well i am not listing links but there are several sites out there like steampowers, prizerebel.

Are they legit ones ? anyone tried those ?
10 clicks or surveys, random...

11 years ago*

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is this a joke or a joke?

11 years ago

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Hey now, let's not make fun of someone who lacks common sense.

Nah, just kidding, maybe mock them a little so they realize how silly they are.

11 years ago

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Well, there are times to be silly and serious, once I had a friend who listened to advice from the internet and put magnets on his hard drive thinking that if you line up the flowing electrons, it'll make the hard drive run faster. :/

11 years ago

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you now that works but he forgot he has to get the protons to act in a reverse direction making the hard drive have stable momentum.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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A wise man once said, common sense isn't very common.

11 years ago

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another one also say "You can't let yourself be held back by common sense"

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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More like uncommon sense am I right? YEAH!

11 years ago

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I don't know how many of them are legit, but ones that use things like peanutlabs and other trusted sites that deliver uh, surverys usually are more likely to be legit, dont forget to always use a virtual machine and you'll be fine. I dont think prizerebel is legit though.

11 years ago

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It is... i already got some amazon codes, it's better if you have a silver level so they can instantly send you the codes without asking any questions, that's where i got most of my games on this sale, perfect if you just want the latest cheap offers like the bit trip games

EDIT: and i forgot it, really, IT'S A MUST HAVE to use a virtual machine and an extra email account just for this

11 years ago

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yeah, Vms are always neccisary when using those, specially if you are doing download offers

11 years ago

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After all these years i haven't completed a single download offer hahaha, but i think i'm gonna start with that, mostly because all of them are obvious spywares or virus but they give many points, the only thing i've learned by the hard way was the e-mail when i was just starting with this... really having 500 spam mails everyday is horrible, i'm still getting a few but it cost me a lot to get rid of them

11 years ago

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An android phone with wifi and no cell service doesn't hurt either.

11 years ago

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there is one website that works for me , but i don't want to share the link , just to be safe.

11 years ago

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I also have a wonderful proof of this mathematical theorem, but the margin of this book is slightly too small to contain it.

11 years ago

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I heard you can get some from a tiny man on the end of a rainbow.

11 years ago

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Tremorgames is legit even though it looks like it was designed in the 90's. You can get steam wallet money for points, but the point to dollar ratio is terrible. You're far better off going for the actual games themselves.

11 years ago

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Majority of GPT sites are legit but they all are equivalent to $1 per hour wage. They're a lot of work for the very little in return.

The # of clicks or single survey sites are all fake.

11 years ago

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tremoregames always giv duplicate key :(

11 years ago

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I got 21 games from no dupes :)

11 years ago

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45 - no dupe

11 years ago

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I am currently sitting on 20 games and 3 team fortress items and had no problem at all.I am sorry you had problems there..

11 years ago

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I have yet to receive a dupe key, and I think the admin will replace it in a situation like that. Did you try the forums?
The couple problems I encountered were remedied within 24 hrs. (also 20+ games + several tf2 keys)

If you're actually visiting tremoregames and not the real one, that could be the issue ;)

11 years ago

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Prizerebel is legit. Tremorgames is alright for picking up games which were previously in bundles as they go for very cheap but other than that it's not the great. I won't post my referral link but if anyone wants to help me out using it, you can add me I guess and I could try to give you some tips (As far as I'm concerned this isn't against rules, sorry if it is, mods)

11 years ago

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Surveys are never legit - tried a bunch on tremorgames and never was successful. The best one was rating "a few" sound samples. Turned out one had to listen to and rate 200 sounds clips (estimating it to take like 2-3 hours) for a few hundred points. Another one asked if I like "a cover for a possible future game". It was the most retarded questioning ever. They showed me the same pic 500 times with always 1 little aspect different and everytime you had to select which parts of it you liked and which not. Of course after having done ~50% this bullshit survey, they said "sorry, actually you don't qualify as our target audience, fuck off!"

Major problem #1: Many many offers/surveys will not award credits even when you make absolutely sure you played to all the rules (no ad/cookie blocking whatsoever etc). It's probably on purpose so you must contact support and provide proof. Cause as much trouble as possible so as little customers as possible are willing to claim their reward. I have especially bad experience with RadiumOne. While other companies have given rewards after taking the support hurdle, RO did not even though I have been providing perfect proof.
Major problem #2: ~90% of all surveys will take 5-30 minutes of your time and then tell you at around 50% completion of the survey: "sorry, you are not our targeted audience for this survey, get lost asshole!".
Major problem #3: Offers that request you to download and install little tools have never given me credit.
(maybe because I only did this sandboxed... but the hell I'm not gonna let them install their spyware).

NEVERTHELESS within 37 days of being registered to tremorgames I have received 24 steam games from them (all below 500 tremor coins/bundled games though).

picture showing all the games I got from there with timestamps

This has been achieved solely by 'watching' about 20 short video clips per day (never had trouble with not getting rewards with those) and registering for 3 browser games. You can even mute these videos ads or chose to not fully watch them (you'll still get credit when you switch the active window/tab). That's really just a few clicks in between browsing some forums and I entirely consider this 'free stuff for close to no effort'.

I recommend only doing the video offers from Supersonic, the "video" tab, SuperRewards, Matomy and TokenAds.

11 years ago

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A friend of mine rakes in loads of games this way. Watching videos, installing sandboxed software and such, never bother with surveys. They are a waste of time.

But in the 2-3 months he's been using tremor games, he's probably tripled his library size from 200 to 600 games.

11 years ago

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I think doing tasks is really the most efficient way of doing points, I sometimes can total even 6k points in 4 hours, and quite a few times I was in the top rankers.
It just takes patience and concentration.

11 years ago

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Well, after this post I thought that I should give it a go. After registering and hurrying to all the video sections there was a grand total of one video I could watch, and 2 more which required me being logged in to Facebook or Google+ (no thanks). Probably more videos available in the States (I'm from the Netherlands).
Okay, I could just rake in some points by registering for a browser game than. Did that but never received the points (yes I waited over 15 minutes for them to show up).

So yea.. I have given up on it, I'll just buy the stuff -> Simple and spam/spyware free. The only difference is that I have to work for it through a job instead of doing smalls jobs from behind the computer. It is a nice alternative for certain people, but not for me.

11 years ago

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That may of course be an issue, although I expected southern and eastern europe to suffer more of the lack of local offers than for e.g. the netherlands, france and the uk (I'm from Germany). Like I said I get about 20 video offers per day (1 from superrewards, 2-4 from matomy, 4-6 from tokenads and 4-8 from supersonic - and they often reappear as a new offer later that day).

11 years ago

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I tried Prizerebel with the help of many automation scripts and programs, and ended up with a $5 game card code after doing countless hours of work. lol

11 years ago

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Thanks for reminding me, I have a $5 amazon card I need to use ;)

11 years ago

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wait... are you going to offend someone sexually with the thing you're buying?...

11 years ago

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haha.. I wasn't planning on it, but you're giving me ideas now.

11 years ago

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I know only 2 legal Websites that give you Steam Wallet codes, Steam game,s Steam items etc, tested by my self and I received games from all of them but you have to do a lot of surveys, offers, etc to make a lot of points, and you have to have a lot of patience. they only give 20$ and 50$ wallet codes, http://www.tremorgames.com/ and http://www.steampowers.net/ which is same as tremorgames, but without games just with a lot of offers, surveys, etc it also has a good features, you cna get a game on sale with less points than full price obviously, but you have to request it 48h before sale ends at least, valid for weekend sales for example, not daily sale, but sites like you say, for getting 10 clicks, or 10 referrals they give you free something, are obviously fake.

Edit: also this site http://minecraftaccounts.com/ I used it 2 years ago and got a minecraft gift code, some Steam games, (AC II, Ac Brotherhood, Worms Revelations, CS:Source) but this site one day after a update just stopped giving points when you complete an offer and admins stopped responding to messages, so I never used it again, this one works same as Steampowers.net, but I think the most not boring and efficient site is tremorgames, so use it to get free stuff, but remember not to use VPN, change IP constantly and don't do unfair things to their system (like bug exploits), because if you do they will just ban you.

11 years ago

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Tremorgames should learn to add games from bored.com

11 years ago

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How many of those surveys ask you for some money in form of credit card or cash.

11 years ago

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Tried PrizeRebel, its fake. I got banned because they say I have multiple accounts -_-.

11 years ago

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there are alot of sites that are legit and can make easy money online. i posted about it but all the idiots around here flamed me... ive made 240 dollars on one site alone, i made 35 dollars just today, but its fake and a scam like alot of ppl here said... GG

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by m0rdFustang.