Because the price decreased? Took me a minute to realise there wasn't a hidden giveaway.
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I know that the price decreases, but I did draw before price decrease I had $ 207 CV " I am now $ 174 CV" only this is very unfair!
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2 days ago the price for Hitman was $25. It takes a while for the system to update.
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That's how it is... The game is cheap right now, in the US store, so yeah, the points have dropped and the CV too...
EDIT: It would have been nice if the system would not decrase your CV even if the game isn't that expensive, it should verify when you did the giveaway (before the price drop or after). System is f**ed up.
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The CV of a game should stay at the price point of the time the giveaway was created. I fail to understand the logic of retroactively lowering the value of a giveaway.
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accurate, this missing logic here, I want my CV back!
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Pff, the value has been $25 for a while, and I honestly have no clue why it was still listed as $50 on this site for the last few days.
**** your CV.
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So you're saying that the automated system couldn't automatically save the CV of the game at the time the game was created? I understand that would involve some sort of change to the current system, but it surely wouldn't be dozens of hours worth of work.
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I don't think so.
Giveaways are already persisent in the db, so no human maintenance would be necessary.
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I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. Bundle games add a flag to make them wkrk that way but with price drops, an entirely new entry would be needed for each value of the game. Everytime there's a price drop, the new entry would need to be manually added in, and the dropdown list would need to be uodated so only the new value could be used. Probably about a half hour of work every time the price of any game goes down.
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LoL ?
Automated, so??? what is the logical connection?
automated = work in this mode
no sense.
thenevernow crossposted me..perfect explanation
with a table that save price history and date it's an easy comparation with the date of giveaway creation...
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Did you spend $50 on the game?
Did you even spend $25 on the game?
Shit happens.
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In a system with a maximum value of CV giveaways I think devalueing games is quite necessary. Dat said, just because people give away the games at $60 doesnt mean they bought it when it was $60 as the automated system here does not catch every price change at once.
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why? I love to celebrate getting 300$cv 3 times in 5 days xD
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Tremendous lack of respect for the user. Long time value Hitman fell on Steam.
The Steamgifts waited out a lot of promotion of the game, a lot of people give away, only to cut by half the CV.
A pity that the Steamgifts acted that way. I find it regrettable that.
CV cut should just give away who it was from now on.
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This is the way it is for everyone, with every game, whenever Steam's value changes. It is not a choice made by SG, it reflects the change in the base store price on Steam, and it affects anyone that has given away games that later go down in base value (which means most people).
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We didn't "wait out a promotion". The system updates the price automatically. Sometimes it fails to do so, especially when the Steam Store changes the page for the game, in which case it's manually adjusted when someone points it out to us and the admin gets to it.
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Don't blame SteamGifts for the delay in the change, that info is synced to Steam, and should have changed a good while ago.
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its $5 dollars last i checked on amazon - lucky you get CV value of $25 (when in actuality its current purchase price is only $5) :D
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Did you already recovered after crazy machines going bundle? :D
If yes share some tips with op since you are a veteran!
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Yah I'm recovered. Whats your problem?
And I'm not a veteran. I'm actually a noob since I bought CM bundle a day or two before it was declared a bundle here. Bought it for my various casual groups for one and for two, it appeared it was gonna stay as not bundled despite the numerous times it had gone on sale and the thousands of times it was given away here. If I was a vet, I'd have just let it be and understood the mods would eventually work their way to bundling it. But thanks for your concern.
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The site calculates contribution values based on the value of the game, they're not stored per giveaway.
And game values are pulled from the Steam API. This allows game prices to be automatically be updated, as it is unrealistic for the admin to manually adjust every price change that occurs in the store.
The unfortunate side effect is that when the price of a game drops, every giveaway for that game is affected. It's the way it always has been. You probably didn't pay $50 for the game anyway, maybe not even $25. It's how the system is, if you don't like it, you don't have to give anything away.
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What we are saying is that this type of reduction should be applied to those who make new drawings, and not for those who have already been completed.
It's only fair. Who buys the game and offer already have in mind particular CV. Halve the CV who has completed the draw is almost a betrayal.
Cut from now on, who is doing a new draw, all right, but who has cut raffled is a lack of respect for the parties involved.
And no further say that no one has to call CV because it is very important, and all give it importance. No it does not enter into various sweepstakes.
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Guys...just to be sure. You are complaining that a error in SG was fixed. The game has had a lowered price for weeks. You didnt buy it for 50 bucks and you didnt give it away when it was 50 bucks. All the complainers here bought it probably from amazon for 5 bucks and now they are angry that they just get the 25 bucks it has on steam anyway.
The regular price was for over a month already down at 35 and wasnt at 50 since february. It changed a few days ago to 25 on steam.
Sooo yeah
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+respect for everything you said in this thread so far.
can I be your groupie
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The CV feature just screws everyone over at some point doesn't it?
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I've been expecting this. It's been selling for $25 or $15 everywhere except Steam for sometime now.
So, big deal? If you are so hard up for points you should not even be here. You're defeating the purpose of this site's community spirit.
I really hate people like you who give games away because you want to enter higher contributor giveaways. This is the second time I've had my points cut and I'm not even complaining.
And all of your games were either crap or had some massively ridiculous price cuts. Your intent here is crystal clear.
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because my CV halved Hitman Absolution, that injustice, it is not bundle! You raffles worth 50P CV and from nothing turns 25P CV, how to and I'm with the draws that have already entered? which was more than the 25P CV? INJUSTICE! say anything ... in a few days my CV lowers to 0! and I did the draw before lowering the "CV" it! CV= contributor value!
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