Hello there, this may be a noob question, I love Steamgifts, I usually try to win giveaways and sometimes make my own giveaways. I have made different types of giveaways: normal giveaways (buying games directly as a gift in Steam), giwing away SteamKeys I din't need from games of IndieRoyale and this time I gave away a Reus SteamKey because I already had it.

Well the thing is the winner has already received the steamkey but my CV i still in a value of 30.00$. I know games from HumbleBundle are sometimes not rated the same amount, obviously games purchased via HumbleBundle are much cheaper (it had a an * beside when I created the giveaway). I'm not complaining about the value, I am asking because my CV has risen NOTHING by now. Is this normal, or is it just that I will received my value increase later? Any answers? thank you for your responses.

10 years ago*

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10 years ago

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If the game has a * next to it, your cv will never go past 30.00 .

10 years ago

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You too should read the link above.

10 years ago

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I gave away 6 bundled games and my cv was stuck at 30, now i gave a non-bundled valued at 6 dollars and my cv is 35,99.I thought thats how cv worked.

10 years ago

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You still get value for your bundle up to 20% of your non-bundle games. (That's why your $4.99 giveaway gave you $5.99 CV)

10 years ago

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5 . It was 5$ and 20% from past bundles.

10 years ago

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cant find ga

10 years ago

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So many question threads... ._.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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The FAQ thread also need to take half the screen so at least some people will see it.

10 years ago

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Even better and easier, you must read and agree to the terms of Steamgifts FAQ before registering.

10 years ago

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And if you get suspended for whatever reason, you need to agree to them again when you are reinstated.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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There should be random questions instead of agreeing.

This would make it first read EULA ever.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Soooooo... Am I supposed to get any Contributor Value? The different responses made me confused...

10 years ago

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Short answer: If you only give games that were in bundles, your CV will never go past $30

Long answer: Read this

10 years ago

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  • means you will eventually get CV for it but not til you give away things with no , if a game is from a bundle but doesn't have a yet, it'll still count as a bundle game from when it was in a bundle.
10 years ago

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I guess i'll point out that if you had given away a game as a direct result of buying as a gift in Steam, your CV would be greater than $30. The total value you can earn as a result of bundled games is $30, with any full price stuff added on top.

Also, we can see in your profile - you've only given away Bundled games. :)

10 years ago

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maybe he bought a bundled game from steam and gave it away? O.o

10 years ago

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Ha! Actually buying bundled games from steam. That's funny.

10 years ago

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It happens all the time. There are hundreds of people who only buy from Steam.

One day after Alan Wake Humble Bundle ended Steam made their own weekend deal and Alan Wake became bestseller.
Don't Starve is 13th on bestseller list.

10 years ago

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Don't Starve was never in a bundle.

10 years ago

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I was so sure it was. My mistake.

But Alan Wake is still a valid point :P

10 years ago

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The crusader kings complete I gave as my first one here was bought from steam for example, not all people keep track of bundles or are even aware they exist. This is especially true for new users that end up buying certain games at full price even(which I can at least claim to never have done).

Not to mention that some people don't have ways of directly buying bundles(remove credit card and it is basically impossible in many countries) while steam has several payments methods specific for each country thus for some it is actually better overall to spend a few more bucks buying the game than buy something else, figure out trade, find someone who wants to trade and do so.

10 years ago

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I think there should be a script that whenever you wrote CV or contributor value and stuck or not increasing, the page would stop you from posting.

10 years ago

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Naw... The script should redirect you to the FAQ page where the relevant information would be highlighted in bold, blue font.

10 years ago

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Well I bought Trine 2:Complete in steam during a sale, is that considered a bundled game? (I thought bundled games were only the ones that came in groups: HumbleBundle, IndieRoyale...), I never thought this was a bundled game because my CV increased directly to its common price (20.00$) I think.

So, from your answers I understand that all I have to do to receive at least a part f my given away game's values is to giveaway a game that it is not in discount in Steam? Correct?

10 years ago

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Basically, if your CV is under $30.00 you will get full value for the game.
Anything past that you only get 20% of your bundled games' value for every non-bundled game you give away.

e.g. You give away $1 non-bundled DLC/game, you get $1.20 CV (if I'm recalling correctly)

10 years ago

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Trine 2 complete has been in a bundle, so no matter where you buy it, it will be considered a bundled game by this site.

10 years ago

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Humble Bundle 9 had Trine 2 Complete. It doesn't matter if you bought it from steam store, since it will always be considered bundled now.

10 years ago

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Partially right, discounted Steam games will give you the same value as fullprice one. The rule about bundled games applies only to the games that were bundled at any given time and games whose price has been exploited (e.g. games that have been purchasable with 95% discount or more - Serious Sam and some others that had 90% off on Steam = 95+% on Russian store), such games are marked with asteriks as you have already noticed and won't give you any CV unless you giveaway non-bundled one (in that case you get 20% of the non-bundled value you have accumulated) as was already explained before.

10 years ago

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NooooOOOO, Bundle games do not give CV. Even though this is kind of a niche forum you can even google "does Bundle games give CV" and the answer will show up. Tip for the future, do not give away something if you don't know under which conditions you are giving it away, meaning: read the FAQ.

Sorry but this is The most asked questions on Steamgifts and it's annoying to see people have to answer the same question literally every day.

10 years ago

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I suggest that you take your own advice and read the FAQ.

10 years ago

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Oh, snap, son.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Cant pass 30.00 if you only give bundle games, current or past ones. (they have "*" as indicator).
Throw in a non bundled game once in a while and your cv will go up.

10 years ago

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Well if bundle games reduced contributor value it would be really funny. :)

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by katukinabarra.