Do you care about your wishlist order on Steam?
the update with wishlists actually broke all the sorting I had done, so I gave up after that
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bumpu for still interested and just randomly remembered this
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To anyone else who is still interested in this, I found a site where you can do the sorting process with an arbitrary list, so you can at least get the order of your wishlist preferences. It also generates ELO scores so you can have an idea of how much more you like one wishlist item over another or if you might not have done enough comparisons if everything is still clumped together. The only downside of course is that you'd need to take the sorted list and update the wishlist by hand.
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I would advise against it, since it compares every single pair. It would take n*(n-1)/2 comparisons, which is around 5k for a wishlist of 100 games. I'm sorry that it's taking me way too long, call it depression or laziness, but I will surely deliver it before I die.
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The main thing I had in mind when I suggested the link is that by producing an ELO rank you can get order of magnitude rankings [eg: groupings of 5-10] faster than O(n^2)/2 while also recovering from bad/circular choices, which seems like a good benefit given the subjective nature of video game comparisons.
However, on reflection I decided to put my money where my mouth is and check with an objective list of 1-100 to get a better idea of how it looks on a larger scale than my wishlist to get a better complexity analysis. With my results I still believe that this could be a good general method to approach this, but I concede that this site's particular implementation of how it selects which numbers to compare make it not worth it to use at higher list sizes.
In particular, it reached the limits of its usefulness to fix outliers quickly at around 1000 [ n sqrt(n) ] comparisons with there still being some outliers and order-of-magnitude range being closer to 10-20 which was higher than I'd thought it would be. Averaging several runs of 500 [ n sqrt(n)/2 ] did fix the outliers and reduced the range a bit better, but obviously requires more comparisons.
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An easier way to sort my steam wishlist would indeed be greatly appreciated! What you described sounds like the perfect solution. :)
It's okay if you don't get to release it soon because of lack of motivation or any other reason. Don't feel like you have to make this a priority over your health, studies or anything. Thanks for doing this, whenever you get to release it! :)
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Not completely, I'm just busy sorting my life out. As far as my progress is concerned, I was able to use Steam's new javascript API to change the order of the games easier than before.
Depression isn't fun :v I'm closing this thread to avoid bumps. I won't make premature threads anymore. I hope I'll deliver one day. I kinda promised after all. I deeply apologize everyone for making hollow promises.
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Hello, there!
I've been writing this piece of code that lets you sort your Steam wishlist by letting you compare two games at a time. It uses
innovative bleeding-edge advancedsorting algorithms so you don't have to compare every single pair of games (e.g. which means choosing A>B and B>C gives you A>B>C). This assumes you don't prefer games in a cyclic fashion, such as A>B, B>C and C>A so you can get a reliable ordered list of games. It sounds kind of useless at first but I have 117 games (I know, rookie numbers) in my wishlist myself and it kinda helps to see which games I want the most.I'm not sure if this has been done before or if anyone would even use it since I suck at coming up with ideas but I just wanted to see if you guys (or girls) are interested in something like this. If so, I'll tidy up my code and make a more user-friendly UI and publicly release my code on GitHub. Otherwise, I'll just keep it to myself (I'd rather die than show others my code, tbh).
So, what do you say? I mean, I could just upload it to GitHub for my portfolio anyway but I don't have the energy nor the motivation to deal with everything so I thought it would be better to hear your opinions ;)
Thanks in advance!
GIBS JUST IN! #bundletrash
It's basically something like the character sorters all over the internet but integrated into your wishlist (My code is original, though). The script is currently broken for some reason (thus the need for tidying up) but you can try the 2hu sorter to see how it used to work in the meanwhile. I'll add a gif once I get it working again.
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