I know that calling out here is bad, but i know that leachers and other stuff like that are the thing that bothers private groups the most, i dont know if people will like this but i think it would be cool to have a private group, only to officers/admins of private giveaways groups that are based in some kind of ratio just to let each other know about bad users because we can not tell from the profile if an user will turn out to be a leacher, we would have a list of every known leacher (via steam id, and proved the leeachenss of the user :P), anyway it is just an idea, but i already made the group in case people like the idea

9 years ago

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Soooo,you only create giveaways for your private group with less than 10 entries each and u call someone like me who doesn't have the money to afford games a leecher?
First of all,I thought this site was meant for people who can't afford games,but I guess we are leechers and should just leave,or better,make a group with all our names,call it Auschwitz,and let the blacklist games begin.
If I could afford to give out a lot of games,I really wouldn't have the need to use this site in a first place and try to win some for me.Ever since I found this site,I met a lot of good ppl,I won some games,traded my steam cards for even more games,read a lot of interesting topics,saw a lot of funny pics and gifs and really had fun. But when ppl call u leacher,I really start feeling guilty I can't give away 1000 games like some users,and it ruins it for me here. Anyway,that's my rant,blacklists here I come \o/

9 years ago

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He never specified that, he said " leachers and other stuff like that are the thing that bothers private groups the most"
So basically he had a different meaning of leecher than yours.

He probably means users who joins private groups that makes giveaways just to grab their games and give nothing at all in return (Maybe to the ones that asks for a mandatory giveaway to maintain the group or something).

No offense or anything by the way :V

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by leonidas56.