I've been trying to decide whether or not to purchase Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition recently since it is currently on sale for a great price of £3.40. Since I am on my laptop until I build a PC in August, I decided to see if I could run the game before I bought it. I use canirunit.com to test these things even though some people say it sucks, I see no issue with it. This brought me to ask this question:

Why does it say my Video Card is not suitable even when it meets all the requirements? Is it simply because it's a mobility card?

Results from canirunit.com

p.s Yes I know, my hard drive space is seriously low xD

12 years ago*

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i have no idee ^^

12 years ago

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It's because it's not the recommended GPU.

You have the minimum so you should be able to play.
Don't expect high FPS though.

12 years ago

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I think it says that just because it doesn't know what it is. It says the same as my Intel HD 3000 even though it can run the game happily of fairly high settings

12 years ago

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Your card is a very low end card. Check for example this. The desktop equivalent is at the bottom with a low frame rate, and there's a chance the mobile version is even slower. (Another benchmark showing a little better results.)

12 years ago

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Thanks guys, I think I'll give this game a miss :p

12 years ago

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Not necessarily. You can probably get 30+ FPS if you run with low details at a reasonably low resolution (such as 1366x768). It's a good game, so I think it's worth a try.

12 years ago

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I have a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5165 (1GB), and they want to upgrade it, too. But Skyrim is playable on high ^^ So I suggest you to try it out. You have a 512 MB and the reqirement should be a 256 MB graphic card. As ET3D said, on low res it may will work.

12 years ago

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You can probably run it since you have 2GB+ video ram and a good CPU. I used to have a 6000 card with only 500mb video ram and when I did the canirunit tests on games that required 7000-8000 series cards it always said I failed BUT a few of the games I bought anyway (or already owned) and I could run them fine at medium graphics (sometimes low) with vsync and lighting/shading turned off.

12 years ago

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Thanks again guys. Tempting me to get it again now :p If I do, I'll update you with the results.

12 years ago

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You'll be able to run the game but don't expect maximum settings. It will definitely run on medium/high though. The issue is because Arkham Asylum uses PhysX, which is an Nvdia exclusive.

Isn't there a demo for the game? Get that and see it for yourself if it's playable.

12 years ago

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There is no demo for Arkham Asylum on Steam :p

12 years ago

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Well I'm running it on Medium and getting an average of 40 FPS. The game is brilliant and it was definitely worth £3.40, so it's all good!

On Very High I got an FPS average of about 10/12 and I didn't try the High option.

Thanks again guys :)

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by CobraHJR12.