Should there be a real CV ratio slider on the create a giveaway page?
What a shame, it seems to make a lot more sense than a level slider :(.
I think people are getting confused what we mean. Since the objections that people are giving would be more avoided with this system then with a level slider!
I'm confused :S...
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But this isn't true. Bundled games only count 15% towards your $cv.
Thats why I'm proposing a real-CV ratio slider, and not by the number of giveaways.
Cause yes, given away bad rats and have won Fallout 4 is not a ratio of 1:1.
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No, that's only possible to happen when making a private giveaway with sgtools, just like you said. A public giveaway that appears to everyone on steamgifts and that would require an entry through sgtools, is completely unneeded and this site wouldn't be steamgifts anymore, but more like sgtools. xD We have enough restrictions already, no need to add more. And as Shad0WeN said above, ratio means nothing, because someone could give away 10000 Bad Rats copies and acquire an awesome ratio this way. :P
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....and that would require an entry through sgtools,...
But if its build-in to the site, it wouldnt require an entry through sgtools. completely unneeded and this site wouldn't be steamgifts anymore, but more like sgtools...
Well, that's your opinion, I do think it is needed. It would inspire me to give away (public GA) more, cause I'm getting demotivated if I see my winners with 500 games won & 25 games given away, even if I restrict to higher levels.
..And as Shad0WeN said above, ratio means nothing, because someone could give away 10000 Bad Rats copies and acquire an awesome ratio this way. :P
Well, since you get a penalty after 5 copies of the same game in CV, and you also have the 15% penalty with bundled games, this is already covered. And if not, this sounds like a problem with those rules, not with this proposed feature.
Also, by that reasoning we should remove the level slider to. Cause we don't want it to be like sgtools and levels dont say anything because someone could giveaway 10000 bad rats copies and be level 10. See how that reasoning works backwards as well?
I still think a CV ratio slider makes more sense than a level slider. Levels dont say anything about being a leecher or contributor to the community. Real CV ratio does!
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So, this wouldn't be steamgifts, but sgtools. xD You're asking steamgifts to put a lot more restrictions and become sgtools. Also, I thought you were talking about sent/won ratio, not about real cv. Anyway, I still hate this idea. I fear the day when steamgifts will put a lot more restrictions and a newcomer would come and see so many giveaways that he can't enter and be like "WTF is this site? Pay to win?", then leave and never come back.
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But that's my point. New users would have a Real CV win / GA ratio of 1.0, and thats good :). The level 1+ GA are restricting new users.
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But that's the point of level 1+ GAs, to prevent new users who haven't given anything away from joining.
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Yes, and so would be the point of a Real CV win / GA ratio slider. You can just leave that one at 0.00 to no?
Please explain how a Real CV slider would restrict new users more then a level slider?
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it wouldn't, and I never said such a thing? restricting new users is a good thing anyways IMO.
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Well, that would mean you build up a good ratio =), so you deserve it then.
People can still choose to do a giveaway for everybody with a ratio of 0.00 and up. Like you do a giveaway for level 0+ now.
My proposal just gives more power to the person giving away, which imho can only be a good thing :). I just like to weed out leechers (like $1,- trash game given away, 23 AAA titles won) in my public giveaways when i choose to. And since its against the rules to ask for a re-roll for reasons like that, it would be an improvement imho.
People who don't like to use it, can simply not use it right ;)?
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Mmm, I don't know about deserving. I already receive much, much more than I give. I've met many awesome people that were kind enough to make place for a big fool that I am among them (<3 guys). Made a day for the winners, had a lot of fun around the forums. Level just happend somewhere along the road
I'm not opposing extra conditions in general (in fact I'm using SGT for forum GAs, including those L0 you mentioned). But care must be taken to not outbalance the whole system. Adding this single condition would imho skew it too much in favour of high levels. (Example, user A gave $20 and won $40. User B gave $1000 in closed groups and took $1999. Which one is "better"? Ratio-wise, B. But is he?)
Let's take this scenario into consideration: what happens when majority of users adopts rule "CV given >= CV won"? Imo quite viable one, as such rule "feels right". CV changes function into money with which you pay for games. Most giveaways won't receive any entries, because it's plainly stupid from economy point of view. This means that fixing ones ratio is also hard and costly. (This dynamic can be clearly observed in all of the ratio based groups, it's not theoretical speculation on my side)
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You do raise some good objections. I haven't really thought of it yet that CV can change into some sort of currency, this isnt a desired effect, I will think about this.
You can also be right that people would probably enter giveaways less to not lose ratio. This can be a bad thing, but this can also be a good thing.
In your example user A would have a ratio of 0.5 and user B would have a ratio of 0.500 (rounded), so they would have the same ratio ;). So I really think this works better then levels, which dont really say much, except that you have given away at least a X amount.
Besides we must not forget, people do Level 0 giveaways now (like me), so why won't those same people do 0.00 ratio giveaways then?
It's just bums me out when I do a Level 2 giveaway and the one who wins it has 800 games won and 20 games given away :(. That's all.. I know not everybody is rich, but c'mon... I don't think that person is even gonna play my game. And some bundles are just $0.50, so it's hard for me to imagine that some people can't afford that, but can afford to play 800 won games :/.
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Trying to inspire others to make more giveaways, although noble won't help anyone who doesn't have the means to make more giveaways than they do. Only looking at real CV is one of the things that really bothers me about SG. I rather gift directly so that in itself has lead to my real CV being a lot lower than it could have been, but direct has and always will be the better option for me.
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This has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find it.
TO CLARIFY: I'm talking about a REAL CV$ RATIO slider, NOT a NUMBERS OF WIN: NUMBERS OF GA ratio!!!
I know you can use steamtools to do rules like a minimum ratio of won:given away, but the problem is that this is only possible if you make the giveaways invite only. So the giveaways wont show on the frontpage, which I think is a shame.
Doing higher-level giveaways doesnt guarantee a good ratio of won & given away, because they couldve still won 2.000 games when given away 200.
I would much rather select on real $cv ratio then on level. I also think this would inspire users to give away more =). So I think it makes more sense to be a core-feauture of the site instead of levels. But ofcourse we can have both sliders =).
What do you think?
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