Thank you but I can't enable Vsync because I don't have it in my settings. I checked a video how and where it should be in the Nvidia Control Panel, it is just not there. Is fps limiter also included in nvidia, or is it an external thingy? Where can I find it?
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pick an app and select Nvidia card/ dedicated card (not intel/ integrated)
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It seems that your grafic card just runs at max capacity as soon as you use it.
Try to use the intel one for older games, should be suffiencient. And for games where you need the 950 as mentioned above use v-sync or limit the fps to reduce calculations. But as soon, as you really need the full capacity of th 950 it just gets damm hot. Thats the thing with laptops.
You can screw it open and clean the airpipes/fans maybe those are blocked as well, but only if you know how to not destroy your PC in the Process.
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Thank you for the reply! It seems I don't have a v-sync setting in my nvidia control panel and I don't know where i should begin to search for fps limiter. There's just too many google finds.
As for the cleaning process I might have to watch 1 or 2 videos before attempting it, but thank you!
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The v-sync or fps limiter is not in the nvidia panel, but in the vieos settings of the games (maybe).
But try to use the intel card for everything first and see if it lags to much in the games. The intel one shouldn't get hot.
Or use something like MSI-afterburner to check on your CPU/GPU temperatures and reduce the power limit or something.
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Yea looks like it gets too hot, get some programs like gpu-z and core temp and check your temps when gaming. I had one with 960M and after 2 years I had to replace thermal paste due to overheating so if your temps would be above 80C I would recommend you disassemble it, clean and replace thermal paste.
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I was thinking the same I just couldn't convinve myself that the lack of thermal paste could heat up the cpu and gpu also. Even with minimalistic games it goes up to the higher 90s C (95-98). But might have to give it a try, thank you!
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I tried everything that google searched could offer.
If you already tried everything, what do you want here?
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Aren't you a helpful one? I honestly don't know what's the deal with your type. I used the right tone, tried to be polite and grateful while posting. I trusted that I could find more competent and helpful people here than on those troubleshooting sites that are designed to bring attention and with it money.
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17 comments on steamgifts vs 1,000,000 comments on google.
If you searched the whole google, you found already every solution. So I dont need to help you here because everything I write here, you will find on google.
Would you write:
I searched google but couldnt find a solution.
Then I wouldnt write anything but you wrote, you searched EVERYTHING on google.
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:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Yes exactly YOU don't need to help me so just move along.
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Yeah, 90C is dangerously hot for your CPU actually. I will get her to the shop for a check-up.
Anyway, you can try this to set your default card to your GeForce one, I know I had to do it once before.
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Will try it as soon as I get home. Thank you, really. Yeah a check-up seems to be a must, will try to book it in the near future.
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This is a common problem for ASUS laptops, even ROG's. I work in a PC repair shop and have seen and modded a lot of those. I don't know why, but ASUS made the cooling system draw air from under the keys on the keyboard over the FAN, so if the small holes there get full of dust the fan can't draw enough air in the first place. Second problem is the FAN and radiator assembly itself, the FAN is stuck to the radiator and lined up with some kind of plastic, no gaps at all, so if any dust gets in the fan it has no where to go and eventually plugs up the radiator. The third problem is the GPU heat pipe goes over the CPU, so if the GPU gets hot, the CPU gets hot as well, even worse if the radiator is full of dust and lint :S. There's not much one can do about that, I'd disassemble the laptop, separate the fan and radiator and clean them, clean the holes under the buttons of the keyboard and if the customer wants even drill holes in the bottom of the case, so if the keyboard holes get plugged up the fan has another source of fresh air. The holes on the bottom bring down the temps 10-15 degrees, depending on the configuration (cpu/gpu) of the laptop. So i'd say clean it if you haven't, if you think you cant or don't want to disassemble it, get a can of air, jam a paper clip through the radiator so it gets to the fan in such a way it cant spin (if you don't stop the fan from spinning it may get damaged from spinning too fast or even break a blade) and blow air in to it. It won't clean it as good as disassembling the laptop and brushing out the dust and so on, but it is better than nothing. Good luck :)
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Thank you for taking the time to write this. After watching some videos I might consider cleaning it out myself. On the other hand the whole drilling process kinda scares me. Sure I understand the benefits of it but I might trust someone else with that part.
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I doubt the cause would be running on the wrong graphics card, simply because I've had many problems myself with NVIDIA Optimus totally failing and games insisting on using the Intel HD (man, I hate optimus so much, wish I could just force everything to run on the nvidia card...) - but that's never resulted in overheating, just impossibly poor FPS.
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Thanks you for your insight. Looking back to it maybe I wouldn't buy a laptop with two gpus again. :)
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I'm absolutely no tech expert so I can't tell if those are any good but I've heard there are Laptop Stands with additional external cooling which claim they can help increase a Laptops's longevity. Maybe that's something worth checking out.
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I have one of the low-end ones and the laptop is always sitting on it. Sure, I don't usually turn on the external cooler I just let it be because of better air flow. But thank you very much!
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Nope, just the basics that Driver Easy found. Is it a bad thing?
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Sorry about your laptop problems. As mentioned previously, you might want to disassemble and clean it out.
But, you also should see how many frames are being rendered in your older games. Steam have a built in overlay which will tell you how many Frames Per Second you are getting on your games. You should probably keep that on, always.
Steam -> Settings -> In-Game -> Middle left 'In Game FPS counter
I noticed on some of my older games, my GPU would render thousands of FPS. My GPU would run hot and at 100%, and sometimes have annoying coil whine.
So, I installed a free tool called Dxtory. You run it before you start your game and tell it how many frames to limit it depending on your refresh rate. There are other programs as well you can use.
With Dxtory running, those older games would stop rendering 3000 FPS and start rendering 60 FPS, and my GPU ran cool without any whine.
AMD has a built in frame limiter as well, but to be honest I couldn't get it working on all my games so I still keep Dxtory around for ease of use.
Good luck!
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Hey! Thank you I was looking for this kind of an answer. The fact that older games brought out this problem from the computer couldn't be explained with anything previously listed or while I searched for online solutions. Or at least it wasn't a plain explanation. But this could be it. I will look into it, thank you! After days of constant headache and trying to make it work I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.
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Already a big thank you if you clicked the thread after seeing the title.
Some details: Asus X550JX, Intel® Core™ i7 4720HQ, NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 950M, Running clean Win 10. Not the worst but far from great.
The laptop does fine with me opening 10ish youtube videos at the same time while reading up the news but what it can't handle are games. And I am not talking about AAA games that came out recently, but those 0,90 dollarish simple games. As soon as I have them opened for 10 secs it becomes noisy and hot all of the sudden. (more at the power button area and less at the middle of the keyboard)
Can I tweek something in the settings? Is it because the laptop has 2 graphic cards? (Other being Intel HD Graphics 4600) And it doesn't run on the right one?
If you can think of anything that I can't with my simple mind, I would appreciate it greatly. I tried everything that google searched could offer.
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