Probably both, really. Trading a high priced item is most likely hard to do and people also want good deals on higher priced games and not equal trades.
Or in this case, nobody wants to trade a steam copy for the rockstar store edition, I guess?
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Oh boy…
So it is a non-Steam game, using one of the most bug-prone DRMs (Rockstar Social). And it is from HRK.
I'm sorry, but you'd be better off if you just found a friend who'd like GTA V and gift the key to them. Your chances to get a profit from a key like that is… either next to nothing, or you can expect like 3-5 dollars for it at best, because nobody would risk more for a non-Steam edition.
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There's always a chance, but, I doubt you'll succeed.
First, you need to find someone willing to accept a non-steam game. (a subset of all users)
Second, one of them needs to have a steam version of the game that they can trade away (very few users)
Third, among the handful of people left over, you need to find one willing to trade 1-to-1 (probably no one)
Fourth, said unicorn needs to be willing to take a big risk, trading a high-value item with someone who has no rep
Fifth, non-existent mythical creature needs to actually be on steamgifts and looking through the trade section just for your trade thread.
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ok, time to rephrase
1) find someone willing to accept a non-steam game (a sizeable subset of users)
2) among that group, find someone who wants GTA V - Rockstar Edition (plenty)
3) of those people, find any willing to take a chance with a 0 rep trader (you can count them with the fingers of one hand)
4) said person must actually be on steamgifts and looking through the trade section just for your trade thread
well, better odds than winning the lottery.
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don't take it personally.
If you want to start trading, you need to work up your rep a bit. Start by acquiring small things (e.g. for cards), and slowly work your way up the value chain. When your rep is double-digits, it shouldn't be too hard to trade away cheap shit (e.g. the crap you acquired early on).
As a very basic and quick rule of thumb, it's difficult to trade away an item that's worth more than your rep.
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One more random person piping in... :)
Listen to all the great advice you've already been given, unfortunately I think you're screwed... :) I suggest use that key yourself, or give it to someone you know who likes GTA.
I think in this specific situation (new trader, with a potentially working key for a non-steam game from an unauthorised distributor) you're only going to get offers from scammers.
Since you have no rep, you have to go first. And then Oh, sorry man, I entered that key you gave me but it was already used. I guess HRK made a mistake, see if they can give you a replacement. No hard feelings though, have a nice day!
Then you contact HRK who will think you are trying to scam them... :)
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Me too! :)
Hopefully you can get some money from that key, somehow... :) But definitely be careful, there are scammers who watch this place, looking for inexperienced traders with something valuable... :(
Hmm, I had no idea what your picture was, guess I don't keep up with recent stuff... :( At first I thought it was one of those Lucky Star people, but I didn't remember any boys so that couldn't be right... :) Google said it was "no game no life" which I've never seen. :( Oh well. :)
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It's an awesome over the top series. If you like tropes and their (humorous) deconstruction, you should definitely give it a try. It kinda loses steam in the later episodes and some fanservice can feel out of place, but all in all I had a good watch.
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Aha, thank you for the recommendation, but to be honest I don't watch them any more... :( I remember seeing one of those monogatari things a few years ago (?) which was a lot of fun, but that's the most recent one I can think of. Guess it's like a hobby or a game or something like that, one day you notice you've stopped playing...
Sometimes I wonder what I'm missing, but the last time I checked one of those "new shows this season" places I hadn't heard of a single one. :( And they all looked like garbage, so I didn't feel too bad about it... :)
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i agree with what people said here. you won't get much on SG. so maybe you should look elsewhere? you could sell it on Kinguin for quite a bit of wallet there and buy something you want from that money.
i order to sell anything as a private person, you will have to have the lowest possible price, though. i would try 27€ and see if anyone bytes.
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it's what people like to call a "shady reseller". one of those sites where everything is super cheap, because the keys are acquired in cheap countries. i started using it when steam applied the region locks and prevented me from getting cheap games here on SG. and i can tell you it is pretty alright. i even had a complaint one time and got my money back. i would phrase it like this: they are as trustworthy as a nonauthorized keyseller can be.
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Keep in mind, Kinguin market has similar rules as trading here: if you are a newly registered user with 0 completed orders, people will be very cautious with you. So you either need to drop price (which is suspicious) or just go below the current minimum, in which case most still will choose the trusted trader.
Also, even if they buy it, they can claim that the key was invalid, not only hitting you with a chargeback, but Kinguin will also take additional market fees, meaning you'll lose the key and even pay money for it. The risk is a few dollars at most, but you need to be aware of it.
(Also, people rarely buy the non-Steam version there. Still, potentially a better payout than the 3-10 dollars you may get around here…)
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Ok, so just for interest sake i looked to see who was willing to trade on HRK, the automatic trades i mean. There were a few offers that might be worth it, not sure so hope you guys can give me your advice.
Here is the list :
Battlefield 4
Batman Arkham origins
CoD: Black Ops 2
CoD: Ghosts
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2
Mortal Kombat X
Resident Evil 6
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
The Evil Within
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Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor is a good and fun game.
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Wow at the guy offering bundle games for GTA5 in your topic.
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Its just a very poor offer in my opinion. Most would have been very cheap keys. Making an offer like that to an obviously new user, well...
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Most trades take a few days to a few weeks before the trade can be done (if the trade is around market price). (*With constant bumping at least 3-4 times a day)
Only when the price of the trade is below market price, then the trade will be done fast. (i.e a few hours to a few days) [Which you apparantly went for]
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I created a trade an so far i have received no responses, is this because no one wants the game or because of my lack of Rep?
Trade is here
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