you walk down the passageway, you see spell books lining the shelves. The passageway ends and as you round the corner, you see a figure sitting at a table reading.
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The figure acknowledges your presence. He gets up and introduces himself as Carpon. He is shocked to see you in need of a hand.
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He nods and listens. He directs your attention towards the book on the table. It is opened on a restoration spell, possibly a blessing. He pulls a crystal out of his pocket and hands it to you.
(OOC: See you then)
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The crystal lodges into the charm with a bright flash of light. You are blinded for a second. When your vision clears up, you see that Carpon has vanished,
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The charm reduces the pain in your arm, not substantially, but you feel better. You realize it still needs more crystals. You look around the room for Carpon but there is no sign off him. It's as if the earth opened up and swallowed him whole. The book, however, is still on the table.
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You try to read but it is written in a language that you cannot understand. You see a line written in the common speak. It tells you to find the key and decipher this puzzle.
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You find many books that focus on deciphering but without a specific key, they are useless.
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You search one of the books. A page falls out. The charm does not vibrate. You are on your own.
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It is a map leading to the key. It tells you to return to the door that you tried to break down.
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You have:
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You manage to time your sneaks and get back to the door undetected. However, there is still no quiet way to break down the door.
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You manage to find a sturdy to block the door.
You use the charm on the door. It has no effect.
You start hitting the door with the halberd. The noise attracts the undead. They start pushing against the barricade. Your constant battering creates a hole big enough for you to crawl through. The door gives way under the weight of the undead.
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As you crawl through the door, one of the undead grabs you by the leg. You have seconds to react and avoid getting bitten.
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You manage to free yourself but the undead crawls halfway through.
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It is a normal sized study with a window to your right. There is a table stacked with books. Some stationery. Another table to your left. Another zombie crawls through the unblocked hole.
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You successfully decapitate the zombie and block the door.
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As you pore through the books, you find many references to the occult and the resurrection of monsters. you wonder why Carpon would have these. The moaning of the undead dies down.
You open the last book and read it till the end. Still no key. Where could it be?
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The charm gives no indication of the key or any nearby crystals.
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You find a note. It contains a cryptic statement.
Sometimes, it is best to judge a book by its cover.
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You find a paper tucked in the book of resurrection.
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It is the key to the puzzle with alphabets of the common speak corresponding to the ancient symbols on the spell book. Now, by any chance, did you bring the actual book on the table?
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The undead wander around but none close to the door.
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You get discovered. 5 zombies advance on you together.
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The charm increases their attacking power. You manage to cut down 2 zombies. One of them swings its fists at you. Due to heightened strengthened, it manages to break your nose. You stumble.
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You manage to eliminate 2 more. Your back is against the wall. The blood gushing from your nose, makes the handle slippery. Your halberd slips out of your hand and falls to the ground with a clang.
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You wipe your hands on the wall, but before you can switch to your axe, the zombie grabs you.
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You cannot retreat. There is a wall behind you. The zombie is imposing on you with his increased strength. Push him back or get bitten.
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You succeed in pushing him back and wield your axe.
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You swing with all your might. Your swing chops the zombie in half from the waist.
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You find it hard to catch your breath due to your damaged nose. The charm stops the bleeding.
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She is most certainly human and she is a mage. She asks whether you've seen Carpon. She glances nervously at your charm.
(OOC: Could you please move your last reply to the last page of thread? For some reason, it won't let me reply to your comments. :/)
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You find yourself at the table again. The book is still there.
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You start translating the spell. While doing so, you hear someone address you from behind.
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It is not Carpon. You inquire about the stranger's identity. The stranger pulls the hood down and black locks of hair fall down her shoulders. She tells you her name is Avelya.
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After surveying the field you realize that that the Orcs had won this battle.
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The Orcs and Armadillo armies have been are war for generations. This was only one battle of many. The orcs may have won this one but the armadillos may win the next.
As you ponder this, hail begins to fall.
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You find yourself in an open plain surrounded by signs of an epic battle.
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