So this has a bit of a selection bias since I'm just using my personal stats (aka. depending on the kind of games you enter and the time since you last won a game, your chance might differ) and I'm sure that it has been done in a better way before but i thought i'd still share it.

As of right now, I entered 9.166 Giveaway
I won 13 of them
So every giveaway had an average winning chance of 0.1418%
If i multiply that by 705.07 giveaways (found the number by trial and error) I get a winning chance of 99.999%

In conclusion I'd have to enter about 705 Giveaways to win one game

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Yes, ur right that's definitely a better way to do it

4 years ago

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did you know that your "even better" calculation is simply: 9166 / 13?

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I laughed hahaha ^^ !

4 years ago

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That's just your statistical average number of entries to win a giveaway (9166/13).
If a giveaway has an average winning probability of 0.001418, the losing probabilty for one giveaway is 1 - 0.001418 = 0.998582

If you want to know how many giveaways to enter on average to be likely to win at least one, you solve x for 1 - 0.998582^x = 0.5, which is 488.474. So after entering 489 giveaways, you are likely to have won at least one. And for 0.99999, that would be 8113.37

4 years ago

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average winning chance?? you did bad the maths.....

you can't calculate average winning using entered giveaways / won giveaways.
because each entry have a diferent chance of win, isn't the same enter in a giveaway of 1 person than 1000 person.

i can say that the average win ratio of a giveaway it's 50% because i entered in 20 giveaways and won 10 of them (where i was the only participant on these 10 giveaways).

0 brain use in theses maths you did.

do it again for every one giveaway you entered, then you will have 9166 diferent numbers with the chances of win, then grab that 9166 numbers and you can do an average number. and even doing that, these maths will be wrong because the entry in every giveaway will have diferent ranges (like 200 people or 2000 or even 8000 people)

isn't the same enter only in giveaways of 200 people than 4000.

and bla bla bla.....

that max you can do it's calculate average win rate between little ranges of participants. like 0-100 participants 101-200 participants etc....

4 years ago

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Thanks for correcting me. As i stated in the beginning "depending on the kind of games you enter (...) your chance might differ". That's my try at describing what you wrote but without having to write a whole page about it.

I do agree that my maths are flawed and oversimplified but I also think you can find an average with a large enough pool, it's just my personal average from the kind of giveaways i enter. If I suddenly changed from only entering wishlisted games and instead only entered group/whitelist GA's then I'd of course have a much higher chance of winning.

Btw. you didn't even point out the biggest flaw, which would be that i can't know when I'll win again (there's probably a better way to say that). So if I would win my 9.167th giveaway my chances are drastically different because i won 14 instead of 13 games. For that to be more accurate, I'd have to be on this site for a much longer time and win more games but not change the kind of giveaways I enter or level up any further.

I probably have a bunch of logistical flaws in that reply so feel free to correct them but if you do so, don't be a dick again.

4 years ago*

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im sitting at -5.37 won just from july.

View attached image.
4 years ago*

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Whattttt? I assume you joined a lot of group GA/invite only GA?

4 years ago

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whitelisted GAs, Multiple Copies, and a few invite trains from time to time. normally i would say i win like 1 giveaway a week.

4 years ago

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And yet that's 2 games won in July, and 16 won games just during the past 30 days, and over 900!!! since joining. All about perspective (not saying it in a bad way, just commenting).

4 years ago

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Damn :0 Never saw somebody with 100k+ giveaway entries. Sir I have serious respect for your grind

4 years ago

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And then there's Zelghadis....

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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The record is -13.7 if my memory is correct.

4 years ago

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You would know? 🤔 😝 😁 (not trying to be rude)

4 years ago

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Yes, I would know. )

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Well, each GA you entered is an individual event.

Let say you joined 10 giveaways with only 5 participants each. Your chance of winning each giveaway is 20% (1 in 5). It seems that if you enter 10 of these GAs, you should win 2 of them. However, since each giveaway is an individual event, it stayed at 20% for all the giveaways you entered. The system won’t let you win a giveaway if you have lost the previous four.

So if you are super lucky, you can win all 10 giveaways; or very unlucky and win none.

4 years ago

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In conclusion I'd have to enter about 705 Giveaways to win one game

yeah, and knowing that it took you around 1 minute for each entry, and that your time is worth a net amount of $15 per hour, you calculated...
705 / 60 × $15 = $176,25 calculated that you paid (in time) the equivalent of $176,25 for that single game won. 👀

whoa ! I hope it was an hexa-A (that's AAAAAA) game, at least ! 😜

4 years ago

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1 minute per giveaway entered? GOTTA GO FAST!!!!
CRTL left click to open in new tab
open all the GA you want to enter
hover mouse over enter giveaway
enter giveaway

Crtl shift T if you screw up and close one before you enter

View attached image.
4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

4 years ago

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Well, to be honest, using ESGST you can add enter/leave buttons right on the GA listing, so doing it that way even 1 second is quite slow ! (providing you blindly enter anything)
So it makes the won game only worth $2,9375... (ignoring the time needed to redeem/activate the game !)

BUT to do those maths okay, one would need one of those extensions :
Mind the Time (Firefox)
Webtime Tracker (Chrome)
(or anything equivalent)
and then compute with the realTimeSpent... that's like the difference between CV and realCV. 🙀

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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either one or maybe two or maybe three or maybe all of :

  • I'm doing something else in the meantime because entering GA gets boring and tedious over time -_-
  • I think SG should limit number of entries to 1/minute to detect and eliminate the auto-joining bots <[^-^]>
  • I was just throwing out there some meaningless maths in answer to someone else's meaningless maths !?
  • I already answered you yesterday right above your post :-P
4 years ago

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Welcome back to Steam Gifts.

That seems fairly legit for public and public group giveaways.

Quite frankly it takes joining these other giveaway types to get better chances:

  • In-discussion giveaways (typically posted to General or Events)
  • Puzzle giveaways
  • Non-public groups
4 years ago

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Thank you for the reply without numbers. This thread was starting to look like a maths book and it's giving me a headache! 😜

4 years ago

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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Haha now you're trying to give me an epilepsy episode! 😜

4 years ago

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The really harsh part is: that is actually a pretty simple problem. Provided, of course, that you know calculus. Learning calculus, ah, now that might be the tricky bit. ;)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Thanks for the tip!

4 years ago

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Lemme fix it, u need to enter for 7 years to win 27 games, recently i won game, after like 1.5 year of entering "for fun", cool isnt? Recently i seen guy who already own 3 games with less than week after registration xD

4 years ago

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You can use my stats, but most of the wins won are usually ~100 or less with region or group. I do wish public giveaways were promoted more like they gave you some points back when you create a giveaway or group/white worth 50%. Because some people could get level 10 by only giving to their friends and enter all the public giveaways.

4 years ago

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it's not "a bit of selection bias" but an enormous one. you don't take into account the % from each GA (as already said), in my case, I stopped entering GA with more than 2k entries (except for a few exceptions), and a handful of guaranteed ones.
With your calculation I get 375.

4 years ago

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It depends a lot on how many groups you belong to and how many invite only / level / region restricted giveaways you enter.

My average win rate works out to 1 : 388 GAs. All but two of my wins are from GAs that had some sort of restriction.

4 years ago

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1:95 GAs

4 years ago

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~56... Quite a lot... I need to stop joining public giveaways...

4 years ago

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Experience (and talking to other Support Staff) has taught me that there are certain milestones by which a user can expect to have won his or her first game on SteamGifts.

  • The user has conscientiously entered available giveaways for the past three months.
  • The user has accumulated at least 3,000 entries with a significant portion being made up of group and invite-only giveaways.
  • The user has made a positive impact upon the community (i.e. people are whitelisting him or her, not blacklisting).

While any of the above factors would increase a user's chance of winning, the three of them tend to coincide with each other. Also, while it is possible to achieve all three things without winning a single game (for which I am famous), that almost never happens.

4 years ago

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Thanks for the insight

4 years ago

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so in your calculation, if someone enters only one giveaway and wins it, he had a Chance of 100%, no matter how many entered?

4 years ago

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I don't think i said that. You're right, this only works with a somewhat large quantity of entered giveaways. The more you enter the more accurate it would theoretically get, if you ignore some of the valid flaws that other people already pointed out.

4 years ago

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you would even need to enter that many giveaways, that to the law of large numbers the Won Games would be high enough...

and you said, what you estimated as average Chance per giveaway, but it wasnt the Chance. it was the average wins per giveaway

4 years ago*

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You could just look at the number of entries at closing for giveaways you entered.

4 years ago

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So i entered 80k giveaways and won 1k.. so like every 80th... but i dont get it, because this absolutely doesnt tell anything about luck.. its just that joining more group giveaways and with higher level requirement is giving higher. chances, because of lesser participants. I often stay at 400 points cause i dont find games i would join.

4 years ago

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I didn't say anything about calculating luck and yes I agree depending on what kind of giveaways you enter it'll vary a lot.

4 years ago

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Lies, damned lies, and statistics

You can win something after 100 entries and you can win something after 1300 entries. And statistically it's still ~700 giveaways per win.. I get what you're saying, just wanted to say something about those damn statistics and always messing up our minds :D

4 years ago

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Two days ago I won two giveaways.

They had 515 and 1095 entries and it was 0.19% / 0.09% chance of winning each giveaway.
Both giveaways where Region locked giveaways and I won them 18 minutes apart from each other.

Now I did my math, and according to my calculations I would have a higher chance of shitting gold than actually winning these as the way I did.
I looked in my toilet bowl, and guess what? Brown gold.

4 years ago

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and that's why I didn't just take a look at my last two days on this site... Then i would've said there's a 0% chance of winning but if you look at a 4 year history you can start to recognize some patterns that's all I'm trying to say :/

4 years ago

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Just wanted to share what happened. Seemed like something impossible :)

4 years ago

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Oh sorry, misunderstood you then :s

4 years ago

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Hm, for me it is 197 per win so far, but even steamgifts consider me lucky.

4 years ago

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I cant say for sure... :)
But when i stooped doing giveaways, the chance of winning got so much worse. And i'm not looking into entered\won btw.
Usually it was close to -5 luck. And currently i'm at -28.
So ii'm not saying that the math is rigged, i'm just saying that the math is rigged :)

4 years ago

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Won 511 out of 89,797, basically it's a win per 175 giveaways :p

4 years ago

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Giveaways Entered
Gifts Won

So it's one per 201 entered

It doesnt matter how much u enter. U can enter 10 and win 10, u can enter 20k and win nothing

4 years ago

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I'm at 204 entries per win. It depends very much on the games you enter.

  • If you maximize chance per entry, you can get that number down quite a bit.
  • If you maximize chance per point, the entries per win will go up a bit, but so will your total wins.
  • If you primarily try for very popular games, your total wins will go down, but your entries per win will go way up.... but when you do win, you'll be getting better games.
4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by KFCCremeCheeseburger.