It's from first part of series (how I know it's a re: hollow fragment). Or i should to buy something other? [I warning, that my systems is not good, 12 ram DDR4, amd r3 graphics + A4 - 9120 (2 cores 2.20GHz)]

3 years ago

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Are you asking for opinions on the game, or if your system could handle the game?

3 years ago

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I asking, if the SAO worth to play

3 years ago

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And i must add, that wanted to buy Ni no Kuni (one of 2 parts, maybe 2)

3 years ago

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The first one is the better game, by general opinion.

3 years ago

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I want to buy 2 part

3 years ago

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i played re hollow fragment for 3,7h but i didnt like it ,the monsters were so slow and stationary .....
Maxing out companions is like replaying same lines over and over it with 0 efforts felt like a asset flip game .
the monsters detection is so bad you could probably skip 99% of the game and ignore everything(after tutorials) .It may be a fine game to grind on a psp or maybe steam deck but except that dunno ... Didnt feel like a good game to play on a pc .
i dont care much about graphics ,but the game itself doesnt look really good either .(really wanted to like it)
i didnt play Ni no kuni yet but all of my friends were pretty positive about it .

3 years ago*

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I do kind of agree, but I enjoyed it for a while on PS4, though haven't played for a while.
What I feel like I enjoyed more than fighting and doing most quests was just hanging out with the girls, haha.
I would walk around town with Asuna and Silica all the time, and even though I could never really figure out how I was "supposed" to answer most of their questions they ask when you talk with them, every once in a while I answered right so I could hold hands, etc. and that was kind of the bulk of what I would do. XD

3 years ago

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I don't know about Sword Art, but I played both Ni no Kuni and I'm considering a replay. It's absolutely worth buying and the animation is gorgeou, but you need to be prepared for some grinding as is the case with most JRPG's.

3 years ago

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Grind is not so bad, so i think about 2 part of this game, it's good to play, if I don't played before 1 part (I am about storyline)?

3 years ago

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The second game is a standalone story, so you don't need to have played the first one to enjoy it. You even get a little of backstory about the first game in the second game. Even gameplay is a little bit different between the two, so the only thing you gain from the first one is that you'll be already familiar with the world setting, that's all. I like both, but you'll probably like the second one better (most people do).

3 years ago*

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I'd probably say it's worth playing, I'm not really sure why Hollow Fragment is more expensive than Lost Song, but as I haven't tired Lost Song, I'm tempted to try that myself. As for Hollow Fragment, it's kind of fun and is still pretty cheap, but yeah, it isn't all that great for the most part.

Haven't played any Ni no Kuni, but it seems pretty fun, and reviews seem pretty good. I'm really not too familiar with it, though it sounds like the second one no longer has Studio Ghibli's animations/cutscenes? (At least doesn't mention them on II's store page? Not actually sure how much Ghibli is in the first, but I did immediately think "That looks like Studio Ghibli" when I saw the trailer and stuff. :P) Though I do feel like the second one might have more enjoyable gameplay, at least for me.

3 years ago*

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Closed 3 years ago by Phantomen.