Every topic needs polls, sooo... What do you do when procrastinating?
I just start thinking that I have an important task to complete. So, I start, for example, writing that essay and, when I get bored, I stop a bit to watch or play something. Then I start writing the essay again, then I stop again when I get bored and do something else. I just keep doing something interesting whenever I get bored, so that I have no excuse of not wanting to write the essay. :P
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How can you get bored that fast? o.O Just say I'll write a paragraph, want it or not, and then stop for a bit. You must understand how important it is in order to start it. And thanks a lot. ;)
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Hardly ever heard about an interesting essay. :P All essays are boring. Just think of how important it is to finish it. When you start writing it, just do some short breaks from time to time, in order to avoid getting bored.
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Work on your nutrition plan. I'm not even kidding. It's staggering the amount of people who think laziness is "normal". It's not. It's a response to all the abrupt changes in your blood sugar levels. Basically, eliminate simple carbs and substitute them for complex carbs and start living a new life.
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I suggest reading this article.
If you can, read The Now Habit by NEIL Fiore.
If you don't have time for that, commit yourself to 30 minutes of actual work, then take a break. And repeat. Make sure you use a timer and put down the cellphone and anything else thay may disturbe you
Hope it helps!
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Our servers are experiencing higher-than-normal load. Please try again in a few minutes." I think it's a sign...
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Break the task into smaller, more manageable segments. Can you write a paragraph? A sentence? You'll find it easier to get started that way.
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I remember how is doing things very close to the deadline. It's stressfull! One time, due to much procrastinating, I spend a whole night without sleep a bit for finish the homework. I say myself "this can not happen again". I know it's not easy having so many distractions but remembering how bad is that situation and not wanting to go through it again, makes me push myself to finish what I have to do. Also, I remember that after doing it, I will be free to do whatever I want to do without any pressure in time because there is something left.
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I have a friend in med school who studies 24/7, always at some different coffee shop around town.
So whenever I reaaaaaally need to get stuff done, I'll call her and ask for her location, then go study with her. Having such a quiet hardworking beast next to me really motivates me >:D
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Oh, I tend to do everything but what I should be doing. I'm a bit better at not procrastinating now than a few years ago, but it's still there in some form. Playing games is probably at the top of the list :)
Thanks for the nice shortcut, many wishlisted games there!
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I am somehow in the same situation right now ffs...
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Instead of thinking about the entire task "have to write 13-17 more pages" break it down into smaller tasks when you attempt it. When you sit down to write the essay don't think of it as sitting down to write the whole thing as a single task. Instead approach it as smaller chunks like I'm going to write one page of this essay and once you start on that you'll find that one page is easy. If one page is easy then do one more. Writing 17 pages may be too much for your brain to want to tackle but one page? Easy. Repeat this simple task and you'll have completed 13-17 easy tasks instead of one large task.
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What I usually did at school when I didn't "find the time to make something" was force myself thinking about the worst case scenario my life would look like if I didn't do that work and fail school. My god, the things I imagined motivated me enough to always make something decent :)
And also important motivation: promise yourself some quality time when your done with the task. Catch a movie, grab a drink, binge-watch luke cage on netflix,...
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Already promised myself (and booked the tickets for) some quality time later this month, which is what my easy puzzle that I'll post in 1-2 weeks will be about, 24 hours of great music in the company of friends and lots of beer :3
Also, thanks! ^^
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Actually, it's a cruise that goes once or twice every year, going from Stockholm to Finland and then back again. This will be the first time I go to that cruise (the "Close-Up cruise"), because this time they decided to add a whole bunch of legendary bands from the swedish death metal scene, and because I managed to get a couple of friends to go with ^^
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Ermmm when I was doing my assignment, I procrastinate too much that I start on week 1 (day of issue and finish 2 days before submission which is nearly 2 weeks later while watching anime everyday).
During morning I would force myself doing work but failed to the point I would just play game and force myself to do the work at night.
When submission date is approaching, I would literally sit on the chair and glue myself on the chair and focus on doing the assignment till I'm satisfied and then relax myself by watching anime, which would also give me some creative ideas :D
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I know that feeling, usually I start writing and within minutes I catch myself ending up lurking the internets... one thing that helps me is listening to music and to start by outlining and writing the easiest points first... still one of the most annoying parts of work. Most of the time I end up finishing it just hours before deadline is up/I have to present. I know it doesn't really fit your situation, but delegating it like an asshole to one of your subs may be the most fucked up way to do it, but the easiest and most relaxing ;x.
Thanks for the GA.
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To build on what kvanza said. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on writing more. Just do it, don't think about it. Give yourself a reward afterwards. Try the method again in an hour or so. Set small goals and try to do 1-2 pages in this time frame.
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Take the win, I've procrastinated the last 15 years of my life away. That said Barbie Girl is the recommended solution to almost everything.
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Convince yourself you aren't trying to get it all done at once. Sit down just to get an outline or introduction done. If that goes well, continue. If it doesn't, procrastinate a little longer while you remind yourself that while procrastinating you are just letting the creative thoughts flow through your subconscious.
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I have an essay due on friday and have to write 13-17 more pages, but every time I sit down to write it I start doing something else..
2 days ago I watched football all day, matches that I had no real interest in how they ended. Yesterday I ended up watching movies all day and today I've started reading a long manga, and I usually never read manga. Last week ended up in pretty much the same fashion.
Soooo.. do anyone have any good way to motivate yourself into stop procrastinating and actually do what you have to do?
To bribe you into giving answers here's a lvl 4+ ga of Europa Universalis IV: Extreme Edition
Those who are in my whitelist also gets a VIP ticket to join a train that I will use for an easy puzzle later this month, just check my latest whitelist ga for the link
Edit: I don't want to spam too much, so I'll say this here. Thanks!
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