In a manner, yes, I do. Still, as a member of a site I store offline backups of an entire server (currently 40 GB) and sometimes have to upload it to another storage, so having a simple symmetrical 100/100 connection would really make my life easier…
And if I was actually living from creating content (like streaming), this upload would be a major hurdle and not eve business plans have much more. ISPs don't seem to really be up to date on what is needed now with internet plans, they are still stuck at internet = people browsing web pages.
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Your connection is 100 times faster than mine. Be happy with what you have.
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It's very standard for Canada. Mine was $22 when I was living on my own, and that was with the student discount.
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lol, that price is usually when you're on "promo period" on ISP here in canada.
Currently paying 93$ cad on a 50/10. That is even after trying to scare my ISP that I'll be switching to another ISP. At least it's unlimited bandwidth though, not sure about the other guy
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its was umlimited until last year around February? then they decided hey lets charge 30$ extra for umlimited
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Ha a sebességet leszámítom, akkor sincs. Régen voltak még szimmetrikusak helyi szolgáltatóknál, de már ez is (meg mondjuk a kicsik maguk is) kikoptak.
Én meg csak sóhajtozom, hogy a Digi nem is szándékozik behúzni a vonalat az utcába, mert kiegyeztek a UPC-vel.
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Szombathelyi vagyok... itt egyáltalán nincs Digi, bár szerelőautójukat érdekes módon láttam már itt parkolni. Mondjuk a kábel tv-s csomagom gyanús, hogy tőlük ered áttétesen...
Amikor Pesten laktam, albérletkeresésnél szempont volt, hogy tőlük legyen a net.
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Én Győr külvárosában lakok és hiába, hogy Győrben van Digi, ide csak egy Vidanet nevezetű csodát vezettek be, ami egyrészt drága, másrészt 3-4 naponta megy a szívás vele, mert a sebesség lecsökken kb. 3-600 Kb/s-re, meg egy telekomot, ami kb. ugyanez a kategória, csak ott heti két napot van neted. A poén az, hogy itt már aláírásgyűjtés is volt, meg minden lószar, hogy valamit kezdjenek a nettel, mert az egész környéken szar, de annyit sem ért a dolog, hogy kiküldjenek egy szerelőt. A netes ügyfélszolgálatuk nem reagál, a telefonos meg a szokásos "indítsd újra a routert" bullshittel rázza le az embereket... #fuckdasystem
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that's pretty good for New Zealand 482.5 times faster than mine
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yeah but ur not even paying in real money, so in the end its not all that expensive
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I can't tell if this is a reference to my Steam trading (which sadly doesn't pay the bills) or just the NZ currency.
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a little bit of both? :P aww what happened, thought you are our very own wolf of wall st steamgifts (: If you cant pay bills with 100's of copies traded what can occasional traders like me expect (:
btw how did recent (and not so recent) changes affect you big traders? is it going much slower now? I havent really traded for like 3 months now, so not really sure what to expect once i (re)start my trading career :x
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Trading has been slow for a while, most of my previous regular buyers bought NZ accounts from someone. Not so much trading now, and the newest changes certainly won't help.
As it is, I've been bumping my topics because I'm desperate for some PayPal funds right now. No luck. :P
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well considering you are mostly buying on demand, its normal that demand is relatively low during off sales periods. But yeah i was worried so many (negative) changes might have a pretty big impact on trading. Maybe thats steam vision of the future afterall, to completely remove trading alltogether (:
its a bit sad because trading is what actually brought me to steam, and since i started using it (some 3 yrs ago) steam has been killing it slowly :P i suppose thats why monopolies are bad, instead of progressing even further, they are allowed to regress because people arent really going to abandon their 1000's games library just like that (:
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The sales since Christmas haven't been any luck for me either, unfortunately.
And yeah. Valve are ****s. Shame there are still people that defend them.
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but on a plus side, ud be fit when summer time comes >.<
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well that still doesnt say much could be 220 tall and have 80kg so theres that ^_^ but seriously now, thats on a very low side isnt it. Im lacking a few kilos on my own (maybe 5kg or so) but even mine is like 21-22 so yeah (:
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yeah im not into that stuff either. I mean im not totally against a gym and i even tried it for a few months but i really dont like how restrictive it is (you gotta eat x, x, y and thats it, you cant smoke drink blabla, might as well kill me now and get done with it), so i gave up on it. Now i just bike from time to time and run, but only if i have to or someone is chasing me. And i eat what i want, and when i want. Being gym free is awesome >.<
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Just going to the gym doesnt restrict you from anything.
It is like any other sport out there. If you are doing it to realy achieve something you have to get dedicated to it and follow some guidelines but if you are just doing it for fun or to get a bit fitter and stronger you dont need to change anything.
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I only entered this thread to complain about how net & cell service in the US is slow & overpriced because companies bribe the politicians but if money is scarce there have you tried stuff like fiverr which is popular with students and can now pay in Euros.
Also lentils are almost as cheap as rice and cook almost as fast as rice but are higher in protein than chicken on a per gram and per calorie basis.
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I could get more money than from fiverr, for less effort, if I wanted. It's just that I'm too lazy, and the way stuff works out for me right now is the best effort/gain ratio. I don't need faster internet in expense of wasting my time doing work. And I eat what I want to eat anyway, no saving from that.
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Do you actually use that?
Anyway, the lower bandwidth prices are basically the same so doesn't matter much ^^
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Because let's assume I plan to stay with 10M:
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Something like that. I was born in Kohtla-Jarve. As you probably know there are almost no Estonians, everybody speaks Russian. Now we have Estonian schools and maybe a new generation will be better in Estonian, but my train is gone already.
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Well, as long as the person can speak the language which they need where they live, it's all okay. I understand it may be hard to get a good job in here speaking only Russian and English, but you speak good English in UK, so I'm glad that worked out for you. :)
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My English isn't that good anyway. I guess the school helped, but most of it came from the internet and TV/movies. Let's say school was for understanding the grammar and basics, while internet/TV/movies for expanding the vocabulary or learning about common expressions and idioms.
I can't speak Russian. Had the lessons at school, but it just didn't stick, because I skipped school a lot, and never did my homework. I know the basics (the three letter word + others similar), can read Cyrillic, and understand very few basic short sentences.
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Homework is Evil. I always did it in Primary School, but later... xD
Anyway, I think your English is very good. I noticed, that Estonians speaks English well, if to compare with Russian-Estonians, like me. And it is good, because we can understand each other, at least in English. I had a few situations before.
What about Tallinn? I heard you have a lot of Russians too, have you?
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Oh, how many times I cursed Telia... :D (they are Blizzard's ISP)
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Googled about it a bit... that seems to be Swedish Telia, and all I see are people complaining about it, but no one actually suggesting any better ISP. I don't know the situation in Sweden, but in Estonia, Telia is the leader. No ISP can be perfect all the time, as much as we wished it.
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And Blizzard servers are in France and Germany, so that makes it even more strange ;)
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First of all, the harassing tactic for getting clients isn't Starman's fault, they buy the service most likely ^^
Second, well... Starman sucks ass. It has gotten better in the last years, but still has a lot of usage spikes and provides a crappy service...
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Good question...I've worked in the phone recruiting division for Telia and I'm not sure if they themselves know what tactic they actually use, but then again they might...Anyway, I hate Starman too so no need to argue ¯_¬╭͜ʖ╮¬_/¯
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i just switched to cable tv + internet combo, because they had really nice promo going and for first 6 months its like 10 euros for 80/4 mb/s + tv.
Once its over its gonna be like 20ish euros a month which is pretty standard price for most european countries i guess. unless i manage to find another cheap promo somewhere :><
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i got it because of sports channels mostly, its much more convenient just to hit a button and watch football/nba, and it really is easier than looking for good streams :P
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So…? A simple coaxial can handle gigabit transfer rates, and that's just one old cable type. How do you think you can handle gigabit LAN connections with these old cable types? :) The problem only occurs if the local switching stations of the ISP are overloaded, but even they have a Gb (or few) bandwidth usually.
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FTTH, 100mbit/50mbit, 5€/month (new subscribers provider), Russia, Cold Siberia
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Please Google, ravage my body with the 1 GB download speed.
Also I remember doing a test for Time Warner. Got 80 Mbps/18 Mbps for $100 - $105.
Not sure why Verizon FiOS was crap when the monthly fee was $120+ yet took me 8 hours to download GTA V, whereas only roughly 1 hour 20 min to download the same game for Time Warner. No cap too.
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Wow, I only pay 60 for optus but I get 28/1. Upload is pretty trash in Australia
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of course theres going to be a limit. you think they are going to give you such a monster of connection without limits?!?
just googled it, thats like $20... man (:
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Not the point, the internet here is generally the same speed as that, its awful.
well no one counts with dollar here anyway since its expensive
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if you want to download a really big game like GTA 5 that is like 60 gigs what do you do?
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its obvious, you dl 10gb a month, for half a year. its not that bad really.
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i thought the download speed reduces so wondering how long it takes but it kinda stings to w8 for that long to play a game you bought
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its a tough situation but it sounds better than w8ing 6 months hope it will change soon :)
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Hey everyone. I was being curious about the internet connection around the world.
What technology do people use in countries, what speed and how much they are paying for that.
I'll start with myself - 24/2Mbps VDSL for about 13€/14$ in Czech Republic. I activated this when it was "on sale", full price for this is like 18.5€/20.5$
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