Do you know someone interested in buying steam games IP (intellectual property) / steam revenue share from games? If yes, please let me know. The IP's are from us, Microblast Games, we have 8 games on Steam -
contact us at:

3 years ago

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I'd say I'll buy that for a dollar (and with that I mean exclusive rights to all your 8 games just so I can get them delisted from Steam) but Trading is not allowed on this site so please close this thread.

3 years ago

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that's what I make per minute on steam, you fool, have you tried stand up comedy yet? or a job in the circus

3 years ago*

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So there're 43000 minutes per mouth. Why do you want to sell that milk cow? If you want sell it, it will cost millions....
I don't see why.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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oh you are funny, your place is not here, it's in the circus

3 years ago

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i'd be interested in this i'll e-mail you for more details - emailed

3 years ago*

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From what I can grasp; I don't see many sells from the games listed. Most of the positive reviews {on an overall scale and not per game} are "gifted for free". The forums are limited in activity and it doesn't look like you should or would be willing to sell the games if either unless something dire was happening.

I am curious if any of the following are issues with your games.
A ) Similar game follows, mimics, or copies the intellectual property of another already established game and you are being issued either a cease & desist claim or worse; court action.
B ) An unfortunate event left you in deep debt but you are required to pay up before a certain date and you decided to liquidate your assets in your game company to do so because you said you make around $43,000 USD a year off your games.
C ) You wish to distance yourself from said company as you re-enter the industry under a different name, artist, or otherwise and this is a good way to disassociate yourself with your previous work.

Those reasons aside {I am sure I can think of more}; the majority of your games seem like application store fodder as I am familiar with the programs used to design them. There is nothing wrong with that of course; but they do tend to fill a portfolio very poorly if you are going for certain positions in larger industries for being a creative or a coder.

3 years ago

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I played Overcast Walden and werewolf. As I barely play horror games, I can't say I already saw it in different game, had some jumpscare which scared me even when I expected them since start, but quited it in 2nd chapter of 9 or how many. Game wasn't good or had nothing to made you stay playing it. To me it was a mediocore game which is steam full of, these games from free engines which you somehow get for free and don't even remeber where.
I entered it on sg just cause I like werewolves, rest of these games takes dust on my ignore list.

3 years ago

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Hi, this is a really long message, but thanks? ^^
D) We are focusing on VR, so our catalogue next year will be VR only, starting with our upcoming game GAMECINE:
Do you know someone interested in buying steam games IP (intellectual property) / steam revenue share from games? If yes, please let me know.

3 years ago

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No selling, trading, or advertising here.

3 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by DeltaBladeX.