Hits You Missed Megabundle presented by Fellow Traveller

11 Games | Complete the Set Bundle | $64.24 USD

Only Available Until February 17, 2025

2024 delivered an incredible lineup of games, making it easy to miss a few gems. With the Hits You Missed Megabundle, we've gathered 11 critically acclaimed indie titles for the price of a single AAA game—all in this time-limited promotion from narrative games publisher Fellow Traveller:

Dive into some of last year's standout Game of the Year contenders and kick off 2025 with a collection worth sinking your teeth into! This bundle includes over $240 USD worth of games at an unbeatable 74% off—the lowest price these games have ever been on Steam.

Best of all, this is a "Complete the Set" bundle, meaning if you already own any of the included titles, you only need to purchase the rest to unlock the full discount. Don't miss out!

Game USD Price on Steam
1000xRESIST $14.99 at -25%
Cryptmaster $18.74 at -25%
Dread Delusion $12.99 at -35%
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami $8.49 at -15%
Harold Halibut $23.44 at -33%
Manor Lords $39.99
Minishoot' Adventures $10.49 at -30%
Mouthwashing $10.39 at -20%
Shogun Showdown $11.99 at -20%
Solium Infernum $19.99 at -50%
The Crimson Diamond $11.99 at -20%

Complete bundle for $64.24 USD (from $86.80)

1 month ago*

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If the bundle discount is -65%, then why my total discount shows as just -27% (I don't have any of the games)? Seems that steam messed something up with price presentation.

1 month ago

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That only shows the % discount of the games, not the bundle; since there are multiple discounted games, Steam adds up the discount of the games in total and gets an average.

273/11 = 24.80 rounded to 25%. It's a bit strange that they show it like that since it doesn't matter at all since it takes the value of the products and only applies the discount of the bundle.

1 month ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

1 month ago

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valve changed at some point how they display bundle discounts. I guess to reduce confusion for the customer, but i am not sure this way is an improvement. To answer your question, the green 27% discount shown to you is the value you save when compared to the (already reduced) bundle price because of the individual game discounts.

1 month ago*

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Yeah, I figured that. Probably some law or another made them do it.

1 month ago

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-26% for me and I own none of them

1 month ago

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The entire bundle is discounted by 65%.
Besides that, some games are also discounted on their own.
Without discount, all of those games would cost 177,80 bucks for me.
Considering 65% discount, the whole bundle costs 62,24.. which means one would save 115,56 by purchasing it.
The numbers work out, you get an overall discount of 65% if you purchase the entire bundle.
The smaller discounts are only relevant if you want to purchase any of the games individually, it seems.

Steam just has a very weird way of communicating this, the percentages on the shop page are more confusing than helpful.

Six of the games are on my wishlist but I will still skip this bundle. The most relevant game to me would be Manor Lord and that's still in EA.
Given the mixed experiences with early access games, I don't want to risk it, not even for a price of 5,65. If they game never makes it to the point where it gets a full release, that money was basically flushed down the toilet (yes, getting an unfinished EA version isn't appealing to me, sorry, not sorry.)
The other games would end up in my backlog anyways, so what is the point of hoarding even more?

4 weeks ago

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Sure, thing is in the past the discounts stacked, so if you had a bundle with a -50% discount and individual items were discounted -50%, the green field showed -75%, now it would show -50%. I was just surprised by the change.

Actually, any percentages are a welcome sight, while more and more games only show old and new price, without discount - at least in the EU - or maybe they fixed that and the new presentation is the compromise we got?

4 weeks ago

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this is called a bundle just because they come together. definitively those doesn't worth the price tag.

1 month ago

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Not all people wait for 80+% discount on Steam or buy games almost exclusively in bundles.

1 month ago

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yes. there'll always be newcomers.

1 month ago

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Nah, just people who don't want to wait 2 years to play a game in order to save a couple of dollars.

1 month ago

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two are only for amateurs. my oldest wishlist is making ten years and i didn't buy it because the discount was less than half. i currently un-wishlisted and put on ignore list titles that never get on sale. i'll do this even for cents if i think it doesn't worth the extra cents. sell something for a high price tag will catch a fish or two like any fishery (humble bundle does know that perfectly releasing the same bundles last year). however, the average fish aren't willing to fall for such a cheap trap.

1 month ago

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I don't have to wait in order to "save cents" even though I live in a third world country and have an average salary. If the need ever arises I will just stop buying games and torrent them. A lot of people here are just cheap or don't have enough money and complain all the time in bundle threads about price. On the other hand Fanatical mystery bundles don't get that much criticism which is baffling to me.

1 month ago

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the bundle scheme (i don't know how to express this using another words) are for collectors. the average player don't buy games like us collectors. there are several levels of collectors, of course, but we all are collectors, just because we have way more games than enough time in life to play them all. just a interesting data to share about the collectors context, you are the 19th of your country with most games and i'm the 64th of mine... and i have almost double of what you have. accordingly with hltb, i need 2033 days 10 hours to fully play the games that i have, which is 5,5 years just playing 24/7. in other hand, you need 1760 days 23 hours, which is almost 5 years just playing 24/7. considering my mindset and yours mindset about the price tag, i presume i wasted way less money than you on our hobby (which is collect) to have almost the double number of titles.

about the fanatical's gambling machine, the criticism was something in the past... some people tried to fool themselves, but most know it is just gambling (which i think is a whole different hobby that doesn't even have to cross the game collectors path).

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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this is called a bundle just because they come together

That's the definition of the word, yeah

1 month ago

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yes. dictionary usually don't context words.

1 month ago

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Multiple meanings listed, each with examples - it's not a new thing to include either.

1 month ago

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value is subjective. i'd rather pay $60 for 10 games i'll have a meaningful time playing than $10 for 60 (or 600) games that i'll never touch.
your attitude above is smug and shitty. not everyone thinks the same and holds the same values as you, get over it.

4 weeks ago

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ok i guess. do whatever with your opinion money, collector.👍

4 weeks ago*

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I'm tempted. Looks like Fellow Traveller has been involved with Humble Choice a fair number of times though, so IDK. I'd hate to get this only to have every game slowly be bundled.

1 month ago

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Most of these games are not published by them, could be featured in future bundles nontheless though.But that's the case for alot of games, especially indie titles.

1 month ago

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This would be worth it when on sales but not now.

1 month ago

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Mmm, a lot of highly reviewed games, and several from my wishlist.

$6.60 per game (that I don't already own), not bad but not good...

I'll have to pass for the moment.

1 month ago

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Is this a temporary package or there may be a bigger discount on this package in the future?

1 month ago

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available for 96 hours

1 month ago

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Wow. 3 wishlitsted

1 month ago

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edit: created own thread

1 month ago*

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I mean yeah for $20 this is a no brainer if you don't already have everything except the indie games they added in there for the bait. The variety of the 2k pack is huge comparing to the one OP shared.

1 month ago

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Technically it's not a bundle, it's a package (you always pay full $20 price regardless if you have some of the games already)

1 month ago

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someone make one for it

Please or something, or just do it yourself, instead of ordering people around?

1 month ago

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BONKS SELF* I'm not the best worksmith, and I can see people taking how I typed that out, being an order. :P

I went ahead and created a thread myself, and edited away my og reply.

1 month ago

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Nothing here strikes me as great or amazing, although they look interesting, so I can wait. If you're desperate to play all of these specific titles in the next 2 months, I guess go for it?

I however fail to understand who gets this, like you must have finished every single other game that's out there, otherwise why this?

1 month ago

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Lots of wishlisted stuff in there but I think the people who made this bundle need to go back to school to study math again:

*This bundle includes over $240 USD worth of games at an unbeatable 74% off—the lowest price these games have ever been on Steam.


Price of individual products: 177.80€
Bundle discount: 65%


Buy Hits You Missed Megabundle presented by Fellow Traveller BUNDLE (?)

So is it 75%, 65% or 26%?

1 month ago

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You save 26% on top of the 65% bundle discount resulting in a total discount of approx. 75%.
Compare the final price to the 240 USD advertised total worth, or just calculate the final discount yourself: 1-(1-0.65)*(1-0.26)=0.741 so just short of 75%

1 month ago

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Yeah the math works out when you calculate everything yourself, it's just that it's shown in a really confusing way (I'd expect to save 26% off those 62.24€ but the 26% were actually already applied to the "price of individual products") :x

1 month ago

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Two wishlisted, three or four more that I'd be kinda interested in, but that price... sheesh, way outside of my budget.

1 month ago

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If it was $3 per game sure, but not at this price, too much.

1 month ago

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same, not interested

1 month ago

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Dear Valve: Yes, Maths is hard. If you would work on how percentages work, it woud be really cool.

I own nothing but Manor Lords. Total is $50USD, based on the $145+ combined sale price, that is 65% discount. First pass it actually says 65%
At bottom of bundle 31% based on a mythical price of $72 for the bundle minus Manor Lords.

On home page "Up to -50%"

Regardless it is a pass, but wow

1 month ago

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Well the 72 USD on the bottom is your personal 65% off bundle price (aka all unownded games) before taking into account any individual discounts of the games. The 31% now gives you your discount on this bundle price because of individual game discounts.

Not sure where you get the "Up to -50%" from, but my guess is they are talking about the sale going on the bundle is part of, with individual games discounted up to 50%

1 month ago

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That makes more sense - discount on the discount. Up to 50% was on the 'home' page

4 weeks ago

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I was thinking about getting Manor Lords elsewhere and complete the bundle but I thought it would be less than $50 if you owned it already. Bummer.

4 weeks ago

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manor lords accounts for 14 USD of the total price (40 USD minus the 65% bundle discount), not sure if you can get it cheaper elsewhere

4 weeks ago

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Interesting bundle, but it would be cheaper for me to just buy the games I want from it even without a discount, so easy pass.

1 month ago

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I like it, but Steam, if you're going to do a 96 hour sale you'll have to catch me closer to pay day.

1 month ago

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Lot of wishlisted games on there. With a very very nice discount.

I've played Dread Delusion btw. That game is just flat out cool.

1 month ago

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Cryptmaster has really cool visuals and voice acting. It is worth a try.
Anyhow, it is a skip for me. They are just too new to play them right away so I can justify their price for myself. Publishers of 5 of these frequently bundle their games and I want to wait with Manor Lords until its full release as playing Early Access titles is just a waste of time as most of them are just paid demos.

1 month ago

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Looking at the final price and the included content, a big chunk is reserved for Manor Lords which is not a hit, it's not even a finished game, which will keep away, instead of attracting potential customers.

1 month ago

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Why do you think Manor Lords is not a hit? It's player numbers are a league above the rest of the bunch.

1 month ago

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It's simply unfinished, despite the available content being very good and people loving the idea behind it. Also respect to the one man army developing it. However, it's hard to tolerate an unfinished game taking a big chunk from the bundle price. And if you are not into it, you'll probably won't get the bundle, even if you like other titles enough to consider a purchase.

1 month ago

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The game with tens of thousands of reviews is not a hit?

4 weeks ago

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It's not a game yet. Yes, tens of thousands of people in love with an idea and testing the demo for it. Hmm, I wonder what's wrong with this?

4 weeks ago

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It's definitely already a game. The fact that the dev is still adding to it and doesn't consider to be feature complete as it pertains to his vision for the game is also kind of awesome.

4 weeks ago

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If you want to call it that, sure, whatever floats your boat.

4 weeks ago

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I call it what it is. And that does float my boat.

4 weeks ago

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It appears you and the army of beta-testers live in an alternate reality where there's only one absolute truth.

4 weeks ago

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Nah. You wouldn't be responding if it was an alternate reality, lol. You just happen to be wrong. Such is life. There's no shame in that.

4 weeks ago

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The fact of the matter is we are dealing with an Early Access, so until it reaches version 1.0 and leaves Early Access it's just a demo with potential to be a game. There's no right or wrong here, just facts. If you want to give it your own interpretation, it's completely your problem.

4 weeks ago

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A game in early access is still a game. Your interpretation happens to be incorrect. It doesn't mean you have to want to play it, but a game it is nonetheless. Sorry it's affecting you like this.

4 weeks ago

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Weird, because you can play it and many people have played it for tens and hundreds of hours. Bit of a long demo there, mate.

4 weeks ago

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It's early access, it has no ending, features are incomplete, game version hasn't reached 1.0 which means this is not in fact a game, it's a large demo with promises of becoming a game a couple of years down the line when hopefully it will leave EA.

4 weeks ago

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No Man's Sky is still updating, does that mean it's not a game?

This game has sold three million copies yet apparently it's not a hit, and isn't even a game! Wonders never cease. Apparently games need endings to be complete, I guess Dota and Fortnite are not complete.

4 weeks ago

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As far as I know No Man's Sky hit version 1.0 and was officially released. Manor Lands is still in Early Access, I don't see your point and also the need to prove that you're right and I'm wrong.

4 weeks ago

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"a big chunk is reserved for Manor Lords which is not a hit"

Sells 3m copies, more than any of the other titles on that list, maybe even combined.

I don't see why you persist with falsehoods.

4 weeks ago

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He obviously doesn't like early access games. Nobody is forcing you to buy the bundle or like Manor Lords though.

4 weeks ago*

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Hits I can't afford 😀

1 month ago

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This isn't a very appealing bundle for game collectors, who value the games for their positive reviews and sub-$2 price tag, not for their fun. But if you're interested enough in these games or are just looking for an instant treat, it's a pretty good deal. It's unlikely that the individual games in this bundle will be much cheaper than this in the next three years.

4 weeks ago

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Most of the included games are rather good and worth the asking price, however Manor Lands is ruining it, so if you are not into that, paying 14€ for a demo might be a deal-breaker.

4 weeks ago

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You could always buy Manor Lands, buy the bundle, and then refund Manor Lands. Still kinda expensive but an easy fix if that's the only game causing people to hesitate

4 weeks ago

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Sounds like a useful loophole.

4 weeks ago

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Hmm there's 2 games I already own, 4 from my wishlist and another 2 that looks interesting. The remaining 3 don't look interesting to me.

Not sure if it's worth it at that price.....how many hours are left I wonder? I guess not a lot of time to think about it. Good ol fomo...

3 weeks ago

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