Stalker 2 gone in less than 30secs, not surprised but not thrilled either. This is my hill and I'll die on it but like No Man's Sky it should have been T5, wouldn't make a huge amount of difference but at least it would have been something for those of us who rushed to get to T5. It'd be a courtesy if AWA would start listing key volumes too, really is no reason why we should be in the dark.

The real surprise is Moria, even accounting for the people who don't like Epic I didn't peg it as a sellout this month. For me I'm wondering if I should get Sonic for a giveaway maybe, it shows still in stock which makes me suspect it's a region locked key like Dragons Dogma last year. I know I've argued against claiming keys explicitly for giveaways before but truly if AWA isn't going to change things anytime soon I don't see why I should be a martyr and miss out every month 🤷‍♂️.

3 weeks ago

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AWA's stance on this thematic as stated by Cartire is you can do what you want with your key. Personally, I don't agree either you claim for yourself or leave keys for other members. Nothing wrong with martyrs as they have a fair chance to achieve status of holiness 😀

3 weeks ago

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I agree with you about the keys, they should be linked to accounts but we've been on this merry-go-round for nearly 2 years now and with the glacial pace AWA operates at sometimes, well my selfless halo is taking a knock 😄. Claimed Sonic but will wait a bit to try to confirm any region restrictions before giving away (prefer old school Sonic myself). If it gets discounted well, 🤷‍♂️, I had over 25000ARP before this morning so discounts while nice aren't essential right now.

3 weeks ago

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Why should they be linked? If you use the ARP to get DRP, should they require you use the item you purchase yourself and not gift or sell it?

2 weeks ago

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To be fair the DRP provides an interesting comparison. Like games from the vault (which is in reality just another part of the marketplace) DRP bought with ARP (or otherwise gifted/won) has on the surface restrictions which are totally lacking from the game vault purchases.

DRP cannot be transferred, monetized or gifted to any other users and is explicitly linked to the users AWA account and their connected Dell account. They can only be used to redeem Dell cash on that same users account and can only be used to make or discount purchases from that same singular account. Obviously what happens to whatever item is purchased henceforth is beyond the purview of AWA/Dell (in a similar, though not exactly the same way if I allowed someone else to play a game I bought from the vault via my PC or Steam account).

While not strictly an oranges-for-oranges comparison it highlights that AWA is prepared to restrict some marketplace purchases for sake of supply and control, which isn't that surprising as DRP is essentially a means to get Dell's, what you could call, "proprietary currency". The point that I & others make, devil's advocate style, is why can't game vault games (not the flash giveaways obviously) have similar restrictions 🤷‍♂️.

(Or the reverse; I declare an interest here, if I can't opt out of DRP then I would really love the option to gift it to other users who could benefit from it. Right now I've got 10,500 DRP which (largely due to the way the program works outside of NA) unless I come into large sums of money is simply going to go to waste 😢).

2 weeks ago

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It requires quite a lot of engagement to amass the ARP and they benefit from you doing that, too. So it's not a charity and AWA stuff is not really free. With that in mind you should do whatever you want with a key you manage to get. In the last year I always missed out on my top choices. This time too of course (Stalker and Moria). But they seem to have a huge stock of Sonic keys so I finally managed to get a key that is at least worth something. And I'll try to trade it for something nice that I'm actually interested in with no regrets.

3 weeks ago

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I don't intend to send you on a guilt trip. I'm no fundamentalist myself and claimed some keys in the past and gave them away to friends or here on SG. I think the whole debate is aimed more at individuals making a cottage industry out of claimed AWA keys.

3 weeks ago

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I tend to agree, while the effort for AWA isn't especially onerous it does take up a decent chunk of my time (and mobile data). Random giveaways (even if they are in the middle of the night alot of the time 😢) tend to take the edge off the fact that my luck with the game vault has well and truly abandoned me (apart from end of month discounts). Homeworld 3 was the last time I got a game I wanted first thing. Still got Sonic so that will make a nice giveaway for someone. Of course it wouldn't be fair to someone who missed out on it via the vault but the system as is isn't really equitable anyway 🤷‍♂️.

(I also find it interesting, almost humourous, that despite the opposition of the admins to the idea of a lottery, a position that I support despite alot of people crying out for it on Discord and the Relays, it's becoming clearer that between the significantly higher number if users climbing the ranks and the apparent unwillingness of AWA to gatekeep with the Tier system that the Game Vault is beginning to feel very much like a lottery, at least with the headline games.

(In fact one could argue that with the headline games it's already occuring, take this months Stalker 2, maybe 100 or so keys and thousands, if not tens of thousands of users trying for it, the vast majority of them at the same time or within the first 15 seconds and many of them no doubt appearing to claim it at exactly the same time server-time-wise, then in that situation their systems would already be randomly apportioning keys between for those people despite them being among the "first" to claim.)

Sorry for the rant, I'm not against AWA or the vault in principle (there still isn't anything else like it) but I feel the cracks are beginning to show with the vault as it stands, at least with regards to headline games (which AWA wouldn't admit to, but they are used as shiny things to attract new users onto the ARP treadmill). This month has been ameliorated with the huge number of Sonic keys (which frankly make the choice to not to put Stalker in T5 even more confusing) but as we've seen on previous months there can be a fair bit of discontent generated when users (erroneously) feel the system is loaded against them.

3 weeks ago

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What a pretty word. Never heard it before :)

3 weeks ago

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A by-product of my childhood, everytime I went to the library I was expected to learn 5 new words and find ways to use them; as a socially awkward child who didn't like sports in a sports-mad country.......I spent alot of time in the library 👀. I should speak more plainly online though, online translators often leave much to be desired for non-English speakers.

3 weeks ago

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I agree, game vault is a de facto lottery. Many things could be done from AWA's side to make the monthly fight for keys more fair but it's very much the same situation as on SG: as long as users don't leave the site in droves there's no urgency for improvement.

3 weeks ago

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I actually disagree with the lottery. As much as this Is a lottery anyway, at least there is a bigger chance of getting the game just by being one of the thousands of users trying to get the 10's of keys.

If it's a lottery it's one out of tens of thousands. And here if I don't get even choose the second of third choice myself

3 weeks ago

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I might not have been clear earlier but I'm not keen on the concept either, all one needs to do is look at the minimal list of countries eligible for AWA sweepstakes to see how it would gut participation. I suspect though there are some who would be happy with that but all you need to do is look at the pigs breakfast that Lenovo's giveaways have sunk to see the problems with such a system.

3 weeks ago

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Got Sonic, cool

3 weeks ago

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Nice, congrats

3 weeks ago

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congrats, not really interesting for me

3 weeks ago

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So there were still keys for Sonic x Shadow so snagged one LOL

3 weeks ago

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Now Out of stock, congrats on getting the last batch.

3 weeks ago

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Thanks Meegumin!

3 weeks ago

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You're welcome @Seeibitsu!

2 weeks ago

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congrats :)

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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I just came from studying and I couldn't claim any game :(

3 weeks ago

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The discourse on the vault will never end.
Because it's not possible for everyone to get what they want. And obviously the majority of the people want the same game. So when these people won't get the game, they will talk shit about the site and go back to doing things to gain arp anyway.
Be real. Is there any system where the people who don't get the game they want, will not complain?

It's the same thing with people's anger with others trading the key for something else. It's not legally or morally wrong. It's not a crime.
Imagine someone got a gift but they didn't like it. So they returned the gift and with the money bought something else with it. And you as an outsider of this event, for some reason, think it's wrong. But regardless of what you think, it doesn't affect the event.
Even if awa made it so that the game had to be redeemed in a person's account, the game would still be in that other person's account. It wouldn't magically go to your account just because they didn't trade it. Meaning a portion of users won't get the game they want and the complain will start as usual. It's still a free game. People will redeem it even if they can't trade it.

And the thing is why won't people just get any of the other game and trade it to get something else they want?
AWA keys are the easiest to trade. Its keys are provided to AWA from the actual publisher. It's not a shady key. It's normally a global key and sometimes the keys are not just the base game but also the deluxe edition or something.
For example, I didn't have enough arp for stalker 2. So I got the Sonic game. Traded it for tf2 keys. Sold the tf2 keys on the steam market and bought Persona 5 at 60% discount with the wallet. So indirectly, I got Persona 5 because of AWA vault. Sonic was available for long time during the vault opening. I didn't get stalker 2. But I got Persona 5. Is that a loss? Hell no.

3 weeks ago*

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Yes, this month some people who couldn't get the Stalker 2 key got salty.

I haven't been able to get the games I wanted in the last few Vaults either. I wanted to get Dark Forces/Tomb Raider/Soul Reaver Remastered but I had no luck. Did I get salty because of that? No, I still love the Vault. Even if I didn't get the game I wanted, I have another 10000 games to play, it's time I'm short of, not games.

This month I got Sonic, which will be great to play on my Steam Deck, and I still have 4k ARP to try my luck with next month, so the Vault is great.

3 weeks ago

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arp vault prices are insane so i just grab xbox controllers from dell. a thing that can be traded or sold for more real world value.

3 weeks ago

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In fairness the gift analogy doesn't really compare to the AWA situation; a gift returned can be repurposed/re-given to another person who might want it from the original pool of interest. A key claimed from AWA (while good for the claimer) effectively means denying the opportunity for someone else to get that key if supply is tight (no judgement, it's just how it works). And in any event these are not random keys bestowed without cause, they are deliberately selected by all of us when we participate in the vault. So why it certainly isn't illegal or outside AWAs current policy, one can't fairly deny the human emotional reaction to loosing something they perceive they could have had when they see the keys up for trade or giveaway, even if the odds were always against them.

(I do wonder though how some publishers feel about the idea of some users profiting from the keys they supply to AWA, small fry it may be but the tip of a possible legal nightmare if they chose to pursue it).

Of course people could still activate games to dummy accounts and then try to trade/sell accounts but it's a much more tedious exercise than the ease that AWA currently provides with its (as you expounded upon) wonderfully simple delivery of a key. It's that ease which propels some people to claim keys they have no interest in keeping for themselves, either gifting or (entering a more gray area here) selling for profit, thus denying a key to someone who would immediately want to use it. Would forced redemption eliminate all such actors? No, but I believe it would thin the ranks a bit if the ease of repurposing was removed.

Of course I can't talk this month because I chose to become one of those people by claiming a game I'm 90% certain I will giveaway here. But would I have claimed the game of it was a requirement to activate it to my account? No. I would have left it for someone else.

Now it may seem a moot point but one of the things I've ranted argued about in the past is the danger of perception, and how it can wear down good things over time by sheer weight of numbers. People need to have at the very least the perception that the vault runs reasonably fairly, or if not that everyone has an equitable chance dependant on the effort they've put in to reach the relevant tier. Perception can be influenced by actual events & experiences but also by simple human emotions and gut instincts, whether rational or otherwise, imaginary or not. (Look at the continued cry of "bots" despite AWAs claims that most many of the multi accounters have been flushed out). People look at those who claim a key, especially a low supply key, in order to otherwise dispose of it as tilting the odds away from themselves, even if mathematically it doesn't amount to much, it's the perception of unfairness that's ultimately damaging. With the true odds of the vault hidden each month by not revealing the key amounts, some people reach their own conclusions and if nothing is done to counter it constructively then such attitudes can snowball, the death by a thousand snarky posts as it were.

Hopefully AWA is really prepared to do something to counter these perceptions (and indeed whatever actual problems the vault has) or at the least addresses some people's concerns, rather than ignoring or dismissing them; whether in internet land or real life the latter approach rarely goes down well.

Sorry for the long read, hopefully no one was about to operate heavy machinery before reading this post.....😱.

3 weeks ago

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Good read.
When I did use the gift analogy, my intention was to indicate the people who are complaining. I did not really mean a 1 to 1 description.
In case of a gifter and gifted, everyone else is third party. In case of awa vault, everyone else besides AWA and the people who successfully redeemed a key are third party.
They can voice whatever they want. But they are not part of it. They are outside of that event.

"one can't fairly deny the human emotional reaction to loosing something they perceive they could have had when they see the keys up for trade or giveaway, even if the odds were always against them."

  • Again, this is true. But it doesn't mean it is right. Look at steamgifts community train. I once reached like 90% chance of winning a game. Then I win nothing and luck per month drops. With a 90% probability of winning, I felt bad. But that's it. I don't go complaining that it's rigged cause I joined thousands of giveaway with no win. There is nothing to deny here or accept here. I am not obligated to win a game here. I am also not obligated to win a game on AWA.

"I do wonder though how some publishers feel about the idea of some users profiting from the keys they supply to AWA, small fry it may be but the tip of a possible legal nightmare if they chose to pursue it"

  • This already happens with bundles. All the time. There is always risk, there is opportunity cost. It's part of the process. Many people sell their extra keys from humble or fanatical. People are always trying a profit. Imagine someone promoting their youtube channel or curator while giving away a key from AWA or humble or other official seller. That's a profit too.
    And publishers profit from these too. It's not like they suddenly became a charitable company. For example, I remember I once missed a giveaway for Children of Morta giveaway on AWA. Then I ended up just buying the game on steam. It goes both ways.

"the danger of perception"

  • The real danger of such perception is that you need actual data to decide this. If you try to understand this from random people's post, it would sound like nothing is good in this world. Cause people lie. They lie a lot. People are malicious, spiteful online.
    For example, how many people who are ranting about bots are actual customers of AWA? how many people who are successfully redeeming games are customers of AWA?
    Again, I am not saying 1 guy replying they bought AWA products and they didn't get a key from vault. I mean actual data. We don't have that. So without that, all the doom talk doesn't mean much.
    People's perception won't change much unless they successfully get a game. But obviously not everyone will win. Meaning others will rant. It's not about fairness to these people. They just want the best game for free.
    I would be okay if AWA vault was focused on more indie games. But I can 100% tell you that there are gonna be people who would want GTA 6 in vault.
3 weeks ago

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Ultimately there will be two schools of thought about activation and only AWA can decided what road to take 🤷‍♂️, there'll be blowback either way which they will have to manage (I feel the one mistake AWA has made has been to minimise their response to some people's vault concerns - note I said concerns (legitimate & measured), not the vile & threatening temper tantrums that used to occur more often, especially on the old forum. Only recently have they begin to address people's concerns with the reality of how the vault system works).

I personally feel they'll have less (comparative) blowback if they clamp down on transferable/monetizing game vault keys but as you've inferred there are going to be a small group who will complain no matter what; there really isn't much to do about that kind of person in any community 🤷‍♂️. I'm largely ambivalent, like on SG if something comes my way, great; if not it barely affects my world. I can feel that way because I largely trust that the process on SG to declare winners is clear & transparent (not that I don't deny some people can tilt odds in their favour through certain groups, but that a whole different issue). AWA I feel needs to have that same level of trust & transparency for all to see.

That brings me largely to why I've been harping on about perception for a while, in that I've actually seen how it can poison people's views without real evidence. My colleague is the one who initially put me onto the idea of AWA, after seeing it on Reddit FGF a few times (this was before the current system, she hardly does it anymore, her WoW guild takes up too mich alot of her time). Last year I came across 2 colleagues from different stores and in separate conversations about our shared gaming hobbies AWA came up. One described it as a "con" while the other didn't "want to get started on that scam site" 😶.

Their personal experience? No, but it was what they heard from other people in their online social & gaming circles from what we later leaned was predominantly focused on discussions around the game vaults. They had no evidence or actual experience, nor a real desire to acquire any, they simply accepted and, more concerning, parroted these positions of other people to anyone they encountered. I can't speak to the grievances of the originating online contacts (no doubt there are many whiners there but also possibly aided along by the people who, rightly or wrongly, feel done over by the way the vault works). Now (please forgive the intrusion of the real world for a moment) as anyone who's looked out a window the last few years can attest to is that there are many people who won't let facts or truth get in the way of a good diatribe/witchunt/bonfire, or some who are guided by their perceived feelings rather than objective observations 😢.

(As a possible ray of sunshine to my gloom, my colleague & I did convince one of those guys to actually try out the site and engage with it and he actually got into it pretty well, helped alot by him being lucky to grab one of those entry-level Elder Scrolls online keys in the last drop. He's still at it apparently, joined up with my colleague in ESO. )

Can we ever get rid of the truly malign elements who complain that a AAA game isn't plonked into their account every month? Of course not, as that noted western philosopher T. Swift put it, haters gonna hate. But the concerns that some people have over legitimate issues with the game vault system as it stands can give oxygen to more detrimental elements within communities. Add to this AWAs ambivalence until recently to concretely addressing those concerns has just allowed the discourse to fester (the discord post from last last year outlining some of the realities of the vault system, already clear to many but news for others, was a good & needed step that honestly should have come a year ago).

It's this kind of honesty & transparency that's needed, sunlight as they say is the best disinfectant. Clear mechanics. Clear key number details. Real & meaningful interaction from the AWA admins (and ideally not just via their Fortress of Solitude Discord channel). A more consistent Tier/Cost assessment (I know I can hear it now, that damn Aussie's on his hill again 🤦‍♂️). And, although obviously its a point of division within the community, I feel required activation is part (not the whole) of any evolution. (I'm not a fool, has the required activation of keys on SG completely eliminated people who win and otherwise run off with keys? No but it's a damn sight more difficult for them to remain a member of the site long term).

Ultimately it's AWAs playground and personally I'm happy for the chance to play in it and I'll probably stick around regardless whatever changes they make. But it would be nice for it to keep on going strong rather than being bogged down by accusations that are often baseless, or at least misunderstood. It's a very different program to other loyalty programs but I do feel that it's relative success in increasing participants has now highlighted underlying problems with a game vault reward system that is rapidly approaching it's third birthday and I doubt was ever truly designed for it. As an aside, regardless of activation AWA will probably have to tinker with it at some point regardless because it would be a fair assessment that by the middle of the year the T4/T5 people, what with artifacts and such, will likely make up the single largest bloc. Even if Stalker had been T5 it still would have been a bloodbath but would have at least acknowledged people's effort to get to that point.

2 weeks ago

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Supposedly they're developing a new model/rules towards the Game Vault, not sure if enforcing like SG or other things alike.
But currently no idea so no commenting to avoid confusing people at all.

But well... something supposedly is going on.

2 weeks ago

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I'm glad the wheels are in motion at the least, might have been better to have started last year when some of the vaults teething issues became more visible. I don't imagine there will be a solution to please everyone. (There aren't any of those in real life 😄). I've seen some discord stuff so it's a matter of wait and see. I just hope they find a navigable way through it so that this really unique program can continue.

2 weeks ago

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System is not working properly and we have the right to comment on the fact that it is working improperly.
For many people, opening the vault looks like this: f5->page does not open->f5->error->f5->out of stock. It makes no sense.
I currently have 44,000 ARP that I have nothing to spend it on. 99% of games are games that disappear in 10 seconds, or garbage games that no one wants.
Changes should be made:

  1. More good games but older ones, and also replays, e.g. Cyberpunk or Baldur's Gate 3. Those who have already received these games cannot receive them again.
  2. Lottery-based system. You buy 1 ticket for ARP, and then there is a draw to see who will win the game. The winners get the game, and everyone else gets their ARP back. Such a system would at least give everyone a chance to win, not just those with a 1 GBit connection 1 km from the server. I have 80 Mbit over copper plus 120 ping from Europe to the USA. With such a connection I will never be able to get any game I want.
2 weeks ago

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I can't remember exactly, but a long time ago (15-20years) my wow guild used a system for distributing loot.

It was a bit unfair the first few times, but after that it served us well.
First of all you obviously have to had enough "credit" to get the item.
Which was in our case, that each raid day you participate you get +1

Which almost everyone had the same the first few times so we rolled.

But basically:

  • if someone got an item which someone else wanted too, he got an -3
  • if someone got an item that nobody else wanted, he got an -1
  • if someone got an item, that no-one wanted and would have been destroyed, his score wasn't changed

So you kinda had a chance to get an item everytime, but more likely if you haven't gotten one for a while.
Maybe AWA can do something similar, where people can aply for a 1st/2nd/3rd choice of a key and if there are enough, all good, if not people are more likely to get one which haven't gotten one for a while.

AWA still should implement something that checks if the account looks like a "normal" user or something more automated like a bot.

2 weeks ago

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Baby Blues Nightmare still available but I wasn't impressed from its trailer.

3 weeks ago

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Dumb question, but can someone explain to me how these Alienware giveaways work..?

2 weeks ago

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Just reach the required level for the giveaways and the only thing what you have to do is claim them. You level up by doing quests, games, watching twitch streamers, daily login etc.

2 weeks ago

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Thanks for the information. Are points obtained at a realsitic, reasonable amount or would I have to watch like 100s of hours of streams and/or download random things to complete "quests" just for a game worth like fifty cents?

2 weeks ago

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It's mostly the latter. You have to watch 100s of hours of streams, download garbage games on Steam to idle in, and complete stupid clicking games every day.

You probably make the equivalent of like $0.10/hr for your time.

2 weeks ago

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Thanks! It almost seems worthless now to sign up between that rate and the complaints from people about the amount of keys available

2 weeks ago

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Added you

2 weeks ago

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Strictly speaking you don't need to "watch" the streams.....or even let them play 😉 and as for the games, well there are easy ways to get those Steam quest arps without ever having the quest games get near your PC...... 😉. Passive returns are reasonable enough, if you're prepared to invest in the artifact system to turbo charge your collection it will make things easier over time. (Emphasis on the "over time"). Apart from the game vault there are random/flash giveaways of decent games which depend on tier level for the most part.

It comes down basically as an investment, the cost to you being your time (and bandwidth to a lesser extent). Each person will see and take what they want out of the program. For myself the gains I've made easily outweigh the ultimately negligible effort I've had to put in, even if lady luck has abandoned me in the vault for now. Your experience may vary of course 🤷‍♂️.

2 weeks ago

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Depends on your efficiency and if your region is part of the Dell Rewards program. I spend maybe 15 minutes tops on getting ARP per week, and earn about $500-$700 a year through weekly quests and spending ARP on DRP every 3 months. When you account for the fact that's about an hour a month I spend on it, even at the lowest end I've achieved, $500/12=$41.66/h. That's without accounting for games from the vault, which although I haven't gotten all the ones I wanted, and I don't even always bother due to time frames it opens... I've still gotten a few like Sonic in the current one, as well as Baldur's Gate 3, The Last of Us Part 1, Cyberpunk, and a few others.

2 weeks ago

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You can idle everything. Just have a tab with a stream open and muted, have a tab with site open, run games on a idler prog, pretty much no work at all. The only thing that requires a bit of work is the weekly quest, but even it's minimal and depending on your region you have a chance to win $5-$20 Dell Rewards per week.

If you're in a region that has the Dell Rewards Program too, you can use the ARP you earn to buy up to $50 Dell Rewards every 3 months. Believe it resets Feb, May, Aug, Nov.

With the program I've already earned $1400. So although the Game Vault may not always be the best, with some idling, and minimal daily work for weeklies, you can at least get free stuff, assuming your region is part of the rewards program with AWA.

I spend about 1 minute everyday, with the exception of Thursday, where the weekly quest has it's mini game for possible cash reward, it can take maybe 5 mins of my time. In a week, I'm looking at like 10-15 minutes of my time dedicated to getting my ARP. That's accounting for daily login, twitch, discord polls, steam quests, etc.

2 weeks ago

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How to do steam quest without downloading huge games like Apex?

2 weeks ago

Comment has been collapsed. after you'll set it up, just play <your_bot_name> <appId>

2 weeks ago

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Thanks will try this

2 weeks ago

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If you prefer a non-friendly text only info, you can find it here AlienwareArena Tutorial Intro Guide

2 weeks ago

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If I'm correct after checking your guide... Artifacts can not be obtained now, only in 2023-2024 events?
Or I'm missing something (as usual! :D )

2 weeks ago

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Well depends on Artifacts, some of them are mentioned how and when is available to obtain them, although I haven't updated yet for this latest one that is showing up on Marketplace rn, will be avaialble on Feb 02 00:00 UTC.

2 weeks ago

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SteamPhantom Line Playtest 🔁

🏆 Tier 1+
🔑 4,995
Countries without keys|Belarus, China, Poland, Russia, Ukraine

📁 SteamDB|1072403
💬 Old key appears if you claimed before on 2024 Jul 18.

2 weeks ago*

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ℹ️ Info #250130

     Freebie Platform Tier Status
306617 Steam DLC 1 ⚠️ Upcoming!

ℹ️ Info #250123

     Freebie Platform Tier Status
270513 - Playtest Steam 1 ⚠️ Upcoming!

📋 Old History

Many GAs upcoming in next few days and unknown time (future)

Sorry if I can't name them directly, just always add 0 at the end.

💬 Megumin's Words

 │  Well... maybe the Tier will change again.

2 weeks ago

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Sadly the february vault is another dissapointment for me.
Haven't heard of any of those games before with tomb raider being the exception of course.
And none of them look interesting to me after checking them out.

I don't think that I will try to get tomb raider...probably save my ARP this month....again :(

2 weeks ago

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Clearly they strayed from the well-trodden path with their choices. Mildly interested in The Hungry Fly but not 2000 ARP interested.

2 weeks ago

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You gotta be f*cking kidding me. They have the second remastered Tomb Raider collection now? And for almost 4k ARP?
I expected this one to be in the vault much later in the year and to have time to properly hoard ARP until then and now I'm gonna miss it because I don't have enough, this sucks.

2 weeks ago

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AWA Game Vault

⏰ 2025 Feb 21 18:00 UTC

Game Platform Tier Price Discount
The Stone of Madness Steam 3+ 4000 3400
Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered Steam 1+ 3950 3357
Inspector Schmidt - A Bavarian Tale Steam 1+ 2500 2125
S4U: CITYPUNK 2011 AND LOVE PUNCH Steam 1+ 2500 2125
Coridden Steam 1+ 2400 2040
Afterplace Steam 1+ 2300 1955
M.O.O.D.S. Steam 1+ 2200 1870
Strayed Lights Steam 1+ 2200 1870
Papa's Quiz Steam 1+ 1950 1657
The Hungry Fly Steam 1+ 1950 1657
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2 weeks ago*

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Tomb Raider is Tier1? Well, good luck getting that one...
Also, The Hungry Fly looks like a surreal fever dream. Love it.

2 weeks ago

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Yep, lots of Tier 1+ this time though, but probably known title will be out first I guess.

2 weeks ago

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I would start everything at Tier 5, then decrement the tier requirement every half hour. Unless they have loads of keys, in which case start at a lower tier. :)

2 weeks ago

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Usually they only do that for normal GA, so... really weird they put plenty on Tier 1 this month.

2 weeks ago

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Tomb Raider is my obvious pick this month, been playing the originals via GOG thanks to some kind people and they aren't as bad as I remember them (not as good as the OG trilogy but still good). The tiers though have to be an error, I can't believe after a few months of insufficient use of tiers to gatekeep giant games that AWA would pretty much throw the baby out with the bath water 🤔. Newbies have to be catered for I agree but this, this is something else 😕. Still, plenty of other indies to consider when Tomb Raider eventually fails me, though I admit I don't know any of them.

2 weeks ago

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Good luck for that, since it's likely the 98% people going after it based on how repeatedly I heard people mentioning the same.

Currently no sign of tier change yet... so I guess it'll remain Tier 1 as shown earlier...
Just... hope good luck for those who are looking into the game they wanted. 😪

1 week ago

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Funnily enough the only game I'm interested is the tier 3 one, but idk if I can get 1k points before the vault opens.

2 weeks ago

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Good luck for that, has heard people wanting it but not as much as the Tomb Raider one, so it might take a little long to go out of stock...
Although how long... idk.

1 week ago

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Hey guys, i have some keys which i forgot about, some might be expired already idk tbh.
I will just leave them here and maybe someone will be interested in anything:

ESO Karthwolf Charger - MXXHPCPG5TLR5EFFTN4G
50% Gold Coast Experience Scroll - TTCXAY46K7RNYMCK5D7X
50% Gold Coast Experience Scroll - DCWY9LPT5HR6C95XXLYH
The Elder Scrolls Online Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll - MWLGFJC3DR5PLDAMCFJ3
Teysa MKM Sleeve - 08FB6-A0787-542BB-3226B-0BAF4
Black Desert Online Traveler Edition Key - 8CB18C21E3E947E3
The Elder Scrolls Online: Pyromancer's Quandary Emote Key - W5MTJCTC5A474GNXDMCA
Astonishing Baseball Manager God Mode DLC - 9EKRF-QFNKF-YLWGN
XERA: Survival Season 7 Premium Pass Key - 1X0MJ9B0A5
Neverwinter Mountain of Flame Smoldering Cape Key - mz334jT1
50% Gold Coast Experience Scroll - 39WAAPX4GXCTJPEXWMDP
The Elder Scrolls Online Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll - H54NC9HF3H3G6PKL7DHA
ESO Grim Harvester Costume Game Code - 9LDMYMA693XHEYME7WPE
Doomsday: Last Survivors Game Pack - T8TT7G
Magic: The Gathering Arena Teysa Deck Sleeve - 62C95-418AD-17D95-3E8E1-CBB5A
Idle Wizard 40 Relics - AlienwareIWa22533
Stinova Starter Pack - KJW2R9UJU
World of Warships 9th Anniversary Pack - ZTTXKH-DPC5D-8MCE5
Gori: Cuddly Carnage Skin Pack - IAMWM-RJ83J-HWQ7K

1 week ago

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Didnt take any but wanted to thank you for sharing here.
Have a bump

1 week ago

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All ESO/Elder Scrolls Online codes are invalid when I try to redeem them. Thanks a lot though!

1 week ago

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Does anyone have this Zorathian Cosmotheque artifact and know what it does? :o

1 week ago

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You get more ARP from Discord polls (+1/2/3/4/5).

1 week ago

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I see, thanks!

1 week ago

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This comment was deleted 1 week ago.

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Thank you!! Knew there was something like that but forgot where.

1 week ago

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ℹ️ Info #250205

     Freebie Platform Tier Status
255304 - Closed Alpha Steam 1 ⚠️ Upcoming!

ℹ️ Info #250130

     Freebie Platform Tier Status
306617 Steam DLC 1 ⚠️ Upcoming!

ℹ️ Info #250123

     Freebie Platform Tier Status
270513 - Playtest Steam 1 ⚠️ Upcoming!

📋 Old History

Many GAs upcoming in next few days and unknown time (future)

Sorry if I can't name them directly, just always add 0 at the end.

💬 Megumin's Words

 │  Those Playtest & Closed Alpha will be up next week probably...

1 week ago

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Steam DLCHELLCARD - Bruja, the Blood Witch

🏆 Tier 1+
🔑 2,495
Countries without keys|Belarus, China, Poland, Russia, Ukraine

📁 SteamDB|1089638

6 days ago

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Was just about to mention it :)

Didnt have base game myself.

6 days ago

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Nice =)
Sadly Paid Base Game.

6 days ago

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same problem

6 days ago

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Thanks, added to my list of DLC keys for games I don't own yet... often they sit there for years tho, mostly because I keep forgetting than that list exists :P

6 days ago

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You're welcome, well still have many of previous DLCs of Paid Games GAed on the site... waiting for the day when acquired the Base Game to activate them 😅

6 days ago

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Thanks great game and have thought about buying the DLC multiple times but usually my friend plays that class.

6 days ago

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You're welcome, ohh interesting so it's a class bonus rewards DLC?

6 days ago

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Its a whole new character to play in the game which unlocks new unique mechanics, cards, skins and locations.

6 days ago

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Ohh DLC exclusive character so... thx for the explanation!

5 days ago

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Unfortunately i'm too late and there is no key left.

6 days ago

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Wow... didn't expect DLC key to go out of stock that fast...

6 days ago

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Oh! Out of stock :( Maybe next time.

6 days ago

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That was pretty fast to be honest. =(

6 days ago

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Key has a "value" of € 3.53 so no surprise there.

6 days ago

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Ahh no wonder 😪
Forgot people who looks those things up for other purposes.

5 days ago

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Not updating - missed :(

6 days ago

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No worries, I didn't expected it'll be gone that fast either =(

5 days ago

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SteamExoborne Playtest

🏆 Tier 1+
🔑 2,495
Countries without keys|Belarus, China, Poland, Russia, Ukraine

📁 SteamDB|1190090

3 days ago

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SteamNested Lands Playtest

🏆 Tier 1+
🔑 5,000
Countries without keys|Belarus, China, Poland, Russia, Ukraine

📁 SteamDB|1004281

2 days ago*

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ℹ️ Info #250214

     Freebie Platform Tier Status
143019 - Closed Beta Steam 1 ⚠️ Upcoming!

📋 Old History

Many GAs upcoming in next few days and unknown time (future)

Sorry if I can't name them directly, just always add 0 at the end.

💬 Megumin's Words

 │  Closed Beta will be up next week probably...

1 day ago

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