Hi i was using Idle Daddy for farming cards from the games i own in my steam account. The last few days when i try to use the program it says that i have 0 cards to idle, Does anyone have the same problem, or i must do somathing to fix the issue?. Thank you and sorry for my bad English. If talking for farming cards is not allowed in the site plaese a moderator delete this ASAP.

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

4 years ago

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i still use idle master. they say its out of date but it has never stopped working for me. i cant help with idle daddy as i have never had to use another program. so if u cant fix check out idlemaster

4 years ago

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its fine to talk card farming here. some people act like its bad practice somehow, they feel it makes you less of a gamer or some shit. i cant remember there reasoning, but i have seen people look down on it for whatever dumb reason.
i say what type of moron leaves money on the table.
as long as there are people pokemon enough to pay real money for digital trading cards im gonna get my beak wet.

4 years ago*

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I don't think anyone think that you are a bad gamer or something.

It's bad practice if you join a GA just to idle the game you won.

4 years ago

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But most would also just assume you do.

If you win a game, and you get a bundle offcourse that won game would automatically is idled too, doesn't mean you won't ever play it, when some just got a big backlog.

4 years ago

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some people have this imaginary concept that card farming is wrong in general, and i was referencing that. some people just have this BS gamer honor code that makes them think there better at sitting on there ass and pushing buttons then others.

but in the end what does it matter what a person does with something they win. the must activate rule is good as it prevent others from giving away the same key 100 times, other then that its nobody business what a person does with there property.

giveaways are a game of chance, not a charity.

if you win a group giveaway, then one should fallow the groups rules. a public giveaway is just that, a give away, no longer your concern, what was once your property is now there's. there is no bad practice when dealing with public gives after activation.
why would you give something away to the public by random selection if you had concerns as to what will be done with it, thats just not logical.

as you can tell by my profiles im not a person who enters to farm, i have had a job for 30years, and i dont give a shit if some one farms the game i gave them, then wipes there ass with it, after all i gave it away, it no longer belongs to me it belongs to them.

4 years ago

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Some people are just so stupid that they leave a free level 10 laying on the table. :P

I guess they are richer than Gaben so they feel bad for taking anything for free and want to waste their money on games instead.

4 years ago

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It is out of date? I use it too. Reliable program. I recommend it too. Idle Master is the best. Works as intended.

4 years ago

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the person who originally made it got fed up with steam constantly changing shit so he abandoned it and now some other random people do the upkeep. if i recall right. all the info is on the steam group page for idlemaster. im just going from memory.

4 years ago

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I mean, I know that original version is not supported, but it's still continued on github.

4 years ago

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i did go look around after typing that and it does seem to be in full swing again.

4 years ago

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Idle Daddy is like Idle Master but for mobile.

4 years ago

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Who'se your daddy?

But no idlemaster extended is better.

4 years ago

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i tried idlemaster without succes too, it says no more card drops avaliable.

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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I have no idea about Idle Daddy or if Idle master still works, I've been using Archi Steam Farm ever since it was released. The creator still updates it and supports it, it's not hard to set up if you read the wiki properly.

4 years ago

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Archi steam farm

4 years ago

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ASF team

4 years ago

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use ASF its still working at the best

4 years ago

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daddy issues ?

4 years ago

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you win the LOL of the day award. its a time honored tradition dating back all the way to when i started typing this.

4 years ago

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Haven't even heard of this program, and I'm among those who had to give up on Idle Master, it just doesn't work in my case. But I have to say that if even I'm able to manage Archi Steam Farm, anyone is. But yeah, it's not intuitive, you'll have to read wiki. Idle Master was much more convenient for simple idling needs.

4 years ago

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I've never used idle daddy, but I have a guess about your problem. What if you have 0 cards to idle?

4 years ago

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is there a way to see this?

4 years ago

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Yes, just go to your profile on Steam and look for "Badges".

4 years ago

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Open https://steamcommunity.com/my/badges/ and check if you have badges with card drops remaining, like on this picture:

If there is no badges like this, only badges with text "No card drops remaining" - it means you have nothing do idle, and until you will buy more games - you won't get more cards, no matter what idle program you use.

4 years ago

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thank you i fell a bit silly now, the badges i see are with no card drops remaining sign, i can see about 15-20 badges in my page is it normal?

4 years ago*

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Have you already received cards for those games/ You only get a limited number of card drops per game-- half of the available cards, rounding up. And if you activated a game when it was free on Steam, you may not get any card drops at all, depending on when you activated it. They changed that policy at some point.

4 years ago

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It is normal, apart from crafted badges you see only some of the recent ones, not all of them.

4 years ago

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