Ive entered about 800-1000 now but won my first at around 600 give or take (dungeons of dredmore), just keep trying you will win eventually.
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I've entered plenty of small giveaways as well. Been entering lots of Don't Starve giveaways lately. Just don't have luck on my side.
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Your estimated wins do indicate that you enter mostly public giveaways, which are pretty hard to win, by default. Regardless, that's the longest streak I've ever seen yet. The previous highest I've seen is only around 3k entries; You're nearly hitting 4! Kudos for having a good disposition about it though!
I'm sure this here group Would take you in, if you want to increase your winning chances. It seems people like you usually want to do it "naturally" though. Good luck either way! :D
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Yes! We'd be happy to have 'em. LythKross should definitely apply for our lovely group. Sweetcuppincakes already has, and they were accepted.:)
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Same here! I entered during the last five seconds of a Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic giveaway, and I won it. Made me so very happy! :)
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Looks like I'm about to hit that. I've entered 982 giveaways since Galactic Arms Race.
Overall I've done pretty well, but since that last easy win, I haven't gotten anything.
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I'm trying for the record, but you're setting the bar pretty high. P
At least my EW ratio beats yours....
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You only have 1.93 estimated wins, which isn't that high. My last win was 3.3 estimated wins ago, so I'm unluckier than you at the moment.
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You have won 13 giveaways. I fail to see how you are unluckier.
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You aren't the only one to come out of that giveaway without winning.
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flarnot has reason to complain, you really don't. I have 15.56, and I won my last giveaway at 12.33 estimated wins, which means the program estimates that I should have won 3.23 giveaways since I won my last giveaways. For you, the program estimates that you should have won 1.93, which is below my number. If we look at flarnot, it has been 5.63 estimated wins since he won anything, so he is actually unlucky. It's not the number of entries that counts, because if you only enter giveaways that have 5000 entries for 1 copy of the game, you'll need a lot more entries before you're estimated to win anything.
A lot of wins I have are private giveaways, which means I solved a puzzle for it or I have some friends that are on SG and are giving away games. I have 13 wins and almost 5000 entries, but I've seen people with 1000 entries and 50-100 wins. It's all about the kind of giveaways you enter. If you only enter for AAA, public giveaways, you're not going to win all that often, but if you enter dev giveaways, bundle giveaways or private giveaways, you'll be more likely to win more often.
Also, I'm quite unlucky as well, I never won any dev giveaway, even the GAR one with 86% chance to win, and there have been giveaways with less than 10 entries that I've all lost. I've got some other wins to compensate for those, but flarnot is the unlucky one here
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Actually, it is not too bad considering the number of people in the giveaways you are entering -- I did the old Binomial Distribution approximation (a.k.a. the size of your p) and got you among the 15% unluckiest around. A lot below average, yes, but it could be worse.
DrSpy, despite being "3 below par", gets 31.3%, which is a bit luckier.
Now Lyth there is in the 2.5% unluckiest, more or less. Now we are starting to talk unlucky. Sorry, man! :)
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3,947 was my highest loss streak, haven't won one since though! :P
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What a way to break that streak, though! Congratulations!
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You might want to search the forum for Cherry Poppers. I do think you qualify for them and they'd be glad to help out!
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how did you "lose" 1500 times? entering giveaways doesn't cost you anything, the points are given free so you lost nothing.
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You know what he means. It's a matter of speaking. Someone "wins" the game, so technically everyone else "loses," even if they don't physically lose anything.
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That's like saying you took 50$ to the casino. Won 50$. Lost 50$. Go home.
Some people would say to themselves that they walked out with 50$ less and not feel great.
Others would count themselves lucky that they didn't go into debt.
And the judgmental ones would be all judgmental.
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it is impossible to have a 86% chance of win...The biggest chance is 100%(only one entry :P) and the next one is at 50%(2 entries :P).
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Than the chances are 100%....yes I have counted that.
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They are talking about the giveaway for Galatic Arms Race done by the devs. There were 25k copies given away and 29k entries, ended up being around an 85% chance to win.
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Yeah, I completely forgot about that situation....
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It takes most people several hundred entries to win their first game. You might want to spend your points on higher chance giveaways, if it's that important to you. Also, contributing more will help you enter more exclusive giveaways. All things considered, you're less than 2 wins below your estimated, which is actually pretty decent.
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I've been here a good long while and no wins. Feels bad man... Just curious if anyone else knows my pain. What's the largest loss streak?
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