all the other games on steam that had the 3 tiers reward unlock all have met their quota,
The new bioshock tier rewards just came up just a couple hours ago and they already reached tier 1,
I'm pretty sure it will reach tier 3 before it comes out in another month
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So do I. I think that prepurchasing is not really a good idea to be honest.
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No one's forcing you to pre-order though :P The rewards are there to influence our decision, but ultimately you're the one in control.
Besides, most of the time we can get a good idea of how good or bad a game will be, long before it's released. Sure, Aliens: Colonial Marines screwed us over, but then again it didn't have any pre-order rewards.
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Thats a great deal for pre-ordering a triple A game, I always wanted Xcom enemy unknown and they give it to you free?
this will easily fill up to the 3rd tier quickly! :D
EDIT-- I also played Bioshock 1 and 2 on PS3 and loved them! I will pre-order this cause I love the game franchise
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If I could find it cheaper than the steam price ...
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mostly on when they have some discounts but:
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Randy Pitchford Breaks His Silence on Aliens: Colonial Marines
I feel the same way.
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Pre-order rewards are getting more and more retarded.
There's no reason to ever pre-order digital releases, so it seems publishers are getting desperate to add all kinds of incentives to get people to buy them anyway.
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RE6 preorder wasn't bad at all, you get the season pass with it. Too bad capcom isn't offering the preorder bonuses in my region.
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That's exactly what I mean.
Pre-ordering is useful for physcial releases in case you want to be sure the game won't be sold out before you get the chance to pick it up. With digital releases there's no chance of that ever happening unless they really fucked up the release, so pre-ordering is useless.
In order to make people preorder anyway they're adding more and more stuff as preorder bonuses. Which is sometimes good stuff and sometimes complete shit, but that's not really my issue. The issue is that they're trying to force this outdated brick and mortar service on digital releases where it serves no real purpose.
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That's more in the vein of funding the development (a la Kickstarter) than traditional pre-orders though.
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I'm not saying you shouldn't do it. I mean yeah the game might end up being complete balls, but if you're going to buy it anyway go ahead. I've pre-ordered stuff myself on occasion (and ended up going I'LL NEVER PRE-ORDER EVER AGAIN AFTER THIS SHIT several times :P ), and sometimes the bonuses are really attractive.
It's just that the idea of pre-ordering serves no practical purpose with a digital release, and the extras they offer (free DLC, discounts, etc.) are just meant to give the customers an incentive to do it anyway. Sometimes the incentive is worth it and sometimes it isn't, but that doesn't change the fact that the practice is stupid to begin with.
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Before the Aliens: Colonial Marines was released i remember reading the SG topic regarding the game and some of the comments there were really depressing
"Well i'll admit i dont know anything about the game but i'm preordering it anyway just because i'm a big Alien fan xDDDDD"
Suddenly i had a mental image of people eating big piles of shit with some sugar sprinkled on it and they are actually enjoying it because OH BOY WE SURE LOVE THOSE LITTLE BITS OF SUGAR!
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It's more like ordering a delicious looking chocolate ice cream from a picture menu and on delivery finding out it's not chocolate ice cream, but shit.
But yeah, pre-orders are an easy way to get burned.
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I agree. I don't have much problem with getting another game though, but if you look at the new Tomb Raider pre-order bonuses, you get a multiplayer map... So people who didn't preorder will probably be forced to buy it separately just to play with their friends.
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Except these extras are available right away, regardless of the number of pre-orders made.
"Your eyes are not deceiving you! You get 2 free games INSTANTLY (yes, straight away!) when you pre-purchase BioShock Infinite from Green Man Gaming. No need to work too hard to unlock offers - we're all about instant gratification!"
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Does it cost more to pre-order it? (I mean pre-order fee?)
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So...people are complaining about...pre-ordering which don't cost nothing more then buying it new?
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But the thing is the game might be bad. You really have no idea of knowing if the game is good or not and you already have pre-order bonuses getting shoved down your throat. It has nothing to do with the BioShock franchise or anything, it's that bad games can easily abuse this and people will complain.
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You're buying the game before anyone had a chance to play it. Maybe it'll be good, maybe it'll be terrible. Either way you're paying for it.
Pre-ordering used to be about securing a copy of a popular game before the store ran out of disks. This is just about the publisher getting their money before anyone has a chance to find out if the game is any good.
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Both of you, no duuh. Thats like buying a new a game, unless you base all your purchase on other people. (So basically so Pre-ordering is bad, but buying a new game on day one for the same price is okay .)
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like I said unless you base all your purchase other people...that does not change anything really.
(This for people who have their minds set on buying it...)
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With games like the new Aliens game, I'm willing to bet even people who had their minds set on buying it would have changed their mind after seeing the initial reaction.
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Gamestop does it for free, they charge you $5 up front, and then the rest is due later. If they end up lowering the price, they will give you the extra money back... Not that they ever lower the price... Even the workers there agreed with me that it's better to buy from Steam, especially when you pay $8 for L4D 1&2...
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The complaining is due to the word "preorder bonus", its just a case of people imitating without knowing the original issue. Also the whole aliens thing as well yet another thing that has nothing to do with this game or company.
This is simply a business move that incentivises and rewards early buys who where most likely going to preorder anyway.
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This is a very tempting deal - I'd like to have all 3 games - but I'm strongly against paying full price for a game when some in-game content (retailer specific bonuses and the extras in the deluxe editions which don't seem to be available digitally) isn't guaranteed to be available later, even though it is becoming more common to make it dlc later.
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I don't understand this whole pre-order hating, some people were going to buy it in the first day without knowing if the game is good or not anyway, so if it's the same thing, why not buy it before? When you have time and sometimes money, cause you might not have it in the first day, or the server might go down with tons of fans making simultaneous orders, who knows?
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Hate me but i might pre-order it just for XCOM, i want this game anyway and it has the same price as the pre-order.. so if Bioshock Infinite sucks (what i doubt) i still have XCOM + Bioshock 1 to giveaway or something + TF2 hats (yay).
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I don't see anything wrong with this, if we pay the same amount money or even less in some cases to get the same game with extra free games and content added (as long as this wasn't taken out of the original game) it seems like a win win situation for me.It is an OPTION for people who want it. The company gets early support and we get free shiz.
I know that they can't run out of stock of digital games but stores don't even run out of stock of physical retail games on release these days. When a new console releases it is a different story though...
You might say "what if the game turns out to be bad", well that is a risk I and other people choose to sometimes take, there are plenty of resources available to research a game before hand. It is not like anyone is forcing you to pre-order if you want to wait go ahead. Next people will complain buying steam sale games on impulse.
I wasn't planning on buying BSI on release but after seeing the GMG bundle for £23.99 I might decide to preorder it. If the game turns out to be another Aliens CM, oh well sad day for me I will just have to wait a little while longer, and save up to get something else.
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Not just like that though. There is a catch.
You also get some TF2 stuff but who cares about that?
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