Did you know about friendship day before this post?
I do like sims, although I'm a little burned out on the two truck sim games at the moment. Too much achievement hunting, can't quite get back into them yet.
If you enjoyed the first two Roller Coaster Tycoon games, Parkitect is amazing. Somehow it's the one game that unlocks my creativity. I played Planet Coaster and I was paralyzed with too many possibilities. But I play Parkitect and everything just comes naturally.
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League of Legends Teamfight Tactics with my best friend, Jelly Bomber, and currently trying to get my last achievement in Plants vs. Zombies.
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Yep it's basically a remake of it, mixed with a few classes who have a certain power up ability you can use. Thanks :)
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I'm trying to mod Skyrim, but it's not working out too well. I'm gonna have to buy an SSD to make it work efficiently, so I'm probably gonna move on to something else for the time being. Monster Hunter is next on the list :D
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Hello Exodust,
Referral links aren't allowed on Steamgifts.
Please remove the curator referral from the links in your OP. (As well as the link to your curator page.)
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I'm currently playing Rise of the Tomb Raider, it feels kinda odd to play a TR or Lara Croft game with this much side stuff, the older ones were mostly straight forward besides the optional puzzles but this one is crammed with missions and distractions and I find myself just getting unintentionaly lost in the secondary stuff (19 hours in and I'm barely a third of the way through according to the save file).
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The progression seems pretty fair so far, although I get carried away and explore every cave so I end up with plenty of crafting materials for upgrades all the time. There's also the fact that buying the current pack on steam comes with all the DLC so as soon as you unlock a new thing you get like 5 variants straight away instead of starting with only one, as soon as I got the gun in the story I went to a campfire and found that I had much better guns to pick from and just selecting them gave me extra xp, so yeah the DLC does mess with progression a bit.
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It's tough for me. Destiny I like a lot but my raid crew is gone and it isn't as fun grinding all by yourself. The community for the most part is very toxic. So it is tough to go LFG and find a nice group that will help you or teach you a raid if you never done it before. FFBE is an addiction for me. It is F2P in a sense that you can do just about anything in the game without having to spend money. All the money does is help you get better units and gear faster. But everything is beatable without OP meta. They have friend units that people put up that can literally carry you. I go on the forum brave-exvius.com. A very nice and helpful community. Highly recommend to join that if you do play FFBE. It is a gacha and the rate can be ugly in FFBE though. But if you are a big final fantasy fan it has great nostalgia.
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There isn't a friend code invite that I know of. But in the game you will have your own in game ID were you can give to people so they can friend request. But it is a good time to start FFBE now. We are doing third anniversary so a lot of rewards going on. Most of it is gone though so you won't get as much but still better than most time to start.
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Nier: Automata and Melty Blood because Neco Arc is best cat nya~
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Currently playing Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller.
Also listening to this game soundtrack even though I can't stand its jumpscares
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Currently playing a roguelike called "Unexplored", got it from a recent Humble bundle. It'd be a pretty awesome game, but unfortunatelly the random generator is a bit too random, so it's very much possible to get stuck.
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I'm currently playing West of Loathing and Outland on occasional co-op evenings.
I loved FFXIII and played through that in a burst. I much later played most of the way through FFXIII-2 until I got stuck and life became busy, and haven't touched it in months. I feel like I should finish it off, but now I have more games in my more immediate backlog. And I feel bad that I played Valkyria Chronicles until the last or second to last mission, but never actually finished it. Another case of getting real busy, putting it down, and then never getting around to finishing it off - which is a shame, as I really loved that game.
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Friendship day was this past Sunday, but I didn't have time to make a train. You can see more info here
Thank you for the friends who keep gaming fun! I hope to progress through some more backlog and finish FF XIII this month and Valkyria will take some time.
Current playlist:
FFXIII - u pick up friends along the way
Illusion of L'Phalcia - friends of final fantasy
Neoverse - knew about this game from a friend
Valkyria - friend keeps telling me to buy until I did, now he keeps telling me to finish lol
Civ V - multiplayer with friends was really fun
train ends on 8/11
Instead of a bump, what are you currently playing?
*note trains are public and rockets are group only (note here since I had questions about this last time around)
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