We met online and started talking. At first it was mainly political discussion, 'these people are too rich', 'these people are too deprived', 'I'd like to punch David Cameron in his stupid smug fucking face!' - The usual sort of thing.

Then we started talking about ourselves. Turns out we had a lot in common. Good things that we could share our joy in, and bad things that we could help each other through.

As we got chatting online more we decided it was about time to meet up. By now it was quite obvious that there was a relationship agenda going on, so I pre-warned her that in me she would find a guy who looks like fat, sexy Jesus and if she couldn't handle a holy chubster she was welcome to let me know and we could just be friends. As it was, she thought me rather handsome and God damn if she wasn't the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, let alone been anywhere near a relationship with.

We've been together for approaching two years now and all seems to be going strong. So I don't really need any advice at all.

I didn't play it cool. I can't, I suffer from GAD - that's general anxiety disorder. It means that when I get nervous I turn into jelly that dribbles.

Either I'm very lucky, or you should just live your life and not give these things too much thought. I don't think I've ever officially 'asked someone out' in my life - How does it end up this huge deal for some people? You just meet people, like people, try to have sexy times with people, get rejected, cry while you masturbate, find someone else and repeat until someone happens to like YOU enough to stay with you.

Then of course you change over time and people grow apart, and then you've got the kids to think about but it's just too unbearable so you inevitably divorce anyway, and she talks about you like you're the piece of shit clinging to that last anal hair and you talk about her like she bit your glans every time she sucked you off and the kids grow up jaded and have to ask on fucking game gift distribution forums how to approach dealing with women...

Also, late 90s TV presenter has a giveaway link [EXPIRED!]

10 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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It's my triumphant return after two months SG silence - I expected everyone's just so happy I'm back they're stunned into silence.

10 years ago

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I'm reading the forum and everybody finds a woman but me...

10 years ago

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I found mine on Twitter - where one says things one would usually say in many words and puts it into only a hundred or so characters.

Pretty much like the opposite of what I did with this thread!

Not going to give you advice, anything I say would basically be overgeneralised clichés or personal experience/nostalgia wrapped up in paper with clowns on it and handed to you like I bought you a new gift even though I just gave you my shit experiences.

10 years ago

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When time comes I will find one, no need to rush about it :)

I mean, it's what I hope xD

10 years ago

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the question is... are you looking? or hoping that one magically drops over your privates?

10 years ago

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I been sitting pantless for 3 weeks now. I'm starting to think that doesn't happen.

10 years ago

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Have you tried being cool? I hear that's like clungebait.

10 years ago

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Neither of above :P
It's just weird read all this stuff, and also my friends finding someone, and I'm here.

10 years ago

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Glad you found someone. I'm the same way in that I never really stressed about asking people out or trying to find someone. It just kind of happened naturally.

10 years ago

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Well, good for you mate! The ending was a bit awkward to read, BUT! then I realised I'm exactly like that most of the time, so... :D It's 2:30AM here, so have a nice sloth, and good night SG!

10 years ago

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The Bridge:https://www.humblebundle.com/gift?key=BkNutb[]H2DMdpnBs

[]=Numbr of valence electrons in an atom of Boron.

10 years ago

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thank you very much

10 years ago

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Whoever took it was too greedy to say thanks, so thanks!
[EDIT] Whoops. Nevermind.

10 years ago

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10/10 would read again. Even sillibird's posts can't match this gem.

10 years ago

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This is just.... I have no hope for the future

10 years ago

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It could get worse, I could mention the post-divorce existential crisis that leads to you buying a banged up sports car in which to catch an STD from a university age woman you met in a bar, during the investigation of which, abnormalities of the prostate are found, leading to debilitating cancer treatment and an inevitable decline into senescence and eventually undignified death.

But that isn't anywhere near as funny.

10 years ago

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Mind blown.

10 years ago

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15 years of age, working on my first girlfriend one of these days :P

10 years ago

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Hope it works out well for you. :)

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I've had like...16 consecutive GFs before.

Final Fantasy VIII was cool.


10 years ago

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I dunno why but a lot of old men seem attracted to me.
All those promises ...
But I guess that's the curse I have to live with, by being so beautiful and irresistible. Thank fucking god I'm humble.

10 years ago

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I was expecting a tree fiddy at the end.

10 years ago

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My girlfriend shall probably reveal to me that she is a giant crustacean from the paleolithic era. She'd still be cute as the dickens to me.

10 years ago

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Go find a flat. Find somebody else. Put them in the flat. Make them stay. Get a toaster. Go to work. Look at your boss. Say, 'fuck'. Sit down. Pick up the thing. Go blank. Scream internally. Go home. Listen to the radio. Look at the other person. Think, 'Why, why did this happen?' Go to bed. Lie awake at night. Get up. Feel groggy. Put the things on - your clothes - whatever they're called. Go out the door, into work - same thing. Same people, again, it's real, it is happening, to you. Go home again. Sit, radio, dinner - mmm - gardening, gardening, gardening, death.

Yeah, some things just come naturally.

10 years ago

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A precise of Life

artwork by Svipur

10 years ago

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There is no woman on the internet.

10 years ago

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