cmon, 75€ for 6 retro games, none of the steam retro collections go that high
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I mean it's Square, they even charge us almost $120 for Life is Strange True Colors here in my region.
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10 years ago I bought Final Fantasy Origins (FFI&II) for PS1 for €30.
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yeah ill happily skip these.
FF6 is worth the money for the story alone, but the rest - i've already played them once, and once is enough.
it's nice they are doing a better job porting them than they have so far, but it's disgusting they aren't even upgrading the versions that have been released so far.
in short, if you want this version and currently own the badly ported version - tough luck, you get to pay them AGAIN!
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You seem to have not realized that you get on top of that the Soundtracks too for each Game too.
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Did they add anything new to the remastered versions? or is it the same game with better pc support?
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Every character has new 2D models and there's new music.
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Not payin 65 bucks for new 2D models and music. I'll just stick with the old ones I already have.
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What did they do?
Sorry i haven't played the pc version.
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This will be the first time Final Fantasy 1 & 2 will be on Steam. Another first is Final Fantasy III will have a 2D like the original for the first time on Steam. The one that's there currently is the Nintendo DS 3D version.
On July 27th FFV and FFVI current versions will be removed from purchase.
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Yeah I just noticed it was only those 2. I'm playing 3 right now :)
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I really was hoping they were either going to give a nice discount or a copy to the owners of the existing ones, obviously that's not happening. I really want to get 1 and 2.
People who don't own the current FFV and FFVI may want to get them while they can.
For those not aware FFVI is FFIII on the SNES
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yeah its like final fantasy 8 remastered, when its not up in your face different its a bit like why would we get them. I'll definitely pick up the original 2 one day but I'm not gonna bother with the others. From what I've played of 3 and 4 I wasn't a big enough fan to rebuy
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I'll definitely pick up the original 2 one day but I'm not gonna bother with the others.
The first three games aren't well considered by anyone I know, myself included, and also had by far the worst critic reviews (hovering closer to 7~7.5 on both initial* and retrospective critic reviews, compared to the 8.5 that even the maligned FF13 manages to hover around). In fact, "masochism" and "shallowness" are usually the descriptions I hear associated with the first three games, given their awkward balancing and extremely superficial narratives.
* Basing off the coverage in the gaming magazines I read in the past, as well as the archived Google results I found via search.
Even the fourth game is mostly considered to have appeal for the purpose of nostalgia, and isn't typically considered to have aged well. Similarly, the original releases of 5, 7, and 8 haven't aged well and had various issues from the start. Further, unfortunately, the rereleased version of 8 was a hackjob, as were the mobile-ported versions of 5 and 6 available on Steam. Similarly, the original release of 12 had some notable issues.
To sum up, if you didn't care for 3 and 4, you likely won't care for the less developed preceding games. Rather, if you're looking for traditional art, consider 6 or 9, and if you're looking for more modern 3D perspectives, consider 7's remake, 10, or 12's Zodiac Age rework.
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10 is an RPG I'd whole-heartedly recommend, which makes it unique for me in the franchise (which, despite the high production value in later FF games, generally faltered for me when compared to other notable RPG offerings). That's not to say it's perfect, but that it's uniquely memorable (and with the best music I've ever encountered in a video game, by far). I'd say the unskippable puzzle areas of the game are probably the most divisive part of it? I enjoyed those, but they're probably relatively easy to walkthrough, and there aren't that many of them overall.
I don't recall 9 well anymore, and the chibi art always threw off my immersion, but I recall it being rather good.
( I'd replay 9 to get a fresher opinion, but I can't find my darn PS2 power cable, and I haven't managed time to ebay a replacement.. none of the local stores could get one in, and that despite having an overcharged price of $20 for them o.O; )
Zodiac Age is supposed to fully cover the issues the initial release of 12 had, and I found 12 to be quite enjoyable outside of the given issues (outside of the game's obsessive dedication to [mostly side-mission] grind, which was exhaustive even for a Final Fantasy game, and some general mid-game flow issues). To my mind, it's definitely the most immersive when it comes to voice acting, scenery, and cutscenes; However, after setting up some early attachment, I found that 12 didn't really keep interest in its characters as well as 7 through 10*, with the game's focus on dungeon-crawling and monster-capturing distracting from the narrative.
* [Though 8 kinda threw all its setup to the wind at the end, to my mind, what with its random time travel and deus ex machina explanations of the past and overall randomness].
With the Zodiac update fixing early balancing and flow issues, and revamping the character upgrading system, it's probably the most robust of the games as far as gameplay goes. In short, Zodiac age for gameplay and 10 for setting/atmosphere/narrative.
7's remake ends up being more divisive, with some focusing on criticizing the game for more fillery, bloated narrative and a weakening in overall narrative tone, while others praise it for having better depth, flow, and presentation. Likewise, the combat system is considered superior by most in the remake, but the switch to real-time is divisive as well. Ultimately, the only sure thing is that the graphics and music are reliably considered to be much better in the remake.
(Again, do note that I haven't gotten the chance to play either the Zodiac rework or 7's remake, so considerations on both are simply based on regular glances into the given topics.)
To conclude: Get 9 if you want something easy and relaxing to play, get 10 if you want a memorable atmosphere and narrative presentation, and get 12's Zodiac Age if you want a game with strong, yet easy-to-get-into gameplay, or if you want a game with extensive side-content.
Get 8 if you want to blast things with summons while avoiding ever fighting with your actual characters, and if you enjoy collecting trading cards within an RPG. >.> Wait, no, I think we have Witcher 3 for that latter part, now..
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I just couldn't get as into FFX2, despite vastly preferring the dynamics and concept of that game's party composition. It just got too checklisty with the airship missions, and vapid on the narrative development. It felt like there was a <start> and a <conclusion> and then just exploration missions in between. Likewise, I felt the production quality just wasn't near as high as the original game. So for me it was more wasted potential than anything. Nevermind that I didn't really take to the combat system, either. Still one of the better FF games, imo, however.
FFX is defintiely ony of my most appreciated single-player games, though. It'd be better if the end-game bloat on side missions felt less forced (why exactly am I collecting the best weapon for every character if I can already just beat the final boss? And nevermind how weird it is to take a break from stopping the apocalypse to race chocobos and chase lights in a forest..) and there weren't such absurd imbalances and limitations in Blitzball play. Other'n that, though, it's just a thoroughly memorable experience, and probably the game that gives me the most nostalgia (thanks to its stellar and extensive music themes). I'd definitely be keen on a remake of 10, for sure..
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this price omegalol
remaster from original . Doesn't include new features ( i guess was the new dungeon for ff6 for example)
really a shame .
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Yeah, not paying them again for III - VI. Might get I & II for 50% off. Really sucks that they don't even give 50% off to people who already own the 'old' version of their games.
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Are these just the mobile ports?
Bleh I can't believe they are claiming these sprites are better than the original. (especially for FF6)
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that's because znes is hyper hacky and does things wrong. bsnes tries to emulate a SNES properly, with all its insane real-time protections and such, and requires a great CPU to keep up with that. It's for purists and people that really care about proper emulation.
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And zsnes has been abandoned for years, indeed.
i've had emulation station on my raspberry - it worked quite alright as well.
Do any of them actually provide "stable" multiplayer over internet yet?
I recall both zsnes tried - but failed, and snes9x made a start with it at some point.
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"costs basically the same as a full AAA on release"
you will get 6 AAA titles here on release...the price seems fine to me
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i wouldn't expect something more than a stupid answer tbh....
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Probably grab them at -50% come winter, even then I'll feel vaguely stupid about it. Add them to the four copies of VII that never get touched.
Respect to Square, bringing us hard lessons on the idiocy of consumer culture one re-release at a time.
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I'd pay like $5 per game max. Miss me with that price point. I'll buy them when they're on a reasonable sale.
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"$5 per game max"
would be nice.... but you forget that ff it's not a random indie crap.
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But the point is not to say how old a game is....also ff1 and ff2 come for first time to pc and ofc the development costs are BIG...
They ask ~12 per game for 6 AAA games on release....They will sell cuz we don't talk about a random jrpg series.....
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Tbh, these may have been AAA games that many years ago - they don't really qualify as such anymore.
Yes they're from an AAA studio, but old is old.
I wouldn't bother with FF 1-5 in modern times, even with the polished graphics.
Aside, you know - having played them already on an emulator.
Classics like these should fit fine at 5$ each.
What each person feels they are worth will vary,. but we can simply skip em and let them find out the price is too high when the number of sales are low
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"but we can simply skip em and let them find out the price is too high when the number of sales are low" it's not too high.. It takes toooo much $ to make even those small changes and to make them playable for pc
" they don't really qualify as such anymore." I disagree.. But ok feel free to buy Control as AAA on full price..................... (just an example for modern "AAA's")
"but old is old." Even to this day there is not 1 game better than them in their category. If you disagree you can post a better one
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I mean, the price is kinda okay if you're buying them (and will play) for the first time. If you're buying them for the nth time then it's very pricey. Knowing Square these won't go below 50% like any other main FF title, it will still feel expensive.
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-_- guess I'll go back to completing my FFXIII collection
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Square Enix, KOEI TECMO, EA, their games price are really a something negative way of course..
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Dude Square literally charged 120 bucks for Life is strange true colors + LiS remastered here in my region, you can get Mafia trilogy which include a total remake for Mafia 1 with $50, the entire bundle of DOOM games (including DOOM Eternal and season pass) for $97, and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 deluxe bundle for $82, three copies of Red Dead Redemption 2 game, and two complete new triple A games for that price, how is that not ridiculous?
Not to mention they like to "remaster" slightly their old games and charge $30-$60 from people, which is a total absurd since those games are not a remake.
Also you are fine as well with EA inflated the price of all their games after they announced their comeback to steam? They literally increased the price for old game like Mirror's Edge from $10 to $20 here for no reason and charged full $60 for The Sims 4 and it's base game only..
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You are comparing TOTALLY different things lol xD
You are also commenting on ICONIC games that still DO sell for that price for a reason.. They are just THAT good.. Like it or not they are THAT good..
As for EA.. It was always like this. Buuut it sells.. If you have it don't buy it.. Sims is also considered THE best sim game of its kind (though I prefer the previous ones) and yes.. It has people that ONLY play this so they do buy everything..
It's all about priorities and what you like the most.
People have become tooooo easy to judge a price and seem to have forgotten with all the indies the differences with AAA's and let alone ICONIC AAA's.. They are NOT the same..
You might also have forgotten HOW we were buying games 10-20 years ago and what savings we did for 5-10 games a year IF we were lucky.. The indies of 1$ have gone to deep into gamers minds.. Problem is.. There is also a reason no one cares for them.
For mafia you actually pay 30 for the first 15 for the 2nd and 5 for the 3rd.. Hence the 50$..
DOOM is still the BEST there is in this style..
Flight Sim has die hard fans that would sell their house for it..
What are you comparing exactly?.. xDDD
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Ugh i was comparing those good triple A games price with the ridiculous price Square put for LiS True Colors? I never talk bad about those games, again i was COMPARING them with LiS true color price, your comment is acting like i was talking bad about them.
My comparison is for the amount of games and gameplay you can get for that price by focusing on how much those triple A games cost comparing to LiS game, also do you consider Life is Strange as triple A game? I don't remember it is, as far i remember it's like a double A game which is why does $120 sounds justifiable for you for a double A game? You think that's a "normal" thing?
Also Mafia is a triple A title, yet the entire trilogy only cost less than half of LiS newest game, the entire DOOM bundle as well they are better and cost less, what i was trying to say is Square always treat many of their games same as triple A games with the same price etc, while in fact many of them are not, hence why most of the price is ridiculous. Like an old Romancing Saga game from 1995 cost like $45, just because "shiny textures", with nothing new to add and not even a remake? C'mon..
I can see that on EA about the sims, but what they did by increasing ALL of their games's price for no reason is still unacceptable, like i said Mirror's edge was $10 before and now it's $20 out of nowhere, same with Dragon Age, Dead Space, Command & Conquer, etc. Those games are not even being remastered, they are still an old version of the games and EA decided to jack the price up just to piss the fans.
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For good or bad LiS IS an AAA.. Just on a less "shiny" genre.. Adventure / Point and Click
For those 120 you are getting 2 remasters + a new game though..
It has weird history as a game but at this point it's the AAA of that genre.
Mafia doesn't sell.. Aaaaalways had problems because most think of it as a gta copy (why is beyond me..).. Which saddens me as it is one of my favorite games (especially Mafia 2)
DOOM is the SAME as it was back then
Romancing Saga is not 45$.. Unless you mean all of them. But they need to be coded from 0.. Graphics from 0..Everything all over again..
EA does this because she can.. People missed them and buy them, others will get them for the first time, etc.. Supply and demand..
The thing is.. They are all companies wanting to profit.. They wouldn't make those things for free.. And if they were bad they wouldn't sell. But this doesn't mean that their prices is outrageous given the work behind those.. Programmers, graphic designers, testers, promotion, copyrights and so on depending on the game. Even old games have to be made from 0 t run on modern pc and windows and and and.. I play Scarlet Nexus with 10%-15% left on 8gb RAM.. Control is so badly optimized (just 1 example of many) that with 50% empty memory it causes "cracks" at some points for no reason. With I want to say that many things matter when it comes to how much a game if worth.. They could sell some games 5-10$ cheaper and still have profit.. But then again it's still a reasonable price and that's why people buy them still..
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$74.82 USD for the complete bundle of 6 pixel remaster games and extremely unlikely that people who own the crappy mobile ports will get any sort of discount. Hilarious especially since 1, 2 and 4 have been released a thousand times by now.
FFS I just want to play a definitive version of VI. It really should've gotten the PSP treatment like 1, 2 and 4 did. Gorgeous games.
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For this price i will always try to bought new good indie game that aren't a endless remaster ...
And also some indie dev give the remaster for free for people that have the original game (like for Mini Motor Racing EVO; Music Racer; Van Hell Sing ...)
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and your comparison is INDIE vs serious comparison , i'm amazed.
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Such as? Not that I don't like them.. I have played too many of them.. And own even more.. But no..I can't think of 1 that compares to a real AAA (not stuff like Control)
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For Final Fantasy (RPG turn by turn) -> Epic Battle Fantasy 3, 4 and 5 (3 is free in steam if you want to try)
Trackmania (Racing game with a good track editor) -> Distance
Diablo (Hack'n'slash) -> Path of Exile, Grim Dawn, Torchlight I and II
Wipeout (Racing with futurism ship) -> BallisticNG
Could also do many of them, just i am ok that AAA are better with open game (Skyrim, Zelda BOTW, Oblivion ...), and better with graphics. But indie take the risk for doing new concept, and AAA just taking what it's work actually with a good open area and good graphics, but not really more ... and know that a remaster will better work than a full new game, and will cost less to produce ...
Comment has been collapsed. OMG
the "art" for this game is made by a kindergarden child? nice comparison for ff....
was enough for me .....i'm not wasting my time even to check the rest of your comment......
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Art is 150% of the game for them, I guess. They don't play games for gameplay or anything else, haha.
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Hades, Disco Elysium, Dead Cells, Inside, Risk of Rain 2, Plague Tale Innocence, Bloodstained, Factorio, Terraria, Subnautica, Stardew Valley, Rimworld, Slay the Spire, Slime Rancher, Hollow Knight, Deep Rock Galactic, Beat Saber, Return of Obra Dinn...
Nowadays the indie scene is stronger than ever. It's also the haven of innovation as AAA are too expensive to develop so they can't take any risks and big studios are basically remaking the same old formulas over and over, shipping same games in different coats every year, innovating mostly in fields of graphic fidelity, visual presentation and finding new ways how to monetize even the most basic parts of game design.
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None of those games are going to compare to a "real AAA" for them, because they don't have the AAA graphics and/or overused formulas. XD
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oh boy do i feel naïve for thinking this would just be one 'game' that costs ~$20 and you receive all six remasters. then i remember kingdom hearts on egs.
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$80 with tax is a bit overpriced IMO, especially considering they're just a graphics swap with no added content. I was hoping for $20-30 for a package containing all 6.
I will most definitely pick up Final Fantasy 1 & 2 as they're new to Steam and I haven't played them in years, but the others I would wait for a bigger sale as I already have the other versions released on Steam. They should have just did a cheaper DLC for each game that you could buy to switch graphics for those who want it.
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it's worst than not added content .
it's the original so they are less content than the current ones based on gba with bonus .
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I think that them bringing something more comparable to the original is great. I'm guessing the reason they chose to use the PSP model versions was due to it being more appealing by today's standards and a lot of people liked it on mobile. I personally don't mind the cartoonish graphics.
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52 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ashtart
20% discount on each game
22% discount on the entire set
there will be no additional discount for owners of older versions FFV and FFVI =(
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