Ok, so I want to give to the Steam Gifts community because they are active and helpful!
Here's the deal; I have around 180 Steam Trading Cards that are completely useless to me! I know that with time and effort I could trade them for something helpful or useful but I don't feel like it, and I'd rather be generous. I don't want to just randomly give them away though. I was wondering if you guys could comment ideas for a contest that should be hosted to give these cards away. If I use your idea(s) you will be given 35 Steam Trading Cards of your choice from my inventory (I only have one foil)! The contest can be something simple or complex, with one or multiple winners. I'm open to hearing all answers! Add me if you need to.
EDIT: I'm getting a lot of good ideas, I'll probably create a poll with the best 3-4 ideas and then let you guys vote!

Stay Awesome, iiKrystic! (I really need a good closing for my messages xD)

9 years ago*

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See who can make the best joke
See who can make the best insult
See who can make the best story
Roll a Random Number
Do some puzzle
Find the funniest video that can make the OP laugh
Make a GIF/Artwork

9 years ago

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See who is strongest fairy

9 years ago

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Photoshop contest

EDIT: I think the best kind are when you find a funny or interesting picture and have us all 'shop it as best we can/

9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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I volunteer as tribute!

9 years ago

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Let the hunger games begin!

9 years ago

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Hmm, did you consider selling them to buy yourself some cheap games? If nothing you want is on sale right now, you could save the money for later... :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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It takes time to put up each individual card for sale

9 years ago

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Yea, that's why I decided to ignore this decision in the first place. Good idea though!

9 years ago

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(I really need a good closing for my messages xD)

A contest where whoever comes up with the best closing for your messages wins. I'm picturing a ten minute custom animated GIF.

9 years ago

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180 x ~$0.04 each = $7.2

you could buy some games with that instead and make giveaways.
you know people will sell those cards for profit, better to just get yourself some cv and give away games.

9 years ago

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+1 for the kardz4konrads idea.

9 years ago

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That's a good name for a charity.

9 years ago

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I'm getting a lot of ideas, this is a good one. I'll end up making a poll with these ideas and let users take a vote

9 years ago

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I think we should have a contest to see who has the best contest idea, and then we just go with that.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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beat me to it!

9 years ago

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This is best

9 years ago

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but what if it's a draw?

9 years ago

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We have all the contests! (which are tied for first position) :D

9 years ago

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I've seen other contests where everyone picks a number, and in the case you could let everyone pick a number between 1 and 145 (145, because that's 180 minus the 35 you're giving to the best idea). if you didn't want the hassle of sending out 145 different cards, you could do, say 29 groups of 5 cards. Only you would know which cards would go to which number. Once 29 people had picked the numbers the contest would end and you'd distribute the cards.

A variation would be an entry fee of creating an invite-only GA to gain entry to the contest.

9 years ago

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i can make the best joke ever. If you cant take the heat then get out of the oven

9 years ago

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You could do a contest where everyone has to take a selfie about a topic of you choice or something

9 years ago

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Not sure if it ever appeared on SG before but I wanted to do a contest where people could show what they are good in - because, you know, photoshop contest = people who have never tried this have like 0% chances to win, karaoke contest = you can't sing, you lose etc. So I thought it would be nice if it would be multigenre contest - from artwork, through novels, bad puns, screenshots, to singing. Show us what you got the best. Kinda "SteamGifts' Got Talent!" :P You can use it too if you want :) And if there weren't similar idea before

I'd be glad to help you if you'd choose this idea amd maybe even contribute with some giveaway.

9 years ago

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Still doesn't help those who are not good at anything :(

9 years ago

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They might be the best in being the worst, I don't know ^^ To be more serious it all depends on one's creativity :)

9 years ago

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Design a trading card with description for your favourite game? :P (our own favourite games, not yours, so we can grab a screenshot from it to use for the card...assuming people actually own their favourite game...)
...nah...or yes...no...uhm...
Something that rewards creativity above skill.
I myself like cartoons, limericks or stories.

9 years ago

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This is a good idea, but how will the user design a trading card?

9 years ago

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Yeah, I looked into it, there is a .psd of a tradingcard template.
I have turned it into a .png so it can also be used in paint or whatever...the biggest problem is pasting the picture in the right place and shape.

edit: probably too difficult :/

9 years ago*

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I actually love this idea!

9 years ago

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Perhaps a screenshot contest (with a theme of your choice)? I just really like checking those...drawing contests are nice as well. But as someone already suggested you can always sell them and make giveaways.

9 years ago

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Let them fight each other... the one that creates the most GA for your contest wins quantity over quality xD

9 years ago

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screenshot contest or drawigng contest

big prizes would be apreciated, f.ex 100 cards for the winner, 50 for second price, 25 for third

and 5 cards for idea winner :)

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by iiKrystic.