Hello, steamgifters! 😃

It's Christmas time! And it is time to join a special adventure in Steam Dungeons! :)

"An Unexpected Frost" quest has started!

All of us like playing games, and all of us like winning games. So, how about playing a game and winning games while playing?

  • Introduction

Steam Dungeons was made specially for SteamGifts a little bit over 2 years ago and has gone a long way since then! A long time has passed since the last event, and there are tons of changes this time as well, including great variety of interactable objects, characters, improvements in balance and design - overall, the dungeons got even bigger and diverse! Steam Dungeons consists of quests (SG events) which start periodically: in each quest you have to explore huge dungeons while upgrading your hero, fighting monsters, finding new items and treasures and interacting with other players in different ways - all of that right in your browser.

A lot of treasures (giveaways) are hidden in the dungeon and anyone who finds them can join them!

  • Previous events

> "The Legend of TItans" quest (5.0)

> Halloween quest 2016

> Quest for Dungeon Heart #2

> Quest for Dungeon Heart #1 (4.0)

> Game of sWords 3.0

> Game of sWords 2.0

> Here is the topic of the first one, which started back in November 2 years ago.

  • Get prepared before you start your adventure!

I highly recommend to visit sWords Library and read a Strategy Guide to know what to expect from the game. Also, make sure to look through FAQ whenever you have a question about the game.

  • What's new in Steam Dungeons?

A lot of changes have been made since the last event based on the received feedback. You can view the list of changes here.

  • Important notes

The game engine is not properly supported by Internet Explorer (you will encounter all kinds of nasty bugs there) and it is recommended to use one of the following browsers: Chrome (perfect), Opera (perfect) or Firefox (great, but the game works a tiny bit slower and sounds sometimes mess up a little).

Winners limits: Warriors: 10, Wizards: 10, Rogues: 10.

Winners get access to all giveaways available in the current dungeon! (60+)

Everyone who finishes the game after the limit is reached (while it is still runnning) gets 1 random treasure as a consolation prize!

The game will last for 22 days. All giveaways end in about that time as well!

  • Time to start the Adventure!

EVERYONE is invited to play the game and search for treasures in the dungeon! :)

The only requirement is that your Steam account should be more than 90 days old.

Join the official group

Join the Discord channel for some extra fun!

>>> Start playing now! <<<


The game is constantly being developed! Want to suggest an idea to help me improve the game? Post it here! People can upvote or downvote it, and it will help me see what people do and do not want to be implemented. Thank you!

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7 years ago*

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Thanks for this awesome addictive game! This was my fourth dungeon, and had a lot of fun as always.

7 years ago*

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You are welcome, FelipeMassuia! :) Glad you liked the adventures.

7 years ago

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Bump for making a push and finishing as the 10th wizard. Thanks for the fun quest as always!

Favorite moment of this game: killing my first Ice Giant, getting 250K exp at a moment when the next level needed just 50K and then as a result jumping 4 levels from 14 to 18. All those points to were a joy to distribute. Killing my second made me jump only 2 levels to L20. :)

Second favorite moment was when the final boss couldn't touch me and got killed in 3 strikes, but then on the way back a turtle with ~40HP managed to land a blow, taking 6 damage.

7 years ago

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Congrats on completing the quest! :)

7 years ago

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I'm stuck. Only ways out have a Magic Barrier and an engulfed passage. Explosive Vial didn't work on the second one, no idea what to do. Apart from that I have water tiles and one tile with mining. I tried mining several times, but my EP runs out (used a lot of potions for that) and nothing happens. Am I supposed to mine all the tiles so I can go further? All I do right now is walking in circles and checking walls to get some potions.

7 years ago

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You need to swim to get out.
Without the swim skill, you have 5 actions before drowning. Checking counts as an action, so best not check the walls, unless you can get back to surface withing the drown limit.
When drowning you will lose hp each move.

7 years ago

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So... I need to run in circles till I walk into a spirit that sells me the swim skill for dark souls? Or how is it aquired?

7 years ago

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No, you can swim, but not when you are overburdened.

7 years ago

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I'm really sorry if I'm being stupid here, but I looked everywhere and I don't know how to swim. I'm at 21.5/28kg, my status is normal, I keep drowning and losing HP.

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7 years ago

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Not all walls are walls, some are secret passages. If you check a secret passage, you will go through.

7 years ago

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No longer have any drive to play the dungeon after the winner limit has been filled up. Is it possible to change class to one which still has winner slot available and reset your character completely?

7 years ago

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No way to switch, it would also be a bit late for that I think, only 1 rogue spot left and Barefoot Monkey is close to finishing.
You can still find a lot of the giveaways without finishing. There are several chests that contain treasures and if you are a good person Santa might visit you as well.
You probably won't get all, but still a decent amount.
If you finish outside the limit, you will also receive 1 extra.

7 years ago

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Are the treasury and sacred hall doors unlocked by the same set of numbers that unlock the first door?

7 years ago

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No, every door has a different code to unlock.
The code for the door in the prayer hall(10x10 code grid) can be found in the hall of sacred knowledge. This is where the npc tells you to look for it.
As for the treasury, that code is somewhere else.

7 years ago

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Oh, the sacred hall could've made stuff easier.. ._.

7 years ago

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"somewhere else" as in only accessible by players who have certain skills(cross magic barriers, jump over pits, etc)?
because I've melted all the walls of ice, picklocked available doors and chests, broken cracked walls, pressed buttons, accelerated over traps and pretty much explored all the dungeon but I still have that door with no keyhole before the boss room and the 5x5 treasury door.

7 years ago

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No, everyone can get the code.
Someone tells you the code, before giving you a taste of what is inside the treasury.

7 years ago

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I've still not found that code and I'm beginning to think that that "someone" is a quest character and that I've already missed the chance to get the code...

7 years ago

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Yes, that someone is a quest character.
Most likely you missed it, but maybe not, it isn't part of the main quest,
Do you have any unused items in your artifacts?

7 years ago

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Nope, finished all quests.. I think I know now who that person is

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7 years ago

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Happy New Year everyone!

All winner spots have been taken by this point, but the quest goes on and lots of treasures can still be found in the dungeon!

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7 years ago

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Any tips for defeating the final boss? I have been one shot killed by him so many times in a row now, despite having a Stone Turtle pet that used to be good at blocking attacks for me.

7 years ago

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There was a quest item that protects a little bit against his frost attacks I believe, do you have it? It's behind coded door where a sort of flaming phoenix guy was, with fire walls and stuff. It helped me but he still did lots of damage (I died in 2 hits instead of 1 lol... but I wasn't at level 25 yet) Also try to upgrade your weapon as much as you can with gems, to give it more damage (citrines give fire damage, he might be weak to fire damage but I didn't notice honestly).
Can't think of more tips right now, good luck!

7 years ago

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Thanks for the tips. No, I don't have the quest item. I am level 25 though. I guess I need to go back to exploring the dungeon to find the code I missed. :-/

7 years ago

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Ahh okay, yea I had troubles a little bit too but I found some tips from others so I hope SErVER won't mind if I share that: for the part with the "coded" door I think the quest gave you access to the Hall of Knowledge, look carefully at this hall because it should give you, well you know... the knowledge!

7 years ago*

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Thanks - I am exploring the Hall now - seems there was a huge section I had missed!

7 years ago

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Whew, finally finished! Other people are obviously better than me - don't know how you all do it =^.^=

7 years ago

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Congrats, Caractacus! :)

7 years ago

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Just a reminder that "An Unexpected Frost" quest will finish this Saturday. There's still time to find lots of treasures in the dungeon and complete the quest even if you haven't started it yet!

7 years ago

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2nd bump

7 years ago

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Else Heart.Break()

7 years ago

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3rd bump

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7 years ago*

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Completion bump. :3

7 years ago

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Congratulations bump :)

7 years ago

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Less than 3 hours left until the end of the quest!

7 years ago

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The quest is over!

Congratulations to all winners and good luck to everyone with the giveaways! :)

Feel free to share your feedback and ideas, it will be much appreciated.

Until next time!

7 years ago

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There's one thing I've been meaning to ask. Early on I saw people chatting about needing more dark souls and trading them for valuable stuff. Like they were needed for something late-game. But I never encountered any use for them except the normal spirit of wisdom stuff. Did I miss anything?

7 years ago

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As normal player, you can't spend them all on skills, due to skill limit.
As a patron you have access to more skills and the normal amount of dark souls isn't enough to learn the maximum possible.
I used around an extra 20 dark souls from other players, since I didn't have enough myself.
Not that I really needed them at that point.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by SErVER51.