^^^ This.
What her behavior means is tied to how old she is. In general, young girls (like young guys) don't know what they really want nor what to do with what they want when they get it.
The really important part, here, is to simply put her out of your mind and get on with your life. She's playing a game you really don't want to participate in. Later, if you happen to get a girlfriend and this girl shows up, stay away from her. Far away.
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I have multiple co-workers in their twenties, thirties, and later who have never taken a geometry course and still struggle with basic algebra.
(Including a few who make financial decisions /shudder)
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It only gets worse. You'll grow up to get married just to find out she wants a divorce, where you'll lose everything and all of your money and then be forced to pay child support and support her for an untold amount of years because men are considered little more than trash in the modern society.
Really, though, are you in high school? I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, but get over it and move on. Much better things to do than worry about the immaturities of high school women. You'll be so happy when High School is over. I'm 27 and I want to slap the person that said H.S. is the best time of your life.
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lol yup, high school was a joke. Now college, that was fun.
But really ya, girls at that age are girls. Woman tho are better, less drama and bitching (note that I said less, not none)
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Well, seeing as I'm a freshman college student, I hope college is fun, otherwise I'mma slap someone upside the head.
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Girls love to play hard to get. No one on this Earth will ever fully understand women. It's because girls can't even figure each other out. Am I right girls?
Don't let her get to you. You are likely showing it through body language. Nothing turns off a girl more than a guy who is desperate.
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I'm not sure if this is real, or just a very hard puzzle.
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Meh, sounds like she just wants to be liked by everyone (not necessarily romantically, just liked in general) and have lots of "friends," so she's saying what she thinks she needs to for you to like her and consider her a friend.
Don't bother yourself overthinking it and move on - especially given that this is high school we're talking about.
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I agree with the person who said that she's making you a back up. A girl like that is not worth it. Also to the person who said that guys are treated like shit, that's because it's reversed from what girls tend to get in nearly every culture around the world, also females are whores if they do the opposite of what guys tend to high five other guys for, that in itself is discrimination. We stupidly rectify a mistake such as discrimination with reverse discrimination. People should be people, not a gender or at least not judged by the gender they are and more for the person they are. This person that you're dealing with calling you a best friend and then not even talking to you is just crap. As someone else said, it's high school, it just sucks. Depending on the personality you are you should call her out on her shit, or just ignore her and de-friend her on facebook. I don't care how hot she is, anyone like that doesn't even deserve friends.
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Best friends have sex. Tell her that. You'll either get laid or get her off your back.
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Give no shit, it's hard to understand something, until gilr is... i dunno, 20-22?
Just broke up with my gf, said that i wanted to, then gave this a little thinking, then told her that i fucked up and im sorry. She never talked to me in nice way, then i said okay fuck it, i still love you, come back, and she never replied.
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Okay, so there was this girl in my geometry class that was pretty. We never talked much but we did talk and when we talked i only spoke a few words. One day on facebook i posted that i found new friends and how they made a poster of me and ihow much i appreicate them. I told them they were my best friend. The girl commented "You are one of my best friends too" Then on the last day of the semester, we had a party in class and we took a few pictures in class. She did tell me she is gonna post it on FB but never dead. Thats irrelavant right now. But later on she said. "Your my best friend now." I was like wtf? I remember last year when a girl said i was her "best friend", she loved me as in she tought i was cute and ya. The other girl i was talking about still dosent talk to me, instead she just likes the posts i post on facebook. In school she ignores me with her boyfriend not saying hi once. I dont get them anymore. What is it with this world?
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