You have to send in a support ticket asking for special rules for your giveaways and they are only limited to private GA's and relatively smaller groups (less than 200 I think)
You are not allowed to set special rules or have a blacklist on public GA's however. If someone wins your public GA, you must give it to them unless they have the game or some other kind of shady business. This also includes if you have 1 game that's a bundle giveaway. They are allowed in public GA's to say you cannot enter if you have any of the games in that GA.
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Not saying thanks is not really a valid reason to reroll the winner. If it's gonna be a couple thousand entries, your thanks will get lost, but if it's a personal group thing or just a smaller entry list, it'd be nice if you do thank them. Still, entirely up to you. The important part is to thank them after receiving the gift. IMHO.
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no... unless the GA's description says so (the rule must be authorized by a support member)
anyway, you can leave a non-generic thanks... i always read the comments on my GAs and i always leave a comment if the Giveaway creator made a nice description.
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Only private and group giveaways can have rules and must be detailed AND pre-aproved by a staff member.
Then yes, you can require that, or the user has NOT put thanks or a link to a meme or their credit card or a 1000€ transfer, or nah I'm currently joking with the last examples.
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As a general rule, no, you don't have to comment on a giveaway in any way to be eligible to win it. As others noted, if it's a private or group giveaway, or the gifter has gotten special rules approved by SteamGifts, this should be specified in the giveaway and then you'd have to meet those requirements to be eligible. But typical public giveaways, no, you can just enter without saying anything and still win. I think many people do comment to be polite, because the gifter has paid for a game and is giving it away for free to someone else who's probably a stranger to them -- it's nice to acknowledge their generosity.
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There are two main camps when it comes to leaving a "thanks" in the comments section. One group thinks it's polite and shows gratitude to the giveaway creator. Another group thinks that generic "thanks" spam is more of an insult than a show of appreciation due to the perceived insincerity of it. As for the remaining people, they don't really care much, one way or the other.
While both sides have valid arguments to support their opinions, everyone is pretty much agreed that it comes down to what your intentions are when you post your comment. There is no way to tell what you are thinking or feeling just by looking at the text, so the only importance attached to what you write is in your perception of it when you're in the act of writing the message and the receiver's perception of it when he or she is reading it.
Make of that what you will.
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Honestly, I wish people wouldn't leave a random "thanks". The person who wins should say thank you, but the rest just feel like spam.
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No it's not a requirement, I've won 30 games from SG so far and don't think to say thanks often. There are some (people who may or) Steam groups who ask for you to say thanks, and I definitely make sure in those; so some may want you to if you managed to win. But overall it's not required, nor a rule of using SG. I'd say your bigger worry would be partially owning some giveaway that includes more than one game, then even if you win and don't own one or more games, the giveaway provider may do a re-roll on you.
EDIT: When people say "instead of the usual thanks..." that could mean they're annoyed by the tons of "thanks" "Thanks!" comments.
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well that is just how i am i say thanks for a lot reason but the main reason i do it for the GA is because i am thankful someone took the time to post a game and i do it because it is the right thing to do
people who see it as spam just do not want to bother with just saying thanks which is fine they have the right
but i even say thanks when someone holds a a door for me despite hardly anyone doing the same in return but i guess in some ways this new generation is lost to entitlement and thinking that saying thanks is either weird or not needed
but that is just my opinion as i say it as rude that someone offers you something regardless if you get said item not to say thanks for sharing
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I think that's all well and good, but if you feel obligated to say thanks, then make sure to tell them what you appreciate about what they're doing. Sure it's a bit more work, but it will mean more to the person giving it away than the generic quick thanks comment that's churned out by thousands of SG users.
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Yeah, exactly. The creator is spending their time and MONEY on the giveaway, so a bit of appreciation never hurts! :)
And wow, do people NOT say "Thanks" when someone holds a door for them? Did we humas get this far in our ignorance?
I always thank the person who holds a door for me or lets me pass first through a doorway or such.
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Honestly, I find it a bit strange that the "Thank Yous" bug some GA creators so much O.o
Nothing wrong with a bit of politeness on the otherwise rude internet, I think. But what do I know, they probably have their reasons.
Anyway, I usually leave a comment (be it just a thank you or something else) either if the giveaway in question is for a game that I'd really love to have, or when I'm just feeling chatty :)
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for me, whether i say thanks in the giveaway depends on the giveaway (edited for clarification)
in public giveaways, i don't really feel compelled to put my thanks in the giveaway page because it's usually pointless to me to thank if i don't win (i only send the GA creator an email saying thanks if i do win)...and mind you, most of my wins were public, so you don't really need to say thanks
i do understand the politeness aspect of it though, call me impolite i guess :3
for private giveaways i do make an effort to leave some thanks message of some sort, though...and as mentioned, in private giveaways, only those may have special support-approved rules like "comment X otherwise I re-roll" or something like that
for public giveaways where the GA creator wants people to write weird shit, i usually abstain from entering them because i'm no good at thinking up weird shit :P
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Sorry, I didn't think to use search feature. I went through the first few pages of forum posts and didn't see anyone asking this, so I posted. I tried, I swear :)
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I am pretty new to this site. I have entered many giveaways, but not won any yet, and that's fine :) I am patient, and am not complaining.
What I have noticed on every single giveaway I've entered is many people writing a "thanks" or "thank you" in the comments. Is this just to be nice, or is it required for the gift-giver to actually grant you the win?
The reason I ask is I recently entered a giveaway and the creator said:
"Instead of the usual "Thanks" how bout you tell me your favorite game memory! LETS SEE WHO ACTUALLY READS THIS SHIT :P"
I noticed on my own giveaway that recently closed, after the winner was selected by the site, I was given the option to pick a new winner instead.
So I was just wondering, if you don't say thanks, will the creator of the giveaway pick a new winner?
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