Priority/Severity: Low/Low - non-bug user experience enhancement.

Current situation: When you select a game during giveaway creation, you see either the name, the name with a red asterisk indicating reduced CV, or the name with two asterisks indicating zero CV will be granted from a completed giveaway. Later in the giveaway process, an estimate is shown at the bottom of the giveaway review screen, just before posting the giveaway.

Change request: Since contribution value is known when the game is selected, display it at that time. This value can be shown as soon as a game is selected. It can then be updated if the user provides multiple keys.

Effects: Improved user experience by having more information earlier. The impact on the number of giveaways is unknown, but probably minor. It may result in fewer zero CV or reduced CV giveaways, if it is more obvious that the giveaway creator is not receiving full CV. This will allow giveaway creators aiming for a specific value (to improve their sent/won value ratio or hit a specific Steamgifts level) greater clarity on their expected CV from completed giveaways. This change may also clarify differences between the apparent game value the user sees on the game's store page (which may be affected by regional pricing and currency) versus what is granted by Steamgifts.

CV changes over time, so CV received after a giveaway ends and feedback is received may still not be what the user expects, but this is outside the scope of this change request.

This change may make the asterisk/double-asterisk notation for reduced and zero CV games redundant, though that approach can be preserved as an explicit indication that the CV has been reduced, visible in the list even before a game is selected.

7 years ago

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Useful feature (to show expected CV when selecting a game)?

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You know what? I think they finally got me.

Let's remove CV altogether.

7 years ago

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Meh. I find levels and CV useful. Far from perfect, but as with any other regulation, I'm more inclined to want to fix it than discard it, as it tends to have been put in place for a reason.

Perhaps it's more a matter for another thread, but would you replace it with anything? Users who want to restrict giveaways to users who have made a certain amount of giveaways could do so with greater control through SGtools, already. It's a separate system right now but one that could easily be integrated to Steamgifts to make it less cumbersome.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Well, that would most definitely stop me from making giveaways. Not because of the lack of CV, but because of the lack of levels. I will not waste possibly hours of my time re-rolling bots if I want to make a giveaway.

7 years ago

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how i am supposed to be elitist without levels?

7 years ago

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There are plenty of ways Steamgifts could stratify users to allow for greater elitism without levels:

  • Show blacklist/whitelist counts next to your user name.
  • Allow patrons to add more and more stars next to their name by making more contributions.
  • Increase/decrease the font size of user names based on your sent/won ratio or total sent value.
  • Introduce a feudal system in which new users are vassals to established users. This would facilitate a title system that would be much more colorful than numeric levels. Even more interesting would be a way for lower-status users to usurp their betters through outperforming them in giveaway creation or assassinating them by getting them suspended. The deposed would have to challenge their usurper to reclaim their status when their suspension is lifted by way of a giveaway duel. Whoever gets the most entries on their train is the rightful Rail Baron.
7 years ago

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Very funny comment! Thank you lol.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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That's what it used to be forever ago. If I remember correctly CV became a thing because of our demand.
But as I said it was forever ago and my mind is tricky.

7 years ago

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I think you underestimate the number of users who would complain about not getting the promised value, displaying these numbers could give a false sense of entitlement

7 years ago

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Very possible. Sense of entitlement is a very tricky thing to manage. I have had CV change after giveaway creation (once in a way I still can't explain), but I don't think not seeing the actual CV value made me feel less entitled...maybe I have a resilient sense of entitlement.

I've just noticed that the estimated CV I'm seeing at the end of the giveaway creation process is actually an artifact of ESGST, and not something displayed by vanilla Steamgifts. As with many other user experience enhancements, this could be taken a suggestion for a change to that fine plugin instead of Steamgifts itself.

7 years ago

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I don't think TempeteJoachim means expectation of some CV increase in overall, but that with mention of a specific number it could give misleading impression of that number being as if part of a deal for making that GA (even if it would say "estimated" and "bound to eventual change, see details about how price changes and not yet processed bundle status can affect CV" and "CV increase applies only after GA fully completed").

Other than that, the CV and levels part of SG is pretty much secondary and seems to be intended as if regulatory mechanism to motivate public GAs happening (with GA makers more likely to make such when they can restrict by level to share only with others who contributed instead of apparent horde of bots). Meaning that SG doesn't seem to want to promote some notion of GAs being a trade thing while at the same time tho wanting to indirectly cherish those making GAs.

Of course, some of us may purchase that extra bundle for GAs only due to having CV interest in mind (as to increase level and/or sort of street cred and/or as to not look like some leech (even tho it is impossible to have a positive giveaway ratio if there weren't users who have a negative one)). But such surely shouldn't be out of feeling compelled to, and emphasizing CV on GA-making page could arguably contribute to such feeling.

And anyhow, when calculating CV in advance (assuming the GA is fully completed), I find the math involved to be quite simple to do by head. E.g. seeing something is a bundled game and 20p, CV is bound to be around 3, so 5 copies are 15, and 6th copy gives around 2,7 and 7th copy around 2,43, etc.

So all in all, I wouldn't mind if GA-making page would say estimated CV, but I personally do not really see a reason why it should especially in the context of that a GA is a gift and not part of some elaborate trading or ponzi scheme as it arguably may look like to newer users if it would say that estimated CV.

7 years ago

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"Later in the giveaway process, an estimate is shown at the bottom of the giveaway review screen, just before posting the giveaway."

Isn't that an ESGST function though?

7 years ago

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You are correct. I didn’t realize that until replying to TempeteJoachim. Here’s the feature description:

7 years ago

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I'm for this, mostly because it makes it less obvious for those in non-US regions how much a game is worth. It would just be a small quality of life thing, but hey, why not have more quality of life things?

7 years ago

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