The leaderboard link is pointing to the prior dungeon, fyi.
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And it's up! I think I found a bug already: My active abilities work fine, except in combat when I get a message saying "You don't have any active abilities yet." I was hoping to use Meditation so I could increase my CP and keep using my staff.
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Am I supposed to check every safe-looking wall multiple times due to not having 100% concentration? Or will giveaways always be found?
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Each safe-looking wall should be checked once, you won't find anything new by checking the same wall twice :) You can restore your concentration using Meditation Ability, make sure to keep it at 25% or higher to perform successful checks. The higher your concentration is when you perform a check, the higher the chance is to find something useful.
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Thanks. What are the heavy weapons some chests say I need to open them? Only axes and hammers, or just hammers? If I understand correctly, I will lose all my sword mastery when I change to a different weapon to open those chests. I have a lockpick, but I'm not sure how to use that instead.
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All masteries that you see in Masteries tab are permanent. Only masteries for specific weapons are vanished when you change them (the ones you see when your mouse is over a specific weapon).
Both hammers and axes are considered heavy weapons, so both can be used to break chests or doors. Lockpicks can not be used instead of hammers and axes - they can only be used on special doors or chests that can be picklocked :)
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Напоролся на баг с ледяными стенами.
Растопил одну стену Fireball Scroll’ом, шагнул вперёд, а сзади стена ледяная опять появилась. Попытался опять её растопить Fireball Scroll’ом – меняется картинка, а при шаге вперёд не пускает и ледяная стена опять вырастает. Вышел из ловушки Teleport Scroll’ом, но теперь все ледяные стены(кроме растопленных до бага) не тают. Не могу выполнить квест из-за этого.
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Hehe, Santa.... hehe. x)
Its 3AM here and I am dead exhausted.... I am running to the end, if someone complete it before me.... I will... I will... I will.... cry!!!!!!!
Oh well, going to sleep. Lets see what happens in the morning. ;)
Also, I enjoy the story very much! And the masteries are great surprise and addition (as Kuzurreesh said). ;)
I like how the Spirit of Wisdom chanched his prices. ;) And bandits are more reasonable these days. XD
I am blabbering. Good Night. :3
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Good luck on the last stretch.
Will you be winning another of my giveaways?
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Not so much anymore. XD
But I think thats because of my own foolishness. ;) Want to complete the dungeon on 13 lvl, now on 17 lvl. XD Now I am sitting on the potion dropspot and waiting. :)
But something brings me happiness I am on leaderboards. XD
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hmmm, could you please check the area on L2: [X9,Y17][X8,Y17][X8,Y18]... I got in through a fake wall, checked all walls inside, including poisoned ones, and there's no way out of there...
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Completed bump,.
The masteries are a nice addition. I might be a bad example of their use, since I was lvl 25 for way too long.
Slower pet progression works fine for the non-patrons. They will be able to make full use of them as companions throughout the entire quest.
For patrons it could be a bit disappointing having only 2 in a regular run, but that doesn't have to be changed, just have to be more picky.
Might be helpful to get a total protection overview from equipment.
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That doesn't mean that the game is over for Warriors though - they can still explore the dungeon and try to find as many treasures as possible and, upon completing the quest, get 1 extra treasure as a consolation prize.
Congratulations to the winners and good luck to everyone else!
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I was quite tired yesterday but I finished the quest and was very happy about :)
I think ladders/ruptures not being part of the previous main quest was a better idea but new ideas implement in this run (like masteries) was a good addition.
Thank you!
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Oh man, I'm very bad at this. Found only one small healing potion so far and died like 6 times or so. No idea how to keep my hp up, read the library guides and everything. Last time I did a steamdungeon it didn't have all the items and classes and stuff :o
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Best source of potions is checking walls.
Just pay attention to your concentration(cp) depending on your class, you use up to 25%cp/check. You can get it back up by using the meditation skill in your active skill tab.
If you are under the limit(unfocussed), you can get bad effects from checking.
Another thing to look out for is that some walls have spikes or a toxic stain, if you check those, you will get bleeding or poisoned status respectively.
Another nice source is the supply drop that happens around once every hour at the starting portal.
There will be a notice in chat 5 minutes before the drop. It will give you a small, medium and big potion of energy and health.
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Thanks for the tips. I try to check the harmless walls and mediate but I feel like once I'm low on hp I get so low on CP that I can't fight and nothings works and then I just can't get out of that circle.
I noticed the supply drop messages but so far didn't get to them. Still need to find my way with the layers.
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Your max cp is based on your current hp and ep.
%cp= (%hp+%ep)/2
Are you a wizard?
You need 30cp/attack(for now) with a magic weapon. Defending recovers 20% if you block or opponent misses, otherwise it's 5%
You could try using melee, if you can't get your cp up again. Just remember that switching in a battle counts as a turn, so best do that if it says the opponent is going to defend.
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check, if you are not overburdened, I had a similar problem...
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Hello, steamgifters! 😃
It's Christmas time! And it is time to join a special adventure in Steam Dungeons! :)
"An Unexpected Frost" quest has started!
All of us like playing games, and all of us like winning games. So, how about playing a game and winning games while playing?
Steam Dungeons was made specially for SteamGifts a little bit over 2 years ago and has gone a long way since then! A long time has passed since the last event, and there are tons of changes this time as well, including great variety of interactable objects, characters, improvements in balance and design - overall, the dungeons got even bigger and diverse! Steam Dungeons consists of quests (SG events) which start periodically: in each quest you have to explore huge dungeons while upgrading your hero, fighting monsters, finding new items and treasures and interacting with other players in different ways - all of that right in your browser.
A lot of treasures (giveaways) are hidden in the dungeon and anyone who finds them can join them!
Previous events
> "The Legend of TItans" quest (5.0)
> Halloween quest 2016
> Quest for Dungeon Heart #2
> Quest for Dungeon Heart #1 (4.0)
> Game of sWords 3.0
> Game of sWords 2.0
> Here is the topic of the first one, which started back in November 2 years ago.
Get prepared before you start your adventure!
I highly recommend to visit sWords Library and read a Strategy Guide to know what to expect from the game. Also, make sure to look through FAQ whenever you have a question about the game.
What's new in Steam Dungeons?
A lot of changes have been made since the last event based on the received feedback. You can view the list of changes here.
Important notes
The game engine is not properly supported by Internet Explorer (you will encounter all kinds of nasty bugs there) and it is recommended to use one of the following browsers: Chrome (perfect), Opera (perfect) or Firefox (great, but the game works a tiny bit slower and sounds sometimes mess up a little).
Winners limits: Warriors: 10, Wizards: 10, Rogues: 10.
Winners get access to all giveaways available in the current dungeon! (60+)
Everyone who finishes the game after the limit is reached (while it is still runnning) gets 1 random treasure as a consolation prize!
The game will last for 22 days. All giveaways end in about that time as well!
Time to start the Adventure!
EVERYONE is invited to play the game and search for treasures in the dungeon! :)
The only requirement is that your Steam account should be more than 90 days old.
Join the official group
Join the Discord channel for some extra fun!
>>> Start playing now! <<<
The game is constantly being developed! Want to suggest an idea to help me improve the game? Post it here! People can upvote or downvote it, and it will help me see what people do and do not want to be implemented. Thank you!
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