I finally had a chance to see one of the greatest bands live- Slayer (Anthrax as supporting band, which is pretty cool) and after I already bought a ticket, my exam (which includes listening comprehension) got a new date- the morning after the concert....
Obviously I couldn't go as it would lead to a loss of my hearing for the next 2 days.
I was lucky enough to sell my ticket, but still such a wasted oppurtunity.
All the drunk metalheads walking around and waiting in line for the concert (which is 1 minute away from my home) made me so mad and envious. [ENDED] So I decided to giveaway a little something: Gauntlet Slayer Edition LVL 3
At least the upcomming Nightwish and Amon Amarth concerts will easy my troubled mind.

8 years ago*

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Bump and thank you

8 years ago

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Bump for making grown-up decisions.

8 years ago

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Here, a extra good karma for ya :D

8 years ago

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put exam over Slayer gig? your priorities are clearly wrong! ;p

8 years ago

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You can never go wrong with some slayer. Why didn't you just go and use ear protection? You can get some pretty good ones so you can still hear all the Hz just less loud.

P.s. Once saw Amon Amarth warming up for Dimmu Borgir, best support band ever and i have been to alot of concerts.

8 years ago

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Well, I am of the special type of idiots who wait 4 hours till the concert starts just to be on the front row next to the speakers. I doubt any ear protection would help. Even if it does I will be tired as hell after 7-8 hours and probably dehydrated.
Btw is it some speacial ear protection or just regular ear plugs?

8 years ago

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you can get earplugs not custom made but still very good. Sorry for the ugly language, it's the middle ones looking like tree's http://www.hoerelse.info/horevaern

8 years ago

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Lol, I understand some words, even some whole sentences.
Hm, I'm pretty sure I can't buy those in my country. I might grab a pair online if the shipping is reasonable. Thanks!

8 years ago*

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special ones. What is important is that such ear plugs not only reduce the loudness but that they reduce the same amount for all range of sound. You wouldn't like it when you'd hear high sounds normally but low sounds 3-4 times more silent, would you? ;p

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

8 years ago

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Exams are such a killjoy :|

8 years ago

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You have no idea how sorry I feel for you right now.

8 years ago

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I would've gone anyway. So what there's an exam later, nothing that a few caffeine pills can't fix.

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8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by SirIronMaiden.