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I stopped pirating games when I a) got a job b) bought a PC that could reasonably run anything that I threw at it (I don't remember exactly when it was, sometime near the release of BioShock Infinite I guess)

This was all before the proliferation of microtransactions, cosmetic DLCs, loot boxes, etc. so I'm curious, if you pirate a game nowadays, do you get all the content?

I assume that any form of multiplayer is blocked, but do you get all unlockable guns in BF1 for example? Or skins/clothes in recent ACs (Unity, Sindicate)?

So, if by any any chance you have a friend that still pirates games, can you relay his experience?

7 years ago

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I pirated South Park: TFBW since the PC port is total crap. Whilst playing, I found out that the game is extremely uninspired and way worse than Stick of Truth. Anyhow, I will definitely purchase the game later on since I'm not an a-hole.

Microtransactions belong to F2P games. There is no valid reason for them to be available in SP games. Fact. Any dev/publisher who implements those into SP games is a cheap a-hole which only milks gamers for money. But at the same time, I despise idiots actually purchasing those; effectively supporting that kind of method to screw the gaming world.

7 years ago

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actually that urges me to go back to piracy and i have't pirated anything for a looong time since i started to earn some reasonable money, playing game for which dlc are worth 2x or even more is not the way it should be in my opinion

7 years ago

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I don't know about all these cosmetics microtransactions etc, but back in old days it was one of valid reasons for pirating stuff - to get all the small DLCs, which also were getting pirated/cracked together with game itself. I remember especially one situation - older BioWare games, like Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 2 - I got both games legally, bought boxed copies at release, but surprise surprise - it was impossible to even get DLCs for them (beside day one DLCs for DA:O). EA decided that Poland is too small market to bother with releasing DLCs here, if you went to BioWare store/webpage you were greeted with information that "Sorry but this DLC is not avaiable in your area" etc. So back then only way to play through this additional content was to pirate it.

7 years ago

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Oh, I remember that. and I believe, that some of the DLC were vendor locked weren't they?

And I thing you still cannot buy a complete edition of ME trilogy, with all the DLCs, story and cosmetic, not only in Poland.

7 years ago

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yup, some DLCs are vendor exclusives, but these are usually worthless stuff, like costume or an item which makes no difference, but in this case these were actual story DLCs. In DA:O they weren't that great, but still, but in ME2 they contained massively important story elements for story between ME2 and 3. So nif you happened to be in a country EA decided not to support DLCs from - bad luck, you will not get the whole storyline.

7 years ago

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yeah, I bought both ME 1 and 2 years after release for a few euros, but the dlc would have cost over 10 times the amount
never played them then, are they really that important?

7 years ago

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like always varies on DLC to DLC basis, so going chronologically:
ME1 had only 2 DLCs, but both were story DLCs, Bring Down the Sky is very good mission, but it doesn't add much into main storyu, only to world lore, so you can skip it and not lose on story, Pinnacle Station is just a set of combat missions in some kind of "simulation" and both story-wise and lore-wise doesn't add anything, so it's easilly skippable.
ME2 had shitton of DLCs, but a lot of them were just bonus items or skins, so not worth it, as for actuasl content DLCs: Normandy Crash Site is small location with 2-3 items to find, nothing more, Zaeed - The Price of Revenge is a character DLC - it adds a new squad member, his missions, history etc, but is not important for mains story; Kasumi - Stolen Memory adds quite a bit of content - great location, awesome new squad mate, few missions, items, but most importantly a shitload of lore and awesome gameplay, this one is totally worth playing; abd finally Arrival - this one missing is the biggest issue. It not only contains new location and missions, but most important it includes a lot of very important story elements for whole trilogy story - it's about what happened between ME2 and ME3, uncovers in much more detail the reasoning behind the Reaper invasion, sets ground for ME3 story and so on. By skipping this one you are missing a lot story-wise going later on into ME3, so this one missing from so many packs and versions is utter and total bullshite. It's like Valve decided that in some countries/regions/versions you can only play Half-Life 2 and HL2 Episode Two, but Episode One is not avaiable... And for me the situation with Steam or boxed copies of ME games are a very solid reason for piracy. Heck I am currently replaying ME1 and despite having a game legally on Origin, Steam as well as original boxed copy - I did pirate DLCs because it's the only way I could access them.

7 years ago

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thanks a lot for the detailed description
maybe I'm replaying them again and then add dlcs

7 years ago

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If you download from well known and respected scenes(Reloaded, Skidrow, Codex and so on) there is a few ways its done. At the game's release you are going to get the full game with all the launch dlc's if there are any. And when new dlc's gets released you are either going to get just the dlc that will require that you have the base game and previous updates installed. Or you are going to get a standalone edition that includes a fully updated base game with all the currently released dlc's.

7 years ago

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Thanks, that's basically what I wanted to know.

I stlll wonder how will it work with Shadow of War or NBA2K18. Considering that the games' balance is affected by microtransactions

7 years ago

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Im not sure what you mean by balance? Pirated games have online features disabled, unless you are using a multiplayer crack. Codex cracked Shadow of War two weeks ago but I dont know if it contains any dlc's, and its a bad crack. Same with the NBA2K18 codex release, the crack works fine but the game contains a lot of online features that is disabled.

7 years ago

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I was thinking about the late game content being reported (I haven't played SoW myself) to have a difficulty/grid spike, which is encouraging to buy whatever is in the loot crates.

If scenes are able to hack the loot crate system it would be even more appealing to pirate the game. On the other hand, if the loot crate system is disabled (as a multiplayer content) then pirated game may turn out borderline unplayable.

7 years ago

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Everything that need you to connect to an online server is deactivated.

7 years ago

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Usually you get every little thing you can buy.. For AC series games - dlcs and costumes and missions. Mass Effect - all side missions. Sims. Every little thing, that you would usually have to pay small fortune of 1 million dollars.

Anyway - I dont pirate, myself. But I definitely see why would one do it.

7 years ago

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I will straight up refuse to buy any game that includes DLC, especially if it's bullshit like day 1 DLC. I'll either just plain not play it like FO4, or download it and play it, then buy it when a GOTY or similar edition is released that includes all the DLC.

And I know many, many people who look at it the same way, if you have to buy it and it includes DLC they just download it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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